private async void OnNegativeResultClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool RunningReal = false;
            bool RunningNC   = true;
            bool RunningPC   = false;
            bool RunningDPV  = false;

            ScanDatabase scan = new ScanDatabase
                AmountBacteria        = 0,
                ConcentrationBacteria = 0,
                Date       = DateTime.Now,
                VoltamType = "Real Test"
            await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(scan);

            int fileNum = Convert.ToInt32(fileNumber.Text);

                DependencyService.Get <IBtControl>().SimpleConnect(fileNum, RunningPC, RunningNC, RunningReal, RunningDPV);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Error", "Failed with error message: " + ex, "OK");


            await Navigation.PushAsync(new AllData
        private async void OnClearRecentClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

            ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

            await App.Database.DeleteScanAsync(_database);
Esempio n. 3
 public Task <int> SaveScanAsync(ScanDatabase scan)   //Saves the current scan into the database
     if (scan.ID != 0)
Esempio n. 4
        public LinearSweep LinSweep(ScanDatabase _database)   //Set the parameters for a linear sweep scan
            LinearSweep linearSweep = new LinearSweep
                BeginPotential = (float)_database.StartingPotential,
                EndPotential   = (float)_database.EndingPotential,
                Scanrate       = (float)_database.ScanRate,
                StepPotential  = (float)_database.PotentialStep   //Add in additional required values once determined

Esempio n. 5
        private async Task <ScanDatabase> ACV(ScanDatabase Scan)
            if (Entry1.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry2.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry3.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry4.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry5.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry6.Text.Length >= 1)               //If there is an entry in all of the requried fields
                if (OnlyDotDash(Entry1.Text,
                                Entry6.Text))   //If all of them have numbers
                    if (InPRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry1.Text)) &&
                        InPRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry2.Text)) &&
                        InStepRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry3.Text)) &&
                        InPRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry4.Text)) &&
                        InScanRateRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry5.Text)) &&
                        InFrequencyRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry6.Text)))        //If they are all in range
                        Scan.StartingPotential = Convert.ToDouble(Entry1.Text); //Set parameters in the database based on entered values
                        Scan.EndingPotential   = Convert.ToDouble(Entry2.Text);
                        Scan.PotentialStep     = Convert.ToDouble(Entry3.Text);
                        Scan.ACPotential       = Convert.ToDouble(Entry4.Text);
                        Scan.ScanRate          = Convert.ToDouble(Entry5.Text);
                        Scan.Frequency         = Convert.ToDouble(Entry6.Text);
                        await DisplayAlert("Warning", "You must fill in all fields with a number within range", "OK");

                    await DisplayAlert("Warning", "You must enter a number", "OK");

                await DisplayAlert("Warning", "You must fill in all fields with a number within range", "OK");

Esempio n. 6
        //Below runs the necessary scan on the APM
        public async Task <Method> RunScan()
            List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

            ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

            ScanParams instance = new ScanParams();

            switch (_database.VoltamType)
            case "Linear Voltammetry":
                LinearSweep linSweep = instance.LinSweep(_database);

                linSweep.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(5);
                linSweep.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(6);
                linSweep.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(3);


            case "Cyclic Voltammetry":
                CyclicVoltammetry cVoltammetry = instance.CV(_database);

                cVoltammetry.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(5);
                cVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(6);
                cVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(3);


            case "Square Wave Voltammetry":
                SquareWave squareWave = instance.SWV(_database);

                squareWave.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(5);
                squareWave.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(6);
                squareWave.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(3);


            case "Alternating Current Voltammetry":
                ACVoltammetry acVoltammetry = instance.ACV(_database);

                acVoltammetry.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(5);
                acVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(6);
                acVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(3);


                //Add code to notify user that something has gone wrong and needs to be fixed

Esempio n. 7
        public CyclicVoltammetry CV(ScanDatabase _database)   //Set the parameters for a cyclic scan
            CyclicVoltammetry cyclicVoltammetry = new CyclicVoltammetry
                BeginPotential = (float)_database.StartingPotential,
                Vtx1Potential  = (float)_database.NegativeVertex,
                Vtx2Potential  = (float)_database.PositiveVertex,
                StepPotential  = (float)_database.PotentialStep,
                Scanrate       = (float)_database.ScanRate

Esempio n. 8
        public SquareWave SWV(ScanDatabase _database)   //Set the parameters for a square wave scan
            SquareWave squareWave = new SquareWave
                BeginPotential = (float)_database.StartingPotential,
                EndPotential   = (float)_database.EndingPotential,
                StepPotential  = (float)_database.PotentialStep,
                PulseAmplitude = (float)_database.Amplitude,
                Frequency      = (float)_database.Frequency

Esempio n. 9
        public ACVoltammetry ACV(ScanDatabase _database)   //Set the parameters for an alternating current scan
            ACVoltammetry acVoltammetry = new ACVoltammetry
                BeginPotential    = (float)_database.StartingPotential,
                EndPotential      = (float)_database.EndingPotential,
                StepPotential     = (float)_database.PotentialStep,
                SineWaveAmplitude = (float)_database.ACPotential,
                Scanrate          = (float)_database.ScanRate,
                Frequency         = (float)_database.Frequency

Esempio n. 10
        private async Task <ScanDatabase> CyclicVotammetry(ScanDatabase Scan)
            if (Entry1.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry2.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry3.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry4.Text.Length >= 1 &&
                Entry5.Text.Length >= 1)               //If there is an entry in all of the required fields
                if (OnlyDotDash(Entry1.Text,
                                Entry5.Text))   //If all of them have numbers
                    if (InPRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry1.Text)) &&
                        InPRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry2.Text)) &&
                        InPRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry3.Text)) &&
                        InStepRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry4.Text)) &&
                        InScanRateRange(Convert.ToDouble(Entry5.Text)))         //If all of them are in the correct range
                        Scan.StartingPotential = Convert.ToDouble(Entry1.Text); //Set parameters in the database based on entered values
                        Scan.NegativeVertex    = Convert.ToDouble(Entry2.Text);
                        Scan.PositiveVertex    = Convert.ToDouble(Entry3.Text);
                        Scan.PotentialStep     = Convert.ToDouble(Entry4.Text);
                        Scan.ScanRate          = Convert.ToDouble(Entry5.Text);
                        await DisplayAlert("Warning", "You must fill in all fields with a number within range", "OK");

                    await DisplayAlert("Warning", "You must enter a number", "OK");

                await DisplayAlert("Warning", "You must fill in all fields with a number within range", "OK");

                //Setup error loop to get proper values
Esempio n. 11
        public DifferentialPulse DPV(ScanDatabase _database)
            DifferentialPulse differentialPulse = new DifferentialPulse
                EquilibrationTime = (float)_database.EquilTime,
                BeginPotential    = (float)_database.StartingPotential,
                EndPotential      = (float)_database.EndingPotential,
                StepPotential     = (float)_database.PotentialStep,
                PulsePotential    = (float)_database.PotentialPulse,
                PulseTime         = (float)_database.TimePulse,
                Scanrate          = (float)_database.ScanRate

            differentialPulse.Technique = 1;
        private async void IsInfected()   //Displays whether or not the sample is infected
            List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

            ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

            if (_database.IsInfected)
                isInfect = "The sample is infected";
                isInfect = "The sample is not infected";
            boolPath.Text = isInfect;
Esempio n. 13
        private async void GetContext()   //Get the database which was just scanned and display whether or not the sample is infected
            List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

            ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

            String isInfected;

            if (_database.IsInfected)
                isInfected = "The sample is infected.";
                isInfected = "The sample is not infected";
            BindingContext = isInfected;
        private async void GetDatabase()
            if (i > 0)
                Scan = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(i);

                if (i <= allDb.Count)
        private async void GetDatabase()   //Get a specific database depending on where you are in the list of databases
            if (i > 0)
                Scan = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(i);

                if (i <= allDB.Count)
                else    //If you try and go to the next database and it doesn't exist, don't change and reset i to it's previous value
            else   //If you try and go to the previous database and it doesn't exist, don't change and reset i to it's previous value
Esempio n. 16
        private async void OnRunTestClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Setup the standard scan
            ScanDatabase scan = new ScanDatabase
                VoltamType        = "Square Wave Voltammetry",
                Date              = DateTime.Now,
                StartingPotential = 0.0,
                EndingPotential   = -0.6,
                PotentialStep     = 0.001,
                Amplitude         = 0.025,
                Frequency         = 60
            await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(scan);

            DependencyService.Get <IBtControl>().SimpleConnect(1, false, false, true, false);

            await Navigation.PushAsync(new DuringRun
        private async void OnDPVResultClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool RunningReal = false;
            bool RunningNC   = false;
            bool RunningPC   = false;
            bool RunningDPV  = true;

            ScanDatabase scan = new ScanDatabase
                AmountBacteria        = 0,
                ConcentrationBacteria = 0,
                Date              = DateTime.Now,
                VoltamType        = "Differential Pulse Voltammetry",
                EquilTime         = 8,
                StartingPotential = -0.5,
                EndingPotential   = 0.5,
                PotentialStep     = 0.005,
                PotentialPulse    = 0.025,
                TimePulse         = 0.07,
                ScanRate          = 0.025
            await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(scan);

            int fileNum = Convert.ToInt32(fileNumber.Text);

                DependencyService.Get <IBtControl>().SimpleConnect(fileNum, RunningPC, RunningNC, RunningReal, RunningDPV);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Error", "Failed with error message: " + ex, "OK");


            await Navigation.PushAsync(new AllData
        //Simple connection to the palmsens, currently the only one used
        public async void SimpleConnect(int fileNum, bool RunningPC, bool RunningNC, bool RunningReal, bool RunningDPV)
            bool   RunningBL = true;
            string testRun   = "5";
            //Below sets which option the code will execute
            SimpleMeasurement baseline;
            AssetManager      assetManager = Application.Context.Assets;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(assetManager.Open(testRun + "_2525AfterMch" + fileNum + ".pssession")))   //Loads a blank baseline curve to subtract from the scanned/loaded curve
                baseline = SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.LoadMeasurements(sr)[0];

            baselineCurves = baseline.SimpleCurveCollection;

            //Runs a real scan depending on whatever parameters the person has set
            if (RunningReal)
                Context       context      = Application.Context; //Loads the current android context
                IAttributeSet attributeSet = null;
                psCommSimpleAndroid = new PSCommSimpleAndroid(context, attributeSet);
                //Uses a simple comm with the palmsens
                Device[] devices = await psCommSimpleAndroid.GetConnectedDevices();

                    await psCommSimpleAndroid.Connect(devices[0]);   //Connect to the first palmsens found
                catch (Exception ex)

                psCommSimpleAndroid.MeasurementStarted            += PsCommSimpleAndroid_MeasurementStarted; //Loads the necessary flags
                psCommSimpleAndroid.MeasurementEnded              += PsCommSimpleAndroid_MeasurementEnded;
                psCommSimpleAndroid.SimpleCurveStartReceivingData += PsCommSimpleAndroid_SimpleCurveStartReceivingData;

                Method runScan = await RunScan();                                     //Sets the scan parameters

                activeSimpleMeasurement = await psCommSimpleAndroid.Measure(runScan); //Runs the scan on the potentiostat



                List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();   //Loads the current database

                //Add in processing stuff here
                SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.SaveMeasurement(activeSimpleMeasurement, Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "dpv" + allDb.Count + ".pssession"));

                //FileHack instance = new FileHack();

                //activeSimpleMeasurement = instance.HackDPV(activeSimpleMeasurement);

                List <SimpleCurve> simpleCurves = activeSimpleMeasurement.NewSimpleCurve(DataArrayType.Current, DataArrayType.Potential);

                SimpleCurve subtractedCurve = simpleCurves[0].Subtract(baselineCurves[0]);    //Note, replace simpleCurves[1] w/ the standard blank curve

                SimpleCurve movingAverageBaseline = subtractedCurve.MovingAverageBaseline();  //Subtracts the baseline from the subtracted curve

                SimpleCurve baselineCurve = subtractedCurve.Subtract(movingAverageBaseline);

                subtractedCurve.Dispose();   //Disposes of the subtracted curve

                SimpleCurve smoothedCurve = baselineCurve.Smooth(SmoothLevel.VeryHigh);

                smoothedCurve.DetectPeaks(0.1, 0, true, false, false);

                double peakLocation = smoothedCurve.Peaks[smoothedCurve.Peaks.nPeaks - 1].PeakX;
                double peakHeight   = smoothedCurve.Peaks[smoothedCurve.Peaks.nPeaks - 1].PeakValue;

                ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                if (peakLocation <= -0.3 && peakLocation >= -0.4)   //If the peak is between a certain range, the sample is infected, add in a minimum value once one is determined
                    _database.IsInfected = true;
                    _database.IsInfected = false;

                _database.PeakVoltage = peakHeight;
                await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);   //Saves the current database

                baselineCurve.Dispose();   //Disposes of the baseline curve

            //Runs a differential pulse voltammetric scan for testing
            else if (RunningDPV)
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(assetManager.Open("blank.pssession")))   //Loads a blank curve as a baseline to be subtracted
                    baseline = SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.LoadMeasurements(sr)[0];

                Context       context      = Application.Context;                     //Loads the current android context
                IAttributeSet attributeSet = null;
                psCommSimpleAndroid = new PSCommSimpleAndroid(context, attributeSet); //Initializes the palmsens comm
                Device[] devices = await psCommSimpleAndroid.GetConnectedDevices();

                    await psCommSimpleAndroid.Connect(devices[0]);   //Connects to the first palmsens found
                catch (Exception ex)

                psCommSimpleAndroid.MeasurementStarted            += PsCommSimpleAndroid_MeasurementStarted; //Loads the necessary flags
                psCommSimpleAndroid.MeasurementEnded              += PsCommSimpleAndroid_MeasurementEnded;
                psCommSimpleAndroid.SimpleCurveStartReceivingData += PsCommSimpleAndroid_SimpleCurveStartReceivingData;

                Method runScan = await RunScan();                                     //Sets the scan parameters

                activeSimpleMeasurement = await psCommSimpleAndroid.Measure(runScan); //Runs the scan on the potentiostat


                psCommSimpleAndroid.Dispose();                                          //Disposes of the comm when it is done being used

                List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync(); //Loads the current database

                //Add in processing stuff here
                SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.SaveMeasurement(activeSimpleMeasurement, Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "dpv" + allDb.Count + ".pssession"));

                //FileHack instance = new FileHack();

                //activeSimpleMeasurement = instance.HackDPV(activeSimpleMeasurement);

                List <SimpleCurve> simpleCurves = activeSimpleMeasurement.NewSimpleCurve(DataArrayType.Current, DataArrayType.Potential);

                //SimpleCurve subtractedCurve = simpleCurves[0].Subtract(baselineCurves[0]);    //Note, replace simpleCurves[1] w/ the standard blank curve

                SimpleCurve movingAverageBaseline = simpleCurves[0].MovingAverageBaseline();   //Subtracts the baseline from the subtracted curve

                SimpleCurve baselineCurve = simpleCurves[0].Subtract(movingAverageBaseline);

                //subtractedCurve.Dispose();   //Disposes of the subtracted curve

                SimpleCurve smoothedCurve = baselineCurve.Smooth(SmoothLevel.VeryHigh);

                smoothedCurve.DetectPeaks(0.1, 0, true, false, false);

                PeakList peakList = smoothedCurve.Peaks; //Detects the peaks on the subtracted curve

                baselineCurve.Dispose();                 //Disposes of the baseline curve

                Peak   mainPeak     = peakList[peakList.nPeaks - 1]; //Note, the proper peak is the last peak, not the first peak
                double peakLocation = mainPeak.PeakX;
                double peakHeight   = mainPeak.PeakValue;

                ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                if (peakLocation <= -0.3 && peakLocation >= -0.4)   //If the peak is between a certain range, the sample is infected, add in a minimum value once one is determined
                    _database.IsInfected = true;
                    _database.IsInfected = false;

                _database.PeakVoltage = peakHeight;
                await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database); //Saves the current database
            else if (RunningNC || RunningPC || RunningBL)    //If a test scan is being run
                if (RunningBL)                               //If a simple baseline test is run with no subtraction or curve manipulation
                    SimpleMeasurement baselineMeasurement;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(assetManager.Open(testRun + "_baselineOnly" + fileNum + ".pssession")))
                        baselineMeasurement = SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.LoadMeasurements(sr)[0];

                    List <SimpleCurve> avgBaselineCurves = baselineMeasurement.SimpleCurveCollection;

                    SimpleCurve avgBaselineCurve = avgBaselineCurves[0];

                    avgBaselineCurve.DetectPeaks(0.05, 0, true, false);   //Detect peaks only if they are wider than 0.05 V

                    PeakList avgBaselinePeakList = avgBaselineCurve.Peaks;

                    if (avgBaselinePeakList.nPeaks != 0)                                            //If it detects a peak run below code
                        Peak avgBaselinePeak = avgBaselinePeakList[avgBaselinePeakList.nPeaks - 1]; //Use the last peak detected which should be the wanted peak

                        double avgBaselinePeakLocation = avgBaselinePeak.PeakX;
                        double avgBaselinePeakValue    = avgBaselinePeak.PeakValue;

                        List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

                        ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                        if (avgBaselinePeakLocation <= -0.3 && avgBaselinePeakLocation >= -0.4)   //If a peak is between a certain range, the sample is infected, add in a minimal value once determined
                            _database.IsInfected = true;
                            _database.IsInfected = false;

                        _database.PeakVoltage = avgBaselinePeakValue;
                        await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);
                    else   //If no peak is detected
                        List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

                        ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                        _database.IsInfected  = false;
                        _database.PeakVoltage = 0.0;
                        _database.VoltamType  = "Failed PC";
                        await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);
                else if (RunningPC)   //If a postitive control test is being run with known values
                    SimpleMeasurement positiveControl;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(assetManager.Open(testRun + "_2525AfterTarget" + fileNum + ".pssession")))
                        positiveControl = SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.LoadMeasurements(sr)[0];

                    List <SimpleCurve> positiveCurves = positiveControl.SimpleCurveCollection;

                    SimpleCurve baselineCurve;

                    SimpleCurve subtractedCurve = positiveCurves[0].Subtract(baselineCurves[0]);

                    baselineCurve = subtractedCurve.MovingAverageBaseline();


                    baselineCurve.DetectPeaks(0.05, 0, true, false);   //Detect all peaks with width greater than 0.05 V

                    PeakList positivePeakList = baselineCurve.Peaks;


                    if (positivePeakList.nPeaks != 0)   //If a peak is detected, execute the code below
                        Peak positivePeak = positivePeakList[positivePeakList.nPeaks - 1];

                        double positivePeakLocation = positivePeak.PeakX;
                        double positivePeakValue    = positivePeak.PeakValue;

                        List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

                        ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                        if (positivePeakLocation <= -0.3 && positivePeakLocation >= -0.4)   //If a peak is between a certain range, the sample is infected, add in minimum value once determined
                            _database.IsInfected = true;
                            _database.IsInfected = false;

                        _database.PeakVoltage = positivePeakValue;
                        await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);
                    else   //If no peak is detected, execute the code below
                        List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

                        ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                        _database.IsInfected  = false;
                        _database.PeakVoltage = 0.0;
                        _database.VoltamType  = "Failed PC";
                        await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);
                else if (RunningNC)   //If a negative control test is being run
                    SimpleMeasurement negativeControl;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(assetManager.Open(testRun + "_2525AfterMch" + fileNum + ".pssession")))
                        negativeControl = SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.LoadMeasurements(sr)[0];

                    List <SimpleCurve> negativeCurves = negativeControl.SimpleCurveCollection;

                    SimpleCurve baselineCurve;

                    SimpleCurve subtractedCurve = negativeCurves[0].Subtract(baselineCurves[0]);

                    baselineCurve = subtractedCurve.MovingAverageBaseline();


                    baselineCurve.DetectPeaks(0.05, 0, true, false);   //Detect all peaks with a width greater than 0.05 V

                    PeakList negativePeakList = baselineCurve.Peaks;


                    if (negativePeakList.nPeaks != 0)   //If a peak is detected, execute the code below
                        Peak   negativePeak         = negativePeakList[negativePeakList.nPeaks - 1];
                        double negativePeakLocation = negativePeak.PeakX;
                        double negativePeakValue    = negativePeak.PeakValue;

                        List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

                        ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                        if (negativePeakLocation <= -0.3 && negativePeakLocation >= -0.4)   //If a peak is in a certain range, the sample is infected, add a minimum value once determined
                            _database.IsInfected = true;
                            _database.IsInfected = false;

                        _database.PeakVoltage = negativePeakValue;
                        await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);
                    else   //If a peak is not detected
                        List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

                        ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

                        _database.IsInfected  = false;
                        _database.PeakVoltage = 0.0;
                        _database.VoltamType  = "Failed NC";
                        await App.Database.SaveScanAsync(_database);
        //Sets the scan parameters
        public async Task <Method> RunScan()
            //Grabs the most recent database to get the required parameters
            List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

            ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

            //Gets an instance of ScanParams
            ScanParams instance = new ScanParams();

            switch (_database.VoltamType)           //Switch which invokes the correct type of scan
            case "Alternating Current Voltammetry": //Sets an alternating current voltammetric scan
                using (ACVoltammetry acVoltammetry = instance.ACV(_database))
                    acVoltammetry.SmoothLevel = 0;
                    acVoltammetry.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr10uA);     //Sets the range that the potentiostat will use to detect the current
                    acVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100uA);
                    acVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100nA);


            case "Cyclic Voltammetry":       //Sets a cyclic voltammetric scan
                using (CyclicVoltammetry cVoltammetry = instance.CV(_database))
                    cVoltammetry.SmoothLevel = 0;
                    cVoltammetry.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr10uA);     //Sets the range that the potentiostat will use to detect the current
                    cVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100uA);
                    cVoltammetry.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100nA);


            case "Differential Pulse Voltammetry":       //Sets a differential pulse voltammetric scan
                using (DifferentialPulse differentialPulse = instance.DPV(_database))
                    differentialPulse.SmoothLevel = 0;
                    differentialPulse.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr1uA);     //Sets the range that the potentiostat will use to detect the current
                    differentialPulse.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr1uA);
                    differentialPulse.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr10nA);


            case "Linear Voltammetry":       //Sets a linear voltammetric scan
                using (LinearSweep linSweep = instance.LinSweep(_database))
                    linSweep.SmoothLevel = 0;
                    linSweep.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr10uA);     //Sets the range that the potentiostat will use to detect the current
                    linSweep.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100uA);
                    linSweep.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100nA);


            case "Square Wave Voltammetry":       //Sets a square wave voltammetric scan
                using (SquareWave squareWave = instance.SWV(_database))
                    squareWave.SmoothLevel = 0;
                    squareWave.Ranging.StartCurrentRange   = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr10uA);     //Sets the range that the potentiostat will use to detect the current
                    squareWave.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100uA);
                    squareWave.Ranging.MaximumCurrentRange = new CurrentRange(CurrentRanges.cr100nA);


                //Add code to notify user that something has gone wrong and needs to be fixed

Esempio n. 20
 void InitialDatabase()
     thrScanDB    = new ScanDatabase[2];
     thrScanDB[0] = new ScanDatabase("tas", "tam", "LLTLBA");
     thrScanDB[1] = new ScanDatabase("tas", "tam", "LLTLBB");
Esempio n. 21
        private async void OnManTestClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)   //When you click the button to run the manual test
            Scanner      scanner = App.Database;
            ScanDatabase Scan    = new ScanDatabase
                VoltamType = VoltammetryScan.SelectedItem.ToString(), //Sets the type of voltammetric scan to be run
                IsInfected = false                                    //Sets isinfected to false temporarily

                switch (Scan.VoltamType)   //Depending on the type of scan being performed, it sets different values from the same fields
                case "Cyclic Voltammetry": //If a cyclic voltammetry scan is wanted
                    Scan = await CyclicVotammetry(Scan);

                    if (Scan == null)

                case "Square Wave Voltammetry":       //If a squre wave voltammetric scan is wanted
                    Scan = await SWV(Scan);

                    if (Scan == null)

                case "Linear Voltammetry":       //If a Linear Voltammetric scan is wanted
                    Scan = await LinearVoltammetry(Scan);

                    if (Scan == null)

                case "Alternating Current Voltammetry":       //If an alternating current voltammetric scan is wanted
                    Scan = await ACV(Scan);

                    if (Scan == null)

            catch (Exception ex)
                Crashes.TrackError(ex, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Entry 1:", Entry1.Text },
                    { "Entry 2:", Entry2.Text },
                    { "Entry 3:", Entry3.Text },
                    { "Entry 4:", Entry4.Text },
                    { "Entry 5:", Entry5.Text },
                    { "Entry 6:", Entry6.Text },

            Scan.Date = DateTime.Now;   //Set the date/time of the scan
            await scanner.SaveScanAsync(Scan);

            //File.Copy(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "notes.db3"), DependencyService.Get<BtControl>().FilePath());

            DependencyService.Get <IBtControl>().SimpleConnect(1, false, false, true, false);  //Runs the test on the APM, need to setup to run async, or move to RunFinal and run async on that page

            await Navigation.PushAsync(new RunFinal
Esempio n. 22
        public async void SimpleConnect()
            Context             context             = Application.Context;
            IAttributeSet       attributeSet        = null;
            PSCommSimpleAndroid psCommSimpleAndroid = new PSCommSimpleAndroid(context, attributeSet);

            Device[] devices = await psCommSimpleAndroid.GetConnectedDevices();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                catch (Exception ex)

            psCommSimpleAndroid.MeasurementStarted            += PsCommSimpleAndroid_MeasurementStarted;
            psCommSimpleAndroid.MeasurementEnded              += PsCommSimpleAndroid_MeasurementEnded;
            psCommSimpleAndroid.SimpleCurveStartReceivingData += PsCommSimpleAndroid_SimpleCurveStartReceivingData;
            RunScan runScan = await RunScan();

            SimpleMeasurement activeSimpleMeasurement = psCommSimpleAndroid.Measure(runScan);

             * Method method;
             * using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(Assets.Open(asset)))
             *  method = SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.LoadMethod(file);

            SimpleLoadSaveFunctions.SaveMeasurement(activeSimpleMeasurement, null);

            List <SimpleCurve> simpleCurves = activeSimpleMeasurement.SimpleCurveCollection;

            //Load base null curve

            SimpleCurve subtractedCurve = simpleCurves[0].Subtract(simpleCurves[1]);    //Note, replace simpleCurves[1] w/ the standard blank curve

            PeakList peakList   = subtractedCurve.Peaks;
            Peak     mainPeak   = peakList[0];
            double   peakHeight = mainPeak.PeakValue;

            List <ScanDatabase> allDb = await App.Database.GetScanDatabasesAsync();

            ScanDatabase _database = await App.Database.GetScanAsync(allDb.Count);

            if (peakHeight <= -0.001)
                _database.IsInfected = true;
                _database.IsInfected = false;

            //Add equations to calculate the amount of bacteria and concentration based on the peak from either detecting the peak
Esempio n. 23
 public Task <int> DeleteScanAsync(ScanDatabase scan)   //Deletes the current scan from the database