private void LoadDatabase() { int k = Application.dataPath.LastIndexOf("/"); string path = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, k) + "/fm.xml"; List <TempItem> temp = new List <TempItem>(); SL.Load(ref temp, path); foreach (TempItem t in temp) { allFiles.Add(t.key, t.value); } temp.Clear(); if (Application.isEditor) { string resourcepath = Application.dataPath + @"/Resources/"; //Get All Files, TO DO Add resource path, strip resource path) string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(resourcepath, "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //Add new files foreach (string s in files) { string cut = s.Replace(resourcepath, ""); if (!allFiles.ContainsValue(cut)) { allFiles.Add(allFiles.Count + 1, cut); } } //Find all files to remove List <int> removes = new List <int>(); foreach (var v in allFiles) { string uncut = resourcepath + v.Value; if (!files.Contains(uncut)) { removes.Add(v.Key); } } //Remove Files foreach (int i in removes) { allFiles.Remove(i); } //Save foreach (var v in allFiles) { var t = new TempItem(); t.key = v.Key; t.value = v.Value; temp.Add(t); } temp.SaveFile(path); temp.Clear(); } }
public void loading() { _sl.Load(); }