Esempio n. 1
        //This method will open a connection to the db and lookup all of the user's information
        //and stores it in a cookie that we can use later on throughout the site. This cookie
        //is requested on every page requiring security; if it does not exist, the user is
        //redirected to the login page.
        public void SetProfileCookie()
            SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("tracking");

            string sUserName;

            if (this.LoginID.StartsWith(sDomain))
                sUserName = this.LoginID.Substring(sDomain.Length);
                sUserName = this.LoginID;

            //Create the user profile cookie; this cookie will last longer than the security
            //cookie and contains information about the user.
            HttpCookie oCookie = new HttpCookie("UserProfile");

            SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection();

            oConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TRACKING_CONN_STRING"].ToString();

            SqlDataReader oReader = sql.Reader_from_PROCname("spGetUserProfile",
                                                             sql.CreateParam("UserName", sUserName, "text"));

            if (oReader.HasRows)
                oCookie.Values["StaffID"]        = oReader["StaffID"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["ActiveDirID"]    = oReader["ActDirID"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["StaffShortName"] = oReader["StaffShortName"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["FullName"]       = oReader["FullName"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["StaffInits"]     = oReader["StaffInits"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["Title"]          = oReader["Title"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["Active"]         = oReader["Active"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["ApptStaff"]      = oReader["ApptStaff"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["Clinician"]      = oReader["Clinician"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["StaffType"]      = oReader["StaffType"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["DefaultStudyID"] = oReader["DefaultStudyID"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["Status"]         = oReader["Status"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["EmailAddress"]   = oReader["Email"].ToString();
                oCookie.Values["PhoneNumber"]    = oReader["Phone_Work"].ToString();

            oCookie.Values["UserGroups"] = this.GetGroups();
            oCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(10);


            //This section will create a cookie especially for the ASP pages in the screening
            //section of the site. ASP does not know how to handle series of key/value pairs
            //as cookie data so we just give them one text-based cookie.
            oCookie         = new HttpCookie("ASPUserCookie");
            oCookie.Value   = "True";
            oCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(nSessionDuration);

