Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改指定名称状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panel"></param>
        /// <param name="itemNames"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        internal static void SetItems(RibbonPanel panel, string[] itemNames, bool b)
            var items = panel.GetItems();
            var its   = items.Where(c => itemNames.Contains(c.Name)).ToArray();

            foreach (var item in its)
                item.Enabled = b;
Esempio n. 2
        Stream(ArrayList data, RibbonPanel ribbonPanel)
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(RibbonPanel)));

            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Enabled", ribbonPanel.Enabled));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Enumerable("Items", ribbonPanel.GetItems()));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Name", ribbonPanel.Name));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Title", ribbonPanel.Title));
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Visible", ribbonPanel.Visible));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改指定位置状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panel"></param>
        /// <param name="itemIndices"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        internal static void SetItems(RibbonPanel panel, int[] itemIndices, bool b)
            var items = panel.GetItems();

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                if (Array.IndexOf(itemIndices, i) != -1)
                    items[i].Enabled = b;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// return the RibbonItem by the input name in a specific panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panelRibbon">RibbonPanel which contains the RibbonItem </param>
        /// <param name="itemName">name of RibbonItem</param>
        /// <return>RibbonItem whose name is same with input string</param>
        public RibbonItem GetRibbonItemByName(RibbonPanel panelRibbon, String itemName)
            foreach (RibbonItem item in panelRibbon.GetItems())
                if (itemName == item.Name)

Esempio n. 5
 private static SplitButton FindSplitByName(RibbonPanel panel, string name)
     foreach (RibbonItem item in panel.GetItems())
         if (item.ItemType == RibbonItemType.SplitButton)
             SplitButton splitbt = item as SplitButton;
             if (splitbt.Name == name)
Esempio n. 6
        public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
            application.Idling += new EventHandler <IdlingEventArgs>(ShowCommand);
            _path    = Uri.UnescapeDataString((new UriBuilder(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase)).Path);
            _resorce = _path.Substring(0, _path.LastIndexOf("/d") + 1) + @"resorce/";
            string tabName = "Walter";

            RibbonPanel ribbonPanel = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Tools");

            var s = ribbonPanel.GetItems();

Esempio n. 7
        private Dictionary <string, PulldownButton> GetDictionaryWithPulldownButtons()
            IList <RibbonItem> itemsOnRibbon = _ribbonPanel.GetItems();
            Dictionary <string, PulldownButton> pulldownButtons = new Dictionary <string, PulldownButton>();

            foreach (var ribbonItem in itemsOnRibbon)
                if (ribbonItem.ItemType == RibbonItemType.PulldownButton)
                    pulldownButtons[ribbonItem.Name] = (PulldownButton)ribbonItem;

Esempio n. 8
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp             = commandData.Application;
            RibbonPanel   inputpanel        = null;
            PushButton    toggle_Insulation = null;

            foreach (RibbonPanel panel in uiapp.GetRibbonPanels("Exp. Add-Ins"))
                if (panel.Name == "Re-Elevate")
                    inputpanel = panel;
            foreach (RibbonItem item in inputpanel.GetItems())
                if (item.Name == "Toggle_Insulation")
                    toggle_Insulation = (PushButton)item;
            string s = toggle_Insulation.ItemText;

            toggle_Insulation.ItemText = s.Equals("Align to INS") ? "Align to MEP" : "Align to INS";
            //find and switch button and data
            string      IconsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Icons\\");
            string      im_ins = IconsPath + "Button_Ins.png"; string im_nin = IconsPath + "Button_NoIns.png";
            Uri         uriImage = new Uri(im_nin);
            BitmapImage Image    = new BitmapImage(uriImage);

            if (toggle_Insulation.ItemText == "Align to MEP")
                uriImage = new Uri(im_nin);
                Image    = new BitmapImage(uriImage);
                toggle_Insulation.Image = Image;
                uriImage = new Uri(im_ins);
                Image    = new BitmapImage(uriImage);
                toggle_Insulation.Image = Image;
Esempio n. 9
    public static TI GetRibbonItem <TI>(this UIApplication uiApplication,
                                        string tabName, string panelName, string ribbonItemName) where TI : RibbonItem
        RibbonPanel itemPanel = uiApplication.GetRibbonPanels(tabName).First(panel => panel.Name == panelName);

        if (itemPanel == null)

        var ritem = itemPanel.GetItems().First(item => item.Name == ribbonItemName);

        if (ritem == null)
Esempio n. 10
        //public void application_Sync(object sender, DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs args)
        //    Document doc = args.Document;
        public void getdoc(object sender, ViewActivatedEventArgs args)
            doc = args.Document;
            ComboBoxMemberData Range1 = new ComboBoxMemberData("0", "1/2\"");
            ComboBoxMemberData Range2 = new ComboBoxMemberData("1", "1\"");
            ComboBoxMemberData Range3 = new ComboBoxMemberData("2", "3\"");
            ComboBoxMemberData Range4 = new ComboBoxMemberData("3", "1' 0\"");
            ComboBoxMemberData Range5 = new ComboBoxMemberData("4", "3' 0\"");
            ComboBoxMemberData Range6 = new ComboBoxMemberData("5", "10' 0\"");

            if (doc.DisplayUnitSystem == DisplayUnit.IMPERIAL)
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "1/2\"", out StoreExp.vrOpt1);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "1\"", out StoreExp.vrOpt2);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "3\"", out StoreExp.vrOpt3);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "1'0\"", out StoreExp.vrOpt4);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "3'0\"", out StoreExp.vrOpt5);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "10'0\"", out StoreExp.vrOpt6);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "1 cm", out StoreExp.vrOpt1);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "2 cm", out StoreExp.vrOpt2);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "10 cm", out StoreExp.vrOpt3);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "30 cm", out StoreExp.vrOpt4);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "90 cm", out StoreExp.vrOpt5);
                UnitFormatUtils.TryParse(doc.GetUnits(), UnitType.UT_Length, "300 cm", out StoreExp.vrOpt6);
                Range1.Text = "1 cm"; Range2.Text = "2 cm"; Range3.Text = "10 cm";
                Range4.Text = "30 cm"; Range5.Text = "90 cm"; Range6.Text = "300 cm";
            UiCtrApp.ViewActivated -= getdoc;
            foreach (RibbonItem item in panel_ViewSetup.GetItems())
                if (item.Name == "ShiftRange")
                    ComboBox ShiftRange_CB = (ComboBox)item;
                    ShiftRange_CB.AddItem(Range1); ShiftRange_CB.AddItem(Range2);
                    ShiftRange_CB.AddItem(Range3); ShiftRange_CB.AddItem(Range4);
                    ShiftRange_CB.AddItem(Range5); ShiftRange_CB.AddItem(Range6);
            doc = null;
Esempio n. 11
        public static PushButton GetButton(UIApplication uiapp, string panelname, string itemname)
            RibbonPanel inputpanel        = null;
            PushButton  toggle_Insulation = null;

            foreach (RibbonPanel panel in uiapp.GetRibbonPanels("Exp. Add-Ins"))
                if (panel.Name == panelname)
                    inputpanel = panel;
            foreach (RibbonItem item in inputpanel.GetItems())
                if (item.Name == itemname)
                    toggle_Insulation = (PushButton)item;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// return the RibbonItem by the input name in a specific panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panelRibbon">RibbonPanel which contains the RibbonItem </param>
        /// <param name="itemName">name of RibbonItem</param>
        /// <return>RibbonItem whose name is same with input string</param>
        public RibbonItem GetRibbonItemByName(RibbonPanel panelRibbon, String itemName)
            foreach (RibbonItem item in panelRibbon.GetItems())
                if (itemName == item.Name)
                    return item;

            return null;
Esempio n. 13
        public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication a)
            UiCtrApp = a;
                // Register event for Syncronization
                // a.ControlledApplication.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral += new EventHandler
                //     <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Events.DocumentSynchronizingWithCentralEventArgs>(application_Sync);
                UiCtrApp.ViewActivated += new EventHandler <Autodesk.Revit.UI.Events.ViewActivatedEventArgs>(getdoc);
            catch (Exception)
            a.CreateRibbonTab("Exp. Add-Ins");
            RibbonPanel panel_Export = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "Export");

            panel_ViewSetup = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "View Tools");
            RibbonPanel panel_Reelevate = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "Re-Elevate");
            RibbonPanel panel_Annot     = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "Annotation");
            RibbonPanel panel_Managers  = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "Managers");
            RibbonPanel panel_Spec      = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "Specific");
            RibbonPanel panel_Qt        = a.CreateRibbonPanel("Exp. Add-Ins", "Quick Tools");

            string thisAssemblyPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            string root             = thisAssemblyPath.Remove(thisAssemblyPath.Length - 11);

            PushButtonData button_DWGExport   = new PushButtonData("Button_DWGExport", "Export DWG", root + "DWGExport.dll", "DWGExport.DWGExport");
            PushButtonData button_NavisExport = new PushButtonData("button_NavisExport", "Export NWC", root + "DWGExport.dll", "NavisExport.NavisExport");
            PushButtonData button_AllExport   = new PushButtonData("Button_Navis_DWGExport", "Export All", root + "DWGExport.dll", "ExportAll.ExportAll");
            PushButton     button_RevPrint    = panel_Export.AddItem(new PushButtonData("Button_RevPrint", "Print Revision", root + "DWGExport.dll", "PrintRevision.PrintRevision")) as PushButton;

            button_DWGExport.ToolTip   = "Selected Views/Sheets will be exported to .DWG. Tip: use Manage Save/Load selection for sets.";
            button_NavisExport.ToolTip = "Views with 'Export' as Title on Sheet will be exported to .NWC";
            button_AllExport.ToolTip   = "Views with 'Export' as Title on Sheet will be exported to .DWG and .NWC";
            button_RevPrint.ToolTip    = "Select and Print a certain Revision using the current print settings.";

            PushButtonData button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Up = new PushButtonData("Button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Up", "T+", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Down = new PushButtonData("Button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Down", "T-", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Up = new PushButtonData("Button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Up", "B+", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Down = new PushButtonData("Button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Down", "B-", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_SetViewRange = new PushButtonData("Button_SetViewRange", "Set View Range per 3D", root + "SetViewRange.dll",

            button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Up.ToolTip      = "Shifts Top of View Range by set value - Up.";
            button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Down.ToolTip    = "Shifts Top of View Range by set value - Down.";
            button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Up.ToolTip   = "Shifts Bottom of View Range by set value - Up.";
            button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Down.ToolTip = "Shifts Bottom of View Range by set value - Down.";
            button_SetViewRange.ToolTip = "Sets View Range of active Plan View to Top and Bottom planes of the Section Box used on identically named 3d View.";

            PushButtonData button_TL = new PushButtonData("ToggleLink", "Toggle Links", root + "MultiDWG.dll",
            PushButtonData button_TPC = new PushButtonData("TogglePC", "Toggle PCs", root + "MultiDWG.dll",

            button_TL.ToolTip  = "Toggles visibility of all Links in the active view";
            button_TPC.ToolTip = "Toggles visibility of all Point Clouds in the active view";

            PushButton button_RehostElements = panel_Reelevate.AddItem(new PushButtonData("Button_RehostElements", "Rehost Elements", root + "Rehost Elements.dll",
                                                                                          "RehostElements.RehostElements")) as PushButton;
            PushButtonData button_AlignToBottom = new PushButtonData("Button_AlignToBottom", "MEP to Bottom", root + "AlignToBottom.dll",
            PushButtonData button_AlignToTop = new PushButtonData("Button_AlignToTop", "MEP to Top", root + "AlignToBottom.dll",

            button_RehostElements.ToolTip = "Sets the Reference Level of selected elements to the active Plan View's Associated Level";
            button_AlignToBottom.ToolTip  = "Aligns Bottom of MEP elements to the bottom of selected MEP element";
            button_AlignToTop.ToolTip     = "Aligns Top of MEP elements to the top of selected MEP element";

            PushButtonData button_MultiDWG = new PushButtonData("Button_MultiDWG", "MultiDWG", root + "MultiDWG.dll",
            PushButtonData button_DuctSurfaceArea = new PushButtonData("Button_DSA", "Duct F. Unfolded", root + "MultiDWG.dll",
            PushButtonData button_ConduitAngle = new PushButtonData("Button_CA", "Conduit Angles", root + "MultiDWG.dll",

            button_MultiDWG.ToolTip        = "Specific: Loads all .DWG-s from selected folder. Sets LOD according to filename, temporarily hides medium and high LOD-s.";
            button_DuctSurfaceArea.ToolTip = "Specific: Inserts total surface area without connections into \"Duct Surface Area\" Project Parameter.";
            button_ConduitAngle.ToolTip    = "Specific: Sums the angles of selected Conduit turns";

            panel_Spec.AddStackedItems(button_MultiDWG, button_DuctSurfaceArea, button_ConduitAngle);

            PushButtonData toggle_Insulation = new PushButtonData("Toggle_Insulation", "Align to INS", root + "AlignToBottom.dll",

            toggle_Insulation.ToolTip =
                "Aligns to Insulation surfaces, when present";

            PushButtonData button_Qv1 = new PushButtonData("Qv1", "1", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Qv2 = new PushButtonData("Qv2", "2", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Qv3 = new PushButtonData("Qv3", "3", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Qv4 = new PushButtonData("Qv4", "4", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Qv5 = new PushButtonData("Qv5", "5", root + "SetViewRange.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Qv6 = new PushButtonData("Qv6", "6", root + "SetViewRange.dll",

            button_Qv1.ToolTip = "Switch View to 'QuickView 1'"; button_Qv2.ToolTip = "Switch View to 'QuickView 2'";
            button_Qv3.ToolTip = "Switch View to 'QuickView 3'"; button_Qv4.ToolTip = "Switch View to 'QuickView 4'";
            button_Qv5.ToolTip = "Switch View to 'QuickView 5'"; button_Qv6.ToolTip = "Switch View to 'QuickView 6'";

            panel_ViewSetup.AddStackedItems(button_Qv1, button_Qv2, button_Qv3);
            panel_ViewSetup.AddStackedItems(button_Qv4, button_Qv5, button_Qv6);

            PushButton button_SetupQV = panel_ViewSetup.AddItem(new PushButtonData("Button_SetupQV", "Options",
                                                                                   root + "SetViewRange.dll", "QuickViews.QuickViews")) as PushButton;
            PushButtonData button_Dim2Grid = new PushButtonData("Dimtogrid", "RackDim", root + "AnnoTools.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Rack = new PushButtonData("Rack", "Rack", root + "AnnoTools.dll",
            PushButtonData button_Lin = new PushButtonData("Lin", "Linear", root + "AnnoTools.dll",
            string versioned = "AnnoTools";

            if (a.ControlledApplication.VersionName.Contains("2017"))
                versioned = "Exp_apps_R17";
            PushButtonData button_MTag = new PushButtonData("MTag", "MultiTag", root + versioned + ".dll",
                                                            versioned + ".MultiTag");
            PushButtonData button_ManageRefs = new PushButtonData("Button_ManageRefs", "Mng. Ref.Planes", root + "MultiDWG.dll",
            PushButtonData button_ManageRevs = new PushButtonData("Button_ManageRevs", "Mng. Revisions", root + "Revision_Editor.dll",

            button_SetupQV.ToolTip    = "Set quick access to views and more.";
            button_Dim2Grid.ToolTip   = "Create Dimension referring the selected element's centerlines and Grids.";
            button_Rack.ToolTip       = "Create tag for Conduit Rack, listing conduits: left to right \\ top to bottom";
            button_Lin.ToolTip        = "Create Dimension for objects with more distance in-between";
            button_MTag.ToolTip       = "Create Tags by Category for multiple selected elements at once";
            button_ManageRefs.ToolTip = "Create Reference Planes from at the origins of 3 selected items, or Delete Ref.Planes";
            button_ManageRevs.ToolTip = "Manage Revisions";

            TextBoxData leftSpaceData  = new TextBoxData("A");
            TextBoxData rightSpaceData = new TextBoxData("B");
            TextBoxData firstYData     = new TextBoxData("C");
            TextBoxData stepYData      = new TextBoxData("1");
            TextBoxData splitPointData = new TextBoxData("2");
            TextBoxData placementData  = new TextBoxData("3");

            panel_Annot.AddStackedItems(leftSpaceData, rightSpaceData, firstYData);
            panel_Annot.AddStackedItems(stepYData, splitPointData, placementData);

            foreach (RibbonItem item in panel_Annot.GetItems())
                SetTextBox(item, "A", ":A:", "Distance of TextBoxes on Left", 60);
                SetTextBox(item, "B", ":B:", "Distance of TextBoxes on Right", 60);
                SetTextBox(item, "C", ":C:", "Height offset of TextBoxes", 60);
                SetTextBox(item, "1", ":1:", "Gap between TextBoxes", 60);
                SetTextBox(item, "2", ":2:", "Controls directional switch, and linebreaks of TextBoxes", 60);
                SetTextBox(item, "3", ":3:", "Placement of annotation along the reference line", 60);

            PulldownButtonData QtData        = new PulldownButtonData("Quicktools", "QuickTools");
            PulldownButton     QtButtonGroup = panel_Qt.AddItem(QtData) as PulldownButton;

            PushButtonData qt1 = new PushButtonData("Filter Verticals", "Filter Vert", root + "MultiDWG.dll", "MultiDWG.FindVert");
            PushButtonData qt2 = new PushButtonData("Filter Round Hosted", "Filter Round Hosted", root + "AnnoTools.dll", "AnnoTools.CheckTag");
            PushButtonData qt3 = new PushButtonData("Align Identicals", "Align Identicals", root + "AnnoTools.dll", "AnnoTools.Cleansheet");
            PushButtonData qt4 = new PushButtonData("Replace in Parameter", "Replace in Parameter", root + "MultiDWG.dll", "MultiDWG.ReplaceInParam");
            PushButtonData qt5 = new PushButtonData("Duplicate Sheets", "Duplicate Sheets", root + "MultiDWG.dll", "MultiDWG.DuplicateSheets");

            qt1.ToolTip = "Filters Vertical elements from selection " + Environment.NewLine + ":1: controls vertical sensitivity";
            qt2.ToolTip = "Filter the selected tags that are hosted to Round duct " + Environment.NewLine + ":3: Type for 'Rectangular' filter";
            qt3.ToolTip = "Merges selected tags with same content." + Environment.NewLine + ":A: and :B: controls sensitivity";
            qt4.ToolTip = "Replaces text in parameter of selection." + Environment.NewLine + ":A: - Parameter name" + Environment.NewLine
                          + ":B: - Original" + Environment.NewLine + ":C: - Replace";
            qt5.ToolTip = "Duplicates the selected sheets." + Environment.NewLine + ":A: - Suffix - Sheet Number" + Environment.NewLine
                          + ":B: - Suffix - Sheet Name" + Environment.NewLine + ":C: - Type for Dependent view duplicates";

            string IconsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Icons\\");

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(IconsPath);

            string im_dwg = IconsPath + "Button_DWGExport.png"; string im_nwc = IconsPath + "Button_NavisExport.png";
            string im_all = IconsPath + "Button_AllExport.png"; string im_reh = IconsPath + "Button_RehostElements.png";
            string im_tup = IconsPath + "Button_T_UP.png"; string im_tdn = IconsPath + "Button_T_DN.png";
            string im_bup = IconsPath + "Button_B_UP.png"; string im_bdn = IconsPath + "Button_B_DN.png";
            string im_ins = IconsPath + "Button_Ins.png"; string im_pre = IconsPath + "Button_PrintRev.png";
            string im_pre_sm = IconsPath + "Button_PrintRev_sm.png"; string im_rak = IconsPath + "Button_Rack.png";
            string im_d2g_sm = IconsPath + "Button_Dim2Grid_sm.png"; string im_ref = IconsPath + "Button_Ref.png";
            string im_lin_sm = IconsPath + "Button_Lin_sm.png"; string im_mtag = IconsPath + "Button_MTag.png";
            string im_tl_sm = IconsPath + "Button_TL_sm.png"; string im_tpc_sm = IconsPath + "Button_TPC_sm.png";
            string im_qt1 = IconsPath + "Button_qt1.png"; string im_qt2 = IconsPath + "Button_qt2.png";
            string im_qt3 = IconsPath + "Button_qt3.png"; string im_qt4 = IconsPath + "Button_qt4.png";
            string im_qt5 = IconsPath + "Button_qt5.png";
            string im_rev = IconsPath + "Button_Rev.png";

            button_DWGExport.Image                  = SetImage(im_dwg);
            button_NavisExport.Image                = SetImage(im_nwc);
            button_AllExport.Image                  = SetImage(im_all);
            button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Up.Image      = SetImage(im_tup);
            button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Down.Image    = SetImage(im_tdn);
            button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Up.Image   = SetImage(im_bup);
            button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Down.Image = SetImage(im_bdn);
            button_RehostElements.Image             = SetImage(im_reh);
            button_RehostElements.LargeImage        = SetImage(im_reh);
            toggle_Insulation.Image                 = SetImage(im_ins);
            button_RevPrint.LargeImage              = SetImage(im_pre);
            button_RevPrint.Image        = SetImage(im_pre_sm);
            button_Rack.Image            = SetImage(im_rak);
            button_Dim2Grid.Image        = SetImage(im_d2g_sm);
            button_Lin.Image             = SetImage(im_lin_sm);
            button_MTag.LargeImage       = SetImage(im_mtag);
            button_ManageRefs.LargeImage = SetImage(im_ref);
            button_ManageRefs.Image      = SetImage(im_ref);
            button_ManageRevs.LargeImage = SetImage(im_rev);
            button_ManageRevs.Image      = SetImage(im_rev);
            button_TL.Image  = SetImage(im_tl_sm);
            button_TPC.Image = SetImage(im_tpc_sm);

            qt1.LargeImage = SetImage(im_qt1);
            qt2.LargeImage = SetImage(im_qt2);
            qt3.LargeImage = SetImage(im_qt3);
            qt4.LargeImage = SetImage(im_qt4);
            qt5.LargeImage = SetImage(im_qt5);


            ComboBoxData ShiftRange = new ComboBoxData("ShiftRange");

            panel_ViewSetup.AddStackedItems(button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Up, button_ShiftViewRange_Bottom_Down);
            panel_ViewSetup.AddStackedItems(button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Up, button_ShiftViewRange_Top_Down);
            panel_ViewSetup.AddStackedItems(button_TL, button_TPC);
            panel_Export.AddStackedItems(button_DWGExport, button_NavisExport, button_AllExport);
            panel_ViewSetup.AddStackedItems(button_SetViewRange, ShiftRange);
            panel_Reelevate.AddStackedItems(button_AlignToTop, button_AlignToBottom, toggle_Insulation);
            panel_Managers.AddItem(button_ManageRefs); panel_Managers.AddItem(button_ManageRevs);
            panel_Annot.AddStackedItems(button_Dim2Grid, button_Lin, button_Rack);

            a.ApplicationClosing += a_ApplicationClosing;

            //Set Application to Idling
            a.Idling += a_Idling;

Esempio n. 14
        //private void
        //Stream(ArrayList data, RibbonItem ribMenuItem)
        //    data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(RibbonItem)));
        //    data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Enumerable("Items", ribMenuItem.Items));
        //    data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Item text", ribMenuItem.ItemText));
        private void Stream(ArrayList data, RibbonPanel ribbonPanel)
            data.Add(new Snoop.Data.ClassSeparator(typeof(RibbonPanel)));

             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Enabled", ribbonPanel.Enabled));
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Enumerable("Items", ribbonPanel.GetItems()));
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Name", ribbonPanel.Name));
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.String("Title", ribbonPanel.Title));
             data.Add(new Snoop.Data.Bool("Visible", ribbonPanel.Visible));
Esempio n. 15
        public static void GetMenuValues(UIApplication uiapp)
            double scale = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.ActiveView.Scale;

            Store.scaleMod = 96 / scale;
            RibbonPanel inputpanel = null;

            foreach (RibbonPanel panel in uiapp.GetRibbonPanels("Exp. Add-Ins"))
                if (panel.Name == "Annotation")
                    inputpanel = panel;
            foreach (RibbonItem item in inputpanel.GetItems())
                if (item.Name == "A")
                    Store.left_ib = (TextBox)item;
                else if (item.Name == "B")
                    Store.right_ib = (TextBox)item;
                else if (item.Name == "C")
                    Store.firsty_ib = (TextBox)item;
                else if (item.Name == "1")
                    Store.stepy_ib = (TextBox)item;
                else if (item.Name == "2")
                    Store.split_ib = (TextBox)item;
                else if (item.Name == "3")
                    Store.place_ib = (TextBox)item;
            Double.TryParse(Store.left_ib.Value as string, out Store.mod_left);
            Double.TryParse(Store.right_ib.Value as string, out Store.mod_right);
            Double.TryParse(Store.firsty_ib.Value as string, out Store.mod_firsty);
            Double.TryParse(Store.stepy_ib.Value as string, out Store.mod_stepy);
            int.TryParse(Store.split_ib.Value as string, out Store.mod_split);
            Double.TryParse(Store.place_ib.Value as string, out Store.mod_place);
            double mod = 1 / Store.scaleMod;

            if (Store.mod_left == 0)
                Store.mod_left = mod;
                Store.mod_left /= Store.scaleMod;
            if (Store.mod_right == 0)
                Store.mod_right = mod;
                Store.mod_right /= Store.scaleMod;
            if (Store.mod_firsty == 0)
                Store.mod_firsty = mod;
                Store.mod_firsty /= Store.scaleMod;
            if (Store.mod_stepy == 0)
                Store.mod_stepy = mod;
                Store.mod_stepy /= Store.scaleMod;
Esempio n. 16
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            if (!(doc.ActiveView is ViewPlan viewPlan))
                TaskDialog.Show("Please select Plan view", "Select Plan view to change it's View Range");
            PlanViewRange viewRange  = viewPlan.GetViewRange();
            double        CCut       = viewRange.GetOffset(PlanViewPlane.CutPlane);
            double        CTop       = viewRange.GetOffset(PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane);
            RibbonPanel   inputpanel = null;
            ComboBox      inputbox   = null;

            foreach (RibbonPanel panel in uiapp.GetRibbonPanels("Exp. Add-Ins"))
                if (panel.Name == "View Tools")
                    inputpanel = panel;
            foreach (RibbonItem item in inputpanel.GetItems())
                if (item.Name == "ShiftRange")
                    inputbox = (ComboBox)item;
            List <Double> vrOpts = new List <Double> {
                StoreExp.vrOpt1, StoreExp.vrOpt2, StoreExp.vrOpt3,
                StoreExp.vrOpt4, StoreExp.vrOpt5, StoreExp.vrOpt6
            double mod = vrOpts[Int32.Parse(inputbox.Current.Name)];

            if (viewPlan.ViewType != ViewType.CeilingPlan)
                viewRange.SetOffset(PlanViewPlane.CutPlane, CCut + mod);
                viewRange.SetOffset(PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane, CCut + mod);
            if (viewPlan.ViewType == ViewType.CeilingPlan)
                viewRange.SetOffset(PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane, CTop + mod);
                viewRange.SetOffset(PlanViewPlane.ViewDepthPlane, CTop + mod);
            using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Set View Range"))
                { TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Cannot shift ViewRange this way."); }
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// return the RibbonItem by the input name in a specific panel
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panelRibbon">RibbonPanel which contains the RibbonItem </param>
 /// <param name="itemName">name of RibbonItem</param>
 /// <return>RibbonItem whose name is same with input string</return>
 public static RibbonItem GetRibbonItemByName(RibbonPanel panelRibbon, string itemName)
     return(panelRibbon.GetItems().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == itemName));