Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects the position of the hand nearest to the skeleton joint of the hand.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TrackingResult Update(short[] depthData, byte[] colorPixelData, Skeleton skeleton)
            if (skeleton != null)
                var skeHandJoint = SkeletonUtil.GetJoint(skeleton, JointType.HandRight);

                var playerMask = CreatePlayerImage(depthData);

                if (colorPixelData != null)
                    SkinMask = skinDetetor.DetectSkin(colorPixelData);
                    AlignColorImage(depthData, SkinMask);
                    CvInvoke.cvAnd(playerMask.Ptr, alignedImg.Ptr, HandMask.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero);
                    CvInvoke.cvDilate(HandMask.Ptr, HandMask.Ptr, Rect5, MorphIter);
                    CvInvoke.cvDilate(HandMask.Ptr, HandMask.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, MorphIter);

                RankCandidates(HandCandidates, skeHandJoint, PrevHand, depthData);

                if (HandCandidates.Count > 0)
                    var shoulderCenterJoint   = SkeletonUtil.GetJoint(skeleton, JointType.ShoulderCenter);
                    var detectSkeHandJointPos = FindHand(depthData, HandCandidates.First());
                    var relPos = SkeletonUtil.Sub(detectSkeHandJointPos, shoulderCenterJoint.Position);
                    var angle  = SkeletonUtil.PointDirection(detectSkeHandJointPos,
                                                             SkeletonUtil.GetJoint(skeleton, JointType.ElbowRight).Position);
                    var depthBBs = new List <Rectangle>();
                    depthBBs.Add(new Rectangle((int)( - HandBox.size.Width / 2),
                                               (int)( - HandBox.size.Height / 2), (int)(HandBox.size.Width),
                    return(new TrackingResult(new Some <Vector3D>(relPos),
                                              new Some <Vector3D>(angle), HandImage, depthBBs));

            return(new TrackingResult());
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame"></param>
        /// <param name="cf"></param>
        /// <param name="skeleton"></param>
        /// <returns>If skeleton is null, returns an empty result.</returns>
        public TrackingResult Update(short[] depthFrame, byte[] cf, Skeleton skeleton)
            if (skeleton != null && depthFrame != null && cf != null)
                float z = DefaultZDist;
                var   rightHandJoint    = SkeletonUtil.GetJoint(skeleton, JointType.HandRight);
                var   rightHandDepthPos = mapper.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(rightHandJoint.Position);
                z = rightHandJoint.Position.Z;
                // Relatively rough estimate.
                InitialHandRect = ComputeInitialRect(rightHandDepthPos, z);

                if (!InitialHandRect.IsEmpty)
                    playerDetector.UpdateMasks(depthFrame, cf, InitialHandRect, true, true);
                    var depthImage = playerDetector.DepthImage;
                    CvInvoke.cvSmooth(depthImage.Ptr, SmoothedDepth.Ptr, SMOOTH_TYPE.CV_MEDIAN, 5, 5, 0, 0);
                    HandRect = FindBestBoundingBox(InitialHandRect);

                    if (!HandRect.IsEmpty)
                        var handSkeletonPoint = SkeletonUtil.DepthToSkeleton(HandRect, SmoothedDepth.Data,
                                                                             width, height, mapper);
                        var relPos = SkeletonUtil.RelativePosToShoulder(handSkeletonPoint, skeleton);
                        var angle  = SkeletonUtil.PointDirection(handSkeletonPoint,
                                                                 SkeletonUtil.GetJoint(skeleton, JointType.ElbowRight).Position);
                        var depthBBs = new List <Rectangle>();
                        var colorBBs = new List <Rectangle>();
                        return(new TrackingResult(new Some <Vector3D>(relPos), new Some <Vector3D>(angle),
                                                  SmoothedDepth, depthBBs, playerDetector.SkinImage, colorBBs));
            return(new TrackingResult());
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="detphFrame">raw detph data.</param>
        /// <param name="skeleton">skeleton object from Kinect SDK. The skeleton coordinate space has
        /// the x-axis pointing rightwards, the y-axis pointing upwards, and the z-axis poining outwards
        /// relative to the image.</param>
        /// <returns>The position of the best bounding box relative to the shoulder joint in skeleton
        /// coordinates if the bounding box is valid. Otherwise returns None.</returns>
        public TrackingResult Update(short[] depthFrame, byte[] colorFrame, Skeleton skeleton)

            Option <Vector3D> relPos = new None <Vector3D>();
            Option <Vector3D> angle  = new None <Vector3D>();

            if (skeleton == null || depthFrame == null)
                return(new TrackingResult());

            playerDetector.FilterPlayerContourSkin(depthFrame, colorFrame);
            var depthImage = playerDetector.DepthImage;

            // Median smoothing cannot be in place.
            CvInvoke.cvSmooth(depthImage.Ptr, smoothedDepth.Ptr, SMOOTH_TYPE.CV_MEDIAN, 5, 5,
                              0, 0);

            if (t > 1)
                CvInvoke.cvAbsDiff(smoothedDepth.Ptr, prevSmoothedDepth.Ptr, Diff0.Ptr);
                //CvInvoke.cvErode(Diff0.Ptr, Diff0.Ptr, StructuringElement.Ptr, 1);
                CvInvoke.cvThreshold(Diff0.Ptr, DiffMask0.Ptr, 2, 255, THRESH.CV_THRESH_BINARY);

                if (t > 2)
                    // Makes diffMask1 the motion mask at t - 1.
                    CvInvoke.cvAnd(DiffMask0.Ptr, DiffMask1.Ptr, DiffMask1.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (bufferSize <= 1)
                        // Makes diffMask1 the motion mask at t - 0.
                        CvInvoke.cvXor(DiffMask0.Ptr, DiffMask1.Ptr, DiffMask1.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero);
                    CvInvoke.cvMorphologyEx(DiffMask1.Ptr, DiffMask1.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                                            CV_MORPH_OP.CV_MOP_OPEN, 1);
                    ComputeCumulativeDist(Diff0, diffCumulativeDist);
                    ComputeCumulativeDist(TrackedDepthFrame, depthCumulativeDist);
                    var diffMaskData = DiffMask1.Data;
                    var diffData     = Diff0.Data;
                    var depthData    = TrackedDepthFrame.Data;
                    var probData     = SaliencyProb.Data;
                    for (int i = 0; i < DiffMask1.Height; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < DiffMask1.Width; j++)
                            if (diffMaskData[i, j, 0] > 0)
                                var diffBin  = diffData[i, j, 0];
                                var depthBin = depthData[i, j, 0];
                                probData[i, j, 0] = diffCumulativeDist[diffBin] * depthCumulativeDist[depthBin];
                    PrevBoundingBoxes = FindBestBoundingBox(depthFrame, skeleton);
                    if (PrevBoundingBoxes.LastOrDefault().Width > 0)
                        var handSkeletonPoint = SkeletonUtil.DepthToSkeleton(PrevBoundingBoxes.Last(),
                                                                             TrackedDepthFrame.Data, width, height, mapper);
                        relPos = new Some <Vector3D>(SkeletonUtil.RelativePosToShoulder(handSkeletonPoint,
                        angle = new Some <Vector3D>(SkeletonUtil.PointDirection(handSkeletonPoint,
                                                                                SkeletonUtil.GetJoint(skeleton, JointType.ElbowRight).Position));
            List <Rectangle> colorBBs = new List <Rectangle>();

            foreach (var bb in PrevBoundingBoxes)
                var colorBox = mapper.MapDepthRectToColorRect(bb, depthFrame, width, height);
            return(new TrackingResult(relPos, angle, TrackedDepthFrame, PrevBoundingBoxes,
                                      playerDetector.SkinImage, colorBBs));