internal static (Dto, Dto) CreatePair(PseudoRandom pr, IEnumerable <Pair> equals) { var equal = equals.First(); var equalTail = equals.Skip(1); var deeper = equalTail.Any() ? CreatePair(pr, equalTail).ToTuple() : null; var dto = Randomise(pr); (Dto, Dto)pair; switch (equal) { case Pair.Equal: pair = (dto, dto.CopyShallow()); break; case Pair.Differs: pair = (dto, dto.CopyShallow().With(d => d.MyProperty += 1)); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Parameter {nameof(equal)} is not a proper enum."); } pair.Item1.Deeper = deeper?.Item1; pair.Item2.Deeper = deeper?.Item2; return(pair); }
void Start() { this.step.set_next(STEP.GAME); this.controlable = new bool[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.controlable[i] = true; } // this.debug_flag.play_bgm = false; dbwin.root(); if (dbwin.root().getWindow("game") == null) { this.create_debug_window(); } if (dbwin.root().getWindow("player") == null) { this.create_debug_window_player(); } #if false PseudoRandom.Plant plant = PseudoRandom.get().createPlant("test0"); plant = PseudoRandom.get().createPlant("test1"); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Debug.Log(plant.getRandom().ToString()); } #endif }
public void OnHappen(MsgParam msg, WarServerNpcMgr npcMgr) { //TODO : do something WarAnimParam warParam = msg as WarAnimParam; if (warParam != null && warParam.described != null) { //杀死人,described只有一个元素 SelfDescribed described = warParam.described; if (described.srcEnd != null) { /// /// 杀死别人,自己身上的Buff和Trigger消失 /// int casterId = described.srcEnd.param1; //int sufferId = described.srcEnd.param2; if (casterId == HangUpNpcId) { /// /// 概率上的检测 /// bool happed = PseudoRandom.getInstance().happen(cfg.Prob); if (happed) { OnEnd(); } } } } }
public static string GetForestSpriteNameForTile(int x, int y, string[,] nsewMap, int[,] map, PseudoRandom prnd) { string spriteName = ""; if (map [y, x] == 1) { if (nsewMap [y, x].Contains("_")) { string num = prnd.Next (1,2).ToString(); spriteName = "Forest_TreeTopSide" + nsewMap [y, x] + "_" + num; } else { string num = prnd.Next (1,4).ToString(); spriteName = "Forest_TreeTop" + "_" + num; } } else { if(y+1 < map.GetLength (0) && map [y+1, x] == 1) { string num = prnd.Next (1,6).ToString(); spriteName = "Forest_TreeTrunk_" + num; } else { string num = prnd.Next (1,3).ToString(); spriteName = "Forest_Floor_" + num; } } return spriteName; }
public unsafe void TestMinimumIntensityProjection() { const int pixels = 512 * 512; const int subsamples = 11; var rng = new PseudoRandom(0x2DB8498F); var slabData = new ushort[pixels * subsamples]; for (var n = 0; n < slabData.Length; ++n) { slabData[n] = (ushort)rng.Next(ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue); } var expectedResults = new ushort[pixels]; for (var p = 0; p < pixels; ++p) { expectedResults[p] = Enumerable.Range(0, subsamples).Select(s => slabData[s * pixels + p]).Min(); } var actualResults = new ushort[pixels]; var projectedData = new byte[pixels * sizeof(ushort)]; fixed(ushort *pSlabData = slabData) { SlabProjection.AggregateSlabMinimumIntensity((IntPtr)pSlabData, projectedData, subsamples, pixels, 2, false); Buffer.BlockCopy(projectedData, 0, actualResults, 0, projectedData.Length); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedResults, actualResults); }
public void ReachAllInnerClasses() { // # Arrange. var pr = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ReachAllInnerClasses)); var obj = new MyPublicClass(); dynamic sut = new ReachIn(obj); int res; int val; // # Act and Assert. val = pr.Int(); // We don't support finding privates in inherited classes // so here we look for a field overloaded in the child class // just as a sanity check. sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myPrivateField = val; res = sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myPrivateField; res.Should().Be(val); // Keep looking for a visible (e.g. internal) field that comes // from the base class. sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myInternalField = val; res = sut._myInnerPrivateClass._myInternalField; res.Should().Be(val); sut._myInnerInternalClass._myInternalField = val; res = sut._myInnerInternalClass._myInternalField; res.Should().Be(val); sut._myInnerProtectedClass._myInternalField = val; res = sut._myInnerProtectedClass._myInternalField; res.Should().Be(val); sut._myInnerPublicClass._myInternalField = val; res = sut._myInnerPublicClass._myInternalField; res.Should().Be(val); }
public void BSP_initLevel() { LevelEndUI.SetActive(false); // destroy previous level if there is one, and make a new one. if (currentLevel != 0) { GameObject.Destroy(tilesHolderInstance); GameObject.Destroy(enemyHolderInstance); GameObject.Destroy(potionsHolderInstance); print(generateStats()); } tilesHolderInstance = Instantiate(holderTemplate); = "Tiles Holder"; enemyHolderInstance = Instantiate(holderTemplate); = "Enemy Holder"; potionsHolderInstance = Instantiate(holderTemplate); = "Potions Holder"; currentLevel++; updateSeed(); rand = GetComponent <PseudoRandom>(); rand.randomInit(rand.hasher, seed, 2); levelMap = new bool[width, height]; levelMap = mapInit(levelMap); levelMap = partition(levelMap, 1, height - 2, 1, width - 2); setSpawnCounts(); // once logic'd out, draw it as a Unity level, put the player in, and let's dance. GenerateUnityMap(); placeStartAndExit(); }
/// <summary> /// 检测是否符合逻辑 /// </summary> /// <param name="sk">技能</param> /// <param name="cfg">条件配置技能</param> /// <param name="caster">施法者忽略</param> /// <param name="targets">目标者们忽略</param> public bool check(RtSkData sk, ConditionConfigure cfg, ServerNPC caster, IEnumerable <ServerNPC> targets) { #if DEBUG Utils.Assert(sk == null, "Skill is null in TimeoutCondition."); Utils.Assert(cfg == null, "ConditionConfigure is null in TimeoutCondition."); #endif bool Condi = false; /// /// 1. 判定是否符合关心的BeHead类型 /// var self = this.GetType(); var classAttribute = (ConditionAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(self, typeof(ConditionAttribute)); if (cfg.ConditionType == classAttribute.Con) { RtFakeSkData fakeSk = sk as RtFakeSkData; if (fakeSk != null) { float TimeOut = cfg.Param1 * Consts.OneThousand; /// ///2.判定是否超时 /// Condi = fakeSk.aliveDur >= TimeOut; ///3.判定概率 if (Condi) { Condi = PseudoRandom.getInstance().happen(cfg.Prop); } } } return(Condi); }
public void generateEnemy(PseudoRandom tRand, int regionID, double x, double y, Action <List <Projectile> > OnFire, Action OnDamage, Action OnDeath) { double val = tRand.RandomDouble(); if (val > 0.2) { return; } else if (val > 0.05) { enemyShips.Add(new ShipBase(enemyShipGfx, Behavior.ShootConstantly, regionID / 3 + 2, 40, x, y, LineArt.PlayerShootPoints1) { OnWeaponFire = OnFire }); } else if (val > 0.005) { enemyShips.Add(new ShipBase(enemy2ShipGfx, Behavior.SpinShoot, regionID / 3 + 4, 5, x, y, LineArt.EnemyShip2_ShootPoints.Select(p => new PointF(p.X * 2f, p.Y * 2f)).ToList()) { OnWeaponFire = OnFire }); } else { enemyShips.Add(new ShipBase(new UnitGraphics(Pens.Fuchsia, LineArt.BossShip), Behavior.Boss, regionID / 3 + 150, 6, x, y, LineArt.BossBulletPoints) { facing = Math.PI / 2, collider = new DCollider(LineArt.BossColliders), OnWeaponFire = OnFire }); } }
public static PseudoRandom getInstance() { if (_pseudoRandom == null) { _pseudoRandom = new PseudoRandom(); } return(_pseudoRandom); }
public GraphGenCA(Graph grph, PseudoRandom _pRnd, double _r) { minCoord = new int[2]{ 0, 0 }; maxCoord = new int[2]{ 0, 0 }; CreateTranslateCoord (grph); pRnd = _pRnd; r = _r; }
public static Color GetRandomBrightColor() { var r = (byte)PseudoRandom.Get(128, 256); var g = (byte)PseudoRandom.Get(128, 256); var b = (byte)PseudoRandom.Get(128, 256); return(new Color(r, g, b)); }
//================================================================// // CreateNSEWMap //================================================================// // Creates a maze in the form of a 2D string array that is populated // with directions e.g. "NSEW". If a direction is in the string then // there is as wall on that side of the point. For example if the // point (3,4) is "SE" then there is a wall on the south and east // side of the point (3,4). //================================================================// public string[,] CreateNSEWMap(int width, int length, int divRate, int[] startPoint) { int maximumX = width; int maximumY = length; bool mirrorEdges = false; PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); string[,] cellMap = CreateMapShape(maximumX, maximumY, rnd); int[,] cellMapNo = new int[maximumY, maximumX]; List<Point> cellList = new List<Point>(); int[] start = startPoint; cellList.Add(new Point(start[0], start[1])); cellMap[cellList[0].Y, cellList[0].X] += "X"; cellMapNo[cellList[0].Y, cellList[0].X] = 0; while(cellList.Count != 0) { int cellNo = cellList.Count-1;; if(rnd.Next(0,99) < divRate) { cellNo = cellList.Count-1; } else { cellNo = rnd.Next(0, cellList.Count-1); } Point cell = cellList[cellNo]; List<int> list = CreateRandomOrderDirectionList(rnd); bool visitedAllNeighours = true; for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { int dir = list[c]; int newX = NewXFromDir(dir, cell.X, cell.Y,maximumX, cellMap, mirrorEdges); int newY = NewYFromDir(dir, cell.Y, cell.X,maximumY, cellMap, mirrorEdges); if(cellMap[newY,newX] == "NSEW") { visitedAllNeighours = false; char carve = CharToIntConversion(dir); cellMap[cell.Y, cell.X] = cellMap[cell.Y, cell.X].Replace(carve, ' '); cellMap[newY,newX] = cellMap[newY,newX].Replace(GetOppositeDirection(carve), ' '); cellMapNo[newY, newX] = cellMapNo[cell.Y, cell.X] + 1; cellList.Add(new Point(newX,newY)); break; } } if(visitedAllNeighours) { cellList.RemoveAt(cellNo); } } cellMap = FindEndPoint(cellMapNo, cellMap, maximumX, maximumY); return cellMap; }
public Wallet(WalletOptions options = null) { options = options ?? new WalletOptions(); this.version = options.Version ?? Wallet.DefaultVersion; switch (this.version) { case 2: this.scryptParams = new ScryptParams(); this.scryptParams.Salt = this.scryptParams.Salt ?? PseudoRandom.RandomBytesAsHexString(this.scryptParams.SaltLength); break; default: break; } string passwordKey = default; if (options.PasswordKeys != null && options.PasswordKeys.ContainsKey(this.version)) { passwordKey = options.PasswordKeys[this.version]; } else { passwordKey = Wallet.ComputePasswordKey(new WalletOptions { Version = this.version, Password = options.Password, Scrypt = this.scryptParams }); } var account = new Account(options.SeedHex); var ivHex = options.Iv ?? PseudoRandom.RandomBytesAsHexString(16); var masterKeyHex = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.MasterKey) ? PseudoRandom.RandomBytesAsHexString(16) : options.MasterKey; this.Options = options; this.account = account; this.ivHex = ivHex; this.Address = this.account.Address; this.programHash = this.account.ProgramHash; this.masterKey = Aes.Encrypt(masterKeyHex, passwordKey, ivHex.FromHexString()); this.seedEncrypted = Aes.Encrypt(options.SeedHex, masterKeyHex, ivHex.FromHexString()); this.Options.Iv = null; this.Options.SeedHex = null; this.Options.Password = null; this.Options.MasterKey = null; this.Options.PasswordKey = null; this.Options.PasswordKeys.Clear(); }
public Dmg toTargetDmg(NPCData self, NPCData target, EffectConfigData cfg) { ///-------- 物理伤害强度------ ///先计算自己的物理伤害, float bphyselfhit = Physical_Hit(self, cfg); ///-------- 魔法伤害强度 ------- /// 先计算自己的魔法伤害, float bMagselfhit = Magical_Hit(self, cfg); ///-------- NPC的总攻击强度,是cfg.EffectClass 类型------- float hit = bphyselfhit + bMagselfhit; //---------- 开始计算伤害 --------- float dmg = 0f; switch (cfg.EffectClass) { case SkillTypeClass.Holly: //神圣伤害不减少伤害 dmg = hit; break; case SkillTypeClass.Magical: float magenemyavoid = Magical_Avoid(target, self); dmg = hit * (1.0f - magenemyavoid); break; case SkillTypeClass.Physical: float avdenemyratio = Physical_Avoid(target, self); dmg = hit * (1.0f - avdenemyratio); break; } /// --------- 暴击伤害 ---------- /// float critialRatio = CriticalRatio(self, target, cfg); bool isCri = PseudoRandom.getInstance().happen(critialRatio); if (isCri) { float addtion = AdditionRatio(self, cfg); dmg = dmg * addtion; } Dmg final = new Dmg() { dmgValue = dmg, dmgType = cfg.EffectClass, isCritical = isCri, hitCls = HurtHitClass.None, }; return(final); }
public Chunk(int gridSize, float blockSize, Color color) : base( new Rectangle( new Vector2D(blockSize * (int)(gridSize / 2.0f), blockSize * (int)(gridSize / 2.0f)), new Size(blockSize)), color) { this.gridSize = gridSize; this.blockSize = blockSize; RenderLayer = 2; random = new PseudoRandom(); }
Vector Unit(Vector vector) { if (vector.Magnitude() == 0) { return(PseudoRandom.Vector(1).Unit()); } else { return(vector.Unit()); } }
/// <summary> /// 检测是否符合逻辑 /// </summary> /// <param name="sk">技能忽略</param> /// <param name="cfg">条件配置技能忽略</param> /// <param name="caster">施法者忽略</param> /// <param name="targets">目标者们忽略</param> public bool check(RtSkData sk, ConditionConfigure cfg, ServerNPC caster, IEnumerable <ServerNPC> targets) { #if DEBUG Utils.Assert(cfg == null, "ConditionConfigure is null in PropCondition."); #endif ///1.判定概率 bool Condi = PseudoRandom.getInstance().happen(cfg.Prop); return(Condi); }
public void RandomFloatSanityTest() { var random = new PseudoRandom(); const int Max = 10; var wasChosen = new bool[Max]; const int Trials = Max * 1000; for (int i = 0; i < Trials; i++) wasChosen[(int)random.Get(0.0f, Max)] = true; for (int i = 0; i < Max; i++) Assert.IsTrue(wasChosen[i]); }
public static PseudoRandom get() { if(PseudoRandom.instance == null) { GameObject go = new GameObject("PseudoRandom"); PseudoRandom.instance = go.AddComponent<PseudoRandom>(); PseudoRandom.instance.create(); } return(PseudoRandom.instance); }
public static PseudoRandom get() { if (PseudoRandom.instance == null) { GameObject go = new GameObject("PseudoRandom"); PseudoRandom.instance = go.AddComponent <PseudoRandom>(); PseudoRandom.instance.create(); } return(PseudoRandom.instance); }
// --- create salt ---- private byte[] generateSalt() { PseudoRandom mRandom = PseudoRandom.getInstance(); byte[] content = mRandom.generateRandom(SALT_LENGTH); // Create the file and write to it. // DANGER: System.IO.File.Create will overwrite the file if it already exists. using (FileStream fs = File.Create(saltPath)) { fs.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } return(content); }
/// 治疗值 = (p(1)*物理攻击系数+p(2)*法术攻击系数) /1000 + p(3) +p(4) * TargetAttr(MaxHP) / 1000 /// /// 疗效 = TargetAttr(BeHeal) /// 治疗值 = 治疗值 * (1+疗效) * (1+p(5) / 1000) /// /// 是否可暴击按照p(6)处理 /// 技能暴击率 = 暴击率 + p(7) / 1000 /// 技能治疗暴击提升比=治疗暴击提升比+P(8) / 1000 /// /// if 暴击 then /// 真实治疗值 = 治疗值 * 技能治疗暴击提升比 /// end if public Treat toTargetTreat(NPCData self, NPCData target, EffectConfigData cfg) { ///-------- 物理伤害强度------ ///先计算自己的物理伤害, float bphyselfhit = Physical_Hit(self, cfg); ///-------- 魔法伤害强度 ------- /// 先计算自己的魔法伤害, float bMagselfhit = Magical_Hit(self, cfg); ///-------- NPC的总攻击强度,是cfg.EffectClass 类型------- float hit = bphyselfhit + bMagselfhit + cfg.Param3 + cfg.Param4 * self.rtData.totalHp * Consts.OneThousand; /// /// ------------ 分为不可暴击 和 不计算疗效 ------------ /// TreatClass treatCls = (TreatClass)Enum.ToObject(typeof(TreatClass), cfg.Param6); bool forbid_critical = treatCls == TreatClass.Forbid_Critical; bool forbid_beheal = treatCls == TreatClass.Forbid_BeHeal; /// 治疗值 float treat = hit * (1 + cfg.Param7 * Consts.OneThousand); if (!forbid_beheal) { treat = treat * (1 + self.rtData.BeHeal); } /// --------- 暴击伤害 ---------- /// bool isCri = false; if (!forbid_critical) { float critialRatio = CriticalRatio(self, target, cfg); isCri = PseudoRandom.getInstance().happen(critialRatio); if (isCri) { float addtion = AdditionRatio(self, cfg); treat = treat * addtion; } } Treat val = new Treat() { treatValue = (int)treat, treatType = cfg.EffectClass, isCritical = isCri, }; return(val); }
/// <summary> /// Generates nodes and edges endlessly for demonstration. /// </summary> public void StartGeneration() { lock (_nodeLock) { Color colour = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.White); // Add basis nodes. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Add(new Node(PseudoRandom.UInt64().ToString(), colour)); } // Connect some basis nodes. for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) { Node a, b; do { a = _nodes[PseudoRandom.Int32(_nodes.Count - 1)]; b = _nodes[PseudoRandom.Int32(_nodes.Count - 1)]; } while (a == b || a.IsConnectedTo(b)); Connect(a, b); } // Add group nodes. for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Node node = new Node(PseudoRandom.UInt64().ToString(), colour); Connect(node, _nodes[PseudoRandom.Int32(10)]); Add(node); } // Add outlier nodes. for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Node node = new Node(PseudoRandom.UInt64().ToString(), colour); Connect(node, _nodes[PseudoRandom.Int32(_nodes.Count - 1)]); Add(node); } // Connect more nodes. for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Node a, b; do { a = _nodes[PseudoRandom.Int32(_nodes.Count - 1)]; b = _nodes[PseudoRandom.Int32(_nodes.Count - 1)]; } while (a == b || a.IsConnectedTo(b)); Connect(a, b); } } }
public void PseudoRandom_DifferentSeed_ReturnDifferentResult() { // # Arrange. var sut1 = new PseudoRandom("Seed1"); var sut2 = new PseudoRandom("Seed2"); // # Act. var res1 = sut1.PositiveInt(); var res2 = sut2.PositiveInt(); // # Assert. Assert.AreNotEqual(res1, res2); }
public static void InitializeHashGrid(int seed) { _hashGrid = new PseudoRandom[HashGridSize * HashGridSize]; var currentState = Random.state; Random.InitState(seed); for (var i = 0; i < _hashGrid.Length; i++) { _hashGrid[i] = PseudoRandom.Create(); } Random.state = currentState; }
public int[,] Generate(Vector2 mapSize, Vector2 startCell, int seed) { this.mapSize = mapSize; this.startCell = startCell; array = new int[(int)mapSize.x, (int)mapSize.y]; pseudoRand = new PseudoRandom(seed); setCell(startCell); return array; }
public GameScreen() { currentLevelIndex = -1; randomizer = new PseudoRandom(); SetViewportBackground("GameBackground"); var font = ContentLoader.Load <Font>("Tahoma30"); currentLevelFontText = new FontText(font, "", Rectangle.FromCenter(new Vector2D(0.5f, DrawArea.Top + 0.079f), new Size(0.6f, 0.3f))); nextLevel = new NextLevelScreen(); CreateImageContainersForRiddle(); CreateDisplayCharacterButtons(); CreateLevels(); }
public PseudoRandom this[Player target] { get { PseudoRandom random = null; map.TryGetValue(target, out random); if (random == null) { random = new PseudoRandom(); map.Add(target, random); } return(random); } }
public void PseudoRandom_SameSeed_ReturnSameResult() { // # Arrange. const string Seed = "MySeed"; var sut1 = new PseudoRandom(Seed); var sut2 = new PseudoRandom(Seed); // # Act. var res1 = new[] { sut1.PositiveInt(), sut1.PositiveInt(), sut1.PositiveInt() }; var res2 = new[] { sut2.PositiveInt(), sut2.PositiveInt(), sut2.PositiveInt() }; // # Assert. CollectionAssert.AreEqual(res1, res2); }
public void PseudoRandom_HashCodeFunc_CustomMethod_UseIt() { // # Arrange. // Create a hashing function that always returns the same hash code. var hashingFunction = new Func <string, int>(s => 0); // # Act. var res1 = new PseudoRandom(hashingFunction, "a seed").PositiveInt(); var res2 = new PseudoRandom(hashingFunction, "another seed").PositiveInt(); // # Assert. Assert.AreEqual(res1, res2); Assert.AreEqual(1559595546, res1); }
/// <summary> /// Intializes new instance to default values /// </summary> /// <param name="position"></param> public ParticleEmitter(Vector2 position) { particles = new List <Particle>(); generators = new List <PropertyGenerator>(); modifiers = new List <ParticleModifier>(); textures = new List <Texture2D>(); random = new PseudoRandom(); // by default, emitter is relative to the effect position Position = position; Quantity = 1; fraction = 0.0f; Flags = EmitterModes.PositionRelative | EmitterModes.RotationRelative; name = "AbstractEmitter"; }
public void ThrowExceptionIfStaticFieldOrPropetyNotFound() { // # Arrange. var pr = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ThrowExceptionIfStaticFieldOrPropetyNotFound)); dynamic sut = new ReachIn(typeof(MyBaseClass)); // # Act and Assert. // A setter does not exist. Assert.Throws <Exception>( () => { sut.ThisPropertyOrFieldIsNotFound = pr.Int(); }); // A getter does not exist. Assert.Throws <Exception>( () => { var res = sut.ThisPropertyOrFieldIsNotFound; }); }
public void AddBuildings(Vector3 position, Cell cell, PseudoRandom hash) { var prefab = PickHousePrefab(cell.UrbanizationLevel, hash.existingChance, hash.housePick); if (!prefab) { return; } var house = Instantiate(prefab); position.y += house.transform.localScale.y * 0.5f; house.transform.localPosition = Metrics.Perturb(position); house.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 360f * hash.rotation, 0f); house.transform.SetParent(_objectContainer, false); }
public void RandomIntSanityTest() { const int Max = 10; var wasChosen = new bool[Max]; const int Trials = Max * 1000; for (int i = 0; i < Trials; i++) { wasChosen[PseudoRandom.Get(0, Max)] = true; } for (int i = 0; i < Max; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(wasChosen[i]); } }
public void ThrowExceptionIfMethodNotFound() { // # Arrange. var pr = new PseudoRandom(nameof(ThrowExceptionIfMethodNotFound)); var obj = new MyBaseClass(); dynamic sut = new ReachIn(obj); // # Act and Assert. // The method does not exist. Assert.Throws <Exception>( () => { sut.ThisMethodIsNotFound(pr.Int()); }); // There is a property by the same name. Assert.Throws <RuntimeBinderException>( () => { sut.MyPrivateProperty(pr.Int()); }); }
public List<Quadrant> QuarterQuadrant(PseudoRandom rnd, double roomChance) { List<Quadrant> newQuadrants = new List<Quadrant>(); int newHeight = height/2; int newWidth = width/2; if( newHeight != 0 && newWidth != 0 && (newHeight*newWidth/4) >= 1) { newQuadrants.Add(new Quadrant(X, Y, newHeight, newWidth, depth+1, SelectRoom(rnd, roomChance) ) ); // Top Left newQuadrants.Add(new Quadrant(X+newWidth, Y, newHeight, (width-newWidth), depth+1, SelectRoom(rnd, roomChance) ) ); // Top Right newQuadrants.Add(new Quadrant(X, Y+newHeight, (height-newHeight), newWidth, depth+1, SelectRoom(rnd, roomChance) ) ); // Bottom Left newQuadrants.Add(new Quadrant(X+newWidth, Y+newHeight, (height-newHeight), (width-newWidth), depth+1, SelectRoom(rnd, roomChance) ) ); // Bottom Right } return newQuadrants; }
public static int[,] CreateAgentBasedMap(int _mapSize, int seedX, int seedY, int seedZ) { int mapSize = _mapSize; PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); int[,] map = InitialiseMap(mapSize); int[] startPoint = ChooseRandomPoint( (int)Math.Round(mapSize/3f), (int)Math.Round(2f*mapSize/3f), rnd); AgentBased agent = new AgentBased(0.05, 0.05, startPoint, rnd.Next(0,4)); while(agent.CanContinue(map, rnd) && (!CheckFilled(map, 0.5f)) ) { map = agent.PlaceRoom(map, rnd); map = agent.MoveInDirection(map, rnd); } return map; }
public int[,] CreateCellularAutomataFromMap(int[,] startMap, PseudoRandom rnd) { int n = 4; //The number of iterations of the cellular automata generation, n. int M = 1; //Size/scale of the neighbourhood being used, M. int T = 5; //Rock threshold, T. int[,] map = startMap; for(int h = 0; h < n; h++) { map = ApplyCellularAutomata(map, M, T, true); } for(int h = 0; h < 3; h++) { map = ApplyCellularAutomata(map, M, T, false); } return map; }
Enemy CreateEnemy(PseudoRandom rnd){//, Player target){ int[] coords = envr.layout.FindRandomPoint (rnd); // Standard Set enemy up code. Enemy anEnemy = (Enemy) Instantiate (Resources.Load<Enemy> ("Prefabs/Enemy"), (Vector3) envr.grid.GetCoords(coords[0], coords[1]), Quaternion.identity); anEnemy.coords[0] = coords[0]; anEnemy.coords[1] = coords[1]; anEnemy.envr = envr; List<int[]> waypoints = new List<int[]>(); waypoints.Add (coords); waypoints.Add (envr.layout.FindRandomPoint (rnd)); waypoints.Add (envr.layout.FindRandomPoint (rnd)); AIBase patrolAI = new AIPatrol (anEnemy, waypoints); //AIBase newAI = new AIFollowAndAttack (currentEnemy, target); AIBase newAI = new AIAndAttack(anEnemy, patrolAI); //AIBase newAI = new AISearchArea (currentEnemy, target.coords); //anEnemy.workingAI = newAI; return anEnemy; }
public void CreateEnemiesForTile() { if (envr.currentMapInfo.enemyList.Count > 0) { foreach (Enemy dude in envr.currentMapInfo.enemyList) { if (!dude.IsDead ()) { dude.gameObject.SetActive (true); } } enemyList = envr.currentMapInfo.enemyList; envr.currentMapInfo.enemyList = new List<Enemy> (); } else { PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom (envr.currentMapInfo.seedX + 1, envr.currentMapInfo.seedY + 1, envr.currentMapInfo.seedZ + 1); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { enemyList.Add (CreateEnemy (rnd)); } } }
public int[,] InitialiseMap(double r, int mapSize, PseudoRandom rnd) { int[,] map = new int[mapSize, mapSize]; for(int y = 0; y < mapSize; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < mapSize; x++) { double number = Math.Round(rnd.Next(), 3); if(number < r) { map[y,x] = stateRock; } else { map[y,x] = stateEmpty; } } } return map; }
int[,] PlaceRoom(int[,] map, PseudoRandom rnd) { if(rnd.Next(0,99) < roomChance*100) { bool canPlace = CanPlaceRoom(map, rnd); Console.Write("Place Room: " + canPlace + "\n"); if(canPlace) { int[] firstStep = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], currentDirection); int[] roomCenter = MoveDirection(firstStep[0], firstStep[1], currentDirection); int[] newPosition = MoveDirection(roomCenter[0], roomCenter[1], currentDirection); for(int y = roomCenter[1]-1; y <= roomCenter[1]+1; y++) { for(int x = roomCenter[0]-1; x <= roomCenter[0]+1; x++) { map = ChangeToRoom(x, y, map); } } currentPosition[0] = newPosition[0]; currentPosition[1] = newPosition[1]; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int[] newStart = MoveDirection(roomCenter[0], roomCenter[1], i); positions.Add(newStart[0]); positions.Add(newStart[1]); } roomChance = 0.05; } else { roomChance += roomRate; } } roomChance += roomRate; return map; }
public int[,] CreateCellularAutomata(int _mapSize, int seedX, int seedY, int seedZ) { int mapSize = _mapSize; double r = 0.45; //Probability of square being rock in ititial state. int n = 4; //The number of iterations of the cellular automata generation, n. int M = 1; //Size/scale of the neighbourhood being used, M. int T = 5; //Rock threshold, T. PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); int[,] map = InitialiseMap(r, mapSize, rnd); for(int h = 0; h < n; h++) { map = ApplyCellularAutomata(map, M, T, true); } for(int h = 0; h < 3; h++) { map = ApplyCellularAutomata(map, M, T, false); } return map; }
public static int[,] CreateSpacialPartitionMap(int _mapSize, int _x, int _y, int _z) { int mapSize = _mapSize; double splitChance = 1; double roomChance = 0.375; PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(_x, _y, _z); int[,] map = InitialiseMap(mapSize, rnd); List<Quadrant> final = SpacialPartition(mapSize, splitChance, roomChance, rnd); List<Quadrant> rooms = RemoveEmptyQuadrants(final); map = SetMapFromPartition(map, rooms); for(int i = 1; i < rooms.Count; i++) { if(!rooms[i-1].NextToQuadrant(rooms[i])) { int firstX = rooms[i-1].PickRandomX(rnd); int firstY = rooms[i-1].PickRandomY(rnd); int secondX = rooms[i].PickRandomX(rnd); int secondY = rooms[i].PickRandomY(rnd); map = ConnectPoints(map, firstX, firstY, secondX, secondY); } } return map; }
void ChangeDirection(PseudoRandom rnd) { if(rnd.Next(0,99) < directionChance*100) { Console.Write("Direction Change From: " + currentDirection + "\n"); currentDirection = NewDirection(currentDirection, rnd); Console.Write("Direction Change To: " + currentDirection + "\n"); directionChance = 0.05; } directionChance += directionRate; }
int[,] MoveInDirection(int[,] map, PseudoRandom rnd) { int[] moveTo = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], currentDirection); if(IsValidRoute(moveTo, map) ) { currentPosition = moveTo; map = ChangeToRoom(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], map); ChangeDirection(rnd); } return map; }
int NewDirection(int dir, PseudoRandom rnd) { int newDir = dir; if(rnd.Next(0,2) == 0) { newDir = (dir + 1)%4; } else { newDir = (dir - 1)%4; } if(newDir < 0) { newDir = 4 + newDir; } return newDir; }
bool CanContinue(int[,] map, PseudoRandom rnd) { bool returnable = false; int[] newPoint = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], currentDirection ); if(IsValidRoute(newPoint, map)) { returnable = true; } else { int startDir = rnd.Next(0,4); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { newPoint = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], (startDir+i)%4 ); if(IsValidRoute(newPoint, map)) { returnable = true; Console.Write("CC Direction Change From: " + currentDirection + "\n"); currentDirection = NewDirection(currentDirection, rnd); Console.Write("CC Direction Change To: " + currentDirection + "\n"); directionChance = 0.05; break; } } } if(returnable == false && positions.Count > 0) { currentPosition[0] = positions[0]; currentPosition[1] = positions[1]; positions.RemoveAt(1); positions.RemoveAt(0); returnable = true; } return returnable; }
//================================================================// // StartNewGame //================================================================// // Create a new game with a different seed and reset appropriate // information. //================================================================// public void StartNewGame() { startSize = 5; currentSquareSize = 5; currentDiversion = 100; ChangeSeed (); currentScore = 0; scoreDisplay.color = Color.white; highScoreMessage.enabled = false; currentScore +=currentSquareSize*(currentSquareSize-1)*10; MazeGenerator maze = new MazeGenerator(seedX, seedY, seedZ); PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); currentStart = maze.CreateRandomPoint(rnd, currentSquareSize, currentSquareSize); CreateNewLevel (currentStart); int[] startPoint = FindStart (currentMap); if (currentPlayer == null) { currentPlayer = (Player) Instantiate (player, gridMaster.GetCoordVect2(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]), Quaternion.identity); } inGame = true; currentPlayer.SetGridMaster (gridMaster); currentPlayer.SetLayout (this); //print (startPoint[0] + " - "+ startPoint[1]); currentPlayer.transform.position = gridMaster.GetCoordVect2 (startPoint [0], startPoint [1]); currentPlayer.currentCoord = startPoint; }
static int[] ChooseRandomPoint(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit, PseudoRandom rnd) { int[] coords = new int[2]; coords[0] = rnd.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit); coords[1] = rnd.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit); return coords; }
int SelectRoom(PseudoRandom rnd, double roomChance) { double room = Math.Round(rnd.Next(), 2); //Console.Write("Chance: " + roomChance + " - " + room + "\n"); int num = 0; if(room < roomChance) { num = stateRoom; } return num; }
//================================================================// // CreateNewLevel //================================================================// // Destroy all previous parts of the level, then load a level using // MazeGenerator and the current level seed. //================================================================// public void CreateNewLevel(int[] newStart) { while(levelParts.Count != 0) { Destroy(levelParts[0]); levelParts.RemoveAt (0); } MazeGenerator maze = new MazeGenerator(seedX, seedY, seedZ); PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); currentStart = newStart; currentMap = maze.CreateNSEWMap(currentSquareSize, currentSquareSize, currentDiversion, currentStart); currentFinish = FindEnd (currentMap); mainCamera.GetComponent<CameraFollow> ().SetSpotlightSettings (currentSquareSize); MapToLevel (currentMap); CreateBoundries (currentMap); gridMaster = new GridMaster (0.5f, 0.5f, currentMap.GetLength(1), currentMap.GetLength(0), 1f, 1f); GameObject fin = (GameObject)Instantiate (finish, gridMaster.GetCoordVect2(currentFinish[0], currentFinish[1]), Quaternion.identity); levelParts.Add (fin); if (currentSquareSize > startSize) { currentScore +=currentSquareSize*(currentSquareSize-1)*10; currentPlayer.SetGridMaster (gridMaster); currentPlayer.SetLayout (this); } SaveCurrentGame (); }
public int PickRandomY(PseudoRandom rnd) { return rnd.Next(Y, Y+height); }
public int PickRandomX(PseudoRandom rnd) { return rnd.Next(X, X+width); }
//================================================================// // ContinueGame //================================================================// // Load in the game settings from a previous game, and create // the level. //================================================================// public void ContinueGame(Game game) { CreateLevelFromGame (game); MazeGenerator maze = new MazeGenerator(seedX, seedY, seedZ); PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); CreateNewLevel (currentStart); int[] startPoint = currentStart; if (currentPlayer == null) { currentPlayer = (Player) Instantiate (player, gridMaster.GetCoordVect2(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]), Quaternion.identity); } inGame = true; currentPlayer.SetGridMaster (gridMaster); currentPlayer.SetLayout (this); //print (startPoint[0] + " - "+ startPoint[1]); currentPlayer.transform.position = gridMaster.GetCoordVect2 (startPoint [0], startPoint [1]); currentPlayer.currentCoord = startPoint; }
static List<Quadrant> SpacialPartition(int mapSize, double splitChance, double roomChance, PseudoRandom rnd) { Quadrant first = new Quadrant(0,0, mapSize, mapSize, 0, 0); List<Quadrant> next = first.QuarterQuadrant(rnd, roomChance); List<Quadrant> final = new List<Quadrant>(); while(next.Count != 0) { int index = 0; double split = Math.Round(rnd.Next(), 2); if(split < splitChance) { List<Quadrant> subs = next[index].QuarterQuadrant(rnd, roomChance); if(subs.Count == 0) { final.Add(next[index]); } else { next.AddRange(subs); } } else { final.Add(next[index]); } next.RemoveAt(index); } return final; }
static int[,] InitialiseMap(int mapSize, PseudoRandom rnd) { int[,] map = new int[mapSize, mapSize]; for(int y = 0; y < mapSize; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < mapSize; x++) { map[y,x] = stateEmpty; } } return map; }
bool CanPlaceRoom(int[,] map, PseudoRandom rnd) { bool returnable = true; int[] firstStep = MoveDirection(currentPosition[0], currentPosition[1], currentDirection); int[] roomCenter = MoveDirection(firstStep[0], firstStep[1], currentDirection); for(int y = roomCenter[1]-1; y <= roomCenter[1]+1; y++) { for(int x = roomCenter[0]-1; x <= roomCenter[0]+1; x++) { if(x >= 0 && x < map.GetLength(1) && y >= 0 && y < map.GetLength(0)) { if(map[y, x] == stateRoom && y != currentPosition[1] && x != currentPosition[0]) { returnable = false; } } else { returnable = false; } } } return returnable; }
void CreateGraphCAMap() { Graph grph = Graph.CreateGraphMaxSize(1000, 40); DisplayGraph (grph); PseudoRandom rnd = new PseudoRandom(seedX, seedY, seedZ); CellularAutomata ca = new CellularAutomata(); GraphGenCA grCa = new GraphGenCA (grph, rnd, 0.385f); int[,] start = grCa.CreateInitalMapFromGraph (grph, 16, 4); map = ca.CreateBasicCellularAutomataFromMap (start, rnd); mainCam.transform.position = new Vector3 ((map.GetLength(1)+3)/2, (map.GetLength(0)+3)/2, -10 ); mainCam.orthographicSize = 90f; CreateMap (map); toggle = true; }