public ActionResult DeleteSocialEvent(int portalId, int eventId)
            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var @event     = controller.GetEvent(
                eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);

            var cntJournal = new Journal();

            cntJournal.RemoveSocialEventCreateFromJournal(eventId, portalId);
            cntJournal.RemoveSocialEventAttendFromJournal(eventId, portalId);

            var notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType(Constants.NotificationEventInviteTypeName);
            var notificationKey  = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Constants.ContentTypeName, @event.EventId, @event.GroupId, PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID);
            var objNotify        = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationByContext(notificationType.NotificationTypeId, notificationKey).SingleOrDefault();

            if (objNotify != null)

            new SocialEventsController().DeleteEvent(eventId);

            var response = new { eventId, Result = "success" };

        public ActionResult AcceptInvite(int notificationId)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(notificationId);

            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var objEvent = controller.GetEvent(_eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);
            if (objEvent == null)
                return Json(new { Result = "error" });

            var objGuest = new EventGuestInfo
                EventId = objEvent.EventId,
                UserId = UserInfo.UserID,
                Email = UserInfo.Email,
                InvitedOnDate = objEvent.CreatedOnDate,
                RepliedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                RSVPStatus = (int)Constants.AttendingStatus.Yes

            var url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(_tabId, "", "eventid=" + objEvent.EventId);
            if (objEvent.GroupId > Null.NullInteger) url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(_tabId, "", "eventid=" + objEvent.EventId, "groupid=" + objEvent.GroupId);

            var cntJournal = new Journal();
            cntJournal.AddSocialEventAttendToJournal(objGuest, objEvent.Name, objEvent.GroupId, _tabId, objEvent.PortalId, objGuest.UserId, url);

            NotificationsController.Instance.DeleteNotificationRecipient(notificationId, UserInfo.UserID);

            return Json(new { Result = "success" });
        public ActionResult DeclineInvite(int notificationId)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(notificationId);


            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var objEvent   = controller.GetEvent(_eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);

            if (objEvent == null)
                return(Json(new { Result = "error" }));

            // update the user status to 'not attending', NO journal integration here.
            var objGuest = new EventGuestInfo
                EventId       = objEvent.EventId,
                UserId        = UserInfo.UserID,
                Email         = UserInfo.Email,
                InvitedOnDate = objEvent.CreatedOnDate,
                RepliedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                RSVPStatus    = (int)Constants.AttendingStatus.No


            NotificationsController.Instance.DeleteNotificationRecipient(notificationId, UserInfo.UserID);

            return(Json(new { Result = "success" }));
        public ActionResult UpdateAttendStatus(int portalId, int tabId, int groupId, int eventId, int status)
            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var @event     = controller.GetEvent(
                eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);

            if (@event == null)
                return(Json(new { Result = "success" }));

            var objGuest = new EventGuestInfo
                EventId       = @event.EventId,
                UserId        = UserInfo.UserID,
                Email         = UserInfo.Email,
                InvitedOnDate = @event.CreatedOnDate,
                RepliedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                RSVPStatus    = status


            var url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId);

            if (groupId > Null.NullInteger)
                url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId, "groupid=" + groupId);

            var cntJournal = new Journal();

            cntJournal.AddSocialEventAttendToJournal(objGuest, @event.Name, @event.GroupId, tabId, @event.PortalId, objGuest.UserId, url);

            // Notification Integration
            var notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType(Constants.NotificationEventInviteTypeName);
            var notificationKey  = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Constants.ContentTypeName, @event.EventId, @event.GroupId, PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID);
            var objNotify        = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationByContext(notificationType.NotificationTypeId, notificationKey).SingleOrDefault();

            if (objNotify != null)
                NotificationsController.Instance.DeleteNotificationRecipient(objNotify.NotificationID, UserInfo.UserID);

            var response = new { Value = eventId, Result = "success" };

        public ActionResult AcceptInvite(int notificationId)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(notificationId);


            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var objEvent   = controller.GetEvent(_eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);

            if (objEvent == null)
                return(Json(new { Result = "error" }));

            var objGuest = new EventGuestInfo
                EventId       = objEvent.EventId,
                UserId        = UserInfo.UserID,
                Email         = UserInfo.Email,
                InvitedOnDate = objEvent.CreatedOnDate,
                RepliedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                RSVPStatus    = (int)Constants.AttendingStatus.Yes


            var url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(_tabId, "", "eventid=" + objEvent.EventId);

            if (objEvent.GroupId > Null.NullInteger)
                url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(_tabId, "", "eventid=" + objEvent.EventId, "groupid=" + objEvent.GroupId);

            var cntJournal = new Journal();

            cntJournal.AddSocialEventAttendToJournal(objGuest, objEvent.Name, objEvent.GroupId, _tabId, objEvent.PortalId, objGuest.UserId, url);

            NotificationsController.Instance.DeleteNotificationRecipient(notificationId, UserInfo.UserID);

            return(Json(new { Result = "success" }));
        public ActionResult Save(
            int eventId,
            int portalId,
            int tabId,
            int groupId,
            string name,
            string details,
            DateTime startTime,
            DateTime endTime,
            string street,
            string city,
            string region,
            string postalCode,
            string country,
            int maxAttendees,
            bool enableRsvp,
            bool showGuestList)
                var objSecurity = new PortalSecurity();

                name       = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, name);
                details    = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, details);
                street     = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, street);
                city       = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, city);
                region     = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, region);
                postalCode = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, postalCode);
                country    = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, country);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    return(Json(new { Result = "failure" }));

                var objEvent = new EventInfo
                    EventId              = eventId,
                    PortalId             = portalId,
                    GroupId              = groupId,
                    Name                 = name,
                    Details              = details,
                    StartTime            = startTime,
                    EndTime              = endTime,
                    Street               = street,
                    City                 = city,
                    Region               = region,
                    Country              = country,
                    PostalCode           = postalCode,
                    MaxAttendees         = maxAttendees,
                    EnableRSVP           = enableRsvp,
                    ShowGuestList        = showGuestList,
                    CreatedByUserId      = UserInfo.UserID,
                    CreatedOnDate        = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModifiedByUserId = UserInfo.UserID,
                    LastModifiedOnDate   = DateTime.Now

                var controller = new SocialEventsController();
                if (eventId != Null.NullInteger)
                    eventId = controller.AddEvent(objEvent);

                objEvent.EventId = eventId; //for add event;

                var url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId);
                if (groupId > Null.NullInteger)
                    url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId, "groupid=" + groupId);

                var cntJournal = new Journal();
                cntJournal.AddSocialEventCreateToJournal(objEvent, tabId, objEvent.Name, objEvent.PortalId, objEvent.CreatedByUserId, url);

                var subject = "New Event Invitation";
                var body    = "<a href=\"" + url + "\" >" + objEvent.Name + "</a>";

                var cntNotifications = new Notifications();
                cntNotifications.EventInvite(objEvent, objEvent.PortalId, tabId, subject, body);

                var response = new { EventId = eventId, Result = "success" };
            catch (Exception ex)

                var response = new { Result = "failure", ex.Message };
        public ActionResult GetAttendees(int eventId, int status)
            var controller = new SocialEventsController();

            return(Json(controller.GetAttendees(eventId, status)));
        public ActionResult DeclineInvite(int notificationId)
            var notify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotification(notificationId);

            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var objEvent = controller.GetEvent(_eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);
            if (objEvent == null)
                return Json(new { Result = "error" });

            // update the user status to 'not attending', NO journal integration here.
            var objGuest = new EventGuestInfo
                EventId = objEvent.EventId,
                UserId = UserInfo.UserID,
                Email = UserInfo.Email,
                InvitedOnDate = objEvent.CreatedOnDate,
                RepliedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                RSVPStatus = (int)Constants.AttendingStatus.No

            NotificationsController.Instance.DeleteNotificationRecipient(notificationId, UserInfo.UserID);

            return Json(new { Result = "success" });
        public ActionResult UpdateAttendStatus(int portalId, int tabId, int groupId, int eventId, int status)
            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var @event = controller.GetEvent(
                eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);
            if (@event == null) return Json(new { Result = "success" });

            var objGuest = new EventGuestInfo
                                   EventId = @event.EventId,
                                   UserId = UserInfo.UserID,
                                   Email = UserInfo.Email,
                                   InvitedOnDate = @event.CreatedOnDate,
                                   RepliedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                                   RSVPStatus = status

            var url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId);
            if (groupId > Null.NullInteger) url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId, "groupid=" + groupId);

            var cntJournal = new Journal();
            cntJournal.AddSocialEventAttendToJournal(objGuest, @event.Name, @event.GroupId, tabId, @event.PortalId, objGuest.UserId, url);

            // Notification Integration
            var notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType(Constants.NotificationEventInviteTypeName);
            var notificationKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Constants.ContentTypeName, @event.EventId, @event.GroupId, PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID);
            var objNotify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationByContext(notificationType.NotificationTypeId, notificationKey).SingleOrDefault();

            if (objNotify != null)
                NotificationsController.Instance.DeleteNotificationRecipient(objNotify.NotificationID, UserInfo.UserID);

            var response = new { Value = eventId, Result = "success" };

            return Json(response);
        public ActionResult Save(
            int eventId,
            int portalId,
            int tabId,
            int groupId,
            string name,
            string details,
            DateTime startTime,
            DateTime endTime,
            string street,
            string city,
            string region,
            string postalCode,
            string country,
            int maxAttendees,
            bool enableRsvp,
            bool showGuestList)
                var objSecurity = new PortalSecurity();

                name = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, name);
                details = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, details);
                street = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, street);
                city = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, city);
                region = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, region);
                postalCode = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, postalCode);
                country = GetFilteredValue(objSecurity, country);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return Json(new { Result = "failure" });

                var objEvent = new EventInfo
                        EventId = eventId,
                        PortalId = portalId,
                        GroupId = groupId,
                        Name = name,
                        Details = details,
                        StartTime = startTime,
                        EndTime = endTime,
                        Street = street,
                        City = city,
                        Region = region,
                        Country = country,
                        PostalCode = postalCode,
                        MaxAttendees = maxAttendees,
                        EnableRSVP = enableRsvp,
                        ShowGuestList = showGuestList,
                        CreatedByUserId = UserInfo.UserID,
                        CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now,
                        LastModifiedByUserId = UserInfo.UserID,
                        LastModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now

                var controller = new SocialEventsController();
                if (eventId != Null.NullInteger) controller.UpdateEvent(objEvent);
                else eventId = controller.AddEvent(objEvent);

                objEvent.EventId = eventId; //for add event;

                var url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId);
                if (groupId > Null.NullInteger) url = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(tabId, "", "eventid=" + eventId, "groupid=" + groupId);

                var cntJournal = new Journal();
                cntJournal.AddSocialEventCreateToJournal(objEvent, tabId, objEvent.Name, objEvent.PortalId, objEvent.CreatedByUserId, url);

                var subject = "New Event Invitation";
                var body = "<a href=\"" + url + "\" >" + objEvent.Name + "</a>";

                var cntNotifications = new Notifications();
                cntNotifications.EventInvite(objEvent, objEvent.PortalId, tabId, subject, body);

                var response = new { EventId = eventId, Result = "success" };
                return Json(response);
            catch (Exception ex)

                var response = new { Result = "failure", ex.Message };
                return Json(response);
 public ActionResult GetAttendees(int eventId, int status)
     var controller = new SocialEventsController();
     return Json(controller.GetAttendees(eventId, status));
        public ActionResult DeleteSocialEvent(int portalId, int eventId)
            var controller = new SocialEventsController();
            var @event = controller.GetEvent(
                eventId, UserInfo.UserID, UserInfo.Profile.PreferredTimeZone);

            var cntJournal = new Journal();
            cntJournal.RemoveSocialEventCreateFromJournal(eventId, portalId);
            cntJournal.RemoveSocialEventAttendFromJournal(eventId, portalId);

            var notificationType = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType(Constants.NotificationEventInviteTypeName);
            var notificationKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Constants.ContentTypeName, @event.EventId, @event.GroupId, PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID);
            var objNotify = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationByContext(notificationType.NotificationTypeId, notificationKey).SingleOrDefault();

            if (objNotify != null)

            new SocialEventsController().DeleteEvent(eventId);

            var response = new { eventId, Result = "success" };
            return Json(response);