public void AddItem_AddsItemToItems()
            // Arrange
            var context = new RadiosContext(name: null, aspFor: null);

            var item = new RadiosItem()
                LabelContent = new HtmlString("Item 1"),
                Value        = "item1"

            // Act

            // Assert
            var contextItem = Assert.Single(context.Items);

            Assert.Same(item, contextItem);
        public void OpenFieldset_AlreadyGotItem_ThrowsInvalidOperationException()
            // Arrange
            var context = new RadiosContext(name: null, aspFor: null);

            var item = new RadiosItem()
                LabelContent = new HtmlString("Item 1"),
                Value        = "item1"


            // Act
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => context.OpenFieldset());

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <InvalidOperationException>(ex);
            Assert.Equal("<govuk-radios-fieldset> must be the only direct child of the <govuk-radios>.", ex.Message);
        public void SetHint_AlreadyGotItem_ThrowsInvalidOperationException()
            // Arrange
            var context = new RadiosContext(name: null, aspFor: null);

            var item = new RadiosItem()
                LabelContent = new HtmlString("Item 1"),
                Value        = "item1"


            // Act
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => context.SetHint(attributes: null, new HtmlString("Hint")));

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <InvalidOperationException>(ex);
            Assert.Equal("<govuk-radios-hint> must be specified before <govuk-radios-item>.", ex.Message);
        public void AddItem_OutsideOfFieldset_ThrowsInvalidOperationException()
            // Arrange
            var context = new RadiosContext(name: null, aspFor: null);

            var item = new RadiosItem()
                LabelContent = new HtmlString("Item 1"),
                Value        = "item1"

            var fieldsetContext = new RadiosFieldsetContext(attributes: null);


            // Act
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => context.AddItem(item));

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <InvalidOperationException>(ex);
            Assert.Equal("<govuk-radios-item> must be inside <govuk-radios-fieldset>.", ex.Message);