internal LineShape(Paint2DForm parent, Point2F point0, Point2F point1, float strokeWidth, int selectedBrush) : base(parent) { _point0 = point0; _point1 = point1; _strokeWidth = strokeWidth; _selectedBrushIndex = selectedBrush; }
private WaveGate CalWaveGate() { float r1 = (float)Tools.DistanceBetween(displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint, mouseDownPosition); float r2 = (float)Tools.DistanceBetween(displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint, mouseDragPosition); //拖动距离太小不处理,这个判断主要是排除鼠标点击操作 if (Math.Abs(r1 - r2) < 5 || Math.Abs(beginAngle - dragAngle) < 1) { return(null); } //发送波门位置信息 Point2F dragPosition = mouseDragPosition; PolarCoordinate c = displayer.coordinateSystem.PointToCoordinate(mouseDownPosition); //float dis1 = c.ProjectedDis; float dis1 = c.Dis; c = displayer.coordinateSystem.PointToCoordinate(dragPosition); //float dis2 = c.ProjectedDis; float dis2 = c.Dis; float begin = Tools.FindSmallArcBeginAngle(beginAngle, dragAngle); float end = Tools.FindSmallArcEndAngle(beginAngle, dragAngle); return(new WaveGate(begin, end, dis1, dis2, isSemiAutoWaveGate)); }
public override void MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!isMouseDown) { return; } if (displayer.coordinateSystem.PointOutOfRange(e.Location)) //拖动超出极坐标范围,直接返回 { return; } if (Tools.DistanceBetween(displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint, Tools.PointToPoint2F(e.Location)) < 5) { return; } //记录师表拖动位置 mouseDragPosition = Tools.PointToPoint2F(e.Location); //计算鼠标拖动点的径向距离 mouseDragPositionRadius = (float)Tools.DistanceBetween(displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint, Tools.PointToPoint2F(e.Location)); //计算鼠标点击点在mouseDragPositionRadius长度上对应的坐标 displayer.CoordinateSystem.RadiusWiseZoomPosition(mouseDownPosition, mouseDragPositionRadius); //计算鼠标拖动点在mouseDownPositionRadius长度上对应的坐标 displayer.CoordinateSystem.RadiusWiseZoomPosition(Tools.PointToPoint2F(e.Location), mouseDownPositionRadius); //计算拖拽位置和坐标原点连线的正北夹角 dragAngle = Tools.AngleToNorth(displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint, Tools.PointToPoint2F(e.Location)); }
public Point2F Get_parametric_pt(double u) { if (_points.Count < 2) { return(_points[0]); } double offset = u * _len; int seg = _seg_offsets.BinarySearch(offset); // if there is no exact element found, binary search returns 1's complemented index of the // first larger element, so we use it to find last smaller element if (seg < 0) { seg = ~seg - 1; } offset -= _seg_offsets[seg]; Point2F p1 = _points[seg]; Point2F p2 = _points[seg + 1]; double dist = p2.DistanceTo(p1); double x = p1.X + offset / dist * (p2.X - p1.X); double y = p1.Y + offset / dist * (p2.Y - p1.Y); return(new Point2F(x, y)); }
/* Adapted from */ private static Point2F calc_pm(Point2F p1, Vector2d t1, Point2F p2, Vector2d t2) { Vector2d v = new Vector2d(p2 - p1); Vector2d t = t1 + t2; double v_dot_t = v * t; double t1_dot_t2 = t1 * t2; double d2; double d2_denom = 2 * (1 - t1_dot_t2); if (d2_denom == 0) // equal tangents { d2_denom = 4.0 * (v * t2); d2 = v * v / d2_denom; if (d2_denom == 0) // v perpendicular to tangents { return(p1 + (v * 0.5).Point); } } else // normal case { double d2_num = -v_dot_t + Math.Sqrt(v_dot_t * v_dot_t + 2 * (1 - t1_dot_t2) * (v * v)); d2 = d2_num / d2_denom; } return((p1 + p2 + (d2 * (t1 - t2)).Point) * 0.5); }
protected override PathGeometry GetPathGeometry(SweepSection s, RenderTarget t) { var pbegin = CalIntersectionPoint(s.Begin + RotateAngle); var pend = CalIntersectionPoint(s.End + RotateAngle); PathGeometry sweepSectionGraphic = t.Factory.CreatePathGeometry(); GeometrySink gs = sweepSectionGraphic.Open(); Point2F oPoint = ReferenceSystem.ScreenOriginalPoint.ToPoint2F(); gs.BeginFigure(oPoint, FigureBegin.Filled); gs.AddLine(pbegin.ToPoint2F()); //扇形的X轴Y轴半径是矩形框width的一半 SizeF size = new SizeF((float)ReferenceSystem.ScreenWidth / 2, (float)ReferenceSystem.ScreenWidth / 2); //添加弧线 ArcSegment arc = new ArcSegment(pend.ToPoint2F(), size, 0, SweepDirection.Clockwise, ArcSize.Small); gs.AddArc(arc); //添加第二条线 gs.AddLine(oPoint); gs.EndFigure(FigureEnd.Closed); gs.Close(); gs.Dispose(); return(sweepSectionGraphic); }
public bool isOverlap(Point2F q) { bool inside = false; Point2F p1 = points[points.Length - 1]; bool isP1yBigger = (p1.Y >= q.Y); for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { Point2F p2 = points[i]; bool isP2yBigger = (p2.Y >= q.Y); // p1.y_ < q.y_ <= p2.y_ || p2.y_ < q.y_ <= p1.y_ if (isP1yBigger != isP2yBigger) { /* * (p1.x_(p2.y_ - q.y_) - p2.x_(p1.y_ - q.y_)) / (p2.y_ - p1.y_) >= q.x_ * isP2yBigger == true �� p1.x_(p2.y_ - q.y_) - p2.x_(p1.y_ - q.y_) >= q.x_(p2.y_ - p1.y_) * isP2yBigger == false �� p1.x_(p2.y_ - q.y_) - p2.x_(p1.y_ - q.y_) <= q.x_(p2.y_ - p1.y_) */ if (((p2.Y - q.Y) * (p1.X - p2.X) >= (p2.X - q.X) * (p1.Y - p2.Y)) == isP2yBigger) { inside = !inside; } } p1 = p2; isP1yBigger = isP2yBigger; } return inside; }
const int dashStyleTimes = 10; //显示边界风格切换的次数,到达10次之后切换边界风格,DashDot->Dash或Dash->DashDot public GraphicWaveGateView(WaveGate waveGate, OverViewDisplayer ovd) { displayer = ovd; canvas = displayer.Canvas; this.waveGate = waveGate; waveGateBrush = canvas.CreateSolidColorBrush(waveGate.IsSemiAuto ? Tools.GetColorFFromRgb(255, 255, 0) : Tools.GetColorFFromRgb(245, 222, 179)); coodinateSystem = displayer.coordinateSystem; //Selected = false; PolarCoordinate c = new PolarCoordinate { Az = waveGate.BeginAngle, //ProjectedDis = waveGate.BeginDistance; //之前版本将距离赋给ProjectedDis Dis = waveGate.BeginDistance }; innerLeft = coodinateSystem.CoordinateToPoint(c); c.Az = waveGate.EndAngle; //c.ProjectedDis = waveGate.EndDistance; //之前版本将距离赋给projectedDis c.Dis = waveGate.EndDistance; outterRight = coodinateSystem.CoordinateToPoint(c); geometry = coodinateSystem.BuildWaveGateGeometry(innerLeft, outterRight); }
/// <summary> /// Peels the top shape at a given point, /// updates the render targets and puts the peeled shape to the stack of peelings. /// Used to enable removing a child shape - eg. a top shape in a layer /// </summary> /// <param name="point"></param> /// <param name="shapes"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DrawingShape PeelAtRecursive(Point2F point, IList <DrawingShape> shapes) { for (int i = shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (shapes[i].HitTest(point)) { if (shapes[i].ChildShapes == null) { string statName = shapes[i].GetType().Name.Replace("Shape", " count"); UpdateStats(statName, -1); peelings.Push(shapes[i]); shapes.RemoveAt(i); RefreshAll(); return(peelings.Peek()); } DrawingShape shapePeeled = PeelAtRecursive(point, shapes[i].ChildShapes); if (shapePeeled == null) { string statName = shapes[i].GetType().Name.Replace("Shape", " count"); UpdateStats(statName, -1); peelings.Push(shapes[i]); shapes.RemoveAt(i); RefreshAll(); return(peelings.Peek()); } return(shapePeeled); } } return(null); }
public void Point2F_IsConstructedProperly() { var result = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); TheResultingValue(result) .ShouldBe(123.45f, 456.78f); }
public bool Contains_point(Point2F pt) { ulong[] h = hash(pt); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!_pool.ContainsKey(h[i])) { continue; } foreach (Line2F seg in _pool[h[i]]) { if (pt.DistanceTo(seg.p1) < _tolerance) { return(true); } if (pt.DistanceTo(seg.p2) < _tolerance) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
} //找矩形中心点 public static float AngleToNorth(Point2F center, Point2F p) //两点连线与垂直线的夹角 { var distance = (float)DistanceBetween(center, p); var x = p.X - center.X; var angleR = (float)Math.Asin(x / distance); var angle = RadianToDegree(angleR); //float y = center.Y - p.Y; //double angleR1 = Math.Acos(y / distance); //angleR1 = RadianToDegree(angleR1); if (p.X >= center.X && p.Y <= center.Y) //第一象限 { } else if (p.X >= center.X && p.Y > center.Y) //第二象限 { angle = 180 - angle; } else if (p.X < center.X && p.Y > center.Y) //第三象限 { angle = 180 + Math.Abs(angle); } else//第四象限 { angle = 360 + angle; } return((float)angle); }
public static double RadianToDegree(double radian) => 180 * radian / Math.PI; //弧度转角度 public static Rect ZoomRectangle(Rect rect, double percent) //以rect的中心点为中心,将rect放缩percent的百分比 { var r = new Rect(); var location = new Point2F(); double offsetX, offsetY; r.Width = (int)(rect.Width * percent); r.Height = (int)(rect.Height * percent); if (percent < 1) //缩小 { offsetX = (double)(rect.Width - r.Width) / 2; offsetY = (double)(rect.Height - r.Height) / 2; location.X = rect.Left + (int)offsetX; location.Y = rect.Top + (int)offsetY; } else //放大 { offsetX = (double)(r.Width - rect.Width) / 2; offsetY = (double)(r.Height - rect.Height) / 2; location.X = rect.Left - (int)offsetX; location.Y = rect.Top - (int)offsetY; } r.Left = (int)location.X + rect.Left; r.Top = (int)location.Y + rect.Top; r.Right += (int)(location.X); r.Bottom += (int)location.Y; return(r); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { return DestRect.Top <= point.Y && DestRect.Bottom >= point.Y && DestRect.Left <= point.X && DestRect.Right >= point.X; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------- Arc2F arc(double r, bool large, bool sweep) { Point3F aLast = _poly.LastPoint; double[] rr = _parent.scale(r, r); double[] p1 = new double[2] { aLast.X, aLast.Y }; double[] p2 = _parent.calc(_cursor.X, _cursor.Y); bool left = (rr[0] == rr[1]) ? (sweep != large) : (sweep == large); double[] c1 = Geometry.circle_center(p1, p2, rr [0], left); double[] c2 = Geometry.circle_center(p1, p2, rr [0], !left); RotationDirection dir = (sweep == (rr[0] == rr[1])) ? RotationDirection.CCW : RotationDirection.CW; _parent.trace("arc ... c1=[{0}] c2=[{1}] p1=[{2}] p2=[{3}] d={4}" , ToString(c1), ToString(c2) , ToString(p1), ToString(p2) , dir); //RotationDirection dir = (p1 [0] < p2 [0] && sweep) // ? RotationDirection.CCW : RotationDirection.CW; Point2F aCC = new Point2F(c1 [0], c1 [1]); Point2F aP1 = new Point2F(p1 [0], p1 [1]); Point2F aP2 = new Point2F(p2 [0], p2 [1]); Arc2F arc = new Arc2F(aCC, aP1, aP2, dir); return(arc); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { return point.X >= rect.Left && point.X <= rect.Right && point.Y >= rect.Top && point.Y <= rect.Bottom; }
void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Left) != 0) { _start = new Point2F(e.X, e.Y); } }
private double calc_ted(Point2F tool_center, double tool_r) { Circle2F parent_wall = new Circle2F(_parent.Center, _parent.Radius + tool_r); // find the points tool touching parent wall Circle2F cut_circle = new Circle2F(tool_center, tool_r); Line2F insects = cut_circle.CircleIntersect(parent_wall); if (insects.p1.IsUndefined || insects.p2.IsUndefined) { Logger.err("no wall intersections #0"); return(0); } // we're interested in tool head point, so choose more advanced point in mill direction Vector2d v1 = new Vector2d(_parent.Center, insects.p1); Vector2d v_parent_to_tool_center = new Vector2d(_parent.Center, tool_center); Point2F cut_head = v_parent_to_tool_center.Det(v1) * (int)this.Dir > 0 ? insects.p1 : insects.p2; // project headpoint to the center find TED Vector2d v_me_to_tool_center = new Vector2d(this.Center, tool_center); Vector2d v_me_to_cut_head = new Vector2d(this.Center, cut_head); double ted = this.Radius + tool_r - v_me_to_cut_head * v_me_to_tool_center.Unit(); return(ted > 0 ? ted : 0); }
public double Get_dist_to_wall(Point2F pt) { populate_t4(); double radius = double.MaxValue; foreach (object item in _t4.Get_nearest_objects(pt.X, pt.Y)) { double dist = 0; if (item is Line2F) { ((Line2F)item).NearestPoint(pt, ref dist); } else { ((Arc2F)item).NearestPoint(pt, ref dist); } if (dist < radius) { radius = dist; } } return(radius); }
private (Point2F, Point2F) CalCenterSectorBorderIntersectorPoints() { Point2F sectorAngle2Point = displayer.coordinateSystem.CalIntersectionPoint(Tools.StandardAngle(_centerSectorBorderAngle1)); Point2F sectorAngle3Point = displayer.coordinateSystem.CalIntersectionPoint(Tools.StandardAngle(_centerSectorBorderAngle2)); return(sectorAngle2Point, sectorAngle3Point); }
/// <summary> /// Peels the top shape at a given point, /// updates the render targets and puts the peeled shape to the stack of peelings. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal DrawingShape PeelAt(Point2F point) { lock (renderSyncObject) { return(PeelAtRecursive(point, drawingShapes)); } }
private void insert_in_t4(Polyline p) { for (int i = 0; i < p.NumSegments; i++) { object seg = p.GetSegment(i); T4_rect rect; if (seg is Line2F) { Line2F line = ((Line2F)seg); rect = new T4_rect(Math.Min(line.p1.X, line.p2.X), Math.Min(line.p1.Y, line.p2.Y), Math.Max(line.p1.X, line.p2.X), Math.Max(line.p1.Y, line.p2.Y)); } else if (seg is Arc2F) { Point2F min = Point2F.Undefined; Point2F max = Point2F.Undefined; ((Arc2F)seg).GetExtrema(ref min, ref max); rect = new T4_rect(min.X, min.Y, max.X, max.Y); } else { throw new Exception("unknown segment type"); } _t4.Add(rect, seg); } }
protected CoordinateTargetView(Target target, RenderTarget canvas, D2DFactory factory, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem) : base(target) { if (target == null) { return; } this.canvas = canvas; this.factory = factory; CoordinateSystem = coordinateSystem; position = coordinateSystem.CoordinateToPoint(target.CurrentCoordinate); //计算显示坐标 activeRect = new Rect { Left = (int)position.X - activeRectRadius, Top = (int)position.Y - activeRectRadius, Right = (int)position.X + activeRectRadius, Bottom = (int)position.Y + activeRectRadius }; targetController = TargetManagerFactory.CreateTargetManagerController(); targetViewBrush = canvas.CreateSolidColorBrush(Tools.GetColorFFromRgb(255, 128, 0)); //橘黄 }
private bool should_flip_opened_startpoint(Polyline poly, Point2F startpoint) { Point2F start = (Point2F)poly.FirstPoint; Point2F end = (Point2F)poly.LastPoint; return(startpoint.DistanceTo(end) < startpoint.DistanceTo(start)); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { return(DestRect.Top <= point.Y && DestRect.Bottom >= point.Y && DestRect.Left <= point.X && DestRect.Right >= point.X); }
public void Point2F_SerializesToJson_WhenNullable() { var point = new Point2F(1.2f, 2.3f); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((Point2F?)point); TheResultingString(json).ShouldBe(@"{""x"":1.2,""y"":2.3}"); }
public TextTargetView(Target target, TextDisplayer displayer, Point2F drawPoint) : base(target) { _displayer = displayer; leftTop = drawPoint; _columnWidth = displayer.ColumnWidth; _rects = CalculateRects(); activeRect = CalculateActiveRect(); _texts = new List <string>(); TargetTrack track = (TargetTrack)target; _texts.Add(track.TrackId.ToString()); _texts.Add(track.Az.ToString("0.0")); _texts.Add(track.El.ToString("0.0")); _texts.Add(track.Dis.ToString("0.0")); _texts.Add(track.Speed.ToString("0.0")); _borderBrush = displayer.Canvas.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(1, 1, 1)); DWriteFactory dw = DWriteFactory.CreateFactory(); _inactiveTextFormat = dw.CreateTextFormat("宋体", 20); _inactiveTextFormat.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; _inactiveBrush = displayer.Canvas.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(0, 1, 1)); _activeBrush = displayer.Canvas.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(0, 0, 1)); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { EllipseGeometry g = d2DFactory.CreateEllipseGeometry(ellipse); bool ret = g.FillContainsPoint(point, 1); g.Dispose(); return ret; }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { return(point.X >= layoutRect.Left && point.Y >= layoutRect.Top && point.X <= layoutRect.Right && point.Y <= layoutRect.Bottom); }
// with the manual startpoint, which is a hint private static Point2F prepare_segments_w_hinted_starpoint(Topographer topo, List <Line2F> segments, Segpool pool, double min_dist_to_wall, double general_tolerance, Point2F startpoint) { // same as automatic, but seek the segment with the closest end to startpoint double min_dist = double.MaxValue; Point2F tree_start = Point2F.Undefined; foreach (Line2F seg in segments) { double r1 = topo.Get_dist_to_wall(seg.p1); double r2 = topo.Get_dist_to_wall(seg.p2); if (r1 >= min_dist_to_wall) { pool.Add(seg, false); double dist = startpoint.DistanceTo(seg.p1); if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; tree_start = seg.p1; } } if (r2 >= min_dist_to_wall) { pool.Add(seg, true); double dist = startpoint.DistanceTo(seg.p2); if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; tree_start = seg.p2; } } } return(tree_start); }
void SetDefualtValue() { BeginLinePoint = displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint; DragLinePoint = displayer.coordinateSystem.OriginalPoint; BeginAngle = 0f; DragAngle = 0f; }
private void calc_teds(double tool_r) { // expand both slices to form walls Circle2F parent_wall = new Circle2F(_parent.Center, _parent.Radius + tool_r); Circle2F this_wall = new Circle2F(this.Center, this.Radius + tool_r); // find the point of cut start (intersection of walls) Line2F wall_insects = parent_wall.CircleIntersect(this_wall); if (wall_insects.p1.IsUndefined || wall_insects.p2.IsUndefined) { Logger.err("no wall intersections #1"); return; } Vector2d v_move = new Vector2d(_parent.Center, this.Center); Vector2d v1 = new Vector2d(_parent.Center, wall_insects.p1); Point2F cut_tail = v_move.Det(v1) * (int)this.Dir < 0 ? wall_insects.p1 : wall_insects.p2; Vector2d v_tail = new Vector2d(this.Center, cut_tail); Point2F entry_tool_center = this.Center + (v_tail.Unit() * this.Radius).Point; _entry_ted = calc_ted(entry_tool_center, tool_r); Point2F mid_tool_center = this.Center + (v_move.Unit() * this.Radius).Point; _mid_ted = calc_ted(mid_tool_center, tool_r); }
public static float DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(Point2F pPoint1, Point2F pPoint2) { return((float)Math.Sqrt( Math.Pow(pPoint2.X - pPoint1.X, 2) + Math.Pow(pPoint2.Y - pPoint1.Y, 2) )); }
public void Point2F_Parse_CanRoundTrip() { var size1 = Point2F.Parse("123.4 456.7"); var size2 = Point2F.Parse(size1.ToString()); TheResultingValue(size1 == size2).ShouldBe(true); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { RoundedRectangleGeometry g = d2DFactory.CreateRoundedRectangleGeometry(rect); bool ret = g.FillContainsPoint(point, 1); g.Dispose(); return ret; }
internal EllipseShape(Paint2DForm parent, Ellipse ellipse, float strokeWidth, int selectedBrush, bool fill) : base(parent, fill) { _startPoint = ellipse.Point; _ellipse = ellipse; _strokeWidth = strokeWidth; _selectedBrushIndex = selectedBrush; }
internal GeometryShape(Paint2DForm parent, Point2F point0, float strokeWidth, int selectedBrush, bool fill) : base(parent) { _points = new List<Point2F> { point0 }; _strokeWidth = strokeWidth; _selectedBrushIndex = selectedBrush; _fill = fill; }
public void Point2F_EqualsObject() { var size1 = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); var size2 = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); TheResultingValue(size1.Equals((Object)size2)).ShouldBe(true); TheResultingValue(size1.Equals("This is a test")).ShouldBe(false); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { return parameters.ContentBounds.Top <= point.Y && parameters.ContentBounds.Bottom >= point.Y && parameters.ContentBounds.Left <= point.X && parameters.ContentBounds.Right >= point.X && (GeometricMaskShape != null ? GeometricMaskShape.Geometry.FillContainsPoint(point, 5) : true) && parameters.Opacity > 0; }
internal TextShape(Paint2DForm parent, TextLayout textLayout, Point2F startPoint, float maxX, float maxY, int selectedBrush) : base(parent) { _maxX = maxX; _maxY = maxY; _textLayout = textLayout; _selectedBrushIndex = selectedBrush; _point0 = startPoint; }
public LineShape(RenderTarget initialRenderTarget, Random random, D2DFactory d2DFactory, D2DBitmap bitmap) : base(initialRenderTarget, random, d2DFactory, bitmap) { point0 = RandomPoint(); point1 = RandomPoint(); PenBrush = RandomBrush(); StrokeWidth = RandomStrokeWidth(); if (CoinFlip) StrokeStyle = RandomStrokeStyle(); }
public void Point2F_OpInequality() { var size1 = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); var size2 = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); var size3 = new Point2F(123.45f, 555.55f); var size4 = new Point2F(222.22f, 456.78f); TheResultingValue(size1 != size2).ShouldBe(false); TheResultingValue(size1 != size3).ShouldBe(true); TheResultingValue(size1 != size4).ShouldBe(true); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { //bool isTrailingHit, isInside; //TextLayout.HitTestPoint(point.X, point.Y, out isTrailingHit, out isInside); //return (isTrailingHit || isInside); //the method below checks the layout box hit test instead of the DirectWrite method return point.X >= Point0.X && point.Y >= Point0.Y && point.X <= Point0.X + TextLayout.MaxWidth && point.Y <= Point0.Y + TextLayout.MaxHeight; }
public void Point2F_EqualsPoint2F() { var size1 = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); var size2 = new Point2F(123.45f, 456.78f); var size3 = new Point2F(123.45f, 555.55f); var size4 = new Point2F(222.22f, 456.78f); TheResultingValue(size1.Equals(size2)).ShouldBe(true); TheResultingValue(size1.Equals(size3)).ShouldBe(false); TheResultingValue(size1.Equals(size4)).ShouldBe(false); }
private void GetSmoothingPoints(int i, out Point2F cp1, out Point2F cp2) { float smoothing = .25f; //0 - no smoothing float lx = _points[i].X - _points[i - 1].X; float ly = _points[i].Y - _points[i - 1].Y; float l = (float)Math.Sqrt(lx * lx + ly * ly); // distance from previous point float l1x = _points[i].X - _points[i - 2].X; float l1y = _points[i].Y - _points[i - 2].Y; float l1 = (float)Math.Sqrt(l1x * l1x + l1y * l1y); // distance between two points back and current point float l2x = _points[i + 1].X - _points[i - 1].X; float l2y = _points[i + 1].Y - _points[i - 1].Y; float l2 = (float)Math.Sqrt(l2x * l2x + l2y * l2y); //distance between previous point and the next point cp1 = new Point2F( _points[i - 1].X + (l1x == 0 ? 0 : (smoothing * l * l1x / l1)), _points[i - 1].Y + (l1y == 0 ? 0 : (smoothing * l * l1y / l1)) ); cp2 = new Point2F( _points[i].X - (l2x == 0 ? 0 : (smoothing * l * l2x / l2)), _points[i].Y - (l2y == 0 ? 0 : (smoothing * l * l2y / l2)) ); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { return geometry.FillContainsPoint(point, FlatteningTolerance); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { foreach (var ellipse in ellipses) { EllipseGeometry g = d2DFactory.CreateEllipseGeometry(new Ellipse( new Point2F( (ellipse.rect.Left + ellipse.rect.Right) / 2, (ellipse.rect.Top + ellipse.rect.Bottom) / 2), ellipse.rect.Width / 2, ellipse.rect.Height / 2)); bool ret = g.FillContainsPoint(point, 1); g.Dispose(); if (ret) return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// (Point2 pos) - gets the terrain height at the specified position. @param pos The world space point, minus the z (height) value Can be formatted as either (\"x y\") or (x,y) @return Returns the terrain height at the given point as an F32 value. @hide) /// </summary> public float getTerrainHeight(Point2F pos){ return m_ts.fn_getTerrainHeight(pos.AsString()); }
/// <summary> /// Return the integer character code value corresponding to the first character in the given string. /// ) /// /// </summary> public Point2F dnt_testcase_7(Point2F chr){ return new Point2F ( m_ts.fn_dnt_testcase_7(chr.AsString())); }
/// <summary> /// Set the width and height of the control. @hide ) /// </summary> public void GuiControl_setExtent(string guicontrol, Point2F ext){ m_ts.fn_GuiControl_setExtent(guicontrol, ext.AsString()); }
public TextLayoutShape(RenderTarget initialRenderTarget, Random random, D2DFactory d2DFactory, D2DBitmap bitmap, DWriteFactory dwriteFactory) : base(initialRenderTarget, random, d2DFactory, bitmap, dwriteFactory) { RandomizeTextLayout(); Point0 = RandomPoint(); }
/// <summary> /// Wraps the specified unit test result for evaluation. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value to wrap.</param> /// <returns>The wrapped value.</returns> protected static Point2FResult TheResultingValue(Point2F value) { return new Point2FResult(value); }
public override bool HitTest(Point2F point) { if (geometry != null) { return geometry.HitTest(point); } if (triangles != null) { foreach (var triangle in triangles) { if (IsPointInTriangle(triangle, point)) return true; } } return false; }
public void setOrigin(Point2F pos){ pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiTerrPreviewCtrl_setOrigin(_ID, pos.AsString()); }
private static bool IsPointInTriangle(Triangle triangle, Point2F point) { //no time to implement the proper algorithm, so let's just use a bounding rectangle... float left = Math.Min(triangle.Point1.X, Math.Min(triangle.Point2.X, triangle.Point3.X)); float right = Math.Max(triangle.Point1.X, Math.Max(triangle.Point2.X, triangle.Point3.X)); float top = Math.Min(triangle.Point1.Y, Math.Min(triangle.Point2.Y, triangle.Point3.Y)); float bottom = Math.Max(triangle.Point1.Y, Math.Max(triangle.Point2.Y, triangle.Point3.Y)); return point.X >= left && point.X <= right && point.Y >= top && point.Y <= bottom; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="point"></param> /// <param name="extent"></param> public RectF(Point2F point, Point2F extent) { _mPoint_x = point.x; _mPoint_y = point.y; _mExtent_x = extent.x; _mExtent_y = extent.y; //_mPoint = point; //_mPoint.DetachAllEvents(); //_mExtent = extent; //_mExtent.DetachAllEvents(); //_mExtent.OnChangeNotification += __OnChangeNotification; //_mPoint.OnChangeNotification += __OnChangeNotification; }
private void renderControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!isDrawing) return; isDragging = true; startPoint.X = e.X; startPoint.Y = e.Y; endPoint = startPoint; switch (currentShapeType) { case Shape.Line: currentShape = new LineShape(this, startPoint, startPoint, currentStrokeSize, currentBrushIndex); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; case Shape.Bitmap: currentShape = new BitmapShape( this, new RectF(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.X + 5, startPoint.Y + 5), currentBitmap, currentTransparency); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; case Shape.RoundedRectangle: currentShape = new RoundRectangleShape(this, new RoundedRect( new RectF(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.X, startPoint.Y), 20f, 20f), currentStrokeSize, currentBrushIndex, fill); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; case Shape.Rectangle: currentShape = new RectangleShape(this, new RectF(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.X, startPoint.Y), currentStrokeSize, currentBrushIndex, fill); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; case Shape.Ellipse: currentShape = new EllipseShape(this, new Ellipse(startPoint, 0, 0), currentStrokeSize, currentBrushIndex, fill); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; case Shape.Text: currentShape = new TextShape(this, textDialog.TextLayout, startPoint, 100, 100, currentBrushIndex); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; case Shape.Geometry: currentShape = new GeometryShape(this, startPoint, currentStrokeSize, currentBrushIndex, fill); drawingShapes.Add(currentShape); break; } Invalidate(); }