Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <bool> TryStreamCachedAllFilesZip(
            Release release,
            Stream outputStream,
            CancellationToken?cancellationToken = null)
            var path        = release.AllFilesZipPath();
            var allFilesZip = await _blobStorageService.FindBlob(PublicReleaseFiles, path);

            // Ideally, we would have some way to do this caching via annotations,
            // but this a chunk of work to get working properly as piping
            // the cached file to target stream isn't super trivial.
            // For now, we'll just do this manually as it's way easier.
            if (allFilesZip?.Updated is not null &&
                allFilesZip.Updated.Value.AddSeconds(AllFilesZipTtl) >= DateTime.UtcNow)
                await _blobStorageService.DownloadToStream(
                    containerName : PublicReleaseFiles,
                    path : path,
                    stream : outputStream,
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken

                await outputStream.DisposeAsync();


Esempio n. 2
        private async Task ZipAllFilesToStream(
            Release release,
            Stream outputStream,
            CancellationToken?cancellationToken = null)
            var releaseFiles = (await QueryReleaseFiles(release.Id).ToListAsync())
                               .OrderBy(rf => rf.File.ZipFileEntryName())

            var path       = Path.GetTempPath() + release.AllFilesZipFileName();
            var fileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            await using var multiWriteStream = new MultiWriteStream(outputStream, fileStream);

            await DoZipFilesToStream(releaseFiles, release, multiWriteStream, cancellationToken);

            await multiWriteStream.FlushAsync();

            // Now cache the All files zip into blob storage
            // so that we can quickly fetch it again.
            fileStream.Position = 0;

            await _blobStorageService.UploadStream(
                containerName : PublicReleaseFiles,
                path : release.AllFilesZipPath(),
                stream : fileStream,
                contentType : MediaTypeNames.Application.Zip

            await fileStream.DisposeAsync();

        public void AllFilesZipPath()
            const string releaseSlug     = "release-slug";
            const string publicationSlug = "publication-slug";

            var release = new Release
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Slug        = releaseSlug,
                Publication = new Publication
                    Slug = publicationSlug

            Assert.Equal($"{release.Id}/zip/{publicationSlug}_{releaseSlug}.zip", release.AllFilesZipPath());