// runs on every frame
    void Update()
        b         = Spawn.GetCurrentPlayer().GetComponent <Build>();
        inventory = Spawn.GetCurrentPlayer().GetComponent <Inventory>();

        // if Builder currently is holding a building, set buildDelay to now
        if (b.HasBuilding())
            buildDelay = DateTime.Now;

        // if Now - buildDelay exceeds the cooldown, we can enter the 'firing' code
        if ((DateTime.Now - buildDelay) > delayCoolDown || buildDelay == null)
            // if user has clicked main attack button, and the atackCooldown is passed
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && (lastAttack == null || (DateTime.Now - lastAttack) >= attackCooldown))
                // null check animator, and if so, set off the Attack animation (swing the tool)
                if (animator)

                lastAttack = DateTime.Now;