public List<RowEntity> GenReflectElements() { List<RowEntity> list = new List<RowEntity>(); if (this.Entity == null) { this.Entity = System.Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); } int index = 1; Type type = typeof(T); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties()) { if (this.ignoreFields.Contains(pi.Name)) { continue; } RowEntity row = new RowEntity(); list.Add(row); object[] objs = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true); string descName = objs.Length > 0 ? ((DescriptionAttribute)objs[0]).Description : pi.Name; row.Key = pi.Name; row.Name = descName; row.Value = pi.GetValue(this.Entity, null) ?? string.Empty; row.Index = index++; row.Type = ControlType.TEXT_BOX; if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { row.Type = ControlType.DATE_TIME; } row.DataType = pi.PropertyType; } return list; }
public void Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <RowEntity> rowList = new List <RowEntity>(); int j = 0; float f = 100F / this.testCase.StepList.Count; this.tableLayoutPanel2.RowStyles[0].Height = f; this.Height = this.firstHeight + rowHeght * this.testCase.StepList.Count; this.tableLayoutPanel2.RowCount = this.testCase.StepList.Count; for (int i = 1; i < this.testCase.StepList.Count; i++) { this.tableLayoutPanel2.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, f)); } int index = 1; foreach (var step in this.testCase.StepList) { RowEntity rowEntity = new RowEntity(); rowEntity.DisplayMember = "Model"; rowEntity.Name = step.Name; List <object> stepDevList = this.deviceList.Where(s => s.AgentType.Equals(step.AgentType)).ToList <object>(); UCRowComboBox row = new UCRowComboBox(rowEntity, stepDevList); row.IsHideThirdRow = true; if (this.testCase.StepList.Count == index) { row.ComBoxDockStyle = DockStyle.Top; } else { row.ComBoxDockStyle = DockStyle.Bottom; } index++; this.tableLayoutPanel2.Controls.Add(row, 0, j++); } }
public UCProjectRowComboBox(RowEntity row, List <object> list) { InitializeComponent(); this.row = row; this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.label1.Text = row.Name + ":"; this.comboBox1.DataSource = list; if (row.Value != null) { this.comboBox1.Text = row.Value.ToString(); } else if (list.Count > 0) { this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = row.DisplayMember; if (list.Count == 1) { this.comboBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; this.label1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; } else { this.comboBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; } }
public UCProjectRowComboBox(RowEntity row) { InitializeComponent(); this.row = row; this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.label1.Text = row.Name + ":"; }
private void GetStepDevice(Control control) { if (control is UCRowComboBox) { UCRowComboBox row = control as UCRowComboBox; RowEntity entity = row.GetRow(); if (entity.Value != null) { Step step = this.testCase.StepList.Where(s => s.Name == entity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (step != null) { TestDevice testDevice = (TestDevice)entity.Value; step.TestDeviceId = testDevice.Id; step.TestDeviceModel = testDevice.Model; } } } else if (control.HasChildren) { foreach (Control item in control.Controls) { GetStepDevice(item); } } }
public UCRowDateTime(RowEntity row) { InitializeComponent(); this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.label1.Text = row.Name + ":"; this.dateTimePicker1.Text = row.Value.ToString(); this.row = row; }
public UCRowTextBox(RowEntity row) { InitializeComponent(); this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.label1.Text = row.Name + ":"; this.textBox1.Text = row.Value.ToString(); this.row = row; }
public void DisplayDirectory(FileSystemNode node) { Blank(); TryGetFiles(node.FullPath)?.ToList().ForEach(f => { var add = new RowEntity(); add.TrySetMember(Column(0).BindName, f); AddRow(add); }); }
private void FillTableList(List <List <object> > queryResult) { tableListOperator.Blank(); queryResult.ForEach(row => { var addRow = new RowEntity(); addRow.TrySetMember(@"TableName", row[0].ToString()); tableListOperator.AddRow(addRow); }); tableListOperator.Refresh(); }
private void CellChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e) { try { DataGrid senderObj = sender as DataGrid; RowEntity senderRow = senderObj.SelectedItem as RowEntity; object path = null; if (senderRow.TryGetMember(@"FileName", out path)) { text.Text = path as string; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public TableLayoutPanel AddOrRemoveRows(RowEntity entity) { int listSize = entity.List.Count; int rowCount = _layout.RowCount; if (entity.Operation == RowEnum.Add && listSize > rowCount) { AddRow(listSize - rowCount); } else if (entity.Operation == RowEnum.Delete && listSize < rowCount) { RemoveRows(rowCount - listSize); } _layout.AutoScroll = true; return(_layout); }
public void DisplayNode(NodeEntity arg) { Blank(); foreach (AttributeEntity a in arg.GetAttrList()) { RowEntity add = new RowEntity(); add.TrySetMember(Column(0).GetBindName(), a.GetAttrName()); add.TrySetMember(Column(1).GetBindName(), a.GetAttrValue()); AddRow(add); } RowEntity nodeValue = new RowEntity(); nodeValue.TrySetMember(Column(0).GetBindName(), @"Node Value"); nodeValue.TrySetMember(Column(1).GetBindName(), arg.GetNodeValue()); AddRow(nodeValue); Refresh(); }
public void DisplayDirectory(FileSystemNode arg) { Blank(); IEnumerable <string> files = TryGetFiles(arg.GetPath()); if (files == null) { return; } foreach (string item in files) { RowEntity add = new RowEntity(); add.TrySetMember(Column(0).GetBindName(), item); AddRow(add); } Refresh(); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _list.Add("row " + _list.Count); RowEntity row = new RowEntity(); row.List = _list; row.Operation = RowEnum.Add; TableLayoutPanel temp = (TableLayoutPanel)pnlTableHolder.Controls[0]; DynamicTableHelper control = new DynamicTableHelper(temp); temp = control.AddOrRemoveRows(row); pnlTableHolder.Controls.Remove(tblMain); pnlTableHolder.Controls.Add(temp); //we will get the no. of rows directly from the table //to ascertain that rows have been added correctly lblRowCount.Text = "No. of rows " + temp.RowCount; }
public void Show(SqliteAccessor accessor) { if (0 == accessor.QueryResultAttributes.Count || 0 == accessor.QueryResult.Count) { return; } accessor.QueryResultAttributes.ForEach(a => dataGridOperator.AddColumn(a.Item1, a.Item1)); dataGridOperator.CreateColumns(); accessor.QueryResult.ForEach(row => { var addRow = new RowEntity(); for (var i = 0; accessor.QueryResultAttributes.Count > i; ++i) { addRow.TrySetMember(accessor.QueryResultAttributes[i].Item1, accessor.IsBlobColumn(accessor.QueryResultAttributes, i) ? @"[Blob data]" : row[i]); } dataGridOperator.AddRow(addRow); }); dataGridOperator.Refresh(); }
public override async Task <List <RowEntity> > GetEntityData(int count, int skip) { using var connection = _connectionFactory.Create(); var sql = $"SELECT * FROM {Name}"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( sql, connection); connection.Open(); using SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); var result = new List <RowEntity>(); int fieldCount = reader.FieldCount; while (reader.HasRows) { // Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}", reader.GetName(0), // reader.GetName(1)); var rowResult = new RowEntity(); result.Add(rowResult); while (reader.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { rowResult.Columns.Add(new Field() { Name = reader.GetName(i), Value = reader.GetValue(i)?.ToString() }); } } reader.NextResult(); } return(result); }
public bool ReadUI() { List<RowEntity> list = new List<RowEntity>(); if (this.Entity == null) { this.Entity = System.Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); } foreach (Control control in this.tableLayoutPanel1.Controls) { if (control is UCRowTextBox) { UCRowTextBox uc = control as UCRowTextBox; RowEntity entity = uc.GetRow(); if (entity == null) { return false; } list.Add(entity); } else if (control is UCRowComboBox) { UCRowComboBox uc = control as UCRowComboBox; RowEntity entity = uc.GetRow(); if (entity == null) { return false; } list.Add(entity); } else if (control is UCRowDateTime) { UCRowDateTime uc = control as UCRowDateTime; RowEntity entity = uc.GetRow(); if (entity == null) { return false; } list.Add(entity); } } Type type = typeof(T); foreach (RowEntity inst in list) { foreach (PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties()) { if (this.ignoreFields.Contains(pi.Name)) { continue; } if (inst.Key == pi.Name) { if (inst.DataType.IsEnum) { Type t = inst.DataType; pi.SetValue(this.Entity, (int)(Enum.Parse(t, inst.Value.ToString())), null); } else { pi.SetValue(this.Entity, inst.Value, null); } break; } } } return true; }
public void AddRow(RowEntity row) { rows.Add(row); }