Esempio n. 1
        public void Apply(Mat src)
            using (ResourceTracker t = new ResourceTracker())
                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                Size srcSize = src.Size();

                //todo: 只对脸部进行亮肤
                //todo: 对src进行美颜、瘦脸、亮肤等。只要控制在一帧50ms之内即可。
                Mat matMask = t.NewMat(srcSize, MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                RenderGreenScreenMask(src, matMask);
                //the area is by integer instead of double, so that it can improve the performance of comparision of areas
                int minBlockArea = (int)(srcSize.Width * srcSize.Height * this.MinBlockPercent);
                var contoursExternalForeground = Cv2.FindContoursAsArray(matMask, RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxNone)
                                                 .Select(c => new { contour = c, Area = (int)Cv2.ContourArea(c) })
                                                 .Where(c => c.Area >= minBlockArea)
                                                 .OrderByDescending(c => c.Area).Take(5).Select(c => c.contour);
                //contoursExternalForeground = contoursExternalForeground.Select(c=>Cv2.ApproxPolyDP(c,0.5,true));

                //a new Mat used for rendering the selected Contours
                var matMaskForeground = t.NewMat(srcSize, MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                //thickness: -1 means filling the inner space
                matMaskForeground.DrawContours(contoursExternalForeground, -1, new Scalar(255),
                                               thickness: -1);

                //matInternalHollow is the inner Hollow parts of body part.
                var matInternalHollow = t.NewMat(srcSize, MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                Cv2.BitwiseXor(matMaskForeground, matMask, matInternalHollow);

                int minHollowArea = (int)(minBlockArea * 0.5);//the lower size limitation of InternalHollow is less than minBlockArea, because InternalHollows are smaller
                //find the Contours of Internal Hollow
                var contoursInternalHollow = Cv2.FindContoursAsArray(matInternalHollow, RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxNone)
                                             .Select(c => new { contour = c, Area = Cv2.ContourArea(c) })
                                             .Where(c => c.Area >= minHollowArea)
                                             .OrderByDescending(c => c.Area).Take(10).Select(c => c.contour);
                //draw hollows
                foreach (var c in contoursInternalHollow)
                    matMaskForeground.FillConvexPoly(c, new Scalar(0));

                var element = t.T(Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Cross, new Size(3, 3)));
                //smooth the edge of matMaskForeground
                Cv2.MorphologyEx(matMaskForeground, matMaskForeground, MorphTypes.Close,
                                 element, iterations: 6);
                Cv2.GaussianBlur(matMaskForeground, matMaskForeground, new Size(3, 3), 0, 0);

                var foreground = t.NewMat(src.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC4, new Scalar(0));
                ZackCVHelper.AddAlphaChannel(src, foreground, matMaskForeground);
                //resize the _backgroundImage to the same size of src
                Cv2.Resize(_backgroundImage, src, src.Size());

                //draw foreground(people) on the backgroundimage
                ZackCVHelper.DrawOverlay(src, foreground);
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (ResourceTracker t = new ResourceTracker())
                Mat   picMat = t.T(Cv2.ImRead("bg.png"));
                Mat   mat1   = t.T(255 - picMat);
                Mat   mat2   = t.T(np.zeros_like(mat1));
                Mat   mat3   = t.NewMat();
                Mat   mat4   = t.T(np.array(new byte[] { 33, 88, 99 }));
                Mat   mat5   = t.T(np.array(33, 88, 99));
                Mat   mat6   = t.T(255 - t.T(picMat * 0.8));
                Mat[] mats1  = t.T(picMat.Split());
                Mat[] mats2  = new Mat[] { mats1[0], mats1[1], mats1[2], t.T(np.zeros_like(picMat)) };
                Cv2.Merge(mats2, mat3);

            using (ResourceTracker t = new ResourceTracker())
                Mat   mat1  = t.NewMat(new Size(100, 100), MatType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0));
                Mat   mat3  = t.T(255 - t.T(mat1 * 0.8));
                Mat[] mats1 = t.T(mat3.Split());
                Mat   mat4  = t.NewMat();
                Cv2.Merge(new Mat[] { mats1[0], mats1[1], mats1[2] }, mat4);

            using (ResourceTracker t = new ResourceTracker())
                var img1         = t.T(Cv2.ImRead("bg.png"));
                var img2         = t.T(Cv2.ImRead("2.jpg"));
                var img2_resized = t.T(np.zeros_like(img1));
                Cv2.Resize(img2, img2_resized, img1.Size());
                var        img3 = t.T(np.zeros_like(img1));
                np.where < Vec3b > (img1, img3, p => p.Item0 < 100 || p.Item1 < 100, img1, img2_resized);
                Cv2.ImShow("a", img3);