private IEnumerator GetSongBrowserButtons() { if (SongBrowserTweaks.ModLoaded && !SongBrowserTweaks.IsModAvailable) { Logger.log.Error($"Unable to initialize this mod to work with SongBrowser (SongBrowser v{SongBrowserTweaks.ValidVersionRange.ToString().Replace("^", "")} or above is required)"); yield break; } Logger.log.Info("SongBrowser mod found. Attempting to modify button behaviour."); int tries; for (tries = 10; tries > 0; --tries) { if (SongBrowserTweaks.Init()) { break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); } if (tries <= 0) { Logger.log.Warn("SongBrowser buttons could not be found. Creating default buttons panel"); InitializeAdditionalScreens(); } }
private IEnumerator GetSongBrowserButtons() { Logger.log.Info("SongBrowser mod found. Attempting to modify button behaviour."); int tries; for (tries = 10; tries > 0; --tries) { if (SongBrowserTweaks.Init()) { break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); } if (tries <= 0) { Logger.log.Warn("SongBrowser buttons could not be found. Creating default buttons panel"); InitializeButtonPanel(); } }
IEnumerator GetSongBrowserButtons() { Logger.log.Info("SongBrowser mod found. Attempting to modify button behaviour."); int tries; for (tries = 10; tries > 0; --tries) { if (SongBrowserTweaks.Init()) { break; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); } if (tries <= 0) { Logger.log.Warn("SongBrowser buttons were not found. Creating new buttons, which may overlap with other UI elements."); CreateSearchButton(DefaultSearchButtonPosition, DefaultButtonSize); CreateFilterButton(DefaultFilterButtonPosition, DefaultButtonSize); CreateClearButton(DefaultClearButtonPosition, DefaultButtonSize); } }