public async Task SpawnPlayer(SpawnAction spawnAction) { bool res; string responseString; if (_interpolator != null) { try { res = _gameLogic.IsPlayerSpawned(spawnAction.Username); if (!res) { _gameLogic.HandleSpawnPlayer(spawnAction.Username, spawnAction.PlayerClass); } responseString = res ? "Player Already Spawned." : "Player wasnt already spawned. Added Player to spawn queue."; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); responseString = e.ToString(); } } else { responseString = "Error: Interpolator not setup"; } await Clients.Caller.ReceiveString(responseString); }
public static UnitAction ActionFromJson(JsonElement elem) { JsonElement jsonData = elem.GetProperty(nameof(JsonData)); string unitGuid = elem.GetProperty(nameof(UnitGuid)).GetString(); string unitActionType = jsonData.GetProperty("UnitActionType").GetString(); switch (unitActionType) { case nameof(MoveAction): return(MoveAction.FromJson(unitGuid, jsonData)); case nameof(FightAction): return(FightAction.FromJson(unitGuid, jsonData)); case nameof(SpawnAction): return(SpawnAction.FromJson(unitGuid, jsonData)); case nameof(DieAction): // Do nothing for now. If a unit dies, it was probably the // result of some other action (fight, etc) // therefore, we don't need to DieAction because it will happen // automatically default: throw Global.Error(string.Format("{0} is not a valid UnitActionType", unitActionType)); } }
public void Test_ShouldSpawnStructure_WhenExecuteInvoked(int x, int y) { // Arrange Mock <EntitySpawner> spawner = new Mock <EntitySpawner>(MockBehavior.Loose, new object[] { gameController }); spawner.Setup(entitySpawner => entitySpawner.SpawnStructure(It.IsAny <Coords>(), It.IsAny <IStructure <IStructureDef> >())).Verifiable(); gameController.Spawner = spawner.Object; Coords coords = new Coords() { x = x, y = y }; BuildingDef buildingDef = Mock.Of <BuildingDef>(); Mock <SpawnActionDef> actionDef = new Mock <SpawnActionDef>(new object[] { (uint)10, "image", buildingDef }); actionDef.SetupGet(def => def.SpawnableDef).Returns(() => buildingDef); Mock <ITargetable> target = new Mock <ITargetable>(); target.Setup(targetable => targetable.FloatCoords).Returns(() => (FloatCoords)coords); SpawnAction spawnAction = new SpawnAction(actionDef.Object, gameController, factionController); // Act spawnAction.Execute(target.Object); // Assert spawner.VerifyAll(); }
public static SpawnAction FromJson(string unitGuid, JsonElement jsonData) { SpawnAction action = new SpawnAction(); JsonElement spawnWorldPosition = jsonData.GetProperty(nameof(SpawnWorldPosition)); JsonElement unitType = jsonData.GetProperty(nameof(UnitType)); float x = spawnWorldPosition.GetProperty("x").GetSingle(); float y = spawnWorldPosition.GetProperty("x").GetSingle(); action.UnitGuid = unitGuid; action.SpawnWorldPosition = new Vector2(x, y); action.UnitType = unitType.GetString(); return(action); }
protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); m_SpawnAction = (SpawnAction)m_Action; m_ModelProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Model"); m_SpawnMethodProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnMethod"); m_EffectProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Effect"); m_SpawnAreaShapeProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnAreaShape"); m_SpawnAreaCenterProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnAreaCenter"); m_SpawnAreaSizeProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnAreaSize"); m_SpawnAreaRadiusProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnAreaRadius"); m_SnapToGroundProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SnapToGround"); m_SpawnOrientationTypeProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnOrientationType"); m_SpawnOrientationProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpawnOrientation"); m_CollideProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Collide"); m_BuildTimeProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_BuildTime"); }
public static List <UnitAction> TransformFromJson(List <JsonElement> unitActions) { List <UnitAction> actions = new List <UnitAction>(); foreach (JsonElement elem in unitActions) { JsonElement jsonData = elem.GetProperty(nameof(JsonData)); string unitGuid = elem.GetProperty(nameof(UnitGuid)).GetString(); string unitActionType = jsonData.GetProperty("UnitActionType").GetString(); switch (unitActionType) { case nameof(MoveAction): actions.Add(MoveAction.FromJson(unitGuid, jsonData)); break; case nameof(FightAction): actions.Add(FightAction.FromJson(unitGuid, jsonData)); break; case nameof(SpawnAction): actions.Add(SpawnAction.FromJson(unitGuid, jsonData)); break; case nameof(DieAction): // Do nothing for now. If a unit dies, it was probably the // result of some other action (fight, etc) // therefore, we don't need to DieAction because it will happen // automatically break; default: throw Global.Error(string.Format("{0} is not a valid UnitActionType", unitActionType)); } } return(actions); }
public static async Task Exec(GameScene scene, SpawnAction act, Tween tween) { await new SpawnAct(scene, act, tween).Exec(); }
private SpawnAct(GameScene scene, SpawnAction action, Tween tween) { _scene = scene; _act = action; _tween = tween; }
private GameObject GetHighlight(int step) { ZAction = null; XAction = null; HighlightedIndex += step; if (HighlightedIndex >= IM.ItemList.Count) { HighlightedIndex = -IM.IngredientSpawners.Count; } else if (HighlightedIndex < -IM.IngredientSpawners.Count) { HighlightedIndex = IM.ItemList.Count - 1; } if (HighlightedIndex >= 0) { if (!PlayerRef.IsHolding) { PrepareAction prepAction = null; if (IM.ItemList[HighlightedIndex].MyItemType == ItemType.INGREDIENT) { foreach (int boardID in IM.BoardIndexList) { Board b = IM.ItemList[boardID] as Board; if (b.HoldingItem != null && b.HoldingItem.ID == HighlightedIndex) { prepAction = new PrepareAction(boardID); XAction = prepAction; break; } } } PickUpAction puAction = new PickUpAction(HighlightedIndex); if (puAction.isValid(CurrentState)) { ZAction = puAction; } else { puAction = null; } if (puAction != null || prepAction != null) { return(IM.ItemList[HighlightedIndex].gameObject); } else { return(GetHighlight(step)); } } else { SubmitOrderAction soAction = new SubmitOrderAction(); if (soAction.isValid(CurrentState)) { XAction = soAction; } DropOffAction doAction = new DropOffAction(HighlightedIndex); if (doAction.isValid(CurrentState)) { ZAction = doAction; return(IM.ItemList[HighlightedIndex].gameObject); } TransferAction transAction = new TransferAction(HighlightedIndex); if (transAction.isValid(CurrentState)) { ZAction = transAction; return(IM.ItemList[HighlightedIndex].gameObject); } return(GetHighlight(step)); } } else { int spawnerIndex = ~HighlightedIndex; SpawnAction sAction = new SpawnAction(IM.IngredientSpawners[spawnerIndex].MyIngredientType); if (sAction.isValid(CurrentState)) { ZAction = sAction; return(IM.IngredientSpawners[spawnerIndex].gameObject); } else { return(GetHighlight(step)); } } }
private void ApplyAction(Action a) { if (a is SpawnAction) { SpawnAction spawn = a as SpawnAction; IngredientSpawner spawner = IM.IngredientSpawners.Find(x => x.SpawnedIngredients.Exists(y => !y.IsSpawned && y.MyIngredientType == spawn.spawnType)); HighlightedObject = spawner.gameObject; } if (a is PickUpAction) { PickUpAction pickup = a as PickUpAction; HighlightedObject = IM.ItemList[].gameObject; } if (a is DropOffAction) { DropOffAction dropOff = a as DropOffAction; HighlightedObject = IM.ItemList[].gameObject; } if (a is TransferAction) { TransferAction transfer = a as TransferAction; HighlightedObject = IM.ItemList[].gameObject; } if (a is PrepareAction) { PrepareAction prep = a as PrepareAction; HighlightedObject = IM.ItemList[].gameObject; } if (a is SubmitOrderAction) { HighlightedObject = IM.SubmittedTableRef.gameObject; } if (a is IdleAction) { HighlightedObject = PlayerStartLocation; Highlighter.transform.position = new Vector3( HighlightedObject.transform.position.x, Highlighter.transform.position.y, HighlightedObject.transform.position.z); PlayerRef.transform.position = Vector3.right * Highlighter.transform.position.x + Vector3.forward * Highlighter.transform.position.z; } else { Highlighter.transform.position = new Vector3( HighlightedObject.transform.position.x, Highlighter.transform.position.y, HighlightedObject.transform.position.z); PlayerRef.transform.position = Vector3.right * Highlighter.transform.position.x + Vector3.forward * (Highlighter.transform.position.z + 1); } Debug.Log("Applying action: " + a.ToString(CurrentState)); if (!a.isValid(CurrentState)) { Debug.LogError("Action is not valid. Ignoring."); return; } CurrentState = a.ApplyAction(CurrentState); IM.LoadWorldState(CurrentState); Debug.Log("Action applied. History size: " + observedStates.Count); Debug.Log(CurrentHeuristic + " = " + CurrentHeuristic.GetHeuristic(CurrentState)); }
/// <summary> /// Used to get all of the valid actions for the current state /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List <Action> GetValidActions(AIState state) { List <Action> validActions = new List <Action>(); //Waiting around validActions.Add(new IdleAction()); //Things you can do when your hands are free if (state.CurrentPlayerState.HandsFree()) { //Spawning items foreach (IngredientType type in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(IngredientType))) { SpawnAction spawnAction = new SpawnAction(type); if (spawnAction.isValid(state)) { validActions.Add(spawnAction); } } PickUpAction pickupAction; //Picking up everything //Ingredients foreach (int ingredientID in state.IngredientStateIndexList) { IngredientState ingredient = state.ItemStateList[ingredientID] as IngredientState; if (ingredient.IsSpawned && !ingredient.IsInMeal) { pickupAction = new PickUpAction(ingredient.ID); validActions.Add(pickupAction); } } //Pots foreach (int potID in state.PotStateIndexList) { PotState pot = state.ItemStateList[potID] as PotState; pickupAction = new PickUpAction(pot.ID); validActions.Add(pickupAction); } //Plates foreach (int plateID in state.PlateStateIndexList) { PlateState plate = state.ItemStateList[plateID] as PlateState; pickupAction = new PickUpAction(plate.ID); validActions.Add(pickupAction); } PrepareAction prepAction; foreach (int boardID in state.BoardStateIndexList) { BoardState bState = state.ItemStateList[boardID] as BoardState; if (!bState.IsFree()) { IngredientState iState = state.ItemStateList[bState.HoldingItemID] as IngredientState; if (iState != null && !iState.IsPrepared) { prepAction = new PrepareAction(boardID); validActions.Add(prepAction); } } } } //Things you can do when you have something in hand else { DropOffAction dropoffAction; TransferAction transferAction; ItemState itemState = state.ItemStateList[state.CurrentPlayerState.HoldingItemID]; ItemType type = itemState.MyItemType; if (type == ItemType.INGREDIENT) { //Putting things on the table foreach (int tableID in state.TableStateIndexList) { TableSpace table = state.ItemStateList[tableID] as TableSpace; if (table.IsFree()) { dropoffAction = new DropOffAction(table.ID); validActions.Add(dropoffAction); } } //Moving ingredients to a cutting board foreach (int boardID in state.BoardStateIndexList) { BoardState board = state.ItemStateList[boardID] as BoardState; if (board.IsFree()) { dropoffAction = new DropOffAction(board.ID); validActions.Add(dropoffAction); } } if ((itemState as IngredientState).IsPrepared) { //Moving ingredients to a pot foreach (int potID in state.PotStateIndexList) { PotState pot = state.ItemStateList[potID] as PotState; MealState meal = state.ItemStateList[pot.mealID] as MealState; if (meal.MealSize() + 1 <= PotState.MAX_ITEMS_PER_POT && !meal.IsBurnt()) { dropoffAction = new DropOffAction(pot.ID); validActions.Add(dropoffAction); } } //Moving ingredients to a plate foreach (int plateID in state.PlateStateIndexList) { PlateState plate = state.ItemStateList[plateID] as PlateState; MealState meal = state.ItemStateList[plate.mealID] as MealState; if (!plate.IsSubmitted && !meal.IsBurnt()) { dropoffAction = new DropOffAction(plate.ID); validActions.Add(dropoffAction); } } } } if (type == ItemType.POT) { PotState pot = itemState as PotState; MealState meal = state.ItemStateList[pot.mealID] as MealState; //Putting the pot on the table foreach (int tableID in state.TableStateIndexList) { TableSpace table = state.ItemStateList[tableID] as TableSpace; if (table.IsFree()) { dropoffAction = new DropOffAction(table.ID); validActions.Add(dropoffAction); } } //Moving meal to a pot transferAction = new TransferAction(Item.NOTHING_ID); foreach (int potID in state.PotStateIndexList) { = potID; if (transferAction.isValid(state)) { validActions.Add(transferAction); transferAction = new TransferAction(Item.NOTHING_ID); } } //Moving the meal to another plate foreach (int plateID in state.PlateStateIndexList) { = plateID; if (transferAction.isValid(state)) { validActions.Add(transferAction); transferAction = new TransferAction(Item.NOTHING_ID); } } } if (type == ItemType.PLATE) { PlateState plate = itemState as PlateState; //Putting things on the table foreach (int tableID in state.TableStateIndexList) { TableSpace table = state.ItemStateList[tableID] as TableSpace; if (table.IsFree()) { dropoffAction = new DropOffAction(table.ID); validActions.Add(dropoffAction); } } //If the plate is non-empty MealState heldMeal = state.ItemStateList[plate.mealID] as MealState; if (heldMeal.IsSpawned()) { //Submitting the meal if (heldMeal.IsCooked()) { SubmitOrderAction submitAction = new SubmitOrderAction(); validActions.Add(submitAction); } //Moving meal to a pot transferAction = new TransferAction(Item.NOTHING_ID); foreach (int potID in state.PotStateIndexList) { = potID; if (transferAction.isValid(state)) { validActions.Add(transferAction); transferAction = new TransferAction(Item.NOTHING_ID); } } //Moving the meal to another plate foreach (int plateID in state.PlateStateIndexList) { = plateID; if (transferAction.isValid(state)) { validActions.Add(transferAction); transferAction = new TransferAction(Item.NOTHING_ID); } } } } } return(validActions); }