public void WithoutError() { const string output = ""; var messages = RustcMessageJsonParser.Parse(output).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(0, messages.Count); }
public void FileNotFound() { const string output = "{\"message\":\"couldn't read \\\"\\\": file" + " not found. (os error 2)\",\"code\":null,\"level\":\"error" + "\",\"spans\":[],\"children\":[],\"rendered\":null}\n"; var messages = RustcMessageJsonParser.Parse(output).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, messages.Count); Assert.AreEqual(RustcMessageType.Error, messages[0].GetLevelAsEnum()); }
public void NoMain() { const string output = "{\"message\":\"main function not found\",\"code\":null" + ",\"level\":\"error\",\"spans\":[],\"children\":[],\"rendered\":null" + "}\n{\"message\":\"aborting due to previous error\",\"code\":null,\"level" + "\":\"error\",\"spans\":[],\"children\":[],\"rendered\":null}\n"; var messages = RustcMessageJsonParser.Parse(output).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, messages.Count); }
public void WithWarning() { const string output = "{\"message\":\"unused variable: `x`, #[warn" + "(unused_variables)] on by default\",\"code\":null,\"level\":\"war" + "ning\",\"spans\":[{\"file_name\":\"\",\"byte_start\":498,\"by" + "te_end\":499,\"line_start\":12,\"line_end\":12,\"column_start\":9,\"c" + "olumn_end\":10,\"is_primary\":true,\"text\":[{\"text\":\" let x " + "= 42;\\r\",\"highlight_start\":9,\"highlight_end\":10}],\"label\":nu" + "ll,\"suggested_replacement\":null,\"expansion\":null}],\"chil" + "dren\":[],\"rendered\":null}\n"; var messages = RustcMessageJsonParser.Parse(output).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, messages.Count); Assert.AreEqual(RustcMessageType.Warning, messages[0].GetLevelAsEnum()); var span = messages[0].GetPrimarySpan(); Assert.NotNull(span); Assert.True(span.is_primary); }
private bool ExecuteInner() { var useJsonErrorFormat = rustcVersion.Major >= 1 && rustcVersion.Minor >= 12; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (ConfigFlags.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" --cfg {0}", String.Join(",", ConfigFlags)); } if (AdditionalLibPaths.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" -L {0}", String.Join(",", AdditionalLibPaths)); } if (CrateType.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" --crate-type {0}", String.Join(",", CrateType)); } if (Emit.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" --emit {0}", String.Join(",", Emit)); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CrateName)) { sb.AppendFormat(" --crate-name {0}", CrateName); } if (DebugInfo) { sb.AppendFormat(" -g"); } if (OutputFile != null) { sb.AppendFormat(" -o {0}", OutputFile); } if (optimizationLevel.HasValue) { sb.AppendFormat(" -C opt-level={0}", Shared.OptimizationLevelExtension.Parse(OptimizationLevel.ToString()).ToBuildString()); } if (OutputDirectory != null) { sb.AppendFormat(" --out-dir {0}", OutputDirectory); } if (test.HasValue && test.Value) { sb.Append(" --test"); } if (TargetTriple != null && !String.Equals(TargetTriple, Shared.Environment.DefaultTarget, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { sb.AppendFormat(" --target {0}", TargetTriple); } if (LintsAsWarnings.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" -W {0}", String.Join(",", LintsAsWarnings)); } if (LintsAsAllowed.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" -A {0}", String.Join(",", LintsAsAllowed)); } if (LintsAsDenied.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" -D {0}", String.Join(",", LintsAsDenied)); } if (LintsAsForbidden.Length > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" -F {0}", String.Join(",", LintsAsForbidden)); } if (lto.HasValue && lto.Value) { sb.AppendFormat(" -C lto"); } if (CodegenOptions != null) { sb.AppendFormat(" -C {0}", CodegenOptions); } if (useJsonErrorFormat) { sb.Append(" --error-format=json"); } sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", Input); var process = CreateProcess(sb.ToString()); Log.LogCommandLine(String.Join(" ", process.StartInfo.FileName, process.StartInfo.Arguments)); try { StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); using (AutoResetEvent errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { errorWaitHandle.Set(); } else { error.AppendLine(e.Data); } }; process.Start(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(); } string errorOutput = error.ToString(); // We found some warning or errors in the output, print them out IEnumerable <RustcMessageHuman> messagesHuman = null; IEnumerable <RustcMessageJson> messageJson = null; bool haveAnyMessages = false; if (useJsonErrorFormat) { messageJson = RustcMessageJsonParser.Parse(errorOutput); foreach (var msg in messageJson) { LogRustcMessage(msg, WorkingDirectory, Log); haveAnyMessages = true; } } else { messagesHuman = RustcMessageHumanParser.Parse(errorOutput); foreach (var msg in messagesHuman) { LogRustcMessage(msg); haveAnyMessages = true; } } // rustc failed but we couldn't sniff anything from stderr // this could be an internal compiler error or a missing main() function (there are probably more errors without spans) if (process.ExitCode != 0 && !haveAnyMessages) { // FIXME: This automatically sets the file to VisualRust.Rust.targets. Is there a way to set no file instead? this.Log.LogError(errorOutput); return(false); } return(process.ExitCode == 0); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogErrorFromException(ex, true); return(false); } }