Esempio n. 1
        const uint NUM_EVENT_BUFFERS = 20;   /* Number of buffers used for grabbing. */

        static void Main(string[] args)
            PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE hDev = new PYLON_DEVICE_HANDLE(); /* Handle for the pylon device. */

                uint numDevices;                                                     /* Number of available devices. */
                PYLON_STREAMGRABBER_HANDLE hStreamGrabber;                           /* Handle for the pylon stream grabber. */
                PYLON_EVENTGRABBER_HANDLE  hEventGrabber;                            /* Handle for the event grabber used for receiving events. */
                PYLON_EVENTADAPTER_HANDLE  hEventAdapter;                            /* Handle for the event adapter used for dispatching events. */
                PYLON_WAITOBJECT_HANDLE    hWaitStream;                              /* Handle used for waiting for a grab to be finished. */
                PYLON_WAITOBJECT_HANDLE    hWaitEvent;                               /* Handle used for waiting for an event message. */
                PYLON_WAITOBJECTS_HANDLE   hWaitObjects;                             /* Container allowing waiting for multiple wait objects. */
                NODEMAP_HANDLE             hNodeMap;                                 /* Handle for the node map containing the
                                                                                      *  camera parameters. */
                NODE_CALLBACK_HANDLE hCallback;                                      /* Used for deregistering a callback function. */
                NODE_HANDLE          hNode;                                          /* Handle for a camera parameter. */
                uint payloadSize;                                                    /* Size of an image frame in bytes. */
                Dictionary <PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE, PylonBuffer <Byte> > buffers; /* Holds handles and buffers used for grabbing. */
                PylonGrabResult_t   grabResult;                                      /* Stores the result of a grab operation. */
                NodeCallbackHandler callbackHandler = new NodeCallbackHandler();     /* Handles incoming callbacks. */
                int  nGrabs;                                                         /* Counts the number of buffers grabbed. */
                uint nStreams;                                                       /* The number of streams the device provides. */
                bool isAvail;                                                        /* Used for checking feature availability. */
                bool isReady;                                                        /* Used as an output parameter. */
                int  i;                                                              /* Counter. */
                PylonEventResult_t eventMsg = new PylonEventResult_t();              /* Event data container. */
                long sfncVersionMajor;                                               /* The major number of the Standard Feature Naming Convention (SFNC)
                                                                                      * version used by the camera device. */

                /* This is a special debug setting needed only for GigE cameras.
                 * See 'Building Applications with pylon' in the programmer's guide */
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PYLON_GIGE_HEARTBEAT", "300000" /*ms*/);

                /* Before using any pylon methods, the pylon runtime must be initialized. */

                /* Enumerate all camera devices. You must call
                 * PylonEnumerateDevices() before creating a device. */
                numDevices = Pylon.EnumerateDevices();

                if (0 == numDevices)
                    throw new Exception("No devices found.");

                /* Get a handle for the first device found.  */
                hDev = Pylon.CreateDeviceByIndex(0);

                /* Before using the device, it must be opened. Open it for configuring
                 * parameters, for grabbing images, and for grabbing events. */
                Pylon.DeviceOpen(hDev, Pylon.cPylonAccessModeControl | Pylon.cPylonAccessModeStream | Pylon.cPylonAccessModeEvent);

                /* Print out the name of the camera we are using. */
                    bool isReadable = Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsReadable(hDev, "DeviceModelName");
                    if (isReadable)
                        string name = Pylon.DeviceFeatureToString(hDev, "DeviceModelName");
                        Console.WriteLine("Using camera {0}", name);

                /* Set the pixel format to Mono8, where gray values will be output as 8 bit values for each pixel. */
                /* ... Check first to see if the device supports the Mono8 format. */
                isAvail = Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsAvailable(hDev, "EnumEntry_PixelFormat_Mono8");

                if (!isAvail)
                    /* Feature is not available. */
                    throw new Exception("Device doesn't support the Mono8 pixel format.");
                /* ... Set the pixel format to Mono8. */
                Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "PixelFormat", "Mono8");

                /* Disable acquisition start trigger if available. */
                isAvail = Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsAvailable(hDev, "EnumEntry_TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart");
                if (isAvail)
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerSelector", "AcquisitionStart");
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerMode", "Off");

                /* Disable frame burst start trigger if available */
                isAvail = Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsAvailable(hDev, "EnumEntry_TriggerSelector_FrameBurstStart");
                if (isAvail)
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerSelector", "FrameBurstStart");
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerMode", "Off");

                /* Disable frame start trigger if available. */
                isAvail = Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsAvailable(hDev, "EnumEntry_TriggerSelector_FrameStart");
                if (isAvail)
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerSelector", "FrameStart");
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerMode", "Off");

                /* We will use the Continuous frame mode, i.e., the camera delivers
                 * images continuously. */
                Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous");

                /* For GigE cameras, we recommend increasing the packet size for better
                 * performance. If the network adapter supports jumbo frames, set the packet
                 * size to a value > 1500, e.g., to 8192. In this sample, we only set the packet size
                 * to 1500. */
                /* ... Check first to see if the GigE camera packet size parameter is supported and if it is writable. */
                isAvail = Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsWritable(hDev, "GevSCPSPacketSize");

                if (isAvail)
                    /* ... The device supports the packet size feature. Set a value. */
                    Pylon.DeviceSetIntegerFeature(hDev, "GevSCPSPacketSize", 1500);

                /* Determine the required size of the grab buffer. */
                payloadSize = checked ((uint)Pylon.DeviceGetIntegerFeature(hDev, "PayloadSize"));

                /* Determine the major number of the SFNC version used by the camera device. */
                if (Pylon.DeviceFeatureIsAvailable(hDev, "DeviceSFNCVersionMajor"))
                    sfncVersionMajor = Pylon.DeviceGetIntegerFeature(hDev, "DeviceSFNCVersionMajor");
                    /* No SFNC version information is provided by the camera device. */
                    sfncVersionMajor = 0;

                /* Enable camera events. */
                /* Select the end-of-exposure event.*/
                Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "EventSelector", "ExposureEnd");
                /* Enable the event. Select the enumeration entry name depending on the SFNC version used by the camera device. */
                if (sfncVersionMajor >= 2)
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "EventNotification", "On");
                    Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "EventNotification", "GenICamEvent");

                /* Image grabbing is done using a stream grabber.
                 * A device may be able to provide different streams. A separate stream grabber must
                 * be used for each stream. In this sample, we create a stream grabber for the default
                 * stream, i.e., the first stream ( index == 0 ).

                /* Get the number of streams supported by the device and the transport layer. */
                nStreams = Pylon.DeviceGetNumStreamGrabberChannels(hDev);
                if (nStreams < 1)
                    throw new Exception("The transport layer doesn't support image streams");

                /* Create and open a stream grabber for the first channel. */
                hStreamGrabber = Pylon.DeviceGetStreamGrabber(hDev, 0);

                /* Get a handle for the stream grabber's wait object. The wait object
                 * allows waiting for buffers to be grabbed. */
                hWaitStream = Pylon.StreamGrabberGetWaitObject(hStreamGrabber);

                /* We must tell the stream grabber the number and size of the buffers
                 * we are using. */
                /* .. We will not use more than NUM_BUFFERS for grabbing. */
                Pylon.StreamGrabberSetMaxNumBuffer(hStreamGrabber, NUM_IMAGE_BUFFERS);

                /* .. We will not use buffers bigger than payloadSize bytes. */
                Pylon.StreamGrabberSetMaxBufferSize(hStreamGrabber, payloadSize);

                /*  Allocate the resources required for grabbing. After this, critical parameters
                *  that impact the payload size must not be changed until FinishGrab() is called. */

                /* Before using the buffers for grabbing, they must be registered at
                 * the stream grabber. For each registered buffer, a buffer handle
                 * is returned. After registering, these handles are used instead of the
                 * buffer object pointers. The buffer objects are held in a dictionary,
                 * that provides access to the buffer using a handle as key.
                buffers = new Dictionary <PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE, PylonBuffer <Byte> >();
                for (i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGE_BUFFERS; ++i)
                    PylonBuffer <Byte>        buffer = new PylonBuffer <byte>(payloadSize, true);
                    PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE handle = Pylon.StreamGrabberRegisterBuffer(hStreamGrabber, ref buffer);
                    buffers.Add(handle, buffer);

                /* Feed the buffers into the stream grabber's input queue. For each buffer, the API
                 * allows passing in an integer as additional context information. This integer
                 * will be returned unchanged when the grab is finished. In our example, we use the index of the
                 * buffer as context information. */
                i = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE, PylonBuffer <Byte> > pair in buffers)
                    Pylon.StreamGrabberQueueBuffer(hStreamGrabber, pair.Key, i++);

                /* The stream grabber is now prepared. As soon the camera starts to acquire images,
                 * the image data will be grabbed into the provided buffers.  */

                /* Create and prepare an event grabber. */
                /* ... Get a handle for the event grabber. */
                hEventGrabber = Pylon.DeviceGetEventGrabber(hDev);

                if (!hEventGrabber.IsValid)
                    /* The transport layer doesn't support event grabbers. */
                    throw new Exception("No event grabber supported.");

                /* ... Tell the grabber how many buffers to use. */
                Pylon.EventGrabberSetNumBuffers(hEventGrabber, NUM_EVENT_BUFFERS);

                /* ... Open the event grabber. */
                Pylon.EventGrabberOpen(hEventGrabber);  /* The event grabber is now ready
                                                         * for receiving events. */

                /* Retrieve the wait object that is associated with the event grabber. The event
                 * will be signaled when an event message has been received. */
                hWaitEvent = Pylon.EventGrabberGetWaitObject(hEventGrabber);

                /* For extracting the event data from an event message, an event adapter is used. */
                hEventAdapter = Pylon.DeviceCreateEventAdapter(hDev);

                if (!hEventAdapter.IsValid)
                    /* The transport layer doesn't support event grabbers. */
                    throw new Exception("No event adapter supported.");

                /* Register the callback function for the ExposureEndEventFrameID parameter. */
                /*.Get the node map containing all parameters. */
                hNodeMap = Pylon.DeviceGetNodeMap(hDev);

                /* Get the ExposureEndEventFrameID parameter.
                 * Select the parameter name depending on the SFNC version used by the camera device.
                if (sfncVersionMajor >= 2)
                    hNode = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "EventExposureEndFrameID");
                    hNode = GenApi.NodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "ExposureEndEventFrameID");

                if (!hNode.IsValid)
                    /* There is no ExposureEndEventFrameID parameter. */
                    throw new Exception("There is no ExposureEndEventFrameID or EventExposureEndFrameID parameter!");
                /* ... Register the callback function. */
                callbackHandler.CallbackEvent += new NodeCallbackHandler.NodeCallback(endOfExposureCallback);
                hCallback = GenApi.NodeRegisterCallback(hNode, callbackHandler);

                /* Put the wait objects into a container. */
                /* ... Create the container. */
                hWaitObjects = Pylon.WaitObjectsCreate();

                /* ... Add the wait objects' handles. */
                Pylon.WaitObjectsAdd(hWaitObjects, hWaitEvent);
                Pylon.WaitObjectsAdd(hWaitObjects, hWaitStream);

                /* Let the camera acquire images. */
                Pylon.DeviceExecuteCommandFeature(hDev, "AcquisitionStart");

                /* Grab NUM_GRABS images. */
                nGrabs = 0;                         /* Counts the number of images grabbed. */
                while (nGrabs < NUM_GRABS)
                    int  bufferIndex;             /* Index of the buffer. */
                    uint waitObjectIndex;         /* Index of the wait object that is signalled.*/
                    Byte min, max;

                    /* Wait for either an image buffer grabbed or an event received. Wait up to 1000 ms. */
                    isReady = Pylon.WaitObjectsWaitForAny(hWaitObjects, 1000, out waitObjectIndex);

                    if (!isReady)
                        /* Timeout occurred. */
                        throw new Exception("Timeout. Neither grabbed an image nor received an event.");

                    if (0 == waitObjectIndex)
                        /* hWaitEvent has been signalled. At least one event message is available. Retrieve it. */
                        isReady = Pylon.EventGrabberRetrieveEvent(hEventGrabber, ref eventMsg);

                        if (!isReady)
                            /* Oops. No event message available? We should never have reached this point.
                             * Since the wait operation above returned without a timeout, an event message
                             * should be available. */
                            throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve an event.");
                        /* Check to see if the event was successfully received. */
                        if (0 == eventMsg.ErrorCode)
                            /* Successfully received an event message. */

                            /* Pass the event message to the event adapter. The event adapter will
                             * update the parameters related to events and will fire the callbacks
                             * registered to event related parameters. */
                            Pylon.EventAdapterDeliverMessage(hEventAdapter, eventMsg);
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error when receiving an event: {1}", eventMsg.ErrorCode);
                    else if (1 == waitObjectIndex)
                        /* hWaitStream  has been signalled. The result of at least one grab
                         * operation is available. Retrieve it. */
                        isReady = Pylon.StreamGrabberRetrieveResult(hStreamGrabber, out grabResult);

                        if (!isReady)
                            /* Oops. No grab result available? We should never have reached this point.
                             * Since the wait operation above returned without a timeout, a grab result
                             * should be available. */
                            throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve a grab result.");


                        /* Get the buffer index from the context information. */
                        bufferIndex = (int)grabResult.Context;

                        /* Check to see if the image was grabbed successfully. */
                        if (grabResult.Status == EPylonGrabStatus.Grabbed)
                            /*  Success. Perform image processing. Since we passed more than one buffer
                             * to the stream grabber, the remaining buffers are filled while
                             * we do the image processing. The processed buffer won't be touched by
                             * the stream grabber until we pass it back to the stream grabber. */

                            PylonBuffer <Byte> buffer;        /* Reference to the buffer attached to the grab result. */

                            /* Get the buffer from the dictionary. Since we also got the buffer index,
                             * we could alternatively use an array, e.g. buffers[bufferIndex]. */
                            if (!buffers.TryGetValue(grabResult.hBuffer, out buffer))
                                /* Oops. No buffer available? We should never have reached this point. Since all buffers are
                                 * in the dictionary. */
                                throw new Exception("Failed to find the buffer associated with the handle returned in grab result.");

                            getMinMax(buffer.Array, out min, out max);
                            Console.WriteLine("Grabbed frame {0} into buffer {1}. Min. gray value = {2}, Max. gray value = {3}",
                                              nGrabs, bufferIndex, min, max);
                        else if (grabResult.Status == EPylonGrabStatus.Failed)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("Frame {0} wasn't grabbed successfully.  Error code = {1}",
                                                    nGrabs, grabResult.ErrorCode);

                        /* Once finished with the processing, requeue the buffer to be filled again. */
                        Pylon.StreamGrabberQueueBuffer(hStreamGrabber, grabResult.hBuffer, bufferIndex);

                /* Clean up. */

                /*  ... Stop the camera. */
                Pylon.DeviceExecuteCommandFeature(hDev, "AcquisitionStop");

                /* ... Switch off the events. */
                Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "EventSelector", "ExposureEnd");
                Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "EventNotification", "Off");

                /* ... We must issue a cancel call to ensure that all pending buffers are put into the
                 * stream grabber's output queue. */

                /* ... The buffers can now be retrieved from the stream grabber. */
                    isReady = Pylon.StreamGrabberRetrieveResult(hStreamGrabber, out grabResult);
                } while (isReady);

                /* ... When all buffers are retrieved from the stream grabber, they can be deregistered.
                 *     After deregistering the buffers, it is safe to free the memory. */
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PYLON_STREAMBUFFER_HANDLE, PylonBuffer <Byte> > pair in buffers)
                    Pylon.StreamGrabberDeregisterBuffer(hStreamGrabber, pair.Key);
                buffers = null;

                /* ... Release grabbing related resources. */

                /* After calling PylonStreamGrabberFinishGrab(), parameters that impact the payload size (e.g.,
                 * the AOI width and height parameters) are unlocked and can be modified again. */

                /* ... Close the stream grabber. */

                /* ... Deregister the callback. */
                GenApi.NodeDeregisterCallback(hNode, hCallback);

                /* ... Close the event grabber.*/

                /* ... Release the event adapter. */
                Pylon.DeviceDestroyEventAdapter(hDev, hEventAdapter);

                /* ... Release the wait object container. */

                /* ... Close and release the pylon device. The stream grabber becomes invalid
                 * after closing the pylon device. Don't call stream grabber related methods after
                 * closing or releasing the device. */

                /* ... Shut down the pylon runtime system. Don't call any pylon method after
                 * calling PylonTerminate(). */

                Console.Error.WriteLine("\nPress enter to exit.");
            catch (Exception e)
                /* Retrieve the error message. */
                string msg = GenApi.GetLastErrorMessage() + "\n" + GenApi.GetLastErrorDetail();
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception caught:");
                if (msg != "\n")
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Last error message:");

                    if (hDev.IsValid)
                        /*  Disable the software trigger. */
                        Pylon.DeviceFeatureFromString(hDev, "TriggerMode", "Off");
                        /* ... Close and release the pylon device. */
                        if (Pylon.DeviceIsOpen(hDev))
                catch (Exception)
                    /*No further handling here.*/

                Pylon.Terminate();  /* Releases all pylon resources. */

                Console.Error.WriteLine("\nPress enter to exit.");
