Esempio n. 1
    public void updateFlag(float x, float y, float z, int connid)
        int         rx = ((int)x) % blockSize;
        int         ry = ((int)y) % blockSize;
        int         rz = ((int)z);
        RegionBlock rb = getRegion(x, y);

        if (rb != null)
            if (rb.removeFlag(rx, ry, rz + 1, connid))
                rb.deleteBlock(rx, ry, rz + 1);
                PlayerFlagMessage m = new PlayerFlagMessage();
                m.removed = true;
                NetworkServer.SendToClient(connid, LevelMsgType.PlayerFlagRequest, m);
                PlayerFlagMessage m = new PlayerFlagMessage();
                m.removed = false;
                NetworkServer.SendToClient(connid, LevelMsgType.PlayerFlagRequest, m);

Esempio n. 2
    /// Create a level block corresponding to the given region block and
    /// add this to the cache of blocks. Assumes that such a block does
    /// not already exist, or a duplicate will be created.
    public LocalLevelBlock addLevelBlock(RegionBlock rb, Vector3 position)
//         Debug.Log ("New local block " + position);
        LocalLevelBlock llb = new LocalLevelBlock();

        llb.region  = rb;
        llb.gobject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(localLevelElement, position, Quaternion.identity);
Esempio n. 3
        public void OnSelectionSet(RegionBlock selectedRegion)
            Debug.WriteLine($"New selection: X={selectedRegion.X} Y={selectedRegion.Y} Width={selectedRegion.Width} Height={selectedRegion.Height}");

            Debug.Assert(ActiveRecordingService == null);

            ActiveRecordingService = recordingServiceProvider.Create(selectedRegion, KnownFourCC.Codecs.MotionJpeg, 70);

Esempio n. 4
        public RegionBlock End(Point endPoint)
            int x      = (int)Math.Min(startPoint.X, endPoint.X);
            int width  = (int)Math.Abs(endPoint.X - startPoint.X);
            int y      = (int)Math.Min(startPoint.Y, endPoint.Y);
            int height = (int)Math.Abs(endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y);

            var result = new RegionBlock(x, y, width, height);

Esempio n. 5
 /// Return the record for the given regionBlock, null
 /// if it doesn't exist.
 public AccessedRegion findRegion(RegionBlock rb)
     foreach (AccessedRegion ar in activeRegions)
         if (ar.region == rb)
        private void OnMouseLeftUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            var view = sender as IShowMouseSelectionView;

            if (view == null)

            if (drawRectangle.IsStarted)
                RegionBlock selectedArea = drawRectangle.End(e.GetPosition(null));

Esempio n. 7
    /// Update the geometry representation of the level. Used on the server
    /// for visualization.
    public void refreshMesh()
        for (int i = 0; i < levelStructures.GetLength(0); i += 1)
            for (int j = 0; j < levelStructures.GetLength(1); j += 1)
                RegionBlock rb = getRegion(i * blockSize, j * blockSize);

                if (rb != null)
                    GameObject t   = levelViewObjects[i, j];
                    MeshFilter tmf = t.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
Esempio n. 8
    /// Place a block at the given coordinates, relative to the entire level itself.
    public void setBlock(float x, float y, float z, int type, int connid)
        int rx = ((int)x) % blockSize;
        int ry = ((int)y) % blockSize;
        int rz = ((int)z);

        RegionBlock rb = getRegion(x, y);

        if (rb != null && rb.getBlock(rx, ry, rz) <= 0 && type != 10)
            rb.setBlock(rx, ry, rz, type, connid);
        else if (rb != null && rb.getBlock(rx, ry, rz) <= 0 && type == 10)
            rb.setBlock(rx, ry, rz, type, connid);

Esempio n. 9
    /// Construct a level using a texture as the source of data.
    public LevelStructure(Texture2D levelPattern, int mblockSize)
        blockSize = mblockSize;

        int blocksx = (int)((float)(levelPattern.width + blockSize - 1) / blockSize);
        int blocksy = (int)((float)(levelPattern.height + blockSize - 1) / blockSize);

        levelStructures = new RegionBlock [blocksx, blocksy];

        levelViewObjects = new GameObject [blocksx, blocksy];

        for (int i = 0; i < blocksx; i += 1)
            for (int j = 0; j < blocksy; j += 1)
                levelStructures[i, j]  = new RegionBlock(levelPattern, i * blockSize, j * blockSize, blockSize);
                levelViewObjects[i, j] = null;
Esempio n. 10
    /// Update a change of resource in the level structure.
    public void updateResource(float x, float y, float z, int amount)
        int rx = ((int)x) % blockSize;
        int ry = ((int)y) % blockSize;
        int rz = ((int)z);

        RegionBlock rb = getRegion(x, y);

        if (rb != null)
            rb.updateBlockHealth(rx, ry, rz, amount);
            int blockHealth = rb.getBlockHealth(rx, ry, rz);
            //Debug.LogError ("Health of block: " + blockHealth.ToString ());
            if (blockHealth < 1)
                rb.deleteBlock(rx, ry, rz);

Esempio n. 11
    /// Create an instance of the geometry representation of the level, which can
    /// then be updated using refreshMesh.
    public void convertToMesh(GameObject regionBlank, Transform transform)
        for (int i = 0; i < levelStructures.GetLength(0); i += 1)
            for (int j = 0; j < levelStructures.GetLength(1); j += 1)
                RegionBlock rb = getRegion(i * blockSize, j * blockSize);

                if (rb != null)
                    Vector3    pos = new Vector3(i * 1.0f, j * 1.0f, 0.0f);
                    GameObject t   = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(regionBlank, pos, Quaternion.identity);
                    t.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

                    MeshFilter tmf = t.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

                    levelViewObjects[i, j] = t;
Esempio n. 12
    /// Send an update to the player identified by the given connection ID. Work out
    /// which regions have changed, and communicate those details.
    void sendPlayerUpdate(int connectionId, Vector3 position, float visibleRadius)
        ClientDetails cd = getPlayerDetails(connectionId);

        cd.position = position;
        cd.radius   = visibleRadius;

        // Check that the list of accessed regions is still up to date.
        if (Vector3.Distance(cd.position, cd.lastUpdatePosition) > ClientDetails.updateDistance)
            // Clear tags.
            foreach (AccessedRegion ar in cd.activeRegions)
                ar.tagged = false;

            // Make sure all regions in the radius are tracked and tagged.
            int blockr = (int)(cd.radius / blockSize);
            for (int offx = -blockr; offx <= blockr; offx++)
                for (int offy = -blockr; offy <= blockr; offy++)
                    RegionBlock rb = levelStructure.getRegion(cd.position.x + offx * blockSize, cd.position.z + offy * blockSize);
                    if (rb != null)
//                         Debug.Log ("Updating player at rb " + rb + " xx " + rb.blockCoordX + " - " + rb.blockCoordY);

                        AccessedRegion ar = cd.findRegion(rb);
                        if (ar == null)
                            ar                = new AccessedRegion();
                            ar.region         = rb;
                            ar.timeLastUpdate = 0; // force update.
                        ar.tagged = true;

            // Remove any regions not tagged (no longer in radius)
            for (int i = cd.activeRegions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!cd.activeRegions[i].tagged)

            // Mark the position of last region list update.
            cd.lastUpdatePosition = cd.position;

//          Debug.Log ("Updating player at " + cd.activeRegions + " --- " + cd.activeRegions.Count);

        // Send updates for those regions on the list who have changed since the last update timestamp.
        foreach (AccessedRegion ar in cd.activeRegions)
            if (ar.timeLastUpdate < ar.region.timeLastChanged)
//                Debug.Log ("Updating player at " + ar.timeLastUpdate + " - " + ar.region.timeLastChanged);
                NetworkServer.SendToClient(connectionId, LevelMsgType.LevelResponse, ar.region);
                // update timestamp.
                ar.timeLastUpdate = Time.time;
Esempio n. 13
    /// Handle incoming updates from the server.
    void ServerCommandHandler(NetworkMessage netMsg)
        switch (netMsg.msgType)
        case LevelMsgType.LevelResponse:
            // Received an updated region block from the server. Update
            // the cache, and ensure that the local visual representation
            // is consistent.
            RegionBlock rb = netMsg.ReadMessage <RegionBlock>();
//                 Debug.Log ("Server Got message: " + rb.blockSize);

            MeshFilter mf = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

            Vector2         rbpos  = rb.getPosition();
            Vector3         llbpos = new Vector3(rbpos.x, WorldManager.minLevelHeight, rbpos.y);
            LocalLevelBlock llb    = findLevelBlock(llbpos);
            if (llb == null)
                llb = addLevelBlock(rb, llbpos);

                // llb should now be valid.
                // if version is newer than the one we already have, then update it.
                if (rb.timeLastChanged > llb.region.timeLastChanged)
                    llb.region = rb;
//                         Debug.Log ("Got update ..................................>");


        case LevelMsgType.PlayerList:
            /// Message containing list of active players.

        case LevelMsgType.EmoteSingleSender:
            /// Handle incoming emotes from server
            SendEmoteMessageAndClientID m = netMsg.ReadMessage <SendEmoteMessageAndClientID> ();
            displayEmote(m.emoteType, m.netId);
            Debug.Log("Incoming emote to client from server from network id: " + m.netId);

        case LevelMsgType.PlayerFlagRequest:
            PlayerFlagMessage m = netMsg.ReadMessage <PlayerFlagMessage> ();
            if (m.removed == false)
                //Do UI message to player here informing them of failure to remove flag.
            if (m.removed == true)
                PlayerMove player = ClientScene.localPlayers[0].gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMove>();
                player.playerFlagPlaced = false;

            Debug.Log("Unexpected message type in LocalWorld");