protected int Reschedule() { if ((mRescheduled > MaximumReschedules) || (Manager == null) || (Manager.Scenarios == null)) { return(0); } mRescheduled++; int half = Rescheduling / 2; int delay = half + RandomUtil.GetInt(half); if (delay > 0) { if ((Manager.DebuggingEnabled) || (Manager.Scenarios.DebuggingEnabled)) { Manager.AddStat("Rescheduled: " + UnlocalizedName, delay, Common.DebugLevel.Stats); Manager.Scenarios.AddStat("Rescheduled: " + UnlocalizedName, delay, Common.DebugLevel.Stats); } } return(delay); }
public override bool Run() { int coughType = RandomUtil.GetInt(1, 4); StandardEntry(); // 25% chance of more severe cough if (coughType == 1) { EnterStateMachine("ewcoughingfit", "Enter", "x"); AnimateSim("Exit"); Actor.Motives.SetValue(CommodityKind.Energy, Actor.Motives .GetMotiveValue(CommodityKind.Energy) - 20); } else { EnterStateMachine("ewcoughing", "Enter", "x"); AnimateSim("Exit"); Actor.Motives.SetValue(CommodityKind.Energy, Actor.Motives .GetMotiveValue(CommodityKind.Energy) - 10); } StandardExit(); return(true); }
public static void GiveVisitingBuffs(Sim actor, RabbitHole target, RabbitHole.VisitRabbitHoleTuningClass visitTuning, Origin visitBuffOrigin) { Career occupationAsCareer = actor.OccupationAsCareer; if ((occupationAsCareer != null) && (occupationAsCareer.CareerLoc.Owner == target)) { actor.BuffManager.AddElement(BuffNames.Bored, visitBuffOrigin); return; } float visitBoredomChanceAdult = visitTuning.VisitBoredomChanceAdult; if (actor.SimDescription.Teen) { visitBoredomChanceAdult = visitTuning.VisitBoredomChanceTeen; } else if (actor.SimDescription.Child) { visitBoredomChanceAdult = visitTuning.VisitBoredomChanceChild; } if (RandomUtil.RandomChance(visitBoredomChanceAdult)) { actor.BuffManager.AddElement(BuffNames.Bored, visitBuffOrigin); return; } BuffNames[] namesArray = new BuffNames[] { BuffNames.Excited, BuffNames.Fascinated, BuffNames.Intrigued, BuffNames.Impressed, BuffNames.Educated }; actor.BuffManager.AddElement(namesArray[RandomUtil.GetInt(0x4)], visitBuffOrigin); }
protected void HandleDowry(SimDescription a, SimDescription b) { int min = GetValue <ArrangedMarriageDowryMinOption, int>(a); int max = GetValue <ArrangedMarriageDowryMaxOption, int>(a); if (max < min) { max = min; } int dowry = RandomUtil.GetInt(min, max); if (GetValue <DowryOnlyToPoorerOption, bool>()) { if (dowry > 0) { if (GetValue <NetWorthOption, int>(a.Household) < GetValue <NetWorthOption, int>(b.Household)) { IncStat("Dowry Poorer"); return; } } else { if (GetValue <NetWorthOption, int>(a.Household) > GetValue <NetWorthOption, int>(b.Household)) { IncStat("Dowry Poorer"); return; } } } Money.AdjustFunds(a, "ArrangedDowry", -dowry); Money.AdjustFunds(b, "ArrangedDowry", dowry); }
public override void PushWooHoo(Sim actor, Sim target, IGameObject obj) { HoverTrainStation station = obj as HoverTrainStation; InteractionPriority priority = new InteractionPriority(InteractionPriorityLevel.UserDirected); HoverTrainStation[] listOfObjects = HoverTrainStation.GetHoverTrainStations().ToArray(); if (listOfObjects.Length <= 1) { return; } int choiceIndex = RandomUtil.GetInt(listOfObjects.Length - 0x1); HoverTrainStation destination = listOfObjects[choiceIndex]; if (destination == station) { choiceIndex++; if (choiceIndex == listOfObjects.Length) { choiceIndex = 0x0; } destination = listOfObjects[choiceIndex]; } HoverTrainWoohoo entry = new ProxyDefinition(this).CreateInstance(station, actor, priority, false, true) as HoverTrainWoohoo; entry.mWoohooee = target; entry.mDestination = destination; actor.InteractionQueue.PushAsContinuation(entry, true); }
public static void OnRepaired(Event e) { Sim actor = e.Actor as Sim; if (actor == null) { return; } if ((actor.Household == null) || (actor.Household.IsSpecialHousehold)) { return; } GameObject obj = e.TargetObject as GameObject; if (obj == null) { return; } if (obj.LotCurrent == actor.LotHome) { return; } int basePay = GetBasePay(actor.OccupationAsSkillBasedCareer); GetPaid(actor, obj.LotCurrent, RandomUtil.GetInt(basePay / 2, basePay), true); }
protected override void OnPerform() { if ((mSim.Posture != null) && (mSim.Posture.Container != null)) { mParent = mSim.Posture.Container as GameObject; mSim.Posture = null; } TerrainInteraction instance = new Terrain.TeleportMeHere.Definition(false).CreateInstanceWithCallbacks(Terrain.Singleton, mSim, new InteractionPriority(InteractionPriorityLevel.UserDirected), false, true, null, OnCompleted, OnFailed) as TerrainInteraction; Door frontDoor = mDestination.FindFrontDoor(); if (frontDoor != null) { Vector3 forward; World.FindGoodLocationParams fglParams = new World.FindGoodLocationParams(frontDoor.Position); fglParams.BooleanConstraints |= FindGoodLocationBooleans.StayInRoom; fglParams.InitialSearchDirection = RandomUtil.GetInt(0x0, 0x7); if (GlobalFunctions.FindGoodLocation(mSim, fglParams, out instance.Destination, out forward)) { mSim.InteractionQueue.Add(instance); } } }
protected override void PrivateUpdate(bool fullUpdate, bool initialPass) { if ((ProgressionEnabled) && (fullUpdate)) { ClearWorth(); mUnoccupiedResidentialLotCount = 0; mOccupiedResidentialLotCount = 0; mResidentialLotCount = 0; foreach (Lot lot in LotManager.AllLots) { if ((lot.IsCommunityLot) || (!lot.IsResidentialLot) || (!lot.CanSupportPopulation(1))) { continue; } if (lot.Household == null) { mUnoccupiedResidentialLotCount++; } else { mOccupiedResidentialLotCount++; } mResidentialLotCount++; } IncreaseImmigrationPressure(this, RandomUtil.GetInt(GetValue <ImmigrantRequirementScenario.RandomPressureOption, int>())); } base.PrivateUpdate(fullUpdate, initialPass); }
protected override ManagerStory.Story PrintFormattedStory(StoryProgressionObject manager, string text, string summaryKey, object[] parameters, string[] extended, ManagerStory.StoryLogging logging) { Writing skill = Sim.SkillManager.GetSkill <Writing>(SkillNames.Writing); WrittenBookData writing = skill.LastCompletedWriting; List <BookGeneralData> randomList = new List <BookGeneralData>(BookData.BookGeneralDataList.Values); BookGeneralData randomObjectFromList = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList(randomList); int genre = RandomUtil.GetInt(1, Writing.kDialogsPerGenre); int quality = RandomUtil.GetInt(1, Writing.kDialogsPerQuality); text = Writing.LocalizeString(Sim.IsFemale, "Finished" + writing.Genre.ToString() + genre, new object[] { Sim, writing.NumPages, writing.Title, randomObjectFromList.Title }); if (writing.Quality != Writing.WrittenBookQuality.Normal) { string str2 = Writing.LocalizeString(Sim.IsFemale, "Finished" + writing.Quality.ToString() + quality, new object[] { Sim, writing.NumPages, writing.Title }); text = text + " " + str2; } string str3 = Writing.LocalizeString(Sim.IsFemale, "RoyaltyDetails", new object[] { Sim, Writing.kRoyaltyLength, writing.Royalty, SimClockUtils.GetText(Writing.kRoyaltyPayHour) }); text = text + Common.NewLine + Common.NewLine + str3; if (extended == null) { extended = new string[] { writing.Title, EAText.GetNumberString(writing.Royalty) }; } return(base.PrintFormattedStory(manager, text, summaryKey, parameters, extended, logging)); }
public static void PossiblyGenerateOffspring(List <SimDescription> dyingSims, float daysGone) { foreach (SimDescription description in dyingSims) { try { if (RandomUtil.RandomChance01(GenerateOffspring.kPercentChanceOffspring)) { int count = RandomUtil.GetInt(GenerateOffspring.kMinimumOffspring, GenerateOffspring.kMaximumOffspring); for (int i = 0x0; i < count; i++) { GenerateOffspringEx offspring = new GenerateOffspringEx(description, dyingSims, daysGone); if (offspring.IsValid()) { offspring.Execute(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(description, e); } } }
public static ListenerAction OnSocialInteraction(Event e) { // Turns out a social interaction like "Chat" triggers 4 events of EventTypeId kSocialInteraction. // Two cast to SocialEvent, one for the recipient and one for the initiator. I have no idea what // the other two are, but we don't want them. if (e is SocialEvent) { SocialEvent cevent = (SocialEvent)e; // There are two social interactions for discussing kelp recipes -- on land and in water. // I don't know that Discussing Kelp Recipes can be rejected, but obviously you shouldn't learn // anything if it was. if (cevent != null && cevent.SocialName.Contains("Discuss Kelp") && cevent.WasAccepted) { Sim speaker = (Sim)cevent.Actor; // Anyone can learn a kelp recipe from initiating a conversation with a Mermaid, even other Mermaids. // If you're not a Mermaid, you can also learn one if a Mermaid initiates the conversation with you. if ((!cevent.WasRecipient && cevent.TargetSimDescription.IsMermaid) || cevent.WasRecipient && !speaker.OccultManager.HasOccultType(Sims3.UI.Hud.OccultTypes.Mermaid)) { if (speaker.SkillManager.HasElement(SkillNames.Cooking) && // Must know Cooking to learn RandomUtil.GetInt(1, kChanceOfLearningKelpRecipe) == 1) // 1 in [default 4] chance of learning recipe { LearnKelpRecipe(speaker); } } } } return(ListenerAction.Keep); }
public static void SpeciallyUnMark(SimDescriptionCore sd) { if (mkvali == null) { return; } int numRandomMkv = 0; int checkLoop = 200; do { numRandomMkv = RandomUtil.GetInt(int.MaxValue); checkLoop--; }while (IsSpeciallyMarked(numRandomMkv) && checkLoop > 0); if (checkLoop == 0) { return; } FieldInfo field = sd.GetType().GetField(mkvali, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (field != null && IsSpeciallyMarked(sd)) { int mark = (int)field.GetValue(sd); mark &= -14606321; mark |= (numRandomMkv & 0xDEDFF0); field.SetValue(sd, mark); } }
public int GetRandomAmount(bool female, CASAgeGenderFlags age) { if (!mByAge.Contains(age)) { return(0); } if (female) { if (!RandomUtil.RandomChance(mFemaleChance)) { return(0); } return(RandomUtil.GetInt(mMinFemale, mMaxFemale)); } else { if (!RandomUtil.RandomChance(mMaleChance)) { return(0); } return(RandomUtil.GetInt(mMinMale, mMaxMale)); } }
public override bool Run() { try { SculptureComponent component = Target.SculptureComponent; if (component == null) { return(false); } Definition definition = InteractionDefinition as Definition; component.mSculptureMaterial = (uint)definition.mMaterial; if ((definition.mMaterial == SculptureComponent.SculptureMaterial.Stone) && RandomUtil.CoinFlip()) { component.mSculptureMaterial |= 0x80; } component.mSculptureMaterial |= (uint)(RandomUtil.GetInt(0x0, SculptureComponent.kNumSculptureTexturesPerMaterial - 0x1) << 0x8); component.SetShaderIfNeeded(); component.mScriptObject.RemoveAlarm(component.mMeltingAlarm); component.mMeltingAlarm = AlarmHandle.kInvalidHandle; } catch (Exception exception) { Common.Exception(Actor, Target, exception); } return(true); }
private SimDescription FindPartner(SimDescription parent, List <SimDescription> dyingSims) { SimDescription description = null; float liking = -100f; List <SimDescription> list = new List <SimDescription>(); foreach (Relationship relationship in Relationship.GetRelationships(parent)) { SimDescription otherSimDescription = relationship.GetOtherSimDescription(parent); if (otherSimDescription.Household == null) { continue; } if (otherSimDescription.Household.IsPreviousTravelerHousehold) { continue; } if (otherSimDescription.Household.IsTravelHousehold) { continue; } if (((parent.Gender != otherSimDescription.Gender) && (otherSimDescription.Partner == null)) && !otherSimDescription.IsMummy) { if (relationship.AreRomantic()) { list.Add(otherSimDescription); } else if ((!Relationships.IsCloselyRelated(parent, otherSimDescription, false) && parent.CheckAutonomousGenderPreference(otherSimDescription)) && (otherSimDescription.CheckAutonomousGenderPreference(parent) && (relationship.LTR.Liking > liking))) { liking = relationship.LTR.Liking; description = otherSimDescription; } } } if (list.Count > 0x0) { return(list[RandomUtil.GetInt(list.Count - 0x1)]); } foreach (SimDescription description3 in dyingSims) { if ((((parent.Gender != description3.Gender) && (description3.Partner == null)) && (!description3.IsMummy && !Relationships.IsCloselyRelated(parent, description3, false))) && (parent.CheckAutonomousGenderPreference(description3) && description3.CheckAutonomousGenderPreference(parent))) { list.Add(description3); } } if (list.Count > 0x0) { return(list[RandomUtil.GetInt(list.Count - 0x1)]); } return(description); }
public override int GetNewCareerLevel(Career oldCareer) { if (mAbsoluteLevel > 0) { return(mAbsoluteLevel); } else { int level = oldCareer.CurLevel.Level; return(RandomUtil.GetInt(level - mRelativeLevelMin, level + mRelativeLevelMax)); } }
public static IGameObject ChooseBook(Sim actor, List <IGameObject> books) { if (books.Count == 0x0) { return(null); } float minValue = float.MinValue; List <Book> list = new List <Book>(); foreach (IGameObject obj in books) { Book book = obj as Book; if (book == null) { continue; } ReadBookData data; if (actor.ReadBookDataList.TryGetValue(book.Data.ID, out data)) { if (data.TimesRead > 0) { continue; } } float interestInBook = BookEx.GetInterestInBook(actor, book); if (interestInBook == 0f) { continue; } if (interestInBook > minValue) { list.Clear(); list.Add(book); minValue = interestInBook; } else if (interestInBook == minValue) { list.Add(book); } } if (list.Count == 0x0) { return(null); } return(list[RandomUtil.GetInt(list.Count - 0x1)]); }
private void setTargetPosition() { int x = RandomUtil.GetInt(TARGET_AREA_SIZE - 1); int y = RandomUtil.GetInt(TARGET_AREA_SIZE - 1); bool isUpper = RandomUtil.GetBool(); bool isLeft = RandomUtil.GetBool(); int verticalAreaStart = isUpper ? 0 : SIZE - TARGET_AREA_SIZE; int horizontalAreaStart = isLeft ? 0 : SIZE - TARGET_AREA_SIZE; TargetPosition = new Point(verticalAreaStart + x, horizontalAreaStart + y); }
int rand_odd(int start, int end) { for (var loop = 0; loop < 1000; loop++) { var range = end - start; var a = start + RandomUtil.GetInt(range); if (a % 2 == 1) { return(a); } } return(start); }
public override string LeavingMessage(Sim sim) { int val = RandomUtil.GetInt(0x2); switch (GetPartyOutcomeForSim(sim)) { case Party.PartyOutcomes.kBadParty: return(Common.LocalizeEAString(sim.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Notifications/Party:GuestBad" + val.ToString(), new object[0x0])); case Party.PartyOutcomes.kGoodParty: return(Common.LocalizeEAString(sim.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Notifications/Party:GuestGood" + val.ToString(), new object[0x0])); } return(Common.LocalizeEAString(sim.IsFemale, "Gameplay/Notifications/Party:GuestOk" + val.ToString(), new object[0x0])); }
public override bool SpecificTest(Sim actor, WoodFireOven target, bool isAutonomous, ref GreyedOutTooltipCallback greyedOutTooltipCallback) { if (isAutonomous) { if (target.InUse) { return(false); } if (actor.IsSelectable) { mWOFoodInfo = null; List <Ingredient> simIngredients = Recipe.GetCookableIngredients(actor.Inventory); List <Ingredient> lotIngredients = actor.Household != null && actor.Household.SharedFridgeInventory != null?Recipe.GetCookableIngredients(actor.Household.SharedFridgeInventory.Inventory) : new List <Ingredient>(); List <Ingredient> list = null; Recipe.MealTime time = Food.GetCurrentMealTime(); int num = RandomUtil.GetInt(13); int num2 = 0; Cooking skill = actor.SkillManager.GetSkill <Cooking>(SkillNames.Cooking); Recipe recipe; WoodFireOven.WOFoodInfo wOFoodInfo; while (true) { wOFoodInfo = WoodFireOven.WOFoodInfos[num]; if (Recipe.NameToRecipeHash.TryGetValue(wOFoodInfo.mName, out recipe) && (recipe.CookingSkillLevelRequired == 0 || (skill != null && skill.SkillLevel >= recipe.CookingSkillLevelRequired)) && recipe.IsAvailableFor(time) && recipe.BuildIngredientList(simIngredients, lotIngredients, ref list, ref list).Count == 0) { break; } if (++num2 >= 14) { return(false); } if (++num >= 14) { num = 0; } } target.mCurrentRecipe = recipe; ChosenRecipe = recipe; mWOFoodInfo = wOFoodInfo; return(true); } } return(base.SpecificTest(actor, target, isAutonomous, ref greyedOutTooltipCallback) && (Cost == 0 || Food.PrepareTestResultCheckAndGrayedOutPieMenuSet(actor, ChosenRecipe, Recipe.CanMakeFoodTestResult.Fail_NeedIngredients, ref greyedOutTooltipCallback))); }
public static Book ChooseBook(Sim actor, List <Book> books) { if (books.Count == 0x0) { return(null); } float minValue = float.MinValue; List <Book> list = new List <Book>(); foreach (IGameObject obj in books) { Book book = obj as Book; if (book == null) { continue; } if (ReadBookData.HasSimFinishedBook(actor, book.Data.ID)) { continue; } float interestInBook = BookEx.GetInterestInBook(actor, book); if (interestInBook == 0f) { continue; } if (interestInBook > minValue) { list.Clear(); list.Add(book); minValue = interestInBook; } else if (interestInBook == minValue) { list.Add(book); } } if (list.Count == 0x0) { return(null); } return(list[RandomUtil.GetInt(list.Count - 0x1)]); }
public static void OnUpgraded(Event e) { Sim actor = e.Actor as Sim; if (actor == null) { return; } if ((actor.Household == null) || (actor.Household.IsSpecialHousehold)) { return; } GameObject obj = e.TargetObject as GameObject; if (obj == null) { return; } if (obj.LotCurrent == actor.LotHome) { return; } int level = 1; if (actor.InteractionQueue == null) { return; } InteractionInstance interaction = actor.InteractionQueue.GetCurrentInteraction(); if (interaction != null) { Availability availability = interaction.InteractionObjectPair.Tuning.Availability; if (availability.SkillThresholdType == SkillNames.Handiness) { level = availability.SkillThresholdValue; } } int basePay = GetBasePay(level); GetPaid(actor, obj.LotCurrent, RandomUtil.GetInt(basePay * 2, basePay * 4), true); }
private static Color AlterColor(Color origColor, bool random) { if (random) { return(new Color(RandomUtil.GetInt(255), RandomUtil.GetInt(255), RandomUtil.GetInt(255))); } else { // mSavedColors is a Vector color stored as RGB ratios of 0 to 1 Vector3 hsv = CompositorUtil.ColorShifter.ColorToHsv(CompositorUtil.ColorToVector3(origColor)); /* * hsv.x += RandomUtil.GetFloat(-0.01f, 0.01f); * if (hsv.x > 1) * { * hsv.x = 1; * } * else if (hsv.x < 0) * { * hsv.x = 0; * } */ hsv.y += RandomUtil.GetFloat(-0.25f, 0.25f); if (hsv.y > 1) { hsv.y = 1; } else if (hsv.y < 0.01) { hsv.y = 0.01f; } hsv.z += RandomUtil.GetFloat(-0.25f, 0.25f); if (hsv.z > 1) { hsv.z = 1; } else if (hsv.z < 0.01) { hsv.z = 0.01f; } return(CompositorUtil.Vector3ToColor(CompositorUtil.ColorShifter.HsvToColor(hsv))); } }
public override int GetNextStage(SimDescription sim, DiseaseVector vector) { int result = RandomUtil.GetInt(mTotalWeight); int i = 0, current = 0; for (i = 0; i < mNextWeights.Length; i++) { current += mNextWeights[i]; if (current > result) { break; } } return(mNextStages[i].Second); }
protected override bool Run(SimDescription me, bool singleSelection) { if (!ApplyAll) { if (!AcceptCancelDialog.Show(Common.Localize(GetTitlePrefix() + ":Prompt", me.IsFemale, new object[] { me }))) { return(false); } } if (me.Pregnancy != null) { me.Pregnancy.mRandomGenSeed = RandomUtil.GetInt(0x7fffffff); } return(true); }
public override int GetDuration(DiseaseVector vector) { int min = mMinDuration + vector.GetCounter(mMinMutation); int max = mMaxDuration + vector.GetCounter(mMaxMutation); if (max < min) { max = min; } if (max <= 0) { return(0); } return(RandomUtil.GetInt(min, max)); }
private static SimDescription FindSparTournamentOpponent(MartialArts ths, SimDescription presentChallenger) { if ((ths.SkillOwner == null) || ((ths.SkillOwner.Household != null) && !ths.SkillOwner.Household.IsActive)) { return(null); } SimDescription description = TournamentManagement.FindSuitableOpponent(ths.mSkillOwner, Household.sHouseholdList, presentChallenger, new Affinity(ths).GetAffinity); if (description != null) { Household household = description.Household; if (!household.IsActive && !household.IsTravelHousehold) { MartialArts arts = description.SkillManager.AddElement(SkillNames.MartialArts) as MartialArts; if (arts != null) { int num = MartialArts.kMartialArtsSkillForOpponentPerTournamentRank[ths.mTournamentRank]; if (arts.SkillLevel < num) { if ((GameUtils.GetCurrentWorld() == WorldName.China) || (description.GetMiniSimForProtection().ProtectionFlags == MiniSimDescription.ProtectionFlag.None)) { int num2 = num; num2 += RandomUtil.GetInt(0x0, MartialArts.kMaximumVarienceInSkillLevelForSparTournametOpponent); num2 = MathUtils.Clamp(num2, MartialArts.kMartialArtsSkillForOpponentPerTournamentRank[0x1], arts.MaxSkillLevel); arts.ForceSkillLevelUp(num2); } else { return(null); } } } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } } return(description); }
protected SimDescription GetRandomSim(CASAgeGenderFlags gender, CASAgeGenderFlags species) { SimDescription result = null; if (species == CASAgeGenderFlags.Human) { SimUtils.SimCreationSpec sim = new SimUtils.SimCreationSpec(); Vector2 fatRange = Manager.GetValue <FatRangeOption <TManager>, Vector2>(); Vector2 fitRange = Manager.GetValue <FitRangeOption <TManager>, Vector2>(); WorldName worldName = GetGeneticWorld(); sim.Gender = gender; sim.Age = CASAgeGenderFlags.Adult; sim.Species = species; sim.Weight = RandomUtil.GetFloat(fatRange.x, fatRange.y); sim.Fitness = RandomUtil.GetFloat(fitRange.x, fitRange.y); sim.Description = ""; sim.GivenName = SimUtils.GetRandomFamilyName(worldName); result = sim.Instantiate(worldName, uint.MaxValue); result.VoiceVariation = (VoiceVariationType)RandomUtil.GetInt(0, 2); result.VoicePitchModifier = RandomUtil.GetFloat(0, 1f); Vector2 skintToneRange = Manager.GetValue <SkinToneRangeOption <TManager>, Vector2>(); result.SkinToneIndex = RandomUtil.GetFloat(skintToneRange.x, skintToneRange.y); } else { result = GeneticsPet.MakeRandomPet(CASAgeGenderFlags.Adult, gender, species, 1f); } SetBustMuscleSliders(result); FacialBlends.RandomizeBlends(mStats.AddStat, result, Manager.GetValue <MutationSetRangeOption <TManager>, Vector2>(), true, Manager.GetValue <MutationSetRangeOption <TManager>, Vector2>(), false, Manager.GetValue <AllowAlienHouseholdOption <TManager>, bool>()); mDispose.Add(result); mStats.IncStat("Immigrant: Random Sim"); return(result); }
/* * S_GSB003 */ void S_GSB003(bool bFirst) { var n = RandomUtil.GetInt(2); // branch if (n == 0) { Goto(S_POSE36); } else if (n == 1) { Goto(S_POSE35); } else { Goto(S_HANDUP00_R1); } }