Esempio n. 1
    protected DataTable GetDetailDataTable(string schema, string master_tbl, string master_pk, string detail_tbl, string detail_pk, string linktable)
        SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("backend");

        string cols0 = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable("uwautism_research_backend", master_tbl, schema, true);
        string cols1 = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable("uwautism_research_backend", detail_tbl, schema, true);
        string cols2 = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable("uwautism_research_backend", linktable, schema, true);

        string cols = cols0 + cols1 + cols2;

        cols = cols.Replace(master_pk, "");
        cols = cols.Replace(detail_pk, "");

        cols = cols.Replace(", ,", ",");
        cols = cols.Replace(",,", ",");

        string where_clause = " where 1=1 ";

        string sqlcode = "select a." + master_pk + " as master_pk, b." + detail_pk + " as detail_pk, " + cols + " from " + schema + "." + master_tbl + " a " +
                         " join " + schema + "." + linktable + " b ON a." + master_pk + " = b." + master_pk +
                         " join " + schema + "." + detail_tbl + " c ON b." + detail_pk + " = c." + detail_pk + where_clause;

        sqlcode = sqlcode.Replace(", ,", ",");
        sqlcode = sqlcode.Replace(",,", ",");

        DataTable dt = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(sqlcode);

Esempio n. 2
    protected void UpdateData(string db, string tbl, string schema)
        string cols = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable(db, tbl, "dbo");
        string pk   = sql.GetPKForTable(db, tbl, "dbo");

        string insSQL = "INSERT INTO uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl + " (" + cols + ") " +
                        " select " + cols + " from " + db + ".." + tbl + " where " + pk + " not in " +
                        " (select " + pk + " from  uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl + " )";

        string delSQL = "DELETE FROM uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl +
                        "  where " + pk + " not in " +
                        " (select " + pk + " from  " + db + ".dbo." + tbl + " )";

        string updateCols = sql.GetUpdateSQLForAllColumnsInTable(db, tbl, "dbo", pk);
        string updatePKs  = sql.GetPKsOfUnequalRecords(db, tbl, schema);

        string updSQL = "UPDATE uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl + " set " +
                        updateCols + " from " + db + ".dbo." + tbl + " b" +
                        " where uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl + "." + pk + " = b." + pk +
                        " AND b." + pk + " IN (" + updatePKs + ")";

        sql.NonQuery_from_SQLstring("SET IDENTITY_INSERT uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl + " ON");
        sql.NonQuery_from_SQLstring("SET IDENTITY_INSERT uwacdb." + schema + "." + tbl + " OFF");

        sql.NonQuery_from_SQLstring("DISABLE TRIGGER ALL ON " + schema + "." + tbl);
        sql.NonQuery_from_SQLstring("ENABLE TRIGGER ALL ON " + schema + "." + tbl);

        // lblInfo.Text = updateCols;
Esempio n. 3
    protected void LoadMaster(string schema, string master_tbl, string master_pk, bool usestudy)
        SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("backend");

        string cols = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable("uwautism_research_backend", master_tbl, schema, true);

        cols = cols.Replace(master_pk + ",", "");

        string where_clause = " where 1=1 ";

        string study_clause = "";

        if (usestudy)
            study_clause = " and studyID = " + Master.Master_studyID.ToString();

        string sqlcode = "select " + master_pk + " as master_pk, " + cols + " from " + schema + "." + master_tbl + where_clause + study_clause;

        DataTable dt = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(sqlcode);

        ogrid.DataSource = dt;

        lblEntity.Text = master_tbl;

Esempio n. 4
    protected DataTable GetDetailDataTable(string schema, string master_tbl, string master_pk, string detail_tbl, string detail_pk, int master_pkvalue, bool usestudy)
        SQL_utils sql  = new SQL_utils("backend");
        string    cols = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable("uwautism_research_backend", detail_tbl, schema, true);

        cols = cols.Replace(master_pk + ",", "");
        cols = cols.Replace(detail_pk + ",", "");

        string where_clause = " where 1=1 ";

        string study_clause = "";

        //if (usestudy)
        //    study_clause = " and studyID = " + Master.Master_studyID.ToString();

        if (master_pkvalue > 0)
            where_clause += " and " + master_pk + " = " + master_pkvalue.ToString();

        string sqlcode = "select " + master_pk + " as master_pk, " + detail_pk + " as detail_pk, " + cols +
                         " from " + schema + "." + detail_tbl + where_clause + study_clause;

        DataTable dt = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(sqlcode);

Esempio n. 5
    protected void LoadDetail(string schema, string master_tbl, string master_pk, string detail_tbl, string detail_pk, int master_pkvalue, bool usestudy)
        int nselected = 0;

        if (ogrid.SelectedRecords != null)
            nselected = ogrid.SelectedRecords.Count;

        SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("backend");

        string cols = sql.GetAllColumnsInTable("uwautism_research_backend", detail_tbl, schema, true);

        cols = cols.Replace(master_pk + ",", "");
        cols = cols.Replace(detail_pk + ",", "");

        string where_clause = " where 1=1 ";

        string study_clause = "";

        //if (usestudy)
        //    study_clause = " and studyID = " + Master.Master_studyID.ToString();

        if (master_pkvalue > 0)
            where_clause += " and " + master_pk + " = " + master_pkvalue.ToString();

        string sqlcode = "select " + master_pk + " as master_pk, " + detail_pk + " as detail_pk, " + cols + " from " + schema + "." + detail_tbl + where_clause + study_clause;

        DataTable dt = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(sqlcode);

        ogrid_detail.DataSource = dt;

        lblEntity_detail.Text = detail_tbl; // +"   master_pk = " + master_pkvalue.ToString();

        lblOutput_detail.Text = "items for: " + master_pkvalue.ToString();

        ogrid_detail.Visible = true;
