protected override SVGElement GetSeparatorContainer(SVGDocument parentDocument, SeparatorDescription description) { var gSeparatorContainer = (SVGGElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "g"); gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke", description.StrokeColor); gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-width", GetCulturedString(description.Stroke)); gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linecap", "bevel"); gSeparatorContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round"); var width = description.X + description.Width; var height = description.Y + description.Height + description.Stroke / 2; for (int i = 0; i < description.Amount; i++) { var lineSeparator = (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line"); lineSeparator.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X)); lineSeparator.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(height)); lineSeparator.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(width)); lineSeparator.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(height)); height += description.Height + description.Stroke; gSeparatorContainer.AppendChild(lineSeparator); } return(gSeparatorContainer); }
/***************************************************/ public static string ToSVGString(this SVGDocument svgDocument) { if (svgDocument == null) { BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot convert a null SVG Document."); return(""); } BoundingBox box = Query.Bounds(svgDocument); string Width = (box.Max.X - box.Min.X).ToString(); string Height = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y).ToString(); string canvasString = "<svg width=\"" + Width + "\" height=\"" + Height + "\">\n"; double h = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y); string xTrans = (-box.Min.X).ToString(); string yTrans = (-box.Min.Y).ToString(); canvasString += "<g transform=\"translate(" + "0," + h + ") scale(1,-1) translate(" + xTrans + "," + yTrans + ")\">\n"; for (int i = 0; i < svgDocument.SVGObjects.Count; i++) { canvasString += ToSVGString((svgDocument.SVGObjects[i])); } canvasString += "</g>\n</svg>"; return(canvasString); }
/***************************************************/ public static string ToSVGString(this SVGDocument svgDocument) { BoundingBox box = Query.Bounds(svgDocument); string Width = (box.Max.X - box.Min.X).ToString(); string Height = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y).ToString(); string canvasString = "<svg width=\"" + Width + "\" height=\"" + Height + "\">\n"; double h = (box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y); string xTrans = (-box.Min.X).ToString(); string yTrans = (-box.Min.Y).ToString(); canvasString += "<g transform=\"translate(" + "0," + h + ") scale(1,-1) translate(" + xTrans + "," + yTrans + ")\">\n"; for (int i = 0; i < svgDocument.SVGObjects.Count; i++) { canvasString += ToSVGString((svgDocument.SVGObjects[i])); } canvasString += "</g>\n</svg>"; return(canvasString); }
public void SVGtoXPSWithXpsSaveOptionsTest() { // Prepare a path to a source SVG file string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "aspose.svg"); // Prepare a path for converted file saving string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "aspose-options.xps"); // Initialize an SVG document from the file using var document = new SVGDocument(documentPath); // Initialize XpsSaveOptions. Set up the page-size 500x500 pixels, margins, resolutions and change the background color to AliceBlue var options = new XpsSaveOptions() { HorizontalResolution = 200, VerticalResolution = 200, BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue }; options.PageSetup.AnyPage = new Page(new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Size(500, 500), new Margin(30, 10, 10, 10)); // Convert SVG to XPS Converter.ConvertSVG(document, options, savePath); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(OutputDir, "aspose-options.xps"))); }
public void SVGtoTIFFWithImageSaveOptionsTest() { // Prepare a path to a source SVG file string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "gradient.svg"); // Prepare a path for converted file saving string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "gradient-options.tiff"); // Initialize an SVG document from the file using var document = new SVGDocument(documentPath); // Initialize ImageSaveOptions. Set up the compression, resolutions, and change the background color to AliceBlue var options = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Tiff) { Compression = Compression.None, HorizontalResolution = 200, VerticalResolution = 200, BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue }; // Convert SVG to TIFF Converter.ConvertSVG(document, options, savePath); Assert.True(File.Exists(savePath)); }
public void SaveHTMLToSVGTest() { // Prepare an output path for a document saving string documentPath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "save-to-SVG.svg"); // Prepare SVG code var code = @" <svg xmlns='' height='200' width='300'> <g fill='none' stroke-width= '10' stroke-dasharray='30 10'> <path stroke='red' d='M 25 40 l 215 0' /> <path stroke='black' d='M 35 80 l 215 0' /> <path stroke='blue' d='M 45 120 l 215 0' /> </g> </svg>"; // Initialize an SVG instance from the content string using (var document = new SVGDocument(code, ".")) { // Save the SVG file to a disk document.Save(documentPath); Assert.True(document.QuerySelectorAll("path").Length > 2); } Assert.True(File.Exists(documentPath)); }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: 1 string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Convert(); string svgCode = "<svg viewBox='0 0 200 200' xmlns=''>" + "<style>" + "div {" + "color: white;" + "font: 18px serif;" + "height: 100%;" + "overflow: hidden;" + " }" + "</style>" + "<polygon points='5,5 195,10 185,185 10,195' />" + "<foreignObject x='20' y='20' width='160' height='160'>" + "<div xmlns=''>" + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." + "Sed mollis mollis mi ut ultricies. Nullam magna ipsum," + "porta vel dui convallis, rutrum imperdiet eros. Aliquam" + "erat volutpat." + "</div>" + "</foreignObject>" + "</svg>"; using (var document = new SVGDocument(svgCode, ".")) { using (var device = new ImageDevice(new ImageRenderingOptions(ImageFormat.Jpeg), dataDir + "SupportForHtmlContentInSVG_out.jpg")) { document.RenderTo(device); } } //ExEnd: 1 }
public void SVGtoJPGWithImageSaveOptionsTest() { // Prepare a path to a source SVG file string documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "flower.svg"); // Prepare a path for converted file saving string savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "flower-options.jpg"); // Initialize an SVG document from the file using var document = new SVGDocument(documentPath); // Initialize ImageSaveOptions. Set up the resolutions, SmoothingMode and change the background color to AliceBlue var options = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Jpeg) { SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality, HorizontalResolution = 200, VerticalResolution = 200, BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue }; // Convert SVG to JPG Converter.ConvertSVG(document, options, savePath); Assert.True(File.Exists(Path.Combine(OutputDir, "flower-options_1.jpg"))); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePath"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> protected override void Render(string sourcePath, IDevice device) { using (SVGDocument document = new SVGDocument(sourcePath)) { var renderer = new SvgRenderer(); renderer.Render(device, document); } }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: CreateEmptySVGDocument using (var document = new SVGDocument()) { // do some actions over the document here... } //ExEnd: CreateEmptySVGDocument }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: CreateSVGDocumentFromContent using (var document = new SVGDocument("<svg xmlns=''><circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40'/></svg>", ".")) { // do some actions over the document here... } //ExEnd: CreateSVGDocumentFromContent }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: LoadDocumentFromUrl using (var document = new SVGDocument("")) { // do some actions over the document here... } //ExEnd: LoadDocumentFromUrl }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: ViewDocumentContentAsString using (var document = new SVGDocument("")) { Console.WriteLine(document.DocumentElement.OuterHTML); } //ExEnd: ViewDocumentContentAsString }
// Constructor public PackedSvgDocRef(SVGDocument svgDoc, TextAsset txtAsset) { this.m_SvgDoc = svgDoc; this.m_TxtAsset = txtAsset; // SVGRenameImporter substitutes the ".svg" file extension with ".svg.txt" one (e.g. orc.svg --> orc.svg.txt) // Unity assets explorer does not show the last ".txt" postfix (e.g. in the editor we see orc.svg without the last .txt trait) // does not contain the last ".txt" trait, but it still contains the ".svg"; at this level, we want to remove even that this.m_Name =".svg", ""); this.m_RefCount = 0; }
/***************************************************/ public static BoundingBox Bounds(this SVGDocument svg) { if (svg == null) { BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot query the bounding box of a null SVG document."); return(null); } return(svg.Canvas); }
public void LoadSVGDocumentFromStringTest() { // Initialize an SVG document from the string object using (var document = new SVGDocument("<svg xmlns=''><circle cx='50' cy='50' r='40'/></svg>", ".")) { // Write the document content to the output stream Output.WriteLine(document.DocumentElement.OuterHTML); Assert.True(document.QuerySelectorAll("circle").Length > 0); } }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: LoadDocumentFromFile string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data(); using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg"))) { // do some actions over the document here... } //ExEnd: LoadDocumentFromFile }
void OnGUI() { _svgFile = (TextAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("SVG File", _svgFile, typeof(TextAsset), false); if (_svgFile != null && GUILayout.Button("SVG - OK")) { Debug.Log("Parse"); var svgdoc = new SVGDocument(_svgFile.text, null); //DumpISVGDrawable(svgdoc.RootElement); Debug.Log(svgdoc); } }
protected XmlDocument GetDocument() { SVGNode n = parent; while (n.parent != null) { n = n.parent; } SVGDocument doc = n as SVGDocument; return(doc.doc); }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: CSSSelector string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SVG(); using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg"))) { var element = document.QuerySelector("g > :last-child"); Console.WriteLine(element.OuterHTML); } //ExEnd: CSSSelector }
public ActionResult GenerateFromScratch(string widthStr, string heightStr, string fontColorStr, string bkColorStr) { //In this method, we demonstrate another technique for setting values of width and height var width = float.Parse(widthStr); var height = float.Parse(heightStr); //Creat new (empty) image var document = new SVGDocument(new Configuration()); //Adjast image size document.RootElement.Width.BaseVal.ValueAsString = widthStr; document.RootElement.Height.BaseVal.ValueAsString = heightStr; document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.X = 0; document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.Y = 0; document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.Width = width; document.RootElement.ViewBox.BaseVal.Height = height; var rect = document.CreateElementNS(SvgXmlns, "rect") as SVGRectElement; if (rect == null) { return(Content(document.RootElement.OuterHTML, ContentType)); } rect.Width.BaseVal.Value = width; rect.Height.BaseVal.Value = height; rect.Style.SetProperty("fill", "#" + bkColorStr, string.Empty); document.RootElement.AppendChild(rect); var text = document.CreateElementNS(SvgXmlns, "text") as SVGTextElement; if (text == null) { return(Content(document.RootElement.OuterHTML, ContentType)); } text.SetAttributeNS(null, "x", (width / 2).ToString()); text.SetAttributeNS(null, "y", (height / 2).ToString()); text.TextContent = $"{widthStr}x{heightStr}"; text.Style.SetProperty("font-family", "Arial", string.Empty); text.Style.SetProperty("font-weight", "bold", string.Empty); text.Style.SetProperty("dominant-baseline", "central", string.Empty); var fontSize = Math.Round(Math.Max(12, Math.Min(.75 * Math.Min(width, height), 0.75 * Math.Max(width, height) / 12))); text.Style.SetProperty("font-size", $"{fontSize}px", string.Empty); text.Style.SetProperty("fill", "#" + fontColorStr, string.Empty); text.Style.SetProperty("text-anchor", "middle", string.Empty); document.RootElement.AppendChild(text); return(Content(document.RootElement.OuterHTML, ContentType)); }
protected SVGElement GetBorderContainer(SVGDocument parentDocument, BorderDescription description) { var gBorderContainer = (SVGGElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "g"); gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke", description.StrokeColor); gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-width", GetCulturedString(description.Stroke)); gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"); gBorderContainer.SetAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round"); // Lines around content // ================================ // Border Line top var lineTop = (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line"); lineTop.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X)); lineTop.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y)); lineTop.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width)); lineTop.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y)); // Border Line right var lineRight = (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line"); lineRight.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width)); lineRight.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y)); lineRight.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width)); lineRight.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height)); // Border Line bottom var lineBottom = (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line"); lineBottom.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X + description.Width)); lineBottom.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height)); lineBottom.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X)); lineBottom.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height)); // Border Line left var lineLeft = (SVGLineElement)parentDocument.CreateElementNS("", "line"); lineLeft.SetAttribute("x1", GetCulturedString(description.X)); lineLeft.SetAttribute("y1", GetCulturedString(description.Y + description.Height)); lineLeft.SetAttribute("x2", GetCulturedString(description.X)); lineLeft.SetAttribute("y2", GetCulturedString(description.Y)); gBorderContainer.AppendChild(lineTop); gBorderContainer.AppendChild(lineRight); gBorderContainer.AppendChild(lineBottom); gBorderContainer.AppendChild(lineLeft); return(gBorderContainer); }
private static void ApplyFilter(string srcFile, string filterId, string outputFile) { //Create a new svg document using (var svgDoc = new SVGDocument()) { //Create an element <g> to which the filter will be applied. var g = svgDoc.CreateElementNS("", "g"); svgDoc.RootElement.AppendChild(g); using (var image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(srcFile)) { //Create <image> element var imageElement = (SVGImageElement)svgDoc.CreateElementNS("", "image"); imageElement.SetAttribute("href", srcFile); var w = image.Width; var h = image.Height; const int maxSize = 2000; var size = (float)Math.Max(w, h); if (size > maxSize) { w = (int)(maxSize * w / size); h = (int)(maxSize * h / size); } //Set the dimensions of <image> and <svg> elements to keep the original image size. imageElement.Height.BaseVal.ValueAsString = $"{h}px"; imageElement.Width.BaseVal.ValueAsString = $"{w}px"; svgDoc.RootElement.Height.BaseVal.ValueAsString = $"{h}px"; svgDoc.RootElement.Width.BaseVal.ValueAsString = $"{w}px"; //Append <image> into <g> element. g.AppendChild(imageElement); } //Load svg file which contains the list of available filters. //We use the filters.svg file as a repository because it is easy to edit and add new filters. using (var filtersStream = new FileStream("filters.svg", FileMode.Open)) using (var filtersDoc = new SVGDocument(filtersStream, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) { var filter = filtersDoc.GetElementById(filterId); svgDoc.RootElement.AppendChild(filter); g.SetAttribute("filter", $"url(#{filter.Id})"); var options = new ImageSaveOptions() { HorizontalResolution = 96, VerticalResolution = 96 }; options.PageSetup.Sizing = SizingType.FitContent; //Here we convert svg document with image and graphic filter to the result image file. Converter.ConvertSVG(svgDoc, options, outputFile); } } }
public static void ConvertSVGToTIFF() { //ExStart: ConvertSVGToTIFF string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data(); using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg"))) { using (var device = new ImageDevice(new ImageRenderingOptions(ImageFormat.Tiff), dataDir + "smiley_out.tiff")) { document.RenderTo(device); } } //ExEnd: ConvertSVGToTIFF }
internal string NewImage(UndirectedGraph <Pixel, TaggedUndirectedEdge <Pixel, EdgeTag> > g, Shapes shapes, string fileName = "image.svg") { svg = new SVGDocument(Width * scale + 1, Height * scale + 1); String data; Color color = new Color(); foreach (Shape shape in shapes) { data = "M "; Pixel lastPixel = null; for (int i = 0; i < shape.Count; i++) { ArrayList curve = ((Curve)shape[i]).CurveToPoints(); if (i != 0 && !curve[0].Equals(lastPixel)) // Corrige curvas que possa estar no sentido errado { curve.Reverse(); } Pixel pixel = curve[0] as Pixel; lastPixel = curve[curve.Count - 1] as Pixel; if (i == 0) { data += pixel.x + "," + pixel.y; } curve.Add(curve[curve.Count - 1]); data += CatmullRom2bezier(curve) + " "; color = ((Curve)shape[0]).Color; } svg.DrawPath(color, color, 0.01, data); } /* * foreach (var v in g.Vertices) * { * svg.DrawCircle(Color.Blue, * Color.Transparent, * 0, * v.x * 7 + 7 / 2, * v.y * 7 + 7 / 2, * 1); * }*/ //Retorna o nome do arquivo salvo svg.Save(fileName); return(fileName); }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: XPathQuery string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SVG(); using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg"))) { // Evaluate XPath expression var xpathResult = document.Evaluate("//rect[@x='100']", document, null, XPathResultType.Any, null); // Get the next evaluated node Console.WriteLine((xpathResult.IterateNext() as Element)?.OuterHTML); } //ExEnd: XPathQuery }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: 1 string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Save(); SVGDocument document = new SVGDocument(dataDir + "complex.svg"); SVGSaveOptions saveOptions = new SVGSaveOptions { VectorizeText = true }; document.Save(dataDir + @"vectorized_text_out.svg", saveOptions); //ExEnd: 1 }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: ConvertSVGFilesUsingRenderer string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data(); using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg"))) { using (SvgRenderer renderer = new SvgRenderer()) using (XpsDevice device = new XpsDevice(dataDir + "ConvertSVGFilesUsingRenderer_out.xps")) { renderer.Render(device, document); } } //ExEnd: ConvertSVGFilesUsingRenderer }
public static void Run() { //ExStart: InspectDocumentContent string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_SVG(); using (var document = new SVGDocument(Path.Combine(dataDir, "smiley.svg"))) { var svg = document.DocumentElement; var g = svg.GetElementsByTagName("g").First() as SVGGElement; var rect = g.FirstElementChild as SVGRectElement; Console.WriteLine(rect.Width); // 90% Console.WriteLine(rect.Height); // 90% } //ExEnd: InspectDocumentContent }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:1 // The path to the documents directory string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Data(); // Source SVG document SVGDocument svgDocument = new SVGDocument(dataDir + "input.svg"); // Initialize ImageSaveOptions ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Jpeg); // Output file path string outputFile = dataDir + "SVGtoImage_Output.jpeg"; // Convert SVG to Image Converter.ConvertSVG(svgDocument, options, outputFile); // ExEnd:1 }
public void DestroyAll(bool fullDestroy) { // set an empty sprite SpriteRenderer renderer = this.gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); if (renderer != null) renderer.sprite = null; // destroy SVG document, if loaded if (this.m_SvgDoc != null && fullDestroy) { this.m_SvgDoc.Dispose(); this.m_SvgDoc = null; } // destroy sprite if (this.m_Sprite != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR DestroyImmediate(this.m_Sprite); #else Destroy(this.m_Sprite); #endif this.m_Sprite = null; } // destroy texture if (this.m_Texture != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR DestroyImmediate(this.m_Texture); #else Destroy(this.m_Texture); #endif this.m_Texture = null; } }
/***********************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------- Methods: CreateEmptySVGDocument Use: tao 1 SVGDocument trong, day la buoc khoi dau cua viec bat dau phan tich va do du lieu vao trong 1 SVGDocument -------------------------------------------------------------*/ private void CreateEmptySVGDocument() { _svgDocument = new SVGDocument (this._SVGFile.text, this._graphics); }
void Reset() { if (this.RequirementsCheck()) { this.SVGFile = null; this.ScaleAdaption = SVGBackgroundScaleType.Horizontal; this.Size = 256; this.ClearColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); this.GenerateOnStart = true; this.Sliced = false; this.SlicedWidth = 256; this.SlicedHeight = 256; this.m_SvgDoc = null; this.m_Texture = null; this.m_Sprite = null; this.DestroyAll(true); } }
public uint[] Add(SVGDocument svgDoc, bool explodeGroup) { uint[] info = new uint[2]; // add an SVG document to the current packing task, and get back information about collected bounding boxes int err = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingAdd(svgDoc.Handle, explodeGroup ? AmanithSVG.SVGT_TRUE : AmanithSVG.SVGT_FALSE, info); // check for errors if (err != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR) { AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("SVGPacker.Begin error: ", err); return null; } // info[0] = number of collected bounding boxes // info[1] = the actual number of packed bounding boxes (boxes whose dimensions exceed the 'maxDimension' value specified to the svgtPackingBegin function, will be discarded) return info; }
private void LoadSVG() { // create and load SVG document this.m_SvgDoc = (this.SVGFile != null) ? SVGAssets.CreateDocument(this.SVGFile.text) : null; }
/* Draw an SVG document, on this drawing surface. First the drawing surface is cleared if a valid (i.e. not null) clear color is provided. Then the specified document, if valid, is drawn. It returns true if the operation was completed successfully, else false. */ public bool Draw(SVGDocument document, SVGColor clearColor, SVGRenderingQuality renderingQuality) { int err; // set clear color if (!this.SetClearColor(clearColor)) return false; if (document != null) { // update document viewport (AmanithSVG backend) if (!document.UpdateViewport()) return false; // update surface viewport (AmanithSVG backend) if (!this.UpdateViewport()) return false; // draw the document if ((err = AmanithSVG.svgtDocDraw(document.Handle, this.Handle, (uint)renderingQuality)) != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR) { AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("Surface draw error (drawing document): ", err); return false; } } return true; }