Esempio n. 1
        protected override void LoadContent()
            Cameras.Main.DrawSize = new Vector2(Resolution.X / 2f, Resolution.Y);

            Camera cam2 = Cameras.Create(0, 0, Graphics.WorldScale.X, Graphics.WorldScale.Y);

            cam2.DrawPosition = new Vector2(Resolution.X / 2f, 0);
            cam2.DrawSize     = new Vector2(Resolution.X / 2f, Resolution.Y);

            Content.AddImage("../../Content/GameOver.png", "GameOver");
            Content.AddImage("../../Content/Asteroid.png", "Asteroid");
            Content.AddImage("../../Content/Cursor.png", "Cursor");

            Sprites.Add("cursor", new SImage(this, 0, 0, 50, 50, "Cursor"));
            Sprites.Scale("cursor", 0.5);
            Sprites.Display("cursor", true);

            cursorSize = Sprites.GetSize("cursor");

            Content.AddSound("../../Content/pew.mp3", "Pew");

            Content.AddFont("../../Content/heav.ttf", "Heavy Data");

            test = new SharpSlugsEngine.Physics.PolygonCollider(new Vector2(0, -34.375f), new Vector2(25, 15.625f), new Vector2(0, 3.125f), new Vector2(-25, 15.625f));
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void LoadContent()
            Content.AddImage("../../images/redTank.png", "tank1");
            Content.AddImage("../../images/blueTank.png", "tank2");
            Content.AddFont("../../images/heav.ttf", "Heavy Data");

            Sprites.Add("Player1", new PlayerTank(this, "tank1", 100, 695, true));
            Sprites.Add("Player2", new PlayerTank(this, "tank2", 1100, 695, false));
            Sprites.Add("Ground", new Rect(0, 715, 1280, 5, Color.Brown));
            Sprites.Add("Wall", new Rect(640, 500, 10, 220, Color.Brown));
            Sprites.Display("Wall", true);
            Sprites.Display("Ground", true);
Esempio n. 3
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (gameOver)

            if (mousePos != Graphics.ToWorldScale(Mouse.State.Location))
                usingMouse = true;
                mousePos   = Graphics.ToWorldScale(Mouse.State.Location);

            shooting = usingMouse && Mouse.State.Left.IsClicked;

            //Search for sticks outside of a modest deadzone
            //Left stick for movement and right stick for shooting
            Vector2 moveVec  = new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 shootVec = new Vector2(0, 0);

            foreach (XboxController controller in Controllers.XboxControllers)
                if (controller.LeftStick.State.Length >= 0.25)
                    moveVec = controller.LeftStick.State;

                if (controller.RightStick.State.Length >= 0.25)
                    shootVec   = controller.RightStick.State;
                    shooting   = true;
                    usingMouse = false;

            Sprites.Display("cursor", usingMouse);

            //Apply InputAction bindings to this vector
            if (inputActions["Left"].IsPressed)
                moveVec = new Vector2(-1, moveVec.Y);
            if (inputActions["Right"].IsPressed)
                moveVec = new Vector2(1, moveVec.Y);
            if (inputActions["Up"].IsPressed)
                moveVec = new Vector2(moveVec.X, -1);
            if (inputActions["Down"].IsPressed)
                moveVec = new Vector2(moveVec.X, 1);

            //Make sure the vector isn't too long
            if (moveVec.Length > 1f)
                moveVec = moveVec.Normalize();

            //Move the player
            playerPos += moveVec * 250 * (float)gameTime.DeltaTime.TotalSeconds;

            //Keep the player on the screen
            if (playerPos.X < shipSize.X / 2f)
                playerPos = new Vector2(shipSize.X / 2f, playerPos.Y);
            if (playerPos.X > Graphics.WorldScale.X - shipSize.X / 2f)
                playerPos = new Vector2(Graphics.WorldScale.X - shipSize.X / 2f, playerPos.Y);
            if (playerPos.Y < shipSize.Y / 2f)
                playerPos = new Vector2(playerPos.X, shipSize.Y / 2f);
            if (playerPos.Y > Graphics.WorldScale.Y - shipSize.Y / 2f)
                playerPos = new Vector2(playerPos.X, Graphics.WorldScale.Y - shipSize.Y / 2f);

            Sprites.MoveTo("cursor", (int)(mousePos.X - cursorSize.X / 2f), (int)(mousePos.Y - cursorSize.Y / 2f));

            if (usingMouse)
                shootDir = (playerPos - mousePos).Normalize();
            else if (shootVec != Vector2.Zero)
                shootDir = -shootVec.Normalize();

            float angleRadians = (float)Math.Atan2(shootDir.Y, shootDir.X);
            float angleDegrees = angleRadians * (float)(180f / Math.PI) - 90;

            bullets.RemoveAll(bullet => bullet.Dead);
            asteroids.RemoveAll(asteroid => asteroid.Dead);

            bulletCooldown   -= (float)gameTime.DeltaTime.TotalSeconds;
            asteroidCooldown -= (float)gameTime.DeltaTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (shooting && bulletCooldown <= 0f)
                bulletCooldown = 0.25f;

                for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                    bullets.Add(new Bullet(this, playerPos - shootDir * Vector2.One * 34.75f, shootDir.Rotate(Vector2.Zero, i * 15) * -500));

                Sound snd = Content.GetSound("Pew");
                if (snd != null)
                    snd.Volume            = 10;
                    snd.DisposeOnFinished = true;

            if (asteroidCooldown <= 0f)
                asteroidCooldown = (float)(rnd.NextDouble() + 0.5f);

                //0 - top
                //1 - left
                //2 - bottom
                //3 - right
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2(0, 0);
                Vector2 vel = new Vector2(0, 0);
                switch (rnd.Next(4))
                case 0:
                    pos = new Vector2(rnd.Next(0, (int)Graphics.WorldScale.X), 0);
                    vel = new Vector2(rnd.Next(100) - 50, rnd.Next(50));

                case 1:
                    pos = new Vector2(0, rnd.Next(0, (int)Graphics.WorldScale.Y));
                    vel = new Vector2(rnd.Next(50), rnd.Next(100) - 50);

                case 2:
                    pos = new Vector2(rnd.Next(0, (int)Graphics.WorldScale.X), Graphics.WorldScale.Y);
                    vel = new Vector2(rnd.Next(100) - 50, -rnd.Next(50));

                case 3:
                    pos = new Vector2(Graphics.WorldScale.X, rnd.Next(0, (int)Graphics.WorldScale.Y));
                    vel = new Vector2(-rnd.Next(50), rnd.Next(100) - 50);

                asteroids.Add(new Asteroid(this, pos, vel.Normalize() * rnd.Next(100, 200)));

            List <Asteroid> newAsteroids = new List <Asteroid>();

            foreach (Asteroid asteroid in asteroids)
                foreach (Bullet bullet in bullets)
                    if (!asteroid.Dead && asteroid.CheckCollision(bullet.Position))
                        bullet.Dead = true;

                        if (asteroid.Dead && asteroid.Vertices.Length >= 6 && asteroid.Size > 1.25)
                            Vector2 pos = asteroid.Position;
                            asteroid.Position = Vector2.Zero;

                            int mid = asteroid.Vertices.Length / 2;

                            Vector2[] first  = new Vector2[mid];
                            Vector2[] second = new Vector2[asteroid.Vertices.Length - mid];

                            for (int i = 0; i < asteroid.Vertices.Length; i++)
                                if (i < mid)
                                    first[i] = asteroid.Vertices[i];
                                    second[i - mid] = asteroid.Vertices[i];

                            Vector2 vel = new Vector2(rnd.Next(100) - 50, rnd.Next(100) - 50).Normalize() * rnd.Next(100, 200);
                            newAsteroids.Add(new Asteroid(this, first, pos, vel));
                            newAsteroids.Add(new Asteroid(this, second, pos, -vel));


            foreach (Asteroid asteroid in asteroids)
                if (asteroid.CheckCollision(playerPos))
                    Sprites.Display("cursor", false);
                    ShowCursor = true;
                    LockCursor = false;
                    gameOver   = true;

            test.Position = playerPos;
            test.Rotation = angleDegrees;