public void Layouting()
            // If we have a given dot file, we can also simply read it back in
            RootGraph root = RootGraph.FromDotFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/");

            // Let's have graphviz compute a dot layout for us

            // We can export this to svg
            root.ToSvgFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/dot_out.svg");

            // Or programatically read out the layout attributes
            Node   nodeA    = root.GetNode("A");
            PointF position = nodeA.Position();

            Assert.AreEqual("{X=43, Y=192.1739}", position.ToString());

            // Like a bounding box of an object
            RectangleF nodeboundingbox = nodeA.BoundingBox();

            Assert.AreEqual("{X=16,Y=171.3391,Width=54,Height=41.66957}", nodeboundingbox.ToString());

            // Or splines between nodes
            Node nodeB = root.GetNode("B");
            Edge edge  = root.GetEdge(nodeA, nodeB, "Some edge name");

            PointF[] spline               = edge.FirstSpline();
            string   splineString         = string.Join(", ", spline.Select(p => p.ToString()));
            string   expectedSplineString = "{X=0, Y=0}, {X=43, Y=171.29}, {X=43, Y=163.45},"
                                            + " {X=43, Y=154.26}, {X=43, Y=145.63}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSplineString, splineString);

            GraphvizLabel nodeLabel = nodeA.GetLabel();

            Assert.AreEqual("Times-Roman", nodeLabel.FontName().ToString());

            SubGraph   cluster      = root.GetSubgraph("cluster_1");
            RectangleF clusterbox   = cluster.BoundingBox();
            RectangleF rootgraphbox = root.BoundingBox();

            Assert.AreEqual("{X=8,Y=8,Width=70,Height=135.34}", clusterbox.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("{X=0,Y=0,Width=142,Height=213.01}", rootgraphbox.ToString());

            // Once all layout information is obtained from the graph, the resources should be
            // reclaimed. To do this, the application should call the cleanup routine associated
            // with the layout algorithm used to draw the graph. This is done by a call to
            // FreeLayout(). A given graph can be laid out multiple times. The application, however,
            // must clean up the earlier layout's information with a call to FreeLayout before
            // invoking a new layout function.

            // We can use layout engines other than dot by explicitly passing the engine we want
            root.ToSvgFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/neato_out.svg");
Esempio n. 2
        public void Clusters()
            RootGraph root  = RootGraph.CreateNew("Graph with clusters", GraphType.Directed);
            Node      nodeA = root.GetOrAddNode("A");
            Node      nodeB = root.GetOrAddNode("B");
            Node      nodeC = root.GetOrAddNode("C");
            Node      nodeD = root.GetOrAddNode("D");

            // When a subgraph name is prefixed with cluster,
            // the dot layout engine will render it as a box around the containing nodes.
            SubGraph cluster1 = root.GetOrAddSubgraph("cluster_1");

            SubGraph cluster2 = root.GetOrAddSubgraph("cluster_2");


            // COMPOUND EDGES
            // Graphviz does not really support edges from and to clusters. However, by adding an
            // invisible dummynode and setting the ltail or lhead attributes of an edge this
            // behavior can be faked. Graphviz will then draw an edge to the dummy node but clip it
            // at the border of the cluster. We provide convenience methods for this.
            // To enable this feature, Graphviz requires us to set the "compound" attribute to "true".
            Graph.IntroduceAttribute(root, "compound", "true"); // Allow lhead/ltail
            // The boolean indicates whether the dummy node should take up any space. When you pass
            // false and you have a lot of edges, the edges may start to overlap a lot.
            _ = root.GetOrAddEdge(nodeA, cluster1, false, "edge to a cluster");
            _ = root.GetOrAddEdge(cluster1, nodeD, false, "edge from a cluster");
            _ = root.GetOrAddEdge(cluster1, cluster1, false, "edge between clusters");


            SubGraph   cluster      = root.GetSubgraph("cluster_1");
            RectangleF clusterbox   = cluster.BoundingBox();
            RectangleF rootgraphbox = root.BoundingBox();

            Utils.AssertPattern(@"{X=[\d.]+,Y=[\d.]+,Width=[\d.]+,Height=[\d.]+}", clusterbox.ToString());
            Utils.AssertPattern(@"{X=[\d.]+,Y=[\d.]+,Width=[\d.]+,Height=[\d.]+}", rootgraphbox.ToString());