Esempio n. 1
        public TurboSlotsStatGump(Mobile from, ArrayList t)
            : base(25, 25)
            m_SlotArray = t;
            string text   = null;
            int    starty = 40;

            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;
            AddBackground(0, 0, 530, 325, 5170);
            if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && m_SlotArray != null && m_SlotArray.Count > 0)
                AddButton(478, 30, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(165, 3, 55, "Top Ten Recent Jackpot Winners");
            m_SlotArray.Sort(new ListAmountSorter());
            AddLabel(55, 20, 1149, "Name");
            AddLabel(235, 20, 1149, "Date");
            AddLabel(390, 20, 1149, "Value/Gold");
            AddImageTiled(40, 65, 450, 45, 0xBBC);
            AddImageTiled(40, 115, 450, 170, 9204);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                text = String.Format("{0:##}.", i + 1);
                AddLabel(20, starty + i * 25, 1152, @text);
            if (m_SlotArray != null && m_SlotArray.Count > 0)
                int count = m_SlotArray.Count > 9 ? 10 : m_SlotArray.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (m_SlotArray[i] == null || ((TurboSlot)m_SlotArray[i]).LastWonBy == null)
                        TurboSlot ts = (TurboSlot)m_SlotArray[i];
                        text = String.Format("{0}", ts.LastWonBy.Name);
                        AddLabel(45, starty, ts.Hue - 1, @text);
                        text = String.Format("{0}", ts.LastWonByDate);
                        AddLabel(175, starty, ts.Hue - 1, @text);
                        text = String.Format("{0:##,###,##0}", ts.LastWonAmount);
                        AddLabel(385, starty, ts.Hue - 1, @text);
                    starty += 25;
Esempio n. 2
        public TurboSlotsAdminGump(Mobile from, ArrayList t, int page, bool sort, int sorttype)
            : base(192, 135)
            m_SlotArray = t;
            m_page      = page;
            m_sort      = sort;
            m_sorttype  = sorttype;
            int    starty  = 33;
            int    slotHue = 0;
            string text    = null;

            int[]     buttonx           = new int[] { 610, 70, 210, 290, 400, 510 };
            string[]  pstring           = new string[] { "L", "N", "T", "E", "C", "R" };
            decimal   Collected         = 0;
            decimal   Won               = 0;
            decimal   WinningPercentage = 0;
            decimal   NetProfit         = 0;
            TurboSlot ts    = null;
            int       index = 0;

            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;
            if (m_sort)
                this.m_SlotArray.Sort(new SortArray(m_sorttype));
            AddBackground(0, 0, 735, 410, 5120);
            AddBackground(10, 340, 683, 35, 5054);
            AddLabel(80, 11, 0x384, "Theme/Odds");
            AddLabel(220, 11, 0x384, "Spins");
            AddLabel(300, 11, 0x384, "Collected");
            AddLabel(415, 11, 0x384, "Won");
            AddLabel(520, 11, 0x384, "Net Profit");
            AddLabel(620, 11, 0x384, "Payback %");
            AddLabel(245, 380, 0x384, "Set all Active");
            AddLabel(460, 380, 0x384, "Set all Inactive");
            AddButton(210, 380, 0xFA8, 0xFAA, 1150, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Active
            AddButton(425, 380, 0xFA2, 0xFA3, 1250, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Set Active
            for (int i = 0; i < m_SlotArray.Count; i++)
                ts         = (TurboSlot)m_SlotArray[i];
                Collected += ts.TotalCollected;
                Won       += ts.TotalWon;

            try { WinningPercentage = Won / Collected; } // Avoid Divide by Zero
            catch { WinningPercentage = 0; }
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (m_sorttype == i)
                    AddButton(buttonx[i], 3, 2224, 2224, 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddButton(buttonx[i], 3, 2103, 2224, 200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            if (m_page < 9)
                AddButton(22, 5, 0x8B1 + m_page, 0x8B1 + m_page, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 0);
                AddLabel(26, 5, 1149, (m_page + 1).ToString());
            if ((m_page * 12) + 12 < m_SlotArray.Count)
                AddButton(41, 7, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 101, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);// Forward Arrow
            if (m_page != 0)
                AddButton(5, 7, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 102, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Backward Arrow
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                index = (m_page * 12) + i;
                if (index < m_SlotArray.Count)
                    ts = (TurboSlot)m_SlotArray[index];
                    if (ts.Deleted)
                        AddImageTiled(65, starty, 630, 21, 5124);
                        slotHue = 0;
                        slotHue = ts.Hue - 1;
                        AddButton(5, starty, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 900 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);   // Properties
                        AddButton(30, starty, 0xFAE, 0xFAF, 1000 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Go to
                        if (ts.Active)
                            AddImageTiled(65, starty, 630, 21, 0xBBC);
                            AddButton(700, starty, 0xFA8, 0xFA2, 1100 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);  //Set Inactive
                            AddImageTiled(65, starty, 630, 21, 9204);
                            AddButton(700, starty, 0xFA2, 0xFA8, 1200 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Set Active

                    text = String.Format("{0}", ts.SlotTheme);
                    AddLabel(70, starty, slotHue, @text);
                    text = String.Format("({0})", pstring[(int)ts.CurrentPayback]);
                    if ((int)ts.SlotPaybackOdds == 5)
                        AddLabel(180, starty, 0, @text);
                        AddLabel(180, starty, slotHue, @text);
                    if (ts.InUseBy != null)
                        AddLabel(201, starty, slotHue, @"*");
                    text = String.Format("{0:#,###,##0}", ts.TotalSpins);
                    AddLabel(215, starty, slotHue, @text);
                    text = String.Format("{0:##,###,##0}", ts.TotalCollected);
                    AddLabel(295, starty, slotHue, @text);
                    text = String.Format("{0:##,###,##0}", ts.TotalWon);
                    AddLabel(410, starty, slotHue, @text);
                    NetProfit = ts.TotalCollected - ts.TotalWon;
                    text      = String.Format("{0:##,###,##0}", NetProfit);
                    if (NetProfit < 0)
                        AddLabel(515, starty, 36, @text);
                        AddLabel(515, starty, slotHue, @text);
                    if (ts.ProgIsMaster)
                        AddLabel(612, starty, slotHue, "P");
                    else if (ts.ProgSlotMaster != null)
                        AddLabel(612, starty, slotHue, "p");
                    text = String.Format("{0,-10:##0.00}", ts.WinningPercentage);
                    if (ts.WinningPercentage > 99.5)
                        AddLabel(645, starty, 36, @text);
                        AddLabel(645, starty, slotHue, @text);
                starty += 25;
            starty = 348;
            text   = String.Format("({0:##0} Slots)", m_SlotArray.Count);
            AddLabel(10, starty - 15, 1149, @text);
            NetProfit = Collected - Won;
            AddLabel(32, starty, 55, "<Totals>");
            text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0}", Collected);
            AddLabel(95, starty, 0x384, "Collected:");
            AddLabel(155, starty, 2212, @text);
            text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0}", Won);
            AddLabel(265, starty, 0x384, @"Won:");
            AddLabel(300, starty, 2212, @text);
            text = String.Format(" {0:###,###,##0}", NetProfit);
            AddLabel(404, starty, 0x384, @"Net Profit:");
            if (NetProfit < 0)
                AddLabel(470, starty, 36, @text);
                AddLabel(470, starty, 267, @text);
            try { WinningPercentage = (Won / Collected) * 100; }
            catch { WinningPercentage = 0; }
            int PaybackHue = 267;

            if (WinningPercentage > 99.5m)
                PaybackHue = 37;
            else if (WinningPercentage > 90.0m)
                PaybackHue = 267;
            else if (WinningPercentage > 80.0m)
                PaybackHue = 87;
            else if (WinningPercentage > 60.0m)
                PaybackHue = 55;
                PaybackHue = 37;
            AddLabel(571, starty, 0x384, @"PayBack %:");
            text = String.Format("{0:##0.00}", WinningPercentage);
            AddLabel(645, starty, PaybackHue, @text);
Esempio n. 3
        public TurboSlotPayTableGump(TurboSlot Slot, int[] Symbols) : base(25, 25)
            m_Slot    = Slot;
            m_Symbols = Symbols;

            int     anybarsindex    = m_Symbols[10];
            int     totalsymbols    = m_Symbols[11];
            int     dispx           = m_Symbols[12];
            int     dispy           = m_Symbols[13];
            int     backgroundcolor = m_Symbols[14];
            int     titlecolor      = m_Symbols[15];
            int     titlestyle      = m_Symbols[16];
            int     headingcolor1   = m_Symbols[17];
            int     headingcolor2   = m_Symbols[18];
            int     paycolor        = m_Symbols[19];
            decimal payout;
            int     tilecolor = 9304;

            if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.GruesomeGambling || (SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.StatScrolls)
                tilecolor = 9204;
            else if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.Holiday1)
                tilecolor = 0xBBC;
            else if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.FarmerFaceoff || (SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.OffToTheRaces ||
                     (SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.TrophyHunter)
                tilecolor = 2524;

            string text = null;

            if (backgroundcolor == 0)
                text = string.Format("<body bgcolor=\"black\"><basefont SIZE={0} COLOR=\"#{1:x6}\"><CENTER>{2}</CENTER></basefont></body>", titlestyle, titlecolor, m_Slot.Name);
            else if (backgroundcolor < 0)
                text = string.Format("<basefont SIZE={0} COLOR=\"#{1:x6}\"><CENTER>{2}</CENTER></basefont>", titlestyle, titlecolor, m_Slot.Name);
                text = string.Format("<body bgcolor=\"#{0:x6}\"><basefont SIZE={1} COLOR=\"#{2:x6}\"><CENTER>{3}</CENTER></basefont></body>", backgroundcolor, titlestyle, titlecolor, m_Slot.Name);

            bool progressive    = false;
            int  ProgressiveHue = 0;

            if ((m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster != null && !m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster.Deleted && ((TurboSlot)m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster).ProgIsMaster) || m_Slot.ProgIsMaster)
                progressive = true;
                if (m_Slot.ProgIsMaster)
                    ProgressiveHue = m_Slot.Hue;
                    ProgressiveHue = ((TurboSlot)m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster).Hue;
                ProgressiveHue += -1;
                if (ProgressiveHue < 0)
                    ProgressiveHue = 1149;

            bool bonusround  = ((BonusRoundType)m_Slot.BonusRound != BonusRoundType.None);            // ? true:false;
            int  tiledlength = (30 * totalsymbols) + (dispy * 7);
            //int backgroundlength = 425 (30 * totalsymbols) + (dispy * 10);
            int backgroundlength = 185 + (30 * totalsymbols) + (dispy * 10);

            if ((ScatterType)m_Slot.ScatterPay == ScatterType.None)
                backgroundlength = (backgroundlength - 90) - (dispy * 2);
            else if ((ScatterType)m_Slot.ScatterPay == ScatterType.LeftOnly)
                backgroundlength = (backgroundlength - 30);
                tiledlength     += 60 + (dispy * 2);

            if (m_Slot.AnyBars)
                tiledlength += 30 + dispy;
                backgroundlength = (backgroundlength - 30) - dispy;
            if (bonusround)
                tiledlength     -= (30 + dispy);
                backgroundlength = backgroundlength + 30;
            if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.PowerScrolls)
                tiledlength      += 35;
                backgroundlength += 35;
            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Draggable  = true;
            Resizable  = false;
            int backgroundx = 0;

            if ((int)m_Slot.JackpotRewards != 0)
                backgroundx = 35;
            AddBackground(37, 34, 180 + backgroundx + dispx * 3, backgroundlength, 5120);

            AddHtml(45, 41, 165 + backgroundx + dispx * 3, 22, @text, (bool)false, (bool)false);

            AddImageTiled(45, 84, 102 + dispx * 3, tiledlength, tilecolor);
            AddLabel(45, 64, headingcolor1, @"Pay Table");
            if (progressive)
                m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(0, out payout);
                payout = payout * 100;
                AddLabel(147 + dispx * 3, 67, ProgressiveHue, @"(Progessive)");
            int starty = 85;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalsymbols; i++)
                if (!bonusround || (bonusround && i != m_Symbols[8]))
                    ShowSymbol(45, starty, m_Symbols[i]);
                    ShowSymbol(75 + dispx, starty, m_Symbols[i]);
                    ShowSymbol(105 + dispx * 2, starty, m_Symbols[i]);
                    if (i == 0 && progressive)
                        ShowPayout(155 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(0, out payout));
                        ShowPayout(155 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(i, out payout));
                    starty += 30 + dispy;
                if (i == anybarsindex && m_Slot.AnyBars)
                    ShowSymbol(45, starty, m_Symbols[0]);
                    ShowSymbol(105 + dispx * 2, starty, m_Symbols[anybarsindex]);
                    AddLabel(46 + dispx + dispx / 2, starty + 3, headingcolor2, @"Any Three Above");             // was 65
                    ShowPayout(155 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(8, out payout));
                    starty += 30 + dispy;

            if ((ScatterType)Slot.ScatterPay != ScatterType.None)
                if ((ScatterType)Slot.ScatterPay == ScatterType.Any)
                    starty += 5;
                    int ScatterSymbol = m_Symbols[m_Symbols[9]];
                    if ((ScatterType)m_Slot.ScatterPay == ScatterType.Any)
                        AddLabel(45, starty, headingcolor1, @"Scatter Pay");
                        AddLabel(45, starty, headingcolor1, @"Extra Chance");
                    starty += 25;
                    AddImageTiled(45, starty - 4, 101 + dispx * 3, 64 + dispy, tilecolor);
                    ShowSymbol(45, starty, ScatterSymbol);
                    AddLabel(74 + dispx + dispx / 2, starty - 2, headingcolor2, @"Any One");
                    ShowPayout(154 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(9, out payout));
                    starty += 30 + dispy / 2;
                    ShowSymbol(45, starty, ScatterSymbol);
                    ShowSymbol(75 + dispx, starty, ScatterSymbol);
                    AddLabel(74 + dispx + dispx / 2, starty - 2, headingcolor2, @"Any Two");
                    ShowPayout(154 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(10, out payout));
                    int ScatterSymbol = m_Symbols[m_Symbols[9]];
                    ShowSymbol(45, starty, ScatterSymbol);
                    ShowSymbol(75 + dispx, starty, ScatterSymbol);
                    AddLabel(105 + dispx * 2 + dispx / 2, starty + 2, headingcolor2, @"Any");
                    ShowPayout(154 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(10, out payout));
                    starty += 30 + dispy;
                    ShowSymbol(45, starty, ScatterSymbol);
                    AddLabel(75 + dispx + dispx / 2, starty + 2, headingcolor2, @"Any");
                    AddLabel(105 + dispx * 2 + dispx / 2, starty + 2, headingcolor2, @"Any");
                    ShowPayout(154 + dispx * 3, starty, paycolor, m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(9, out payout));
                starty += 35 + dispy;
            if (bonusround)
                int BonusSymbol = m_Symbols[m_Symbols[8]];
                AddLabel(45, starty, headingcolor1, @"Bonus Round");                 //426
                starty += 25;
                AddImageTiled(45, starty - 4, 101 + dispx * 3, 35 + dispy / 2, tilecolor);
                ShowSymbol(45, starty, BonusSymbol);
                ShowSymbol(75 + dispx, starty, BonusSymbol);
                ShowSymbol(105 + dispx * 2, starty, BonusSymbol);
Esempio n. 4
        public TurboSlotGump(TurboSlot Slot, int[] Symbols)
            : base(25, 25)
            m_Slot    = Slot;
            m_Symbols = Symbols;

            if (m_Slot == null)
                return; // Something is obviously wrong!
            int     dispy           = m_Symbols[13];
            int     backgroundcolor = m_Symbols[14];
            int     titlecolor      = m_Symbols[15];
            int     titlestyle      = m_Symbols[16];
            int     headingcolor1   = m_Symbols[17];
            int     headingcolor2   = m_Symbols[18];
            int     paycolor        = m_Symbols[19];
            int     slotart         = m_Symbols[20];
            decimal payout          = 0;

            string[] Jackpot           = { null, null };
            bool     progressive       = false;
            int      ProgressiveHue    = 0;
            int      PayoutHue         = 37;
            int      lastjackpotstarty = 85;
            int      progstarty        = 65;
            int      symbolxoffset     = 0;
            string   text      = null;
            int      tilecolor = 9304;

            if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.GruesomeGambling || (SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.StatScrolls)
                tilecolor = 9204;
            else if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.Holiday1)
                tilecolor = 0xBBC;
            else if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.FarmerFaceoff || (SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.OffToTheRaces ||
                     (SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.TrophyHunter)
                tilecolor = 2524;
            else if ((SlotThemeType)m_Slot.SlotTheme == SlotThemeType.PowerScrolls)
                tilecolor     = 9354;
                symbolxoffset = 16;

            if (backgroundcolor == 0)
                text = String.Format("<body bgcolor=\"black\"><basefont SIZE={0} COLOR=\"#{1:x6}\"><CENTER>{2}</CENTER></basefont></body>", titlestyle, titlecolor, m_Slot.Name);
            else if (backgroundcolor < 0)
                text = String.Format("<basefont SIZE={0} COLOR=\"#{1:x6}\"><CENTER>{2}</CENTER></basefont>", titlestyle, titlecolor, m_Slot.Name);
                text = String.Format("<body bgcolor=\"#{0:x6}\"><basefont SIZE={1} COLOR=\"#{2:x6}\"><CENTER>{3}</CENTER></basefont></body>", backgroundcolor, titlestyle, titlecolor, m_Slot.Name);
            if ((m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster != null && !m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster.Deleted && ((TurboSlot)m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster).ProgIsMaster) || m_Slot.ProgIsMaster)
                progressive       = true;
                lastjackpotstarty = 110;
                if (m_Slot.ProgIsMaster)
                    //pjackpot += m_Slot.ProgJackpot;
                    ProgressiveHue = m_Slot.Hue;
                    //pjackpot += ((TurboSlot) m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster).ProgJackpot;
                    ProgressiveHue = (m_Slot.ProgSlotMaster).Hue;
                ProgressiveHue += -1;
                if (ProgressiveHue < 0)
                    ProgressiveHue = 661;
            Closable   = true;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Resizable  = false;
            AddBackground(18, 64, 371, 278, 5120);
            AddBackground(32, 193, 345, 100, 2620);
            AddImageTiled(23, 298, 363, 10, 5121);
            AddHtml(30, 65, 170, 23, @text, false, false);

            if (m_Slot.ShowPayback || (m_Slot.InUseBy != null && m_Slot.InUseBy.AccessLevel != AccessLevel.Player))
                float payoutdif = Math.Abs(m_Slot.w_Percentage - m_Slot.WinningPercentage);
                PayoutHue = 267;
                if (payoutdif > 15.0f || m_Slot.WinningPercentage > 100.0f)
                    PayoutHue = 37;
                else if (payoutdif > 7.0f)
                    PayoutHue = 55;
                else if (payoutdif > 3.0f)
                    PayoutHue = 87;
                text = String.Format("{0:##0.00}%", m_Slot.WinningPercentage);
                AddLabel(205, 65, headingcolor1, @"Payback Percentage:");
                AddLabel(330, 65, PayoutHue, @text);
                progstarty = 85;
                if (progressive)
                    lastjackpotstarty = 125;
                if (m_Slot.InUseBy != null && m_Slot.InUseBy.AccessLevel != AccessLevel.Player)
                    if (m_Slot.w_Percentage > 99.5f)
                        PayoutHue = 37;
                    else if (m_Slot.w_Percentage > 90.0f)
                        PayoutHue = 267;
                    else if (m_Slot.w_Percentage > 80.0f)
                        PayoutHue = 87;
                    else if (m_Slot.w_Percentage > 60.0f)
                        PayoutHue = 55;
                    else if (m_Slot.w_Percentage > 40.0f)
                        PayoutHue = 37;
                    string[] pstring = new string[] { "L", "N", "T", "E", "C", "R" };
                    text = String.Format("({0})", pstring[(int)m_Slot.CurrentPayback]);
                    if ((int)m_Slot.SlotPaybackOdds == 5)
                        AddLabel(208, 80, 37, @text);
                        AddLabel(208, 80, headingcolor1, @text);
                    AddLabel(232, 80, headingcolor1, @"Statisical Odds:");
                    text = String.Format("{0:##0.00}%", m_Slot.w_Percentage);
                    AddLabel(330, 80, PayoutHue, @text);
                    progstarty        = 155;
                    lastjackpotstarty = 94;
            AddImageTiled(37, 200, 335, 86, 9354);
            AddImageTiled(150, 202, 2, 83, 9353);
            AddLabel(30, 100, headingcolor2, @"Cost: ");
            AddLabel(65, 100, paycolor, m_Slot.Cost.ToString());
            AddLabel(30, 120, headingcolor2, @"Credits: ");
            AddLabel(80, 120, paycolor, m_Slot.Won.ToString());
            AddLabel(30, 140, headingcolor2, @"Last Pay: ");
            AddLabel(92, 140, paycolor, m_Slot.LastPay.ToString());
            AddButton(30, 163, 4026, 4027, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(65, 164, headingcolor1, @"View Pay Table");
            AddButton(30, 307, 4020, 4021, 12, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            if (m_Slot.FreeSpin)
                AddLabel(65, 307, headingcolor2, @"Free");
                AddLabel(65, 307, headingcolor1, @"Spin");
            AddButton(118, 307, 4029, 4030, 13, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(153, 307, headingcolor1, @"Cash Out");
            AddButton(235, 300, 4037, 4036, 14, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(270, 307, headingcolor1, @"ATM");
            AddImageTiled(60, 205, 75, 75, tilecolor);
            AddImageTiled(167, 205, 75, 75, tilecolor);
            AddImageTiled(274, 205, 75, 75, tilecolor);
            AddImageTiled(258, 202, 2, 83, 9353);
            if (slotart != 0)
                ShowSymbol(155, 90, slotart);
            if (m_Slot.LastWonBy != null && !m_Slot.LastWonBy.Deleted)
                AddLabel(230, lastjackpotstarty, headingcolor2, "Last Jackpot won by:");
                text = String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF><Center>{0}<//Center></BASEFONT>", m_Slot.LastWonBy.Name);
                AddHtml(205, lastjackpotstarty + 15, 180, 15, @text, false, false);
                text = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss tt}", m_Slot.LastWonByDate);
                AddLabel(205, lastjackpotstarty + 30, headingcolor2, "Date:");
                AddLabel(237, lastjackpotstarty + 30, paycolor, text);
                text = String.Format("{0:##,###,### Gold!}", m_Slot.LastWonAmount);
                AddLabel(202, lastjackpotstarty + 45, headingcolor2, "Value:");
                AddLabel(237, lastjackpotstarty + 45, paycolor, text);
            if (progressive)
                Jackpot = m_Slot.GetJackpotPayoutStr(0, out payout);
                AddHtml(245, progstarty, 356, 23, @"<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF><U>Progressive Jackpot</U></BASEFONT>", false, false);
                AddLabel(280, progstarty + 15, ProgressiveHue, Jackpot[0]);
            ShowSymbol(75 - symbolxoffset, 220 - dispy / 3, m_Slot.ReelOne);
            ShowSymbol(183 - symbolxoffset, 220 - dispy / 3, m_Slot.ReelTwo);
            ShowSymbol(290 - symbolxoffset, 220 - dispy / 3, m_Slot.ReelThree);
            if (Utility.Random(25000) == 45)
        public NewMinerBonusGump(TurboSlot Slot, int[] Symbols, bool initialize, bool[] b, int[] c, int totalwon) : base(25, 25)
            m_Slot     = Slot;
            m_Symbols  = Symbols;
            m_b        = b;
            m_c        = c;
            m_TotalWon = totalwon;
            if (initialize)
                double zerochance = .40;
                bool   fiftyk     = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    b[i] = false;
                    if (fiftyk || (i == 3 && 0.10 < Utility.RandomDouble()))  // Only allow one fifty K spot and worsen the odds and rarely on the top button! :P
                        if (zerochance < Utility.RandomDouble())
                            c[i] = Utility.RandomList(5000, 5000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50);
                            c[i] = 0;
                        if (i == 1)
                            c[i] = 111;
                        if (zerochance < Utility.RandomDouble())
                            c[i] = Utility.RandomList(50000, 10000, 5000, 5000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50);
                            c[i] = 0;
                        if (c[i] == 50000)
                            fiftyk      = true;
                            zerochance += .28;
                    if (c[i] != 0)
                        zerochance += .05;
            Disposable = true;
            Dragable   = true;
            Closable   = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                if (!b[i])
                    Disposable = false;
                    Dragable   = true;
                    Closable   = false;
            Resizable = false;
            AddBackground(52, 25, 393, 430, 5120);
            AddImage(59, 63, 5528);
            AddImage(60, 30, 5573);
            AddLabel(123, 26, 1149, @"Pick a location to mine, If you mine up coal you lose.");
            AddLabel(123, 42, 1149, @"You keep mining till you find coal or all are gone.");

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                if (!b[i])
                    AddButton(buttonx[i], buttony[i], 2117, 2118, i + 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
#if TestMode
                    if (m_Slot.TestMode)
                        AddLabel(buttonx[i], buttony[i] + 10, 1160, c[i].ToString());
                    AddImage(buttonx[i], buttony[i], 5231);
                    if (c[i] != 0)
                        AddLabel(buttonx[i], buttony[i], 1160, c[i].ToString());
                        AddLabel(buttonx[i], buttony[i], 1160, @"!! Coal !!");