Esempio n. 1
        // helper methods

         * Generates a key for an tag/id/class combination and adds the style
         * attributes to the stylecache.
         * @param attributes
         *            a Properties object with the tagname and the attributes of the
         *            tag.
         * @return a key
        private string GetKey(Properties attributes)
            String tag = attributes[MarkupTags.ITEXT_TAG];
            String id  = attributes[MarkupTags.HTML_ATTR_CSS_ID];
            String cl  = attributes[MarkupTags.HTML_ATTR_CSS_CLASS];

            if (id == null)
                id = "";
                id = "#" + id;
            if (cl == null)
                cl = "";
                cl = "." + cl;
            String key = tag + id + cl;

            if (!stylecache.ContainsKey(key) && key.Length > 0)
                Properties props      = new Properties();
                Properties tagprops   = (Properties)this[tag];
                Properties idprops    = (Properties)this[id];
                Properties clprops    = (Properties)this[cl];
                Properties tagidprops = (Properties)this[tag + id];
                Properties tagclprops = (Properties)this[tag + cl];
                if (tagprops != null)
                if (idprops != null)
                if (clprops != null)
                if (tagidprops != null)
                if (tagclprops != null)
                stylecache[key] = props;
Esempio n. 2
        public static Properties <string, string> ConcatProperties(params Properties <string, string>[] propsArray)
            Properties <string, string> result = null;

            if (propsArray != null)
                result = new Properties <string, string>();
                foreach (Properties <string, string> props in propsArray)
Esempio n. 3
        public static void InitConfig(Properties <string, string> config,
                                      string cacheXml, bool PdxReadSerialized)
            string gfcppPropsFile = Util.AssemblyDir + "/";

            if (File.Exists(gfcppPropsFile))
                Properties <string, string> newConfig = new Properties <string, string>();
                if (config != null)
                config = newConfig;
            //ConnectConfig(dsName, config);
            if (m_cache == null || m_cache.IsClosed)
                    CacheHelper <TKey, TVal> .m_doDisconnect = false;

                    CacheFactory cf = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory(config);

                    if (cacheXml != null && cacheXml.Length > 0)
                        FwkInfo("seting cache-xml-file {0}", cacheXml);
                        cf = cf.Set("cache-xml-file", cacheXml);

                    if (PdxReadSerialized)
                        FwkInfo("seting PdxReadSerialized {0}", PdxReadSerialized);
                        cf = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory(config)

                    m_cache = cf.Create();
                catch (CacheExistsException)
                    m_cache = CacheFactory.GetAnyInstance();

            m_dsys = m_cache.DistributedSystem;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary> Gets the list of attributes of the peer. </summary>
        public virtual Properties GetAttributes(Hashtable attrs)
            Properties attributes = new Properties();

            if (defaultContent != null)
                attributes.Add(ElementTags.ITEXT, defaultContent);
            if (attrs != null)
                foreach (string key in attrs.Keys)
                    attributes.Add(GetName(key), (string)attrs[key]);
        /// <summary>
        /// @see com.lowagie.text.xml.XmlPeer#getAttributes(org.xml.sax.Attributes)
        /// </summary>
        public override Properties GetAttributes(Hashtable attrs)
            Properties attributes = new Properties();

            if (DefaultContent != null)
                attributes[ElementTags.ITEXT] = DefaultContent;
            if (attrs != null)
                foreach (string key in attrs.Keys)
                    attributes.Add(GetName(key).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), (string)attrs[key]);
Esempio n. 6
        public static void InitConfig(Properties <string, string> config,
                                      string cacheXml, bool PdxReadSerialized)
            string geodeNativePropsFile = Util.AssemblyDir + "/";

            if (File.Exists(geodeNativePropsFile))
                Properties <string, string> newConfig = new Properties <string, string>();
                if (config != null)
                config = newConfig;
            //ConnectConfig(dsName, config);
            if (m_cache == null || m_cache.IsClosed)
                    CacheFactory cf = new CacheFactory(config);

                    if (cacheXml != null && cacheXml.Length > 0)
                        FwkInfo("seting cache-xml-file {0}", cacheXml);
                        cf = cf.Set("cache-xml-file", cacheXml);

                    if (PdxReadSerialized)
                        FwkInfo("seting PdxReadSerialized {0}", PdxReadSerialized);
                        cf = new CacheFactory(config)

                    m_cache = cf.Create();
                catch (CacheExistsException)
                    m_cache = new CacheFactory(config).Create();
Esempio n. 7
  * A <CODE>Chunk</CODE> copy constructor.
  * @param ck the <CODE>Chunk</CODE> to be copied
 public Chunk(Chunk ck)
     if (ck.content != null)
         content = new StringBuilder(ck.content.ToString());
     if (ck.font != null)
         font = new Font(ck.font);
     if (ck.attributes != null)
         attributes = new Hashtable(ck.attributes);
     if (ck.markupAttributes != null)
         markupAttributes = new Properties();
         * This method gets called when a start tag is encountered.
         * @param   uri         the Uniform Resource Identifier
         * @param   lname       the local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
         * @param   name        the name of the tag that is encountered
         * @param   attrs       the list of attributes

        public override void StartElement(String uri, String lname, String name, Hashtable attrs)
            //System.err.Println("Start: " + name);

            // super.handleStartingTags is replaced with handleStartingTags
            // suggestion by Vu Ngoc Tan/Hop
            name = name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (HtmlTagMap.IsHtml(name))
                // we do nothing
            if (HtmlTagMap.IsHead(name))
                // we do nothing
            if (HtmlTagMap.IsTitle(name))
                // we do nothing
            if (HtmlTagMap.IsMeta(name))
                // we look if we can change the body attributes
                String meta    = null;
                String content = null;
                if (attrs != null)
                    foreach (String attribute in attrs.Keys)
                        if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(attribute, HtmlTags.CONTENT))
                            content = (String)attrs[attribute];
                        else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(attribute, HtmlTags.NAME))
                            meta = (String)attrs[attribute];
                if (meta != null && content != null)
                    bodyAttributes.Add(meta, content);
            if (HtmlTagMap.IsLink(name))
                // we do nothing for the moment, in a later version we could extract the style sheet
            if (HtmlTagMap.IsBody(name))
                // maybe we could extract some info about the document: color, margins,...
                // but that's for a later version...
                XmlPeer peer = new XmlPeer(ElementTags.ITEXT, name);
                peer.AddAlias(ElementTags.TOP, HtmlTags.TOPMARGIN);
                peer.AddAlias(ElementTags.BOTTOM, HtmlTags.BOTTOMMARGIN);
                peer.AddAlias(ElementTags.RIGHT, HtmlTags.RIGHTMARGIN);
                peer.AddAlias(ElementTags.LEFT, HtmlTags.LEFTMARGIN);
                HandleStartingTags(peer.Tag, bodyAttributes);
            if (myTags.ContainsKey(name))
                XmlPeer peer = (XmlPeer)myTags[name];
                if (ElementTags.TABLE.Equals(peer.Tag) || ElementTags.CELL.Equals(peer.Tag))
                    Properties p = peer.GetAttributes(attrs);
                    String     value;
                    if (ElementTags.TABLE.Equals(peer.Tag) && (value = p[ElementTags.BORDERWIDTH]) != null)
                        if (float.Parse(value, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) > 0)
                            tableBorder = true;
                    if (tableBorder)
                        p.Add(ElementTags.LEFT, "true");
                        p.Add(ElementTags.RIGHT, "true");
                        p.Add(ElementTags.TOP, "true");
                        p.Add(ElementTags.BOTTOM, "true");
                    HandleStartingTags(peer.Tag, p);
                HandleStartingTags(peer.Tag, peer.GetAttributes(attrs));
            Properties attributes = new Properties();

            if (attrs != null)
                foreach (String attribute in attrs.Keys)
                    attributes.Add(attribute.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ((String)attrs[attribute]).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            HandleStartingTags(name, attributes);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a Font-object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributes">the attributes of a Font object</param>
        /// <returns>a Font object</returns>
        public Font GetFont(Properties attributes)
            lock (_syncLock)
                string    fontname = null;
                var       encoding = DefaultEncoding;
                var       embedded = DefaultEmbedding;
                float     size     = Font.UNDEFINED;
                var       style    = Font.NORMAL;
                BaseColor color    = null;
                var       value    = attributes[Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLE];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    var styleAttributes = Markup.ParseAttributes(value);
                    if (styleAttributes.Count == 0)
                        attributes.Add(Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLE, value);
                        fontname = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTFAMILY];
                        if (fontname != null)
                            string tmp;
                            while (fontname.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                                tmp = fontname.Substring(0, fontname.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                                if (IsRegistered(tmp))
                                    fontname = tmp;
                                    fontname = fontname.Substring(fontname.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                        if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSIZE]) != null)
                            size = Markup.ParseLength(value);
                        if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTWEIGHT]) != null)
                            style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
                        if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSTYLE]) != null)
                            style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
                        if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_COLOR]) != null)
                            color = Markup.DecodeColor(value);
                if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.ENCODING]) != null)
                    encoding = value;
                if ("true".Equals(attributes[ElementTags.EMBEDDED]))
                    embedded = true;
                if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.FONT]) != null)
                    fontname = value;
                if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.SIZE]) != null)
                    size = float.Parse(value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                if ((value = attributes[Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLE]) != null)
                    style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
                if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.STYLE]) != null)
                    style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
                var r = attributes[ElementTags.RED];
                var g = attributes[ElementTags.GREEN];
                var b = attributes[ElementTags.BLUE];
                if (r != null || g != null || b != null)
                    var red   = 0;
                    var green = 0;
                    var blue  = 0;
                    if (r != null)
                        red = int.Parse(r);

                    if (g != null)
                        green = int.Parse(g);

                    if (b != null)
                        blue = int.Parse(b);

                    color = new BaseColor(red, green, blue);
                else if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.COLOR]) != null)
                    color = Markup.DecodeColor(value);
                if (fontname == null)
                    return(GetFont(null, encoding, embedded, size, style, color));
                return(GetFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, size, style, color));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a Font-object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributes">the attributes of a Font object</param>
        /// <returns>a Font object</returns>
        public virtual Font GetFont(Properties attributes)
            string fontname = null;
            string encoding = defaultEncoding;
            bool   embedded = defaultEmbedding;
            float  size     = Font.UNDEFINED;
            int    style    = Font.NORMAL;
            Color  color    = null;
            string value    = attributes[Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLE];

            if (value != null && value.Length > 0)
                Properties styleAttributes = Markup.ParseAttributes(value);
                if (styleAttributes.Count == 0)
                    attributes.Add(Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLE, value);
                    fontname = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTFAMILY];
                    if (fontname != null)
                        string tmp;
                        while (fontname.IndexOf(',') != -1)
                            tmp = fontname.Substring(0, fontname.IndexOf(','));
                            if (IsRegistered(tmp))
                                fontname = tmp;
                                fontname = fontname.Substring(fontname.IndexOf(',') + 1);
                    if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSIZE]) != null)
                        size = Markup.ParseLength(value);
                    if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTWEIGHT]) != null)
                        style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
                    if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSTYLE]) != null)
                        style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
                    if ((value = styleAttributes[Markup.CSS_KEY_COLOR]) != null)
                        color = Markup.DecodeColor(value);
            if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.ENCODING]) != null)
                encoding = value;
            if ("true".Equals(attributes[ElementTags.EMBEDDED]))
                embedded = true;
            if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.FONT]) != null)
                fontname = value;
            if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.SIZE]) != null)
                size = float.Parse(value, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            if ((value = attributes[Markup.HTML_ATTR_STYLE]) != null)
                style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
            if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.STYLE]) != null)
                style |= Font.GetStyleValue(value);
            string r = attributes[ElementTags.RED];
            string g = attributes[ElementTags.GREEN];
            string b = attributes[ElementTags.BLUE];

            if (r != null || g != null || b != null)
                int red   = 0;
                int green = 0;
                int blue  = 0;
                if (r != null)
                    red = int.Parse(r);
                if (g != null)
                    green = int.Parse(g);
                if (b != null)
                    blue = int.Parse(b);
                color = new Color(red, green, blue);
            else if ((value = attributes[ElementTags.COLOR]) != null)
                color = Markup.DecodeColor(value);
            if (fontname == null)
                return(GetFont(null, encoding, embedded, size, style, color));
            return(GetFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, size, style, color));
Esempio n. 11
 public GroupContent AddProperties(Dictionary <string, string> properties)
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a Font-object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attributes">the attributes of a Font object</param>
        /// <returns>a Font object</returns>
        public static Font getFont(Properties attributes)
            string fontname = null;
            string encoding = defaultEncoding;
            bool   embedded = defaultEmbedding;
            float  size     = Font.UNDEFINED;
            int    style    = Font.NORMAL;
            Color  color    = null;
            string value    = attributes.Remove(MarkupTags.STYLE);

            if (value != null && value.Length > 0)
                Properties styleAttributes = MarkupParser.parseAttributes(value);
                if (styleAttributes.Count == 0)
                    attributes.Add(MarkupTags.STYLE, value);
                    fontname = (string)styleAttributes.Remove(MarkupTags.CSS_FONTFAMILY);
                    if (fontname != null)
                        string tmp;
                        while (fontname.IndexOf(",") != -1)
                            tmp = fontname.Substring(0, fontname.IndexOf(","));
                            if (isRegistered(tmp))
                                fontname = tmp;
                                fontname = fontname.Substring(fontname.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                    if ((value = (string)styleAttributes.Remove(MarkupTags.CSS_FONTSIZE)) != null)
                        size = MarkupParser.parseLength(value);
                    if ((value = (string)styleAttributes.Remove(MarkupTags.CSS_FONTWEIGHT)) != null)
                        style |= Font.getStyleValue(value);
                    if ((value = (string)styleAttributes.Remove(MarkupTags.CSS_FONTSTYLE)) != null)
                        style |= Font.getStyleValue(value);
                    if ((value = (string)styleAttributes.Remove(MarkupTags.CSS_COLOR)) != null)
                        color = MarkupParser.decodeColor(value);
            if ((value = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.ENCODING)) != null)
                encoding = value;
            if ("false".Equals(attributes.Remove(ElementTags.EMBEDDED)))
                embedded = false;
            if ((value = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.FONT)) != null)
                fontname = value;
            if ((value = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.SIZE)) != null)
                size = float.Parse(value);
            if ((value = attributes.Remove(MarkupTags.STYLE)) != null)
                style |= Font.getStyleValue(value);
            if ((value = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.STYLE)) != null)
                style |= Font.getStyleValue(value);
            string r = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.RED);
            string g = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.GREEN);
            string b = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.BLUE);

            if (r != null || g != null || b != null)
                int red   = 0;
                int green = 0;
                int blue  = 0;
                if (r != null)
                    red = int.Parse(r);
                if (g != null)
                    green = int.Parse(g);
                if (b != null)
                    blue = int.Parse(b);
                color = new Color(red, green, blue);
            else if ((value = attributes.Remove(ElementTags.COLOR)) != null)
                color = MarkupParser.decodeColor(value);
            if (fontname == null)
                return(getFont(null, encoding, embedded, size, style, color));
            return(getFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, size, style, color));