public void InputDraw() { _screen.Clear(Color.Gray); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.Black, X, Y, Width, Height); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.LightGray, X + 1, Y + 1, Width - 2, Height - 2); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, "Name: ", Color.Black, "Fira", 20, X + 10, Y + 10); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.White, X + 130, Y + 10, 400, 20); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, "Assignments: ", Color.Black, "Fira", 20, X + 10, Y + 50); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.White, X + 130, Y + 50, 400, 20); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkGray, X + 110, Y + 150, 80, 25); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, "Next", Color.White, "Fira", 20, X + 130, Y + 150); if (_inp == 0) { SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, _name, Color.Black, "Fira", 19, X + 135, Y + 11); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, Convert.ToString(_noOfAssignments), Color.Black, "Fira", 19, X + 135, Y + 51); } else if (_inp == 1) { SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, Convert.ToString(_noOfAssignments), Color.Black, "Fira", 19, X + 135, Y + 51); } else if (_inp == 2) { SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, _name, Color.Black, "Fira", 19, X + 135, Y + 11); } }
public void Show() { const int WIDTH = 200, HEIGHT = 100, GAP = 30; SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); while (!SplashKit.KeyTyped(KeyCode.EscapeKey)) { int i = 0, j = 0; SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); _screen.Clear(Color.Gray); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.LightGray, X, Y, Width, Height); foreach (DashboardData assignment in _collection) { int x = X + WIDTH * j + GAP, y = Y + HEIGHT * i + GAP; SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.Black, x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT); SplashKit.FillRectangle(GetUgrencyColor(assignment), x + 1, y + 1, WIDTH - 2, HEIGHT - 2); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, assignment.unitName, Color.Black, "Fira", 25, x + 5, y + 5); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, assignment.assignmentName, Color.Black, "Fira", 20, x + 5, y + 30); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, assignment.dueDate.Day.ToString() + "-" + assignment.dueDate.Month.ToString() + "-" + assignment.dueDate.Year.ToString(), Color.Black, "Fira", 20, x + 5, y + 50); SplashKit.DrawTextOnWindow(_screen, assignment.dueDate.Subtract(DateTime.Today).Days.ToString() + " days left", Color.Black, "Fira", 20, x + 5, y + 75); if (++i > 3) { j++; i = 0; } } _screen.Refresh(60); } }
public void ProgressBar() { SplashKit.DrawRectangle(DefaultColor, -1, -1, SplashKit.ScreenWidth() + 2, 10); float percentage = (float)Timer.Ticks / (float)Duration.TotalMilliseconds; float progress = percentage * SplashKit.ScreenWidth(); SplashKit.FillRectangle(DefaultColor, -1, -1, (int)progress, 10); }
public override void DrawOutline() { SplashKit.DrawRectangle( clr: Color.Black, x: (X - 2), y: (Y - 2), width: (Width + 4), height: (Height + 4) ); }
public override void Draw() { if (Bomb) { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color, X, Y, Width, Height); } else { SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color, X, Y, Width, Height); } }
public override void Draw() { _HealthPercent = (double)_Health / _MaxHealth; SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_Image, 800 - _Image.Width - _ImageBuffer, _ImageBuffer); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"{_Name} ", Color.White, MainFont, 40, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer); SplashKit.DrawText($"Lv: {_Level} ", Color.White, MainFont, 40, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxWidth / 2 + 50, BoxInnerBuffer + BoxOuterBuffer); SplashKit.DrawText($"HP:", Color.White, MainFont, 40, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer + 40); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Red, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, _HealthPercent * HealthBarWidth, HealthBarHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, BoxWidth - 2 * BoxInnerBuffer - 2 * BoxOuterBuffer, HealthBarHeight); }
public override void Draw() { double leftX, rightX; double eyeY, mouthY; leftX = X + 12; rightX = X + 27; eyeY = Y + 10; mouthY = Y + 30; SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Gray, X, Y, 50, 50); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(MainColor, leftX, eyeY, 10, 10); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(MainColor, rightX, eyeY, 10, 10); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(MainColor, leftX, mouthY, 25, 10); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(MainColor, leftX + 2, mouthY + 2, 21, 6); }
public override void Draw() { SplashKit.DrawBitmap(_Image, X, Y); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, BoxX, BoxY, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, BoxX, BoxY, BoxWidth, BoxHeight); _HealthPercent = (double)_Health / _MaxHealth; SplashKit.DrawText($"{_Name} ", Color.White, MainFont, 40, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer); SplashKit.DrawText($"HP:", Color.White, MainFont, 40, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + BoxInnerBuffer + 40); SplashKit.DrawText($"Lv: {_Level}", Color.White, MainFont, 40, _GameWindow.Width - BoxOuterBuffer - BoxWidth / 2 + 50, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxOuterBuffer - BoxHeight + BoxInnerBuffer); SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.Red, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, _HealthPercent * HealthBarWidth, HealthBarHeight); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, _GameWindow.Width - BoxWidth - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, 3 * _GameWindow.Height / 4 - BoxHeight - BoxOuterBuffer + 2 * BoxInnerBuffer + 40, HealthBarWidth, HealthBarHeight); }
public void DrawInstructions() { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, _InstructionsX, _InstructionsY, 3 * gameWindow.Width / 4, 3 * gameWindow.Height / 4); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, _InstructionsX, _InstructionsY, 3 * gameWindow.Width / 4, 3 * gameWindow.Height / 4); SplashKit.DrawText($"Welcome to C# Battler", Color.White, _MainFont, 40, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY); SplashKit.DrawText($"Use the menu to navigate", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 2 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"The Charge Attack is a mostly accurate but low damage attack", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 4 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"The Slash Attack is a semi accurate and high damage attack", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 5 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"The Spell Attack is a semi accurate low attack that ignores counters", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 6 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText("A counter is 50% likely to reflect back an attack for half damage", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 8 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"You begin with 10 potions which each heal 30 Health", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 10 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText($"A magic heal will heal a random amount relative to your level", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 11 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText("The button labelled Instructions in the top left will toggle this box", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 13 * _LineHeight); SplashKit.DrawText("Enjoy!", Color.White, _MainFont, 22, _InstructionsX + 20, _InstructionsY + 14 * _LineHeight); }
public override void Draw() { double leftX, midX, rightX; double midY, eyeY, mouthY; leftX = X + 17; midX = X + 25; rightX = X + 33; midY = Y + 25; eyeY = Y + 20; mouthY = Y + 35; SplashKit.DrawRectangle(MainColor, X, Y, 50, 50); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.SeaGreen, X + 3, Y + 3, 45, 45); SplashKit.FillCircle(MainColor, leftX, eyeY, 5); SplashKit.FillCircle(MainColor, rightX, eyeY, 5); SplashKit.FillEllipse(Color.Peru, X + 10, eyeY + 5, 33, 22); SplashKit.FillEllipse(Color.Ivory, X + 14, eyeY + 11, 24, 16); }
public void Draw() { if (Type == BlockType.Filled) { SplashKit.FillRectangle(_Colour, X * _Size, Y * _Size, _Size, _Size); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.Black, X * _Size, Y * _Size, _Size, _Size); } if (Type == BlockType.Ghost) { SplashKit.DrawRectangle(_Colour, X * _Size, Y * _Size, _Size, _Size); } if (Type == BlockType.Wall) { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkSlateBlue, X * _Size, Y * _Size, _Size, _Size); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.Black, X * _Size, Y * _Size, _Size, _Size); } if (Type == BlockType.Empty) { SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.Black, X * _Size, Y * _Size, _Size, _Size); } }
public override void Draw() => SplashKit.DrawRectangle(BorderColor, X, Y, Width, Height);
public void Draw() { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, X, Y, Width, Height); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, X, Y, Width, Height); SplashKit.DrawText(Caption, Color.White, _MainFont, 30, X + 5, Y + 5); }
public void DrawDefeatedBox() { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.DarkBlue, 0, 3 * gameWindow.Height / 4 - 40, 400, 40); SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Color.White, 0, 3 * gameWindow.Height / 4 - 40, 400, 40); SplashKit.DrawText($"Enemies Defeated: {_Player.EnemiesDefeated}", Color.White, _MainFont, 40, 40, 3 * gameWindow.Height / 4 - 40); }
public void Display() { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); SplashKit.ClearScreen(); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("Background", 0, 0); string rank; float percentage = (float)Game.getInstance().Hits / (float)Game.getInstance().TotalHits; Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Clear(); if (!startup) { Game.getInstance().Buttons.Clear(); Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.Clear(); Game.getInstance().ButtonColor.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 3)); startup = true; } SplashKit.DrawRectangle(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 195, 150, 450, 95); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Level Complete", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 40, 225, 90)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text($"Score: {Game.getInstance().Score}", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 200, 160)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text($"Highest Combo: {Game.getInstance().Combo}", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 200, 180)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text($"Bombs Hit: {Game.getInstance().LivesUsed}", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 200, 200)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text($"Hits: {Game.getInstance().Hits} / {Game.getInstance().TotalHits}", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 200, 220)); if (percentage == 1) { rank = "S+"; } else if (percentage >= 0.9) { rank = "S"; } else if (percentage >= 0.8) { rank = "A"; } else if (percentage >= 0.7) { rank = "B"; } else if (percentage >= 0.5) { rank = "C"; } else if (percentage >= 0.2) { rank = "D"; } else { rank = "F"; } Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Rank", Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 15, 580, 170)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text(rank, Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 592, 190)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Retry", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[0], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 245, 270)); Game.getInstance().DisplayText.Add(new Text("Exit", Game.getInstance().ButtonColor[1], Game.getInstance().DefaultFont, 35, 450, 270)); int index = Game.getInstance().Buttons.FindIndex(f => f.Width == 160); if (index == -1) { Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 230, 265, 160, 50)); Game.getInstance().Buttons.Add(new Button(Game.getInstance().DefaultColor, 415, 265, 160, 50)); } foreach (GameObject o in Game.getInstance().Objects) { o.Draw(); } foreach (HP o in Game.getInstance().HP) { o.Draw(); } foreach (Button o in Game.getInstance().Buttons) { o.Draw(); } Game.getInstance().Player.Draw(); }