public (string response, string color) OnCall(ReferenceHub sender, string[] args) { (string message, bool isValid) = CheckMessageValidity(args.GetMessage(), sender); if (!isValid) { return(message, "red"); } message = $"[{sender.GetNickname()}][{Language.Team} ({sender.GetRole().ToString().ToUpper()})]: {message}"; IEnumerable <ReferenceHub> targets = Player.GetHubs().Where(chatPlayer => chatPlayer != sender && chatPlayer.GetTeam() == sender.GetTeam()); List <Collections.Chat.Player> chatTargets = targets.GetChatPlayers(); if (chatTargets.Count == 0) { return(Language.NoAvailablePlayersToChatWithError, "red"); } color = sender.GetColor(); if (Configs.saveChatToDatabase) { SaveMessage(message, sender.GetChatPlayer(), chatTargets, type); } SendMessage(ref message, sender, targets); return(message, color); }
private IEnumerator <float> TeleportToOutput(ReferenceHub hub, Vector3 oldPos, Vector3 tpPos, Inventory inv, float healthPerc) { yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); DebugBoi("Teleporting " + hub.nicknameSync.MyNick + " to the output of 914."); hub.playerStats.SetHPAmount(hub.characterClassManager.Classes.SafeGet(hub.GetRole()).maxHP); hub.plyMovementSync.OverridePosition(oldPos + tpPos, hub.gameObject.transform.rotation.y); yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); hub.inventory.Clear(); foreach (var item in inv.items) { hub.AddItem(item); } hub.SetHealth(hub.characterClassManager.Classes.SafeGet(hub.GetRole()).maxHP *healthPerc); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if a player's role type is any NTF type <see cref="ReferenceHub"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsNTF(this ReferenceHub hub) { switch (hub.GetRole()) { case RoleType.NtfCadet: case RoleType.NtfScientist: case RoleType.NtfLieutenant: case RoleType.NtfCommander: return(true); default: return(false); } }
public static IEnumerator <float> DOTDamage(ReferenceHub target, int perDamage, int maxLimitDamage, float interval, DamageTypes.DamageType type) { int curDamageAmount = 0; Vector3 curDeathPos = target.characterClassManager.NetworkDeathPosition; RoleType curRole = target.GetRole(); while (curDamageAmount < maxLimitDamage) { if (target.characterClassManager.NetworkDeathPosition != curDeathPos || target.GetRole() != curRole) { break; } target.playerStats.HurtPlayer(new PlayerStats.HitInfo(perDamage, "WORLD", type, 0), target.gameObject); curDamageAmount += perDamage; yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(interval)); } if (DOTDamages.ContainsKey(target)) { Log.Debug($"[939DOT] Removed {target.GetNickname()}"); DOTDamages.Remove(target); } yield break; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="Team"/> a <see cref="ReferenceHub"/> belongs to. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">Player</param> /// <returns>Team</returns> public static Team GetTeam(this ReferenceHub player) => player.GetRole().GetTeam();
public static void SetRole(this ReferenceHub player, RoleType newRole, bool keepPosition) { if (keepPosition) { player.characterClassManager.NetworkCurClass = newRole; player.playerStats.SetHPAmount(player.characterClassManager.Classes.SafeGet(player.GetRole()).maxHP); } else { SetRole(player, newRole); } }
public void OnConsoleCommand(ConsoleCommandEvent ev) { try { if (Cooldowns.CheckCooldown(Cooldowns.ChaosCmdCool)) { ev.ReturnMessage = $"<color=red>You must wait {Cooldowns.ChaosCmdCool} seconds to use abilities.</color>"; return; } if (ev.Player != hub) { return; } if (ev.Command.StartsWith("emp")) { bool Does173Exist = new bool(); if (!EventHandlers.ChaosDevice) { ev.Color = "red"; ev.ReturnMessage = "You must wait until another round to access this command."; return; } foreach (ReferenceHub hub in Player.GetHubs()) { if (hub.GetRole() == RoleType.Scp173) { Does173Exist = true; } } if (Does173Exist) { ev.Color = "red"; ev.ReturnMessage = "Blackout cancelled. Entity in the facility has been found to directly benefit from the darkness."; Does173Exist = false; return; } ev.Color = "yellow"; ev.ReturnMessage = "Facility blacked out for 60 seconds."; EventHandlers.ChaosDevice = false; EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Methods.DoBlackout())); EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Cooldowns.DoChsCommandCooldown())); } else if (ev.Command.StartsWith("respawn")) { if (Cooldowns.CheckCooldown(Cooldowns.ChaosRespawnTime)) { ev.Color = "red"; ev.ReturnMessage = $"You must wait {Cooldowns.ChaosRespawnTime} seconds to respawn another wave."; return; } GameCore.Console.singleton.TypeCommand("/SERVER_EVENT FORCE_CI_RESPAWN"); ev.ReturnMessage = "<color=cyan>An Chaos unit has been alerted to immediately come to your location.</color>"; EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Cooldowns.DoChaosRespawnCooldown())); EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Cooldowns.DoChsCommandCooldown())); } else if (ev.Command.StartsWith("hack")) { if (Cooldowns.CheckCooldown(Cooldowns.HackTime)) { ev.Color = "red"; ev.ReturnMessage = $"You must wait {Cooldowns.HackTime} seconds to attempt another hack."; return; } string Cmd = string.Empty; int CoolTime = new int(); if (ev.Command.Contains("scan")) { Cmd = "scan"; CoolTime = 600; } else if (ev.Command.Contains("teslas")) { Cmd = "teslas"; CoolTime = 120; } else { ev.ReturnMessage = "You must specify a command to hack: .hack (scan/teslas)"; return; } ev.ReturnMessage = null; EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Methods.HackSequence(hub, Cmd))); EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Cooldowns.DoHackCooldown(CoolTime))); EventHandlers.Coroutines.Add(Timing.RunCoroutine(Cooldowns.DoChsCommandCooldown())); } else if (ev.Command.StartsWith("help")) { ev.Color = "white"; ev.ReturnMessage = "\ Shows all commands and delays " + "\n.emp: Blacksout the facility and disabled tesla gates, also lets anybody open any door - Can only be used once per round" + "\n.respawn: Forces a Chaos respawn - Cooldown: 10 minutes" + "\n.hack (scan/teslas): Attempts to mimick the NTF commanders ability's - Cooldowns: (scan 10 min/teslas 2 min)"; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"BetterRespawns exception for ChaosCommander ConsoleCommand: {e}"); } }