internal ActionCollection([NotNull] V2Interop.ITaskDefinition iTaskDef)
     v2Def  = iTaskDef;
     v2Coll = iTaskDef.Actions;
     System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match;
     if (iTaskDef.Data != null && (match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(iTaskDef.Data, psV2IdRegex)).Success)
         bool on = bool.Parse(match.Groups["v"].Value);
         if (on)
             psConvert |= PowerShellActionPlatformOption.Version2;
             psConvert &= ~PowerShellActionPlatformOption.Version2;
Esempio n. 2
        private List <Action> GetV1Actions()
            List <Action> ret = new List <Action>();

            if (v1Task != null && v1Task.GetDataItem("ActionType") != "EMPTY")
                var exec  = new ExecAction(v1Task);
                var items = exec.ParsePowerShellItems();
                if (items != null)
                    if (items.Length == 2 && items[0] == "MULTIPLE")
                        PowerShellConversion |= PowerShellActionPlatformOption.Version1;
                        var mc = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(items[1], @"<# (?<id>\w+):(?<t>\w+) #>\s*(?<c>[^<#]*)\s*");
                        foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match ms in mc)
                            var a = Action.ActionFromScript(ms.Groups["t"].Value, ms.Groups["c"].Value);
                            if (a != null)
                                if (ms.Groups["id"].Value != "NO_ID")
                                    a.Id = ms.Groups["id"].Value;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exec.Path))
        internal static AvailableActions GetFilteredAvailableActions(AvailableActions availableActions, Version tsVer, bool useUnifiedSchedulingEngine, PowerShellActionPlatformOption psOption)
            var ret      = availableActions;
            var isV1     = tsVer < TaskServiceVersion.V1_2;
            var isAfter7 = tsVer > TaskServiceVersion.V1_3;
            var isWin7   = tsVer == TaskServiceVersion.V1_3;

            // ComHandler not supported in V1
            if (isV1)
                ret &= ~AvailableActions.ComHandler;
            // Email and Message actions were made available in Vista (v1.2) and deprecated in Windows 8 (v1.4)
            // This library can optionally make them available regardless of version
            // Unified Sch Eng disallows these same actions in Win7 (v1.3)
            if ((isV1 && !psOption.IsFlagSet(PowerShellActionPlatformOption.Version1)) || (!psOption.IsFlagSet(PowerShellActionPlatformOption.Version2) && ((useUnifiedSchedulingEngine && isWin7) || isAfter7)))
                ret &= ~(AvailableActions.SendEmail | AvailableActions.ShowMessage);
            if (ret == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No actions are available to display given the current settings.");
 /// <summary>Filtered the supplied available actions based on this version of the Task Scheduler and options that could be set on the <see cref="TaskDefinition"/>.</summary>
 /// <param name="ts">The <see cref="TaskService"/> instance.</param>
 /// <param name="availableActions">The available actions.</param>
 /// <param name="useUnifiedSchedulingEngine">if set to <c>true</c> assume the task will use the Unified Scheduling Engine.</param>
 /// <param name="psOption">The PowerShell conversion options to assume are in place.</param>
 /// <returns>The filtered set of available actions.</returns>
 public static AvailableActions GetFilteredAvailableActions(this TaskService ts, AvailableActions availableActions, bool useUnifiedSchedulingEngine = false, PowerShellActionPlatformOption psOption = PowerShellActionPlatformOption.All) =>
 GetFilteredAvailableActions(availableActions, ts.HighestSupportedVersion, useUnifiedSchedulingEngine, psOption);