void WriterThreadFunction()
                using (var rtProtocol = new RTProtocol(RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAJOR, RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR))
                    if (!rtProtocol.Connect(IpAddress, udpPort, RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAJOR, RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR))
                        throw new WriterThreadException("Error Creating Connection to server" + rtProtocol.GetErrorString());

                    RtProtocolVersion version = new RtProtocolVersion(RTProtocol.Constants.MAJOR_VERSION, RTProtocol.Constants.MINOR_VERSION);

                    //Upgrade protocol version
                    for (; version.minor >= RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR; --version.minor)
                        lock (syncLock)
                        string response;
                        if (rtProtocol.SetVersion(version.major, version.minor, out response))

                    if (version.minor < RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR)
                        throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to negotiate RT Protocol version with QTM");

                    lock (syncLock)
                        writerThreadState.connectionState = RTConnectionState.Connected;
                        if (!UpdateSettings(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, componentSelection))
                            throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to update settings: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString());

                        if (!StartStreaming(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, streamRate, udpPort))
                            throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to start stream: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString());

                    while (true)
                        if (!rtProtocol.IsConnected())
                            throw new WriterThreadException("Connection lost");

                        if (killThread)
                            throw new WriterThreadException("Thread was killed");

                        PacketType packetType;
                        if (rtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false) <= 0)

                        var packet = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket();
                        if (packet != null)
                            if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData)
                                lock (syncLock)
                                    Process(writerThreadState, packet);
                            else if (packetType == PacketType.PacketEvent)
                                QTMEvent currentEvent = packet.GetEvent();
                                switch (currentEvent)
                                case QTMEvent.QTMShuttingDown:
                                    throw new WriterThreadException("Qtm closed connection");

                                case QTMEvent.RTFromFileStarted:
                                case QTMEvent.Connected:
                                case QTMEvent.CaptureStarted:
                                case QTMEvent.CalibrationStarted:
                                case QTMEvent.CameraSettingsChanged:
                                    lock (syncLock)
                                        // reload settings when we start streaming to get proper settings
                                        if (!UpdateSettings(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, componentSelection))
                                            throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to update settings: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString());

                                        if (!StartStreaming(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, streamRate, udpPort))
                                            throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to start stream: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString());

                                case QTMEvent.ConnectionClosed:
                                default: break;
            catch (WriterThreadException writerThreadException)
                lock (syncLock)
                    writerThreadState.errorString     = writerThreadException.Message;
                    writerThreadState.connectionState = RTConnectionState.Disconnected;
            catch (System.Exception e)
                lock (syncLock)
                    writerThreadState.errorString = "Exception "
                                                    + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message + "\n"
                                                    + e.StackTrace.Replace(" at ", "\n at ");

                    writerThreadState.connectionState = RTConnectionState.Disconnected;
Esempio n. 2
        public void HandleStreaming()
            // Check if there is a connection with QTM
            if (!rtProtocol.IsConnected())
                // If not connected, establish a connection
                if (!rtProtocol.Connect(ipAddress))
                    Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to connect");
                Console.WriteLine("QTM: Connected");

                // Take control of QTM and load the desired file and start the realtime stream
                if (rtProtocol.TakeControl(password))
                    Console.WriteLine("QTM: Took control of QTM using specified password in Options/Real-Time Output.");
                    Console.WriteLine("QTM: Failed to take control of QTM using specified password in Options/Real-Time Output.");

            // Check for available 6DOF rigid body data in the stream
            if (rtProtocol.Settings6DOF == null)
                if (!rtProtocol.Get6dSettings())
                    Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to get 6DOF settings");
                Console.WriteLine("QTM: 6DOF data available");

                // If 6DOF was not streaming tell QTM to give the data as fast as possible
                Console.WriteLine("QTM: Starting to stream 6DOF data");

            // Get RTPacket from stream
            PacketType packetType;

            rtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false);

            // Handle 6DOF rigid body data
            if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData)
                var sixDofData = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFEulerResidualData();
                if (sixDofData != null)
                    // Print out the available 6DOF data.
                    for (int body = 0; body < sixDofData.Count; body++)
                        var sixDofBody  = sixDofData[body];
                        var bodySetting = rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies[body];
                        Console.WriteLine("Frame:{0:D5} Body:{1,20} X:{2,7:F1} Y:{3,7:F1} Z:{4,7:F1} First Angle:{5,7:F1} Second Angle:{6,7:F1} Third Angle:{7,7:F1} Residual:{8,7:F1}",
                                          sixDofBody.Position.X, sixDofBody.Position.Y, sixDofBody.Position.Z,
                                          sixDofBody.Rotation.First, sixDofBody.Rotation.Second, sixDofBody.Rotation.Third,

            // Handle event packet
            if (packetType == PacketType.PacketEvent)
                // If an event comes from QTM then print it out
                var qtmEvent = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().GetEvent();
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", qtmEvent);
Esempio n. 3
        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Try and connect
            if (!rtProtocol.IsConnected())
                if (!rtProtocol.Connect(ipAddress))
                    Color.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                Color.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;

            // Check for available 6DOF data in the stream
            if (rtProtocol.Settings6DOF == null)
                if (!rtProtocol.Get6dSettings())

                Color.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;

                if (sixDofBodyNameToUse.Length > 0)
                    for (int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.BodyCount; bodyIndex++)
                        if (string.Equals(rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies[bodyIndex].Name, sixDofBodyNameToUse, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            bodyIndexToUse = bodyIndex;
                    if (rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.BodyCount > 0)
                        sixDofBodyNameToUse = rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies[0].Name;
                        bodyIndexToUse      = 0;

                eulerNames = rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.EulerNames;

                // Start streaming 6dof euler residual data at 10Hz frequency
                rtProtocol.StreamFrames(StreamRate.RateFrequency, 10, QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType.Component6dEulerResidual);

            // Get RTPacket from stream
            PacketType packetType;

            rtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false);

            // Handle data packet
            if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData)
                Color.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;

                var sixDofData = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFEulerResidualData();
                if (sixDofData != null)
                    // Put 6dof data information in the labels
                    if (sixDofData.Count > bodyIndexToUse)
                        var sixDofBody = sixDofData[bodyIndexToUse];

                        this.Body.Text     = sixDofBodyNameToUse;
                        this.X.Text        = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Position.X) ? "X:---" : string.Format("X:{0:F1}", sixDofBody.Position.X);
                        this.Y.Text        = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Position.Y) ? "Y:---" : string.Format("Y:{0:F1}", sixDofBody.Position.Y);
                        this.Z.Text        = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Position.Z) ? "Z:---" : string.Format("Z:{0:F1}", sixDofBody.Position.Z);
                        this.Residual.Text = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) ? "Residual:---" : string.Format("Residual:{0:F1}", sixDofBody.Residual);
                        this.First.Text    = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Rotation.First) ? string.Format("{0}:---", eulerNames.First) : string.Format("{0}:{1:F1}", eulerNames.First, sixDofBody.Rotation.First);
                        this.Second.Text   = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Rotation.Second) ? string.Format("{0}:---", eulerNames.Second) : string.Format("{0}:{1:F1}", eulerNames.Second, sixDofBody.Rotation.Second);
                        this.Third.Text    = float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Rotation.Third) ? string.Format("{0}:---", eulerNames.Third) : string.Format("{0}:{1:F1}", eulerNames.Third, sixDofBody.Rotation.Third);

            // Handle event packet
            if (packetType == PacketType.PacketEvent)
                var qtmEvent = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().GetEvent();
                switch (qtmEvent)
                case QTMEvent.EventConnectionClosed:
                case QTMEvent.EventCaptureStopped:
                case QTMEvent.EventCalibrationStopped:
                case QTMEvent.EventRTFromFileStopped:
                case QTMEvent.EventQTMShuttingDown:

                    // If QTM is shutting down then handle it, disconnect and empty labels

                    Color.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                    this.Body.Text     = "Body";
                    this.X.Text        = "X";
                    this.Y.Text        = "Y";
                    this.Z.Text        = "Z";
                    this.Residual.Text = "Residual";
                    this.First.Text    = eulerNames.First;
                    this.Second.Text   = eulerNames.Second;
                    this.Third.Text    = eulerNames.Third;

Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var config = new Configuration();

                config = Configuration.LoadFromFile("config.cfg");
                Console.WriteLine("Settings loaded from config.cfg");
                Console.WriteLine("No Configuration file found, new file created: config.cfg");
            var    section          = config["General"];
            string dateToday        = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString();
            string filenameCSV      = section["Filename Prefix"].StringValue + dateToday + "_" + (int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + ".csv";
            string filenameReadable = section["Filename Prefix"].StringValue + dateToday + "_" + (int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + ".txt";
            bool   logReadable      = section["Log Readable"].BoolValue;
            bool   logCsv           = section["Log CSV"].BoolValue;
            bool   verbose          = section["Verbose"].BoolValue;
            bool   verboseCsv       = section["Verbose CSV"].BoolValue;
            string ipAddress        = section["ipAdress"].StringValue;
            int    flipDeg          = section["Flip deg"].IntValue;
            int    jumpDist         = section["Jump mm"].IntValue;

            //Dictionary<string, sixDofBody> bodys = new Dictionary<string, sixDofBody>();
            List <sixDofBody> ListOfBodies = new List <sixDofBody>();
            int      totalNumberofFrames   = 0;
            DateTime lastBlip = new DateTime();

            lastBlip = DateTime.Now;
            int        frameNumber = 0;
            RTProtocol mRtProtocol = new RTProtocol();

            while (true)
                if (!mRtProtocol.IsConnected())
                    if (!mRtProtocol.Connect(ipAddress))
                        Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to connect");
                    Console.WriteLine("QTM: Connected");
            if (mRtProtocol.Settings6DOF == null)
                if (!mRtProtocol.Get6dSettings())
                    Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to get 6DOF settings");
                Console.WriteLine("QTM: 6DOF settings available");

                //List<ComponentType> componentsToStream = new List<ComponentType>
                //    ComponentType.Component6dEulerResidual,
                //    ComponentType.ComponentTimecode

                Console.WriteLine("QTM: Starting to stream 6DOF data");
            string            fileName = DateTime.Today.Year + DateTime.Today.Month + DateTime.Today.Day + "_" + (int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + ".csv";
            PacketType        packetType;
            List <Q6DOFEuler> previousFrame6dData = new List <Q6DOFEuler>();

            while (previousFrame6dData.Count == 0)
                mRtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false);
                if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData)
                    previousFrame6dData = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFEulerResidualData();
                    foreach (var body in mRtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies)
                        var mbody = new sixDofBody();
                        mbody.Name           = body.Name;
                        mbody.lastSeen       = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Frame;
                        mbody.numberOfFrames = 1;
                        mbody.biggestGap     = 0;
                    var duplicates = ListOfBodies.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Where(x => x.Count() > 1).ToList(); //.Select(x => new { Name = x.Key, objs = x.ToList() });
                    foreach (var dup in duplicates)
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning multiple bodies with the same name: " + dup.Key);
                        Console.WriteLine("This will effect gap length calculations");
                        foreach (var bod in dup)

            var csvHeader = "Frame;Body;Type;Magnitude;X;Y;Z\n";

            using (var writer = File.AppendText(filenameCSV))

            while (true)
                mRtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false);
                if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData)
                    StringBuilder writeBufferReadable = new StringBuilder();
                    StringBuilder writeBufferCSV      = new StringBuilder();

                    var frame6dData = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFEulerResidualData();
                    var packet      = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket();
                    frameNumber = packet.Frame;
                    if (frame6dData != null)
                        for (int body = 0; body < frame6dData.Count; body++)
                            var sixDofBody     = frame6dData[body];
                            var prevSexDofBody = previousFrame6dData[body];
                            var bodySetting    = mRtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies[body];
                            //if (float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual))
                            //    bodys[bodySetting.Name].numberOfFrames++;
                            //    if ((frameNumber - bodys[bodySetting.Name].lastSeen)> bodys[bodySetting.Name].biggestGap)
                            //    {
                            //        bodys[bodySetting.Name].biggestGap = (frameNumber - bodys[bodySetting.Name].lastSeen);
                            //    }
                            //    bodys[bodySetting.Name].lastSeen = frameNumber;


                            if (float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual))
                            else if (!float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual))
                                writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} appeard with coordinates {2:F2} {3:F2} {4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);

                                writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};A;NaN;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                            else if (float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && !float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual))
                                writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} disappeared with coordinates {2:F2} {3:F2} {4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, prevSexDofBody.Position.X / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                                writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};D;NaN;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, prevSexDofBody.Position.X / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                            else if (!float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && !float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual))
                                var movementX    = sixDofBody.Position.X - prevSexDofBody.Position.X;
                                var movementY    = sixDofBody.Position.Y - prevSexDofBody.Position.Y;
                                var movementZ    = sixDofBody.Position.Z - prevSexDofBody.Position.Z;
                                var movementABS  = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(movementX, 2) + Math.Pow(movementY, 2) + Math.Pow(movementZ, 2));
                                var angMovement1 = Math.Abs(sixDofBody.Rotation.First - prevSexDofBody.Rotation.First);
                                var angMovement2 = Math.Abs(sixDofBody.Rotation.Second - prevSexDofBody.Rotation.Second);
                                var angMovement3 = Math.Abs(sixDofBody.Rotation.Third - prevSexDofBody.Rotation.Third);
                                var angMoveMax   = Math.Max(angMovement1, Math.Max(angMovement2, angMovement3));
                                if (movementABS > jumpDist)
                                    writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} jumped {2:F}mm at {3:F2} {4:F2} {5:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, movementABS, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                                    writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};J;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2};{5:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, movementABS, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                                if (angMoveMax > flipDeg)
                                    writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} flipped {2:F0} deg at {2:F2} {3:F2} {4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, angMoveMax, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                                    writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};F;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2};{5:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, movementABS, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000);
                            if (writeBufferCSV.Length > 0)
                                if (logCsv)
                                    using (var writer = File.AppendText(filenameCSV))
                                if (logReadable)
                                    using (var writer = File.AppendText(filenameReadable))
                                if (verbose)
                                if (verboseCsv)

                        previousFrame6dData = frame6dData;
                if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                    if (Console.ReadKey(false).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                if (lastBlip.AddSeconds(1) < DateTime.Now)
                    Console.WriteLine("Logging, current frame " + frameNumber);
                    lastBlip = DateTime.Now;
    void Update()
        // Rotate
        if (bumper)
            Debug.Log("Rotating holograms...");
            mocapGameObject.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
        // Translate
        else if (_controller.Touch1PosAndForce.z > 0.1f)
            Debug.Log("Translating holograms...");
            float X = _controller.Touch1PosAndForce.x;
            float Y = _controller.Touch1PosAndForce.y;
            if (_controller.TriggerValue > 0.2f)
                Vector3 up    = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(transform.up, Vector3.forward));
                Vector3 force = Vector3.Normalize(Y * up);
                mocapGameObject.transform.position += force * Time.deltaTime * translationSpeed;
                Vector3 forward = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(transform.forward, Vector3.up));
                Vector3 right   = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(transform.right, Vector3.up));
                Vector3 force   = Vector3.Normalize((X * right) + (Y * forward));
                mocapGameObject.transform.position += force * Time.deltaTime * translationSpeed;
        // Do QTM stuff
        if (rtProtocol != null && rtProtocol.IsConnected())
            // Get RTPacket from stream
            PacketType packetType;
            rtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false);

            // Handle data packet
            if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData)
                // Get 2D
                var twoDData = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get2DMarkerData();
                // Print 2D
                if (twoDData != null && twoDData.Count > 0)
                    var twoDForCamera0 = twoDData[0];
                    Debug.LogFormat("Frame:{0:D5} Markers:{1} Status:{2}",
                // Get 3D
                var threeDData = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get3DMarkerResidualData();
                // Print 3D
                if (print3DToConsole)
                    if (threeDData != null && threeDData.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < threeDData.Count; i++)
                            var m = threeDData[i];
                            if (!Double.IsNaN(m.Position.X))
                                Debug.LogFormat("Frame:{0:D5} Name:{1,16} X:{2,7:F1} Y:{3,7:F1} Z:{4,7:F1} Residual:{5,5:F1}",
                                                rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Frame, rtProtocol.Settings3D.Labels[i].Name,
                                                m.Position.X, m.Position.Y, m.Position.Z,
                                Debug.LogFormat("Frame:{0:D5} Name:{1,20} -----------------------------------",
                                                rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Frame, rtProtocol.Settings3D.Labels[i].Name);
                // Render 3D
                if (render3D)
                    if (threeDData != null && threeDData.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < threeDData.Count; i++)
                            var m = threeDData[i];
                            if (!Double.IsNaN(m.Position.X))
                                float   scale        = 0.001f;
                                Vector3 ballPosition = new Vector3(m.Position.X, m.Position.Z, m.Position.Y) * scale;
                                balls[i].transform.localPosition = ballPosition;
                // Get 6D
                var sixDData = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFResidualData();
                // Render 3D
                if (render6D)
                    if (sixDData != null && sixDData.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < sixDData.Count; i++)
                            var b = sixDData[i];
                            if (!Double.IsNaN(b.Position.X))
                                float   scale        = 0.001f;
                                Vector3 cubePosition = new Vector3(b.Position.X, b.Position.Z, b.Position.Y) * scale;
                                cubes[i].transform.localPosition = cubePosition;