internal static CigaretteExportForm GetCigaretteExportForm(Batch batch, InvoiceContent invoice, List <Ingredient> ingredients, string documentName, ref int subdocumentNo, ClearenceProcedure procedure)
            double _portion          = invoice.Quantity.Value / batch.FGQuantity.Value;
            CigaretteExportForm _ret = new CigaretteExportForm();

            if (batch == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Batch cannot be null");
            if (batch.SKUIndex == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("SKU in batch cannot be null");
            if (invoice == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Invoice cannot be null");
            _ret.DocumentNo = String.Format(GlobalDefinitions.CigaretteExportFormNamePatern, documentName, subdocumentNo++);
            _ret.DustKg     = (batch.Dust.GetValueOrDefault(-1) * _portion).RountMass();
            CountExportFormTotals(ingredients, _ret);
            _ret.Portion           = _portion;
            _ret.CustomsProcedure  = Entities.ToString(procedure);
            _ret.FinishedGoodBatch = batch.Batch0;
            //TODO Must be calculated depending on commodity or unit.
            _ret.FinishedGoodQantity        = invoice.Quantity.GetValueOrDefault(0);
            _ret.FinishedGoodUnit           = invoice.Units.GetLocalizedString();
            _ret.FinishedGoodSKU            = batch.SKUIndex.SKU;
            _ret.FinishedGoodSKUDescription = batch.SKUIndex.Title();
            _ret.MaterialTotal                 = (batch.Tobacco.GetValueOrDefault(-1) * _portion).RountMass();
            _ret.ProductFormat                 = batch.SKUIndex.FormatIndex.Title();
            _ret.CTFUsageMin                   = batch.CFTProductivityRateMin.GetValueOrDefault(-1) * 100;
            _ret.CTFUsageMax                   = batch.CFTProductivityRateMax.GetValueOrDefault(-1) * 100;
            _ret.CTFUsagePerUnitMin            = batch.CFTProductivityRateMin.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
            _ret.CTFUsagePerUnitMax            = batch.CFTProductivityRateMax.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
            _ret.CTFUsagePer1MFinishedGoodsMin = batch.CTFUsageMin.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
            _ret.CTFUsagePer1MFinishedGoodsMax = batch.CTFUsageMax.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
            _ret.WasteCoefficient              = batch.BatchWasteCooeficiency.GetValueOrDefault(-1) + batch.BatchDustCooeficiency.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
            switch (batch.ProductType.Value)
            case CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ProductType.Cutfiller:
                _ret.Product = xml.DocumentsFactory.CigaretteExportForm.ProductType.Cutfiller;

            case CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ProductType.Cigarette:
                SKUCigarette _skuCigarette = batch.SKUIndex as SKUCigarette;
                _ret.BrandDescription  = _skuCigarette.Brand;
                _ret.FamilyDescription = _skuCigarette.Family;
                _ret.Product           = xml.DocumentsFactory.CigaretteExportForm.ProductType.Cigarette;

                throw new ApplicationError("InvoiceLib.CigaretteExportForm", "Product", "Wrong ProductType", null);
            _ret.SHMentholKg = (batch.SHMenthol.GetValueOrDefault(-1) * _portion).RountMass();
            _ret.WasteKg     = (batch.Waste.GetValueOrDefault(-1) * _portion).RountMass();
            _ret.IPRRestMaterialQantityTotal = _ret.DustKg + _ret.SHMentholKg + _ret.WasteKg;
            _ret.TobaccoTotal = (_ret.IPTMaterialQuantityTotal + _ret.RegularMaterialQuantityTotal + _ret.IPRRestMaterialQantityTotal).RountMass();
Esempio n. 2
        private static SKUCigarette SKUCigarette(CigarettesMaterialxML xmlDocument, Document parent, Entities edc, List <String> warnings)
            bool         _menthol = xmlDocument.IsMenthol;
            SKUCigarette _ret     = new SKUCigarette()
                ProductType     = ProductType.Cigarette,
                Brand           = xmlDocument.Brand_Description,
                Family          = xmlDocument.Family_Des,
                Menthol         = xmlDocument.Menthol,
                MentholMaterial = _menthol,
                PrimeMarket     = xmlDocument.Prime_Market,

            if (!_ret.ProcessData(xmlDocument.Cigarette_Length, xmlDocument.Filter_Segment_Length, edc, warnings))
            SKUGetFromXML.UpdateSKUCommonPart(_ret, xmlDocument, parent);
Esempio n. 3
        public void CigaretteExportFormCollectionConstructorTest()
            double       _quantity = 1000;
            double       _portion  = 0.5;
            SKUCigarette _sku      = new SKUCigarette()
                FormatIndex = new Format()
                    Title = "Format title", CigaretteLenght = "100", FilterLenght = "20"
                Brand           = "Slims Menthol ",
                Family          = "Salem",
                CigaretteLenght = "99.00 mm ",
                FilterLenght    = "27.00 mm",
                IPRMaterial     = true,
                Menthol         = "M",
                MentholMaterial = true,
                PrimeMarket     = "PL",
                ProductType     = CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ProductType.Cigarette,
                SKU             = "12419574 ",
                Title           = "SKU SA MXSR  99 CPB 20  5000 05  N PL1"
            Batch _batch = new Batch()
                Batch0                  = "99999999",
                BatchLibraryIndex       = null,
                BatchStatus             = BatchStatus.Final,
                CalculatedOveruse       = 0,
                DustCooeficiencyVersion = 1,
                BatchDustCooeficiency   = 1,
                Dust = 1.1,
                FGQuantityAvailable      = 1000,
                FGQuantity               = _quantity,
                MaterialQuantity         = 5000.1234567,
                MaterialQuantityPrevious = 0,
                Overuse               = 0,
                ProductType           = CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ProductType.Cigarette,
                SHCooeficiencyVersion = 1,
                BatchSHCooeficiency   = 0.01234567,
                SHMenthol             = 1.3,
                SKU      = "SKU1234567890",
                SKUIndex = _sku,
                WasteCooeficiencyVersion = 1,
                Waste = 1.3,
                BatchWasteCooeficiency = 0.012345678,
                Title = "Testing batch"

            _batch.Tobacco = _batch.MaterialQuantity.Value - _batch.SHMenthol.Value - _batch.Dust.Value - _batch.Waste.Value;
            InvoiceContent invoice = new InvoiceContent()
                InvoiceContent2BatchIndex = _batch,
                InvoiceIndex         = null,
                ProductType          = CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ProductType.Cigarette,
                Quantity             = _quantity * _portion,
                SKUDescription       = _batch.SKU,
                InvoiceContentStatus = InvoiceContentStatus.OK,
                Title = "Testing Invoice",
                Units = "kU",
            List <CAS.SmartFactory.xml.DocumentsFactory.CigaretteExportForm.Ingredient> ingridients = new List <CAS.SmartFactory.xml.DocumentsFactory.CigaretteExportForm.Ingredient>();
            IPR _ipr1 = new IPR()
                AccountBalance   = 0,
                AccountClosed    = false,
                Batch            = "TobaccoBatch",
                Cartons          = 0,
                ClearenceIndex   = null,
                ClosingDate      = DateTime.Today,
                IPR2ConsentTitle = null,
                Currency         = "PLN",
                CustomsDebtDate  = DateTime.Today,
                DocumentNo       = "SADDocumentNomber",
                Duty             = 123.45,
                DutyName         = "DustyName",
                IPRDutyPerUnit   = 67.89,
                Grade            = "GradeName",
                GrossMass        = 12345.67,
                InvoiceNo        = "InvoiceNo",
                IPRLibraryIndex  = null,
                IPR2JSOXIndex    = null,
                NetMass          = 23456.78,
                OGLValidTo       = DateTime.Today + TimeSpan.FromDays(364),
                IPR2PCNPCN       = null,
                SKU                 = "IPR Tobacco SKU",
                TobaccoName         = "TobaccoName",
                TobaccoNotAllocated = 9876.54,
                IPRUnitPrice        = 5.67,
                Title               = "Testing IPR",
                Value               = 89012.34,
                VAT                 = 56.78,
                VATName             = "VATName",
                IPRVATPerUnit       = 9.12
            IPR _ipr2 = new IPR()
                AccountBalance   = 0,
                AccountClosed    = false,
                Batch            = "TobaccoBatch",
                Cartons          = 0,
                ClearenceIndex   = null,
                ClosingDate      = DateTime.Today,
                IPR2ConsentTitle = null,
                Currency         = "USD",
                CustomsDebtDate  = DateTime.Today,
                DocumentNo       = "SADDocumentNomber",
                Duty             = 123.45,
                DutyName         = "DustyName",
                IPRDutyPerUnit   = 67.89,
                Grade            = "GradeName",
                GrossMass        = 12345.67,
                InvoiceNo        = "InvoiceNo",
                IPRLibraryIndex  = null,
                IPR2JSOXIndex    = null,
                NetMass          = 23456.78,
                OGLValidTo       = DateTime.Today + TimeSpan.FromDays(364),
                IPR2PCNPCN       = null,
                SKU                 = "IPR Tobacco SKU",
                TobaccoName         = "TobaccoName",
                TobaccoNotAllocated = 9876.54,
                IPRUnitPrice        = 5.67,
                Title               = "Testing IPR",
                Value               = 89012.34,
                VAT                 = 56.78,
                VATName             = "VATName",
                IPRVATPerUnit       = 9.12
            Disposal _disposal1 = new Disposal()
                Disposal2BatchIndex     = _batch,
                Disposal2ClearenceIndex = null,
                ClearingType            = CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ClearingType.PartialWindingUp,
                CustomsProcedure        = "5100",
                CustomsStatus           = CustomsStatus.NotStarted,
                DisposalStatus          = DisposalStatus.TobaccoInCigaretes,
                DutyAndVAT              = 123.4321,
                DutyPerSettledAmount    = 345.6789,
                IPRDocumentNo           = null,
                InvoiceNo               = "InvoiceNomber",
                Disposal2IPRIndex       = _ipr1,
                JSOXCustomsSummaryIndex = null,
                Disposal2MaterialIndex  = null,
                SPNo = 7.8,
                RemainingQuantity   = 0,
                SADDate             = new Nullable <DateTime>(),
                SADDocumentNo       = "N/A",
                SettledQuantity     = 9.12,
                TobaccoValue        = 34.567,
                Title               = "Testing disposal",
                VATPerSettledAmount = 78.901,
            Disposal _disposal2 = new Disposal()
                Disposal2BatchIndex     = _batch,
                Disposal2ClearenceIndex = null,
                ClearingType            = CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.ClearingType.PartialWindingUp,
                CustomsProcedure        = "5100",
                CustomsStatus           = CustomsStatus.NotStarted,
                DisposalStatus          = DisposalStatus.TobaccoInCigaretes,
                DutyAndVAT              = 123.4567,
                DutyPerSettledAmount    = 345.67891234,
                IPRDocumentNo           = null,
                InvoiceNo               = "InvoiceNomber",
                Disposal2IPRIndex       = _ipr2,
                JSOXCustomsSummaryIndex = null,
                Disposal2MaterialIndex  = null,
                SPNo = 7.8,
                RemainingQuantity   = 0,
                SADDate             = new Nullable <DateTime>(),
                SADDocumentNo       = "N/A",
                SettledQuantity     = 9.12345678,
                TobaccoValue        = 34.56789012,
                Title               = "Testing disposal",
                VATPerSettledAmount = 78.9012345,
            CutfillerCoefficient _cc = new CutfillerCoefficient
                CFTProductivityNormMax = 995,
                CFTProductivityNormMin = 985,
                CFTProductivityRateMax = 0.995,
                CFTProductivityRateMin = 0.985

            ingridients.Add(new CAS.SmartFactory.xml.DocumentsFactory.CigaretteExportForm.RegularIngredient("Reg Batch 54321", "Reg SKU 12345", 1234.56789));
            //string _masterDocumentName = "CigaretteExportFormCollection";
            //string _invoiceNumber = "INV987654";
            //int _position = 1;
            //List<XmlCigaretteExportForm> cigaretteExportFormList = new List<XmlCigaretteExportForm>();
            //CigaretteExportForm _cigaretteExportForm = FinishedGoodsFormFactory.GetCigaretteExportForm( _cc, _batch, invoice, 0.5, ingridients, _masterDocumentName, ref _position, ClearenceProcedure._3151 );
            //cigaretteExportFormList.Add( _cigaretteExportForm );
            //_cigaretteExportForm = FinishedGoodsFormFactory.GetCigaretteExportForm( _cc, _batch, invoice, 0.5, ingridients, _masterDocumentName, ref _position, ClearenceProcedure._4071 );
            //cigaretteExportFormList.Add( _cigaretteExportForm );
            //CigaretteExportFormCollection target = FinishedGoodsFormFactory.GetCigaretteExportFormCollection( cigaretteExportFormList, _masterDocumentName, _invoiceNumber );
            //XmlSerializer _srlzr = new XmlSerializer( typeof( CigaretteExportFormCollection ) );
            //XmlWriterSettings _setting = new XmlWriterSettings()
            //  Indent = true,
            //  IndentChars = "  ",
            //  NewLineChars = "\r\n"
            //using ( XmlWriter file = XmlWriter.Create( _masterDocumentName + ".xml", _setting ) )
            //  file.WriteProcessingInstruction( "xml-stylesheet", "type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"CigaretteExportFormCollection.xslt\"" );
            //  _srlzr.Serialize( file, target );
            //  Assert.IsTrue( true, "Success" );