public static IEnumerator ReadCardFromCardFileToCurrentCardCoroutine(Image CardImage, InputField CardNameInputField, InputField CardTextInputField, string directory, string id)
        isRunningCoroutine = true;

        string json_and_image_id = "0";

        // 1) Open ".card" by parsing and decompressing the ".tar.gzip" and put it into a compatible Json and TextureImage DAO
        ReadTarGzip.ReadCardFromTGZ(id + ".cse-card", directory);
        // 2) Read Json
        ReadJson.ReadCardFromJSON(CardNameInputField, CardTextInputField, directory, json_and_image_id);
        // 3) Read TextureImage
        CardImage.overrideSprite = ReadCardTextureFromPNGTextureImageData(directory, json_and_image_id);

        //After we're done reading the uncompressed stuff, we need to pretend they never were extracted and clean stuff
        if (directory == null)
            directory = Application.dataPath + "/Card Set Editor Projects/";

        File.Delete(directory + json_and_image_id + ".json");
        File.Delete(directory + json_and_image_id + ".png");

        yield return(null);

        isRunningCoroutine = false;