Inheritance: IDisposable
Esempio n. 1
            protected override SVGElement GetSeparatorContainer(SVGDocument parentDocument, SeparatorDescription description)
                var gSeparatorContainer =
                    (SVGGElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "g");

                gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke", description.StrokeColor);
                gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-width", GetCulturedString(description.Stroke));
                gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linecap", "bevel");
                gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round");

                var width  = description.X + description.Width;
                var height = description.Y + description.Height + description.Stroke / 2;

                for (int i = 0; i < description.Amount; i++)
                    var lineSeparator =
                        (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line");
                    lineSeparator.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X));
                    lineSeparator.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(height));
                    lineSeparator.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(width));
                    lineSeparator.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(height));
                    height += description.Height + description.Stroke;


Esempio n. 2

        public static string ToSVGString(this SVGDocument svgDocument)
            if (svgDocument == null)
                BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot convert a null SVG Document.");

            BoundingBox box = Query.Bounds(svgDocument);

            string Width  = (box.Max.X - box.Min.X).ToString();
            string Height = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y).ToString();

            string canvasString = "<svg width=\"" + Width + "\" height=\"" + Height + "\">\n";

            double h = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y);

            string xTrans = (-box.Min.X).ToString();
            string yTrans = (-box.Min.Y).ToString();

            canvasString += "<g transform=\"translate(" + "0," + h + ") scale(1,-1) translate(" + xTrans + "," + yTrans + ")\">\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < svgDocument.SVGObjects.Count; i++)
                canvasString += ToSVGString((svgDocument.SVGObjects[i]));

            canvasString += "</g>\n</svg>";

Esempio n. 3

        public static string ToSVGString(this SVGDocument svgDocument)
            BoundingBox box = Query.Bounds(svgDocument);

            string Width  = (box.Max.X - box.Min.X).ToString();
            string Height = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y).ToString();

            string canvasString = "<svg width=\"" + Width + "\" height=\"" + Height + "\">\n";

            double h = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y);

            string xTrans = (-box.Min.X).ToString();
            string yTrans = (-box.Min.Y).ToString();

            canvasString += "<g transform=\"translate(" + "0," + h + ") scale(1,-1) translate(" + xTrans + "," + yTrans + ")\">\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < svgDocument.SVGObjects.Count; i++)
                canvasString += ToSVGString((svgDocument.SVGObjects[i]));

            canvasString += "</g>\n</svg>";

        public void SVGtoXPSWithXpsSaveOptionsTest()
            // Prepare a path to a source SVG file
            string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "aspose.svg");

            // Prepare a path for converted file saving
            string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "aspose-options.xps");

            // Initialize an SVG document from the file
            using var document = new SVGDocument(documentPath);

            // Initialize XpsSaveOptions. Set up the page-size 500x500 pixels, margins, resolutions and change the background color to AliceBlue
            var options = new XpsSaveOptions()
                HorizontalResolution = 200,
                VerticalResolution   = 200,
                BackgroundColor      = Color.AliceBlue

            options.PageSetup.AnyPage = new Page(new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Size(500, 500), new Margin(30, 10, 10, 10));

            // Convert SVG to XPS
            Converter.ConvertSVG(document, options, savePath);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(OutputDir, "aspose-options.xps")));
Esempio n. 5
        public void SVGtoTIFFWithImageSaveOptionsTest()
            // Prepare a path to a source SVG file
            string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "gradient.svg");

            // Prepare a path for converted file saving
            string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "gradient-options.tiff");

            // Initialize an SVG document from the file
            using var document = new SVGDocument(documentPath);

            // Initialize ImageSaveOptions. Set up the compression, resolutions, and change the background color to AliceBlue
            var options = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Tiff)
                Compression          = Compression.None,
                HorizontalResolution = 200,
                VerticalResolution   = 200,
                BackgroundColor      = Color.AliceBlue

            // Convert SVG to TIFF
            Converter.ConvertSVG(document, options, savePath);

Esempio n. 6
        public void SaveHTMLToSVGTest()
            // Prepare an output path for a document saving
            string documentPath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "save-to-SVG.svg");

            // Prepare SVG code
            var code = @"
                <svg xmlns='' height='200' width='300'>
                    <g fill='none' stroke-width= '10' stroke-dasharray='30 10'>
                        <path stroke='red' d='M 25 40 l 215 0' />
                        <path stroke='black' d='M 35 80 l 215 0' />
                        <path stroke='blue' d='M 45 120 l 215 0' />

            // Initialize an SVG instance from the content string
            using (var document = new SVGDocument(code, "."))
                // Save the SVG file to a disk

                Assert.True(document.QuerySelectorAll("path").Length > 2);

Esempio n. 7
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: 1
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Convert();

            string svgCode = "<svg viewBox='0 0 200 200' xmlns=''>" +
                             "<style>" +
                             "div {" +
                             "color: white;" +
                             "font: 18px serif;" +
                             "height: 100%;" +
                             "overflow: hidden;" +
                             " }" +
                             "</style>" +
                             "<polygon points='5,5 195,10 185,185 10,195' />" +
                             "<foreignObject x='20' y='20' width='160' height='160'>" +
                             "<div xmlns=''>" +
                             "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." +
                             "Sed mollis mollis mi ut ultricies. Nullam magna ipsum," +
                             "porta vel dui convallis, rutrum imperdiet eros. Aliquam" +
                             "erat volutpat." +
                             "</div>" +
                             "</foreignObject>" +

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(svgCode, "."))
                using (var device = new ImageDevice(new ImageRenderingOptions(ImageFormat.Jpeg), dataDir + "SupportForHtmlContentInSVG_out.jpg"))
            //ExEnd: 1
Esempio n. 8
        public void SVGtoJPGWithImageSaveOptionsTest()
            // Prepare a path to a source SVG file
            string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "flower.svg");

            // Prepare a path for converted file saving
            string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "flower-options.jpg");

            // Initialize an SVG document from the file
            using var document = new SVGDocument(documentPath);

            // Initialize ImageSaveOptions. Set up the resolutions, SmoothingMode and change the background color to AliceBlue
            var options = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Jpeg)
                SmoothingMode        = SmoothingMode.HighQuality,
                HorizontalResolution = 200,
                VerticalResolution   = 200,
                BackgroundColor      = Color.AliceBlue

            // Convert SVG to JPG
            Converter.ConvertSVG(document, options, savePath);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(OutputDir, "flower-options_1.jpg")));
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourcePath"></param>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 protected override void Render(string sourcePath, IDevice device)
     using (SVGDocument document = new SVGDocument(sourcePath))
         var renderer = new SvgRenderer();
         renderer.Render(device, document);
 public static void Run()
     //ExStart: CreateEmptySVGDocument
     using (var document = new SVGDocument())
         // do some actions over the document here...
     //ExEnd: CreateEmptySVGDocument
Esempio n. 11
 public static void Run()
     //ExStart: CreateSVGDocumentFromContent
     using (var document = new SVGDocument("<svg xmlns=''><circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40'/></svg>", "."))
         // do some actions over the document here...
     //ExEnd: CreateSVGDocumentFromContent
 public static void Run()
     //ExStart: LoadDocumentFromUrl
     using (var document = new SVGDocument(""))
         // do some actions over the document here...
     //ExEnd: LoadDocumentFromUrl
Esempio n. 13
 public static void Run()
     //ExStart: ViewDocumentContentAsString
     using (var document = new SVGDocument(""))
     //ExEnd: ViewDocumentContentAsString
 // Constructor
 public PackedSvgDocRef(SVGDocument svgDoc, TextAsset txtAsset)
     this.m_SvgDoc   = svgDoc;
     this.m_TxtAsset = txtAsset;
     // SVGRenameImporter substitutes the ".svg" file extension with ".svg.txt" one (e.g. orc.svg --> orc.svg.txt)
     // Unity assets explorer does not show the last ".txt" postfix (e.g. in the editor we see orc.svg without the last .txt trait)
     // does not contain the last ".txt" trait, but it still contains the ".svg"; at this level, we want to remove even that
     this.m_Name     =".svg", "");
     this.m_RefCount = 0;
Esempio n. 15

        public static BoundingBox Bounds(this SVGDocument svg)
            if (svg == null)
                BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot query the bounding box of a null SVG document.");

Esempio n. 16
        public void LoadSVGDocumentFromStringTest()
            // Initialize an SVG document from the string object
            using (var document = new SVGDocument("<svg xmlns=''><circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40'/></svg>", "."))
                // Write the document content to the output stream

                Assert.True(document.QuerySelectorAll("circle").Length > 0);
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: LoadDocumentFromFile
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data();

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg")))
                // do some actions over the document here...
            //ExEnd: LoadDocumentFromFile
Esempio n. 18
    void OnGUI()
        _svgFile = (TextAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("SVG File", _svgFile, typeof(TextAsset), false);

        if (_svgFile != null && GUILayout.Button("SVG - OK"))
            var svgdoc = new SVGDocument(_svgFile.text, null);
Esempio n. 19
    protected XmlDocument GetDocument()
        SVGNode n = parent;

        while (n.parent != null)
            n = n.parent;
        SVGDocument doc = n as SVGDocument;

Esempio n. 20
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: CSSSelector
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SVG();

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg")))
                var element = document.QuerySelector("g > :last-child");
            //ExEnd: CSSSelector
        public ActionResult GenerateFromScratch(string widthStr, string heightStr, string fontColorStr, string bkColorStr)
            //In this method, we demonstrate another technique for setting values of width and height
            var width  = float.Parse(widthStr);
            var height = float.Parse(heightStr);

            //Creat new  (empty) image
            var document = new SVGDocument(new Configuration());

            //Adjast image size
            document.RootElement.Width.BaseVal.ValueAsString  = widthStr;
            document.RootElement.Height.BaseVal.ValueAsString = heightStr;

            document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.X      = 0;
            document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.Y      = 0;
            document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.Width  = width;
            document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.Height = height;

            var rect = document.CreateElementNS(SvgXmlns, "rect") as SVGRectElement;

            if (rect == null)
                return(Content(document.RootElement.OuterHTML, ContentType));
            rect.Width.BaseVal.Value  = width;
            rect.Height.BaseVal.Value = height;
            rect.Style.SetProperty("fill", "#" + bkColorStr, string.Empty);

            var text = document.CreateElementNS(SvgXmlns, "text") as SVGTextElement;

            if (text == null)
                return(Content(document.RootElement.OuterHTML, ContentType));
            text.SetAttributeNS(null, "x", (width / 2).ToString());
            text.SetAttributeNS(null, "y", (height / 2).ToString());
            text.TextContent = $"{widthStr}x{heightStr}";

            text.Style.SetProperty("font-family", "Arial", string.Empty);
            text.Style.SetProperty("font-weight", "bold", string.Empty);
            text.Style.SetProperty("dominant-baseline", "central", string.Empty);

            var fontSize = Math.Round(Math.Max(12, Math.Min(.75 * Math.Min(width, height), 0.75 * Math.Max(width, height) / 12)));

            text.Style.SetProperty("font-size", $"{fontSize}px", string.Empty);
            text.Style.SetProperty("fill", "#" + fontColorStr, string.Empty);
            text.Style.SetProperty("text-anchor", "middle", string.Empty);

            return(Content(document.RootElement.OuterHTML, ContentType));
Esempio n. 22
            protected SVGElement GetBorderContainer(SVGDocument parentDocument, BorderDescription description)
                var gBorderContainer =
                    (SVGGElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "g");

                gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke", description.StrokeColor);
                gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-width", GetCulturedString(description.Stroke));
                gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round");
                gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round");

                // Lines around content
                // ================================
                // Border Line top
                var lineTop =
                    (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line");

                lineTop.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X));
                lineTop.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y));
                lineTop.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width));
                lineTop.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y));
                // Border Line right
                var lineRight =
                    (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line");

                lineRight.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width));
                lineRight.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y));
                lineRight.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width));
                lineRight.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height));
                // Border Line bottom
                var lineBottom =
                    (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line");

                lineBottom.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width));
                lineBottom.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height));
                lineBottom.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X));
                lineBottom.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height));
                // Border Line left
                var lineLeft =
                    (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line");

                lineLeft.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X));
                lineLeft.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height));
                lineLeft.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X));
                lineLeft.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y));


Esempio n. 23
        private static void ApplyFilter(string srcFile, string filterId, string outputFile)
            //Create a new svg document
            using (var svgDoc = new SVGDocument())
                //Create an element <g> to which the filter will be applied.
                var g = svgDoc.CreateElementNS("", "g");
                using (var image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(srcFile))
                    //Create <image> element
                    var imageElement = (SVGImageElement)svgDoc.CreateElementNS("", "image");
                    imageElement.SetAttribute("href", srcFile);
                    var w = image.Width;
                    var h = image.Height;

                    const int maxSize = 2000;
                    var       size    = (float)Math.Max(w, h);
                    if (size > maxSize)
                        w = (int)(maxSize * w / size);
                        h = (int)(maxSize * h / size);
                    //Set the dimensions of <image> and <svg> elements to keep the original image size.
                    imageElement.Height.BaseVal.ValueAsString = $"{h}px";
                    imageElement.Width.BaseVal.ValueAsString  = $"{w}px";

                    svgDoc.RootElement.Height.BaseVal.ValueAsString = $"{h}px";
                    svgDoc.RootElement.Width.BaseVal.ValueAsString  = $"{w}px";

                    //Append <image> into <g> element.
                //Load svg file which contains the list of available filters.
                //We use the filters.svg file as a repository because it is easy to edit and add new filters.
                using (var filtersStream = new FileStream("filters.svg", FileMode.Open))
                    using (var filtersDoc = new SVGDocument(filtersStream, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))
                        var filter = filtersDoc.GetElementById(filterId);
                        g.SetAttribute("filter", $"url(#{filter.Id})");
                        var options = new ImageSaveOptions()
                            HorizontalResolution = 96, VerticalResolution = 96
                        options.PageSetup.Sizing = SizingType.FitContent;
                        //Here we convert svg document with image and  graphic filter to the result image file.
                        Converter.ConvertSVG(svgDoc, options, outputFile);
Esempio n. 24
        public static void ConvertSVGToTIFF()
            //ExStart: ConvertSVGToTIFF
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data();

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg")))
                using (var device = new ImageDevice(new ImageRenderingOptions(ImageFormat.Tiff), dataDir + "smiley_out.tiff"))
            //ExEnd: ConvertSVGToTIFF
Esempio n. 25
        internal string NewImage(UndirectedGraph <Pixel, TaggedUndirectedEdge <Pixel, EdgeTag> > g, Shapes shapes, string fileName = "image.svg")
            svg = new SVGDocument(Width * scale + 1, Height * scale + 1);
            String data;
            Color  color = new Color();

            foreach (Shape shape in shapes)
                data = "M ";
                Pixel lastPixel = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < shape.Count; i++)
                    ArrayList curve = ((Curve)shape[i]).CurveToPoints();
                    if (i != 0 && !curve[0].Equals(lastPixel)) // Corrige curvas que possa estar no sentido errado

                    Pixel pixel = curve[0] as Pixel;
                    lastPixel = curve[curve.Count - 1] as Pixel;
                    if (i == 0)
                        data += pixel.x + "," + pixel.y;

                    curve.Add(curve[curve.Count - 1]);

                    data += CatmullRom2bezier(curve) + " ";

                    color = ((Curve)shape[0]).Color;
                svg.DrawPath(color, color, 0.01, data);

             * foreach (var v in g.Vertices)
             * {
             *  svg.DrawCircle(Color.Blue,
             *         Color.Transparent,
             *         0,
             *         v.x * 7 + 7 / 2,
             *         v.y * 7 + 7 / 2,
             *         1);
             * }*/

            //Retorna o nome do arquivo salvo
Esempio n. 26
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: XPathQuery
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SVG();

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg")))
                //  Evaluate XPath expression
                var xpathResult = document.Evaluate("//rect[@x='100']", document, null, XPathResultType.Any, null);

                //  Get the next evaluated node
                Console.WriteLine((xpathResult.IterateNext() as Element)?.OuterHTML);
            //ExEnd: XPathQuery
Esempio n. 27
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: 1
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Save();

            SVGDocument document = new SVGDocument(dataDir + "complex.svg");

            SVGSaveOptions saveOptions = new SVGSaveOptions
                VectorizeText = true

            document.Save(dataDir + @"vectorized_text_out.svg", saveOptions);
            //ExEnd: 1
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: ConvertSVGFilesUsingRenderer
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data();

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg")))
                using (SvgRenderer renderer = new SvgRenderer())
                    using (XpsDevice device = new XpsDevice(dataDir + "ConvertSVGFilesUsingRenderer_out.xps"))
                        renderer.Render(device, document);
            //ExEnd: ConvertSVGFilesUsingRenderer
        public static void Run()
            //ExStart: InspectDocumentContent
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SVG();

            using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg")))
                var svg  = document.DocumentElement;
                var g    = svg.GetElementsByTagName("g").First() as SVGGElement;
                var rect = g.FirstElementChild as SVGRectElement;

                Console.WriteLine(rect.Width);  // 90%
                Console.WriteLine(rect.Height); // 90%
            //ExEnd: InspectDocumentContent
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data();
            // Source SVG document
            SVGDocument svgDocument = new SVGDocument(dataDir + "input.svg");
            // Initialize ImageSaveOptions
            ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            // Output file path
            string outputFile = dataDir + "SVGtoImage_Output.jpeg";

            // Convert SVG to Image
            Converter.ConvertSVG(svgDocument, options, outputFile);
            // ExEnd:1
Esempio n. 31
 public void DestroyAll(bool fullDestroy)
     // set an empty sprite
     SpriteRenderer renderer = this.gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
     if (renderer != null)
         renderer.sprite = null;
     // destroy SVG document, if loaded
     if (this.m_SvgDoc != null && fullDestroy)
         this.m_SvgDoc = null;
     // destroy sprite
     if (this.m_Sprite != null)
         this.m_Sprite = null;
     // destroy texture
     if (this.m_Texture != null)
         this.m_Texture = null;
Esempio n. 32
   Methods: CreateEmptySVGDocument
   Use: tao 1 SVGDocument trong, day la buoc khoi dau cua viec bat
   dau phan tich va do du lieu vao trong 1 SVGDocument
 private void CreateEmptySVGDocument()
     _svgDocument = new SVGDocument (this._SVGFile.text, this._graphics);
Esempio n. 33
    void Reset()
        if (this.RequirementsCheck())
            this.SVGFile = null;
            this.ScaleAdaption = SVGBackgroundScaleType.Horizontal;
            this.Size = 256;
            this.ClearColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);
            this.GenerateOnStart = true;

            this.Sliced = false;
            this.SlicedWidth = 256;
            this.SlicedHeight = 256;

            this.m_SvgDoc = null;
            this.m_Texture = null;
            this.m_Sprite = null;
Esempio n. 34
 public uint[] Add(SVGDocument svgDoc, bool explodeGroup)
     uint[] info = new uint[2];
     // add an SVG document to the current packing task, and get back information about collected bounding boxes
     int err = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingAdd(svgDoc.Handle, explodeGroup ? AmanithSVG.SVGT_TRUE : AmanithSVG.SVGT_FALSE, info);
     // check for errors
     if (err != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR)
         AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("SVGPacker.Begin error: ", err);
         return null;
     // info[0] = number of collected bounding boxes
     // info[1] = the actual number of packed bounding boxes (boxes whose dimensions exceed the 'maxDimension' value specified to the svgtPackingBegin function, will be discarded)
     return info;
Esempio n. 35
 private void LoadSVG()
     // create and load SVG document
     this.m_SvgDoc = (this.SVGFile != null) ? SVGAssets.CreateDocument(this.SVGFile.text) : null;
Esempio n. 36
        Draw an SVG document, on this drawing surface.

        First the drawing surface is cleared if a valid (i.e. not null) clear color is provided.
        Then the specified document, if valid, is drawn.

        It returns true if the operation was completed successfully, else false.
    public bool Draw(SVGDocument document, SVGColor clearColor, SVGRenderingQuality renderingQuality)
        int err;

        // set clear color
        if (!this.SetClearColor(clearColor))
            return false;

        if (document != null)
            // update document viewport (AmanithSVG backend)
            if (!document.UpdateViewport())
                return false;
            // update surface viewport (AmanithSVG backend)
            if (!this.UpdateViewport())
                return false;

            // draw the document
            if ((err = AmanithSVG.svgtDocDraw(document.Handle, this.Handle, (uint)renderingQuality)) != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR)
                AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("Surface draw error (drawing document): ", err);
                return false;
        return true;