Esempio n. 1
 public AssemblyWriter(AssemblyDefinition assemblyDef, Stream output, CompilationOptions options)
     : base(output)
     _options = options;
     _text    = GetTextSection(assemblyDef);
     _rsrc    = GetRsrcSection();
     _reloc   = GetRelocSection();
Esempio n. 2
 private void AddChunksToSections()
     textSection.Add(ImportAddressTable, DEFAULT_IAT_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(ImageCor20Header, DEFAULT_COR20HEADER_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(strongNameSignature, DEFAULT_STRONGNAMESIG_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(constants, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(methodBodies, DEFAULT_METHODBODIES_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(netResources, DEFAULT_NETRESOURCES_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(metaData, DEFAULT_METADATA_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(debugDirectory, DEFAULT_DEBUGDIRECTORY_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(ImportDirectory, DEFAULT_IMPORTDIRECTORY_ALIGNMENT);
     textSection.Add(StartupStub, DEFAULT_STARTUPSTUB_ALIGNMENT);
     if (rsrcSection != null)
         rsrcSection.Add(win32Resources, DEFAULT_WIN32_RESOURCES_ALIGNMENT);
     if (RelocSection != null)
         RelocSection.Add(RelocDirectory, DEFAULT_RELOC_ALIGNMENT);
Esempio n. 3
        // We don't really need a reloc folder if were wharehousing the whole binary anyhow
        public static RelocSection ExtractRelocData(string PE, string RelocBase = null, bool NoExtraRelocFolder = true)
            using (var fs = new FileStream(PE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var buff = new byte[4096];

                fs.Read(buff, 0, 4096);

                var e = Extract.IsBlockaPE(buff);
                if (e == null)

                e.FileName = PE;
                if (e.RelocSize == 0)

                RelocSection rv = new RelocSection();

                int RelocPos = 0, RelocSize = 0;

                rv.FullPath = PE;
                rv.Name     = Path.GetFileName(PE);

                rv.Is64           = e.Is64;
                rv.VirtualSize    = e.SizeOfImage;
                rv.TimeStamp      = e.TimeStamp;
                rv.OriginalBase   = e.ImageBase;
                rv.OrigBaseOffset = (int)e.ImageBaseOffset;

                for (int i = 0; i < e.Sections.Count(); i++)
                    if (e.Sections[i].Name == ".reloc")
                        RelocPos  = (int)e.Sections[i].RawFilePointer;
                        RelocSize = (int)e.Sections[i].RawFileSize;
                if (RelocPos == 0 && RelocSize == 0)

                rv.RelocSecOffset = RelocPos;
                rv.RelocLength    = RelocSize;
                var readBuffer = new byte[RelocSize];

                if (RelocSize != 0)
                    fs.Position = RelocPos;
                    fs.Read(readBuffer, 0, RelocSize);

                    if (!NoExtraRelocFolder && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RelocBase) && !File.Exists(rv.FullPath))
                        var relocDir = e.Is64 ? Path.Combine(RelocBase, "64") : Path.Combine(RelocBase, "32");
                        var sb       = $"{Path.GetFileName(e.FileName)}-{e.ImageBase.ToString("X")}-{e.TimeStamp.ToString("X")}.reloc";
                        var outFile  = Path.Combine(relocDir, sb);

                        using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                            stream.Write(readBuffer, 0, RelocSize);
                rv.RawRelocBuffer = readBuffer;
Esempio n. 4
        public static RelocSection ExtractRelocData(Extract e, string RelocBase, byte[] buff = null, bool NoWrite = false)
            if (e.RelocSize == 0)

            RelocSection rv = new RelocSection();

            int RelocPos = 0, RelocSize = 0;

            rv.FullPath = e.FileName;
            rv.Name     = Path.GetFileName(e.FileName);

            rv.Is64           = e.Is64;
            rv.VirtualSize    = e.SizeOfImage;
            rv.TimeStamp      = e.TimeStamp;
            rv.OriginalBase   = e.ImageBase;
            rv.OrigBaseOffset = (int)e.ImageBaseOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < e.Sections.Count(); i++)
                if (e.Sections[i].Name == ".reloc")
                    RelocPos  = (int)e.Sections[i].RawFilePointer;
                    RelocSize = (int)e.Sections[i].RawFileSize;
            rv.RelocSecOffset = RelocPos;
            rv.RelocLength    = RelocSize;

            rv.RawRelocBuffer = new ArraySegment <byte>(buff, RelocPos, RelocSize).ToArray();

            // we can use this DB of files for a solid white list
            #region keep whole files

            //var relocDir = e.Is64 ? Path.Combine(RelocBase, "64") : Path.Combine(RelocBase, "32");
            //var sb = $"{Path.GetFileName(e.FileName)}-{e.ImageBase.ToString("X")}-{e.TimeStamp.ToString("X")}.reloc";
            //var outFile = Path.Combine(relocDir, sb);

             * if (buff != null && buff.Length >= RelocPos + RelocSize)
             * {
             *  rv.RawRelocBuffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(buff, RelocPos, RelocSize).ToArray();
             * }
             * byte[] readBuffer;
             * using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(e.FileName))
             * {
             *  for (int i = 0; i < e.Sections.Count(); i++)
             *  {
             *      if (e.Sections[i].Name == ".reloc")
             *      {
             *          RelocPos = (int)e.Sections[i].RawFilePointer;
             *          RelocSize = (int)e.Sections[i].RawFileSize;
             *          break;
             *      }
             *  }
             *  if (RelocSize != 0)
             *  {
             *      readBuffer = new byte[RelocSize];
             *      fileStream.Position = RelocPos;
             *      fileStream.Read(readBuffer, 0, RelocSize);
             *      if (!NoWrite && !File.Exists(rv.FullPath))
             *      {
             *          using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(outFile,
             *                  FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, RelocSize, true))
             *              stream.Write(readBuffer, 0, RelocSize);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * return rv;*/