// Use this for initialization void Start() { animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); players = new Dictionary<PlayerIndex, Player>(); var rng = new System.Random(); var playerIndexes = GameManager.GetInstance().players; var npcs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("NPC"); var pickedNPCs = new List<GameObject>(); foreach (var playerIndex in playerIndexes) { GameObject npc; do { npc = npcs[rng.Next(0, npcs.Length)]; } while (pickedNPCs.Contains(npc)); pickedNPCs.Add(npc); Humanify(npc, playerIndex); players.Add(playerIndex, npc.GetComponent<Player>()); } rmg = new RandomMalusGenerator(maluses); rrg = new RandomRitualGenerator(players, actions, zones); nextRitual = rrg.GetRandomRitual(); explainRitual(nextRitual); }
public OptionRitualForm(Ritual ritual) { InitializeComponent(); Array cats = Enum.GetValues(typeof(RitualCategory)); foreach (RitualCategory cat in cats) { CatBox.Items.Add(cat); } fRitual = ritual.Copy(); NameBox.Text = fRitual.Name; LevelBox.Value = fRitual.Level; CatBox.SelectedItem = fRitual.Category; TimeBox.Text = fRitual.Time; DurationBox.Text = fRitual.Duration; ComponentBox.Text = fRitual.ComponentCost; MarketBox.Text = fRitual.MarketPrice; SkillBox.Text = fRitual.KeySkill; DetailsBox.Text = fRitual.Details; ReadAloudBox.Text = fRitual.ReadAloud; }
public void Init() { animator = Canvas.GetComponent <Animator>(); this.state = false; this.Canvas.SetActive(false); this.Ritual = PlayerManager.Instance.player.ritualPlayer; Ritual.ritualHud.SetActiveRitualEvent += PowerUpLauchedEventHandler; }
public static void CalculateTotalWithBonus(this Ritual r, int bonusPercentage) { var bonus = (int)Math.Round((double)r.GemTotal * bonusPercentage / 100); r.Bonus = bonus; r.TotalWithBonus = r.GemTotal + bonus; }
void NoumenonRituals(GameObject player) { Ritual ritual1 = new Ritual("Hide Area", 2, 1, "Hide target\nnode and\nits neighbours", 2, 1, HideArea); //1 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual1); Ritual ritual2 = new Ritual("Hide Map", 5, 3, "Cover the\nmap in\nfog of war", 1, 1, HideMap); // 3 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual2); }
private void OnEnable() { currentRitual = null; currentCrew = null; GetComponent <StormMGmovement>().ToggleMovement(false); DisplayStartingText(); cloutChange = 0; Globals.GameVars.playerShip.GetComponent <script_player_controls>().cursorRing.SetActive(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (m_Ritual != null) m_Ritual = Instantiate(m_Ritual); if (m_CurrentMovementType != MovementType.Random) m_IsMoving = m_EnableMovement; }
void SamataRituals(GameObject player) { Ritual ritual1 = new Ritual("Balance Health", 3, 2, "Average health of\narmies adjacent\nto target", 3, 1, BalanceHealth); // 2 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual1); Ritual ritual2 = new Ritual("Perfect Match", 5, 3, "Army1 becomes\na copy of\nArmy2", 5, 2, PerfectMatch); // 3 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual2); }
void CarnotRituals(GameObject player) { Ritual ritual1 = new Ritual("Random Step", 2, 1, "Target army\ntakes one\nrandom move", 6, 1, RandomStep); // 1 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual1); Ritual ritual2 = new Ritual("Random Warp", 6, 2, "Warp target\narmy to a\nrandom location", 2, 1, RandomWarp); // 2 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual2); }
void DukkhaRituals(GameObject player) { Ritual ritual1 = new Ritual("Restoration", 3, 2, "Heal all\nunits to\nfull HP", 3, 1, DealDamage); player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual1); Ritual ritual2 = new Ritual("Devastation", 4, 7, "\n \n", 2, 1, DealDamage); player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual2); }
void ParatrophRituals(GameObject player) { Ritual ritual1 = new Ritual("Prior Ritual", 3, 2, "Use the\nlast ritual\nused", 6, 1, PriorRitual); // 2 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual1); Ritual ritual2 = new Ritual("Borrow Rituals", 2, 1, "Buy rituals from\nneighbour faction\nfor one round", 2, 1, BorrowRituals); // 1 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual2); }
void UnmarRituals(GameObject player) { Ritual ritual1 = new Ritual("Sacrifice", 1, 0, "Sacrifice all\nmar units\nfor zeal", 5, 1, Sacrifice); // 2 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual1); Ritual ritual2 = new Ritual("Reward Purity", 6, 0, "Buff target\narmy with only\nUnmar units", 1, 1, RewardPurity); // 4 player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Add(ritual2); }
private static void CalculateRemaining(Ritual r, int bonusPercentage) { r.ResultTotal = r.TotalWithBonus; var percentage = (double)bonusPercentage / 100 + 1; var maxWithoutBonus = (int)Math.Round(r.Goal / percentage); r.Remaining = maxWithoutBonus - r.GemTotal; }
private Ritual MakeRitual(Ritual.Point[] pattern, string textureId) { Ritual ritual = new Ritual(); ritual.image = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("RitualPatterns/" + textureId); ritual.pattern = pattern; return ritual; }
private void initializeRandomRitual() { ritual = new Ritual(); for (var i = 0; i < ritual.intervals.Length; i++) { Interval interval = ritual.intervals[i]; for (var k = 0; k < interval.actions.Length; k++) { Action action = interval.actions[k]; } } }
public bool BuyRitual(Ritual ritual) { if (zeal >= ritual.zealCost) { print("Ritual Purchased"); zeal -= ritual.zealCost; NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().ritual = ritual.DeepCopy(); print("ritual name = " + NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().ritual.name); return(true); } return(false); }
public override void Action(CommandCaller caller, string input, string[] args) { try { Ritual ritual = Constants.ritualByName[args[0]]; PlayerCharacter character = caller.Player.GetModPlayer <PlayerCharacter>(); character.Rituals[ritual] = !character.Rituals[ritual]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { throw new UsageException("Ritual not found: " + args); } }
public Ritual DeepCopy() { Ritual newRitual = new Ritual(); newRitual.zealCost = zealCost; newRitual.prepTime = prepTime; newRitual.name = name; newRitual.description = description; newRitual.range = range; newRitual.numTargets = numTargets; newRitual.Activate = Activate; return(newRitual); }
public static void CalculatePerfectRitual(this Ritual r, int bonusPercentage) { r.Goal = Constants.Constants.GemSizes.PERFECT; if (r.TotalWithBonus >= r.Goal) { CalculateActualBonus(r); } else { CalculateRemaining(r, bonusPercentage); } }
public void SetupRitualSelection(Ritual newRitual, GameObject newNode) { print("Setting up Ritual Selection"); if (newRitual.name == "Prior Ritual") { newRitual = previousRitual; } Player.menuOpen = 1; selectedNodes.Clear(); ritualSelected = true; selectedRitual = newRitual; ritualNode = newNode; HighLightNodes(); }
private void SeedRituals(AbilitiesDbContext context) { var rituals = new Ritual[] { new Ritual { Name = "Ritual 1", Description = "Ritual 1 description", Tradition = Tradition.Sorcery }, }; context.Abilities.AddRange(rituals); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void ChooseRitual() { //Determine if the player has a seer or not List <Ritual> possibleRituals = new List <Ritual>(); bool hasSeer = CheckForSeer(); possibleRituals = Globals.GameVars.stormRituals.FindAll(x => x.HasSeer == hasSeer); //Select an appropriate ritual currentRitual = possibleRituals[RandomIndex(possibleRituals)]; currentCrew = Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.ship.crewRoster[RandomIndex(Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.ship.crewRoster)]; DisplayRitualText(); }
void Start() { startAt_ = GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition; renderers_ = GetComponentsInChildren<CanvasRenderer>(); texts_ = GetComponentsInChildren<Text>(); currentCombo_ = 0; currentRitual_ = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<GameController>().currentRitual; currentRitual_.OnReset += OnFailed; currentRitual_.OnComplete += OnComplete; Reset(0); }
public static void CalculateSemiPerfectRitual(this Ritual r, int bonusPercentage) { r.Goal = Constants.Constants.GemSizes.SEMI_PERFECT; var max = r.Goal + r.Bonus; if (r.TotalWithBonus >= r.Goal & r.TotalWithBonus <= max) { CalculateActualBonus(r); } else { CalculateRemaining(r, bonusPercentage); } }
public static bool ValidateGems(this Ritual r, Gem firstGem, Gem secondGem, Gem thirdGem) { var firstGemSize = firstGem.GetGemSize(); var secondGemSize = secondGem.GetGemSize(); var thirdGemSize = thirdGem.GetGemSize(); if (firstGemSize == 0 || secondGemSize == 0 || thirdGemSize == 0) { return(false); } r.GemTotal = firstGemSize + secondGemSize + thirdGemSize; return(true); }
private void OnMouseDown() { if (Player.menuOpen == 1) { Ritual ritual = NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().ritual; if (ritual.IsReady()) { SelectNodesForRitual(); } else if (NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().owner&& NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().owner == Player.human) { ritualMenu.GetComponent <RitualMenu>().EnterMenu(); } } }
public void LoadPlayerRituals() { for (int j = 0; j < Player.human.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Count; j++) { GameObject ritualSlot = Tools.GetChildNamed(gameObject, "Ritual Slot " + j.ToString()); if (ritualSlot != null) { Ritual blueprint = Player.human.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints[j]; ritualSlot.GetComponent <RitualSlot>().ritualBlueprint = blueprint; Tools.GetChildNamed(ritualSlot, "Ritual Name Text").GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = "Ritual of " + blueprint.name; Tools.GetChildNamed(ritualSlot, "Ritual Zeal Cost Text").GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = blueprint.zealCost.ToString(); Tools.GetChildNamed(ritualSlot, "Ritual Time Cost Text").GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = blueprint.prepTime.ToString(); Tools.GetChildNamed(ritualSlot, "Ritual Description Text").GetComponent <TextMesh>().text = blueprint.description; } } }
private void OnMouseDown() { if (Player.menuOpen == 2) { Ritual ritualToBuy = ritualBlueprint.DeepCopy(); if (NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().temple != null && NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().temple.name == TempleName.Tradition) { ritualToBuy.zealCost--; } if (Player.human.GetComponent <Player>().BuyRitual(ritualToBuy)) { transform.parent.GetComponent <RitualMenu>().ExitMenu(); } else { Tools.CreatePopup(gameObject, "Not Enough Zeal", 40, Color.red); } } }
void Awake() { keys_ = new List<GameObject>(); SetupMapping(); GameObject gameController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController"); if (gameController == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find a GameController object tagged with 'GameController'"); return; } gameController_ = gameController.GetComponent<GameController>(); currentRitual_ = gameController_.currentRitual; currentRitual_.Changed += CreateKeys; currentRitual_.OnPress += OnPress; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { m_LastPathIndex = 0; m_CurrentPathIndex = 0; foreach (PatrolPoint p in m_PatrolPath) { Renderer r = p.GetComponent<Renderer>(); if(r != null) r.enabled = false; } if (m_Ritual != null) m_Ritual = Instantiate (m_Ritual); else Debug.Log ("Ritual is null"); m_EyeMark.SetActive(false); m_ExclamationMark.SetActive(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { PlayerList = new List<Shaman>(); TotemRitual = new Ritual(); TotemRitual.RandomizeSequence(); GameObject basePiece = GameObject.Instantiate(BasePrefab); basePiece.transform.position = transform.position; basePiece.transform.parent = transform; var y = basePiece.transform.localScale.y * 9; float totalHeight = 0; for (int i = TotemRitual.Sequence.Length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { GameObject piece = null; switch (TotemRitual[TotemRitual.Sequence.Length-1-i]) { case GamePad.Button.A: piece = GameObject.Instantiate(PieceAPrefab); break; case GamePad.Button.B: piece = GameObject.Instantiate(PieceBPrefab); break; case GamePad.Button.X: piece = GameObject.Instantiate(PieceXPrefab); break; case GamePad.Button.Y: piece = GameObject.Instantiate(PieceYPrefab); break; } if (piece != null) { var height = piece.transform.localScale.y*1.2f; piece.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y + (i * height), transform.position.z); piece.transform.parent = transform; totalHeight = height*4; } } GameObject headPiece = GameObject.Instantiate(HeadPrefab); headPiece.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y + totalHeight, transform.position.z); headPiece.transform.parent = transform; }
void UpdateSprite() { if (NodeMenu.currentNode) { Ritual currentRitual = NodeMenu.currentNode.GetComponent <Node>().ritual; if (currentRitual.IsReady()) { readySprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Icons/Ritual3"); } else if (!currentRitual.IsEmpty()) { readySprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Icons/Ritual1"); } else { readySprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = null; } } }
public static async Task <bool> TryWriteAppointmentAsync(Ritual r) { try{ Appointment appt = new Appointment(); appt.Subject = r.Name; appt.StartTime = r.EventDate; appt.Details = r.Description; var reminderTime = new TimeSpan(); appt.Reminder = reminderTime; //vinay await _calendar.SaveAppointmentAsync(appt); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public static Faction GetRitualFaction(Ritual ritual) { GameObject players = GameObject.Find("/Players"); for (int i = 0; i < players.transform.childCount; i++) { GameObject player = players.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; List <string> ritualNames = new List <string>(); for (int j = 0; j < player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints.Count; j++) { Ritual playerRitual = player.GetComponent <Player>().ritualBlueprints[j]; ritualNames.Add(playerRitual.name); } if (ritualNames.Contains(ritual.name)) { return(player.GetComponent <Player>().faction); } } return(Faction.None); }
public void ChooseRitual() { //Determine if the player has a seer or not List <Ritual> possibleRituals = new List <Ritual>(); bool hasSeer = CheckForSeer(); for (int i = 0; i < Globals.GameVars.stormRituals.Count; i++) { if (Globals.GameVars.stormRituals[i].HasSeer == hasSeer) { possibleRituals.Add(Globals.GameVars.stormRituals[i]); } } //Select an appropriate ritual currentRitual = possibleRituals[RandomIndex(possibleRituals)]; currentCrew = Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.ship.crewRoster[RandomIndex(Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.ship.crewRoster)]; DisplayRitualText(); }
public static async Task <bool> TryDeleteAppointmentAsync(Ritual r) { try { TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2); var _list = await _calendar.FindAppointmentsAsync(r.EventDate, ts); foreach (Appointment a in _list) { if (a.Subject == r.Name) { await _calendar.DeleteAppointmentAsync(a.LocalId); } } return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public void Awake() { rumble_ = new RumbleValues[2]; rumble_[0].time = 0.0f; rumble_[1].time = 0.0f; joystickPressed = new bool[2] { false, false }; KeyMapping.Initialise(); currentRitual = new Ritual(); currentRitual.OnReset += Rumble; Instantiate(ritualUIPrefab); Instantiate(player1PortraitPrefab); Instantiate(player2PortraitPrefab); Instantiate(comboUIPrefab); currentRitual.ConstructRitual(Random.Range(3, 9), (Ritual.Difficulty)PlayerPrefs.GetInt("difficulty")); }
public void InitializeRituals(int randomSeed) { completedRitualMessages.Clear(); lastCompletedRitual = -1; currentRitualProgress.isDud = true; currentRitualProgress.ritualNumber = -1; currentRitualProgress.currentSteps = -1; currentRitualProgress.currentSteps = -1; System.Random rng = new System.Random(randomSeed); for (int i = 0; i < summonRitualCount + dudRitualCount; ++i) { Ritual currentRitual = new Ritual(); int ritualLength = 0; // Is this a summon ritual, or a dud ritual? if (i < summonRitualCount) { currentRitual.isDud = false; currentRitual.ritualNumber = i; // Generate a length of ritual; ritualLength = rng.Next(summonRitualMinInteractions, summonRitualMaxInteractions); } else { currentRitual.isDud = true; currentRitual.ritualNumber = i - summonRitualCount; // Generate a length of ritual; ritualLength = rng.Next(dudRitualMinInteractions, dudRitualMaxInteractions); } for (int ritualInteractionIndex = 0; ritualInteractionIndex < ritualLength; ++ritualInteractionIndex) { // generate a random object interaction, but // Make sure this doesn't start another ritual int objectToInteractWith = 0; int objectInteraction = 0; bool interactionConflicts = false; do { interactionConflicts = false; objectToInteractWith = rng.Next(0, objectCount); objectInteraction = rng.Next(0, objectInteractionCount); for (int j = 0; j < rituals.Count; ++j) { if (rituals[j].objects[0] == objectToInteractWith && rituals[j].interactions[0] == objectInteraction) { interactionConflicts = true; break; } } } while (interactionConflicts); currentRitual.objects.Add(objectToInteractWith); currentRitual.interactions.Add(objectInteraction); } rituals.Add(currentRitual); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { float dt = Time.deltaTime; if (currentRitual != null) { timeSinceRitualBegin += dt; if (timeSinceRitualBegin >= ritualDuration) { GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Play_sound ("Clap"); GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Music_FadeVolumeTo (1f, 3f); animator.SetTrigger("Clap"); PunishUnfaithfulPlayers(); currentRitual = null; nextRitual = rrg.GetRandomRitual(); explainRitual(nextRitual); } } else { timeSinceLastRitual += dt; if (timeSinceLastRitual >= ritualTempo) { timeSinceLastRitual -= ritualTempo; currentRitual = nextRitual; ritualDuration = currentRitual.duration; timeSinceRitualBegin = 0; GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Play_sound ("Clap"); GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Play_sound ("Dong"); GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Music_FadeVolumeTo (0f, 3f); animator.SetTrigger("Clap"); StartRitual(currentRitual); } } }
void Start() { ritual = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Circle").GetComponent<Ritual>(); }
public void startPraying(Ritual ritual) { currentRitual = ritual; if (ritual.GetType() == typeof(ActionSequence)) { navMeshAgent.Stop(); //IAtargetPosition.transform.position = character.transform.position; state = State.PRAY; actions = ((ActionSequence)ritual).actions; currentAction = 0; } else { var zone = (ZoneOrder)ritual; if (zone.isAllowed) { state = State.OBEY; getClosestSpecificArea((ZoneOrder)ritual); } } }
public void sendRitual(Ritual ritual) { if (currentPhase == Phase.Player1) { player1.getTurn().ritualCast = ritual; } else { player2.getTurn().ritualCast = ritual; } }
private void explainRitual(Ritual ritual) { if(ritual.GetType() == typeof(ActionSequence)) { var seq = (ActionSequence)ritual; GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Play_sound ("Chant2"); StartCoroutine(ExplainSequence(seq.actions, 0)); } else { var zo = (ZoneOrder)ritual; GameObject.Find ("Audio").GetComponent<Soundscript>().Play_sound ("Chant1"); StartCoroutine(ExplainZone(zo.zone, zo.isAllowed)); } ritual.Explain(); }
public void AddRitual(Ritual ritual) { if (!ActiveRituals.Contains(ritual)) { ActiveRituals.Add(ritual); } }
// Kylie's Stuff! public static List <Ritual> LoadRituals() { List <Ritual> rituals = new List <Ritual>(); char[] lineDelimiter = new char[] { '@' }; char[] resourcesDelimiter = new char[] { ';' }; string filename = "ritual_types"; string[] fileByLine = TryLoadListFromGameFolder(filename); //Ignore top header row for (int lineCount = 1; lineCount < fileByLine.Length; lineCount++) { //0: has seer or not (int to be cast into a bool) //1: flavor text (string) //2: success chance (float) //3: clout gain (int) //4: lost resource ID (blank for none, int otherwise, separated by ; if more than one) //5: lost resource quantity (0 for none, int otherwise, separated by ; if more than one) string[] ritualInfo = fileByLine[lineCount].Split(lineDelimiter, StringSplitOptions.None); bool hasSeer = int.Parse(ritualInfo[0]) != 0; float successChance = float.Parse(ritualInfo[2]); int cloutGain = int.Parse(ritualInfo[3]); int cloutLoss = 10; int[] resourceID; if (ritualInfo[4] == "") { resourceID = new int[0]; } else { string[] resources = ritualInfo[4].Split(resourcesDelimiter, StringSplitOptions.None); resourceID = new int[resources.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < resources.Length; i++) { resourceID[i] = int.Parse(resources[i]); } } int[] resourceAmounts = new int[resourceID.Length]; if (resourceAmounts.Length > 0) { string[] amts = ritualInfo[5].Split(resourcesDelimiter, StringSplitOptions.None); if (resourceAmounts.Length != amts.Length) { Debug.Log("Wrong quantities for resources"); } for (int i = 0; i < resourceAmounts.Length; i++) { resourceAmounts[i] = int.Parse(amts[i]); } } Ritual r = new Ritual(hasSeer, ritualInfo[1], successChance, cloutGain, cloutLoss, resourceID, resourceAmounts); rituals.Add(r); } return(rituals); }
public void StartRitual(Ritual ritual) { var npcs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("NPC"); foreach (var npc in npcs) { npc.GetComponentInChildren<IABehavior>().startPraying(ritual); } }
private static void CalculateActualBonus(Ritual r) { r.Bonus = r.Bonus - Math.Abs(r.Goal - r.TotalWithBonus); r.ResultTotal = r.Goal; }
public virtual void ShowRitual() { currentRitual = this; DeskObjectManager.SetDeskObjectsActive(false); gameObject.SetActive(true); }
protected virtual void CloseRitual() { gameObject.SetActive(false); DeskObjectManager.SetDeskObjectsActive(true); currentRitual = null; }
void Awake() { spriteMapping_ = new Dictionary<State, Sprite>() { { State.Neutral, neutralSprite }, { State.Happy, happySprite }, { State.Angry, angrySprite }, { State.Hit, hitSprite }, { State.Sad, sadSprite } }; renderer_ = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); currentRitual_ = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<GameController>().currentRitual; currentRitual_.OnComplete += OnAcquire; currentRitual_.OnReset += OnMiss; portraitHealth_ = GetComponent<PortraitHealth>(); portraitHealth_.OnPortraitHit += OnHit; }
public Ritual GenerateRitual(int i) { float gameTime = (GameEndTime / 3) / 2 + (GameEndTime / 3) * (i); Random.Range(0, GameEndTime * 0.1f); if (Random.Range(0, 2) >= 1f) { gameTime -= Random.Range(0, 15); } else { gameTime += Random.Range(0, 15); } Debug.Log(gameTime); PlayerParameters.Interaction type = PlayerParameters.Interaction.LOOK; if (Random.Range(0, 2) >= 1f) { type = PlayerParameters.Interaction.TAKE; } PlayerParameters.InteractiveObject usedObject = PlayerParameters.InteractiveObject.COFFEE_MACHINE; float random = Random.Range(0, 3); if (random >= 2) { usedObject = PlayerParameters.InteractiveObject.COMPUTER; } else if (random >= 1) { usedObject = PlayerParameters.InteractiveObject.WINDOW; } Ritual ritual = new Ritual(gameTime, usedObject, type); return ritual; }
public bool Equals(Ritual other){ if (!type.Equals(other.type)) return false; if (!usedObject.Equals(other.usedObject)) return false; Debug.Log("Game time 1 : "+gameTime); Debug.Log("Game time 2 : " + other.gameTime); if (gameTime > other.gameTime + 5) return false; if (gameTime < other.gameTime - 5) return false; Debug.Log("Game time is good"); return true; }
IEnumerator startChanting(Ritual r) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.value); r.startChant(); }
} //End.ChangeLeveL() public void SetRitual( int ritual ) { currentRitual = (Ritual)ritual; //TODO ~Z 16.01.31 | Change ritual description text Debug.Log( currentRitual ); var description = GameObject.Find ("Text Description").GetComponent<Text>(); //Set description text switch (currentRitual) { case Ritual.None: description.text = "You have gathered in the unholy halls of meditation. Choose your trial."; break; case Ritual.PrayOnAltar: description.text = "You had an epiphany about a truly ancient instrument of worship. You must depart at once."; break; case Ritual.BargainWithAncient: description.text = "Nightmarish visions of your Lord refuse to leave you, even after you've already woken up."; break; case Ritual.CleanseDungeon: description.text = "The halls have grown cramped. You've been sent on a mission to sanctify the new cathedral with rivers of blood."; break; case Ritual.SummonMinions: description.text = "You shall indeed become the new Maou!"; break; case Ritual.MapDungeon: description.text = "Truly a many soul has been lost underneath. You shall attain the forbidden knowledge at any cost."; break; default: description.text = "You transcendence grows near."; break; }//end.switch } //End.SetRitual()