private void OnOpenScreenRequest(OpenScreenRequestSignal signal)
        // First check if the type of screen is already opened (unless it's forced by setting the 'ForceOpen' property)
        if (!signal.ForceOpen)
            var screenExistsInNavigationStack = _navigationStack.Any(item => item.Type == signal.Type);
            if (screenExistsInNavigationStack)
                return; // If the type of screen does exists in the navigation stack we ignore the request

        var screenController = _screenFactory.Create(signal.Type);

        // Blur the previous screen (if there is one)
        if (_navigationStack.Count > 0)

        // Push the new screen to the navigation stack and 'open' it
        var newScreenStackItem = new ScreenStackItem
            Type             = signal.Type,
            ScreenController = screenController


        // Focus the new screen
        _currentFocussed = newScreenStackItem;

    private void OnCloseScreenRequest(CloseScreenRequestSignal signal)
        var subjectScreenStackItem = _navigationStack.FirstOrDefault(screenStackItem => screenStackItem.ScreenController == signal.ScreenController);

        if (subjectScreenStackItem == null)
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("Trying to close a screen '{0}', but it doesn't exist in the navigation stack!", signal.ScreenController.GetType().ToString());

        // If the closed screen was the screen in front, focus the next screen
        var frontScreen = _navigationStack.Last();

        if (signal.ScreenController == frontScreen.ScreenController)
            var newFrontScreenStackItem = _navigationStack[_navigationStack.Count - 2];
            _currentFocussed = newFrontScreenStackItem;

        // Close the screen