Esempio n. 1
        public SpriteBatch()
            var accessor       = Properties.Access();
            var bufferCapacity = accessor.GetInt("sprite.batch.buffer.capacity");
            var indexCapacity  = accessor.GetInt("sprite.batch.index.capacity");

            buffer = new PrimitiveBuffer(bufferCapacity, indexCapacity);

            GLUtilities.AllocateBuffers(bufferCapacity, indexCapacity, out bufferId, out indexId, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);

            // These two shaders (owned by the sprite batch) can be completed here (in terms of binding a buffer).
            // External shaders are bound when first applied.
            spriteShader = new Shader(bufferId, indexId);
            spriteShader.Attach(ShaderTypes.Vertex, "Sprite.vert");
            spriteShader.Attach(ShaderTypes.Fragment, "Sprite.frag");
            spriteShader.AddAttribute <float>(2, GL_FLOAT);
            spriteShader.AddAttribute <float>(2, GL_FLOAT);
            spriteShader.AddAttribute <byte>(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ShaderAttributeFlags.IsNormalized);

            primitiveShader = new Shader(bufferId, indexId);
            primitiveShader.Attach(ShaderTypes.Vertex, "Primitives2D.vert");
            primitiveShader.Attach(ShaderTypes.Fragment, "Primitives.frag");
            primitiveShader.AddAttribute <float>(2, GL_FLOAT);
            primitiveShader.AddAttribute <byte>(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ShaderAttributeFlags.IsNormalized);
Esempio n. 2
        public MasterRenderer3D()
            // Note that shader attributes aren't set here since custom VAOs are created per renderer.
            shadowMapShader = new Shader();
            shadowMapShader.Attach(ShaderTypes.Vertex, "ShadowMap.vert");
            shadowMapShader.Attach(ShaderTypes.Fragment, "ShadowMap.frag");
            shadowMapShader.SetUniform("image", 0);

            // These default values are arbitrary, just to make sure something shows up.
            Light                  = new GlobalLight();
            Light.Direction        = vec3.UnitX;
            Light.Color            = Color.White;
            Light.AmbientIntensity = 0.1f;

            // TODO: Consider making shadow map size reloadable.
            var accessor = Properties.Access();
            var size     = accessor.GetInt("");

            shadowMapTarget  = new RenderTarget(size, size, RenderTargetFlags.Depth);
            modelRenderer    = new ModelRenderer(Light);
            spriteBatch3D    = new SpriteBatch3D(Light);
            skeletonRenderer = new SkeletonRenderer(Light);

            IsEnabled = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public PlayerController(PlayerCharacter player, PlayerData playerData, PlayerControls controls,
                                ControlSettings settings, AbstractController[] controllers)
            this.player     = player;
            this.playerData = playerData;
            this.controls   = controls;
            this.settings   = settings;

            aerialController   = (AerialController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Air];
            groundController   = (GroundController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Ground];
            platformController = (PlatformController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Platform];
            wallController     = (WallController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Wall];
            ladderController   = (LadderController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Ladder];

            // TODO: Make this class reloadable.
            // Create buffers.
            var accessor = Properties.Access();
            var grab     = accessor.GetFloat("player.grab.buffer");
            var ascend   = accessor.GetFloat("player.ascend.buffer");

            // Actual values for requiresHold on each buffer are set when control settings are applied.
            attackBuffer = new InputBuffer(false, controls.Attack);
            grabBuffer   = new InputBuffer(grab, false, controls.Grab);
            ascendBuffer = new InputBuffer(ascend, false, controls.Jump);
            ascendBuffer.RequiredChords = controls.Ascend;

            settings.ApplyEvent += OnApply;

            MessageSystem.Subscribe(this, CoreMessageTypes.Input, (messageType, data, dt) =>
                ProcessInput((FullInputData)data, dt);
Esempio n. 4
        public Terminal()
            colors      = new Color[4];
            commands    = new Dictionary <string, CommandProcessor>();
            font        = ContentCache.GetFont("Terminal");
            currentLine = new SpriteText(font);
            lines       = new List <SpriteText>();
            oldCommands = new List <string>();
            charWidth   = font.Measure("A").x;
            storedIndex = -1;

            var accessor = Properties.Access(this);

            padding              = accessor.GetInt("terminal.padding", this, false);
            textProcessor        = new TextProcessor();
            textProcessor.Submit = Submit;


            MessageSystem.Subscribe(this, CoreMessageTypes.ResizeWindow, (messageType, data, dt) =>
                // The terminal is always resized to fit the window width.
                Width = ((ivec2)data).x;

            MessageSystem.Subscribe(this, CoreMessageTypes.Keyboard, (messageType, data, dt) =>
Esempio n. 5
        public AerialSwordSwipe(AttackData data, PlayerCharacter parent) : base(data, parent)
            // TODO: Make this reloadable.
            var accessor = Properties.Access();

            boost = accessor.GetFloat("player.aerial.swipe.boost");
            limit = accessor.GetFloat("player.aerial.swipe.limit");
Esempio n. 6
        protected MeshRenderer(GlobalLight light, string property) : base(light)
            var accessor       = Properties.Access();
            var bufferCapacity = accessor.GetInt(property + ".buffer.capacity");
            var indexCapacity  = accessor.GetInt(property + ".index.capacity");

            GLUtilities.AllocateBuffers(bufferCapacity, indexCapacity, out bufferId, out indexId, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
Esempio n. 7
        public GameplayLoop(TitleLoop titleLoop = null) : base(LoopTypes.Gameplay)
            // TODO: Pull relevant objects from the title loop (likely camera and maybe scene).
            camera = new Camera3D();

            var accessor = Properties.Access();

            physicsMaxIterations = accessor.GetInt("physics.max.iterations");
Esempio n. 8
        static PhysicsConstants()
            var accessor = Properties.Access();

            // TODO: These should be reloadable (I think).
            EdgeForgiveness = accessor.GetFloat("edge.forgiveness");
            Gravity         = accessor.GetFloat("gravity");
            StepThreshold   = accessor.GetFloat("step.threshold");
            WallThreshold   = accessor.GetFloat("wall.threshold");
Esempio n. 9
        public FollowView(Camera3D camera, PlayerCharacter player, ControlSettings settings) : base(camera)
            this.player   = player;
            this.settings = settings;

            player.FollowView = this;


            MessageSystem.Subscribe(this, CoreMessageTypes.Input, (messageType, data, dt) =>
Esempio n. 10
        // For the time being, only the player is capable of traversing walls.
        public WallController(PlayerCharacter player, SingleTimer wallStickTimer) : base(player)
            this.wallStickTimer = wallStickTimer;

            // TODO: Make this reloadable.
            var accessor = Properties.Access();

            // Simpler (for the time being, anyway) to just load properties here.
            acceleration      = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.acceleration");
            deceleration      = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.deceleration");
            maxSpeed          = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.max.speed");
            wallGravity       = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.gravity");
            wallTerminalSpeed = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.terminal.speed");
            stickForgiveness  = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.stick.forgiveness");
Esempio n. 11
        public Terminal(Primitive <bool> isPauseToggled)
            this.isPauseToggled = isPauseToggled;

            commands       = new SortedDictionary <string, Command>();
            autocomplete   = new Autocomplete();
            font           = ContentCache.GetFont("Debug");
            currentLine    = new SpriteText(font);
            suggestionText = new SpriteText(font);
            lines          = new List <SpriteText>();
            history        = new List <string>();
            charWidth      = font.Measure("A").x;
            storedIndex    = -1;
            insertBounds   = new Bounds2D(charWidth, font.Size);

            var accessor = Properties.Access();

            padding       = accessor.GetInt("terminal.padding");
            historyLimit  = accessor.GetInt("terminal.history.limit");
            Height        = accessor.GetInt("terminal.default.height");
            Anchor        = Anchors.Left | Anchors.Top;
            IsDrawEnabled = false;
            colors        = new Color[5];

            textProcessor             = new TextProcessor();
            textProcessor.RepeatDelay = accessor.GetFloat("terminal.repeat.delay");
            textProcessor.RepeatRate  = accessor.GetFloat("terminal.repeat.rate");
            textProcessor.Submit      = Submit;


            MessageSystem.Subscribe(this, (int)CoreMessageTypes.ResizeWindow, data =>
                // The terminal is always resized to fit the window width.
                Width = ((ivec2)data).x;

            InputProcessor.Add(this, 10);
Esempio n. 12
        public PlayerCharacter(ControlSettings settings) : base(EntityGroups.Player)
            // TODO: Find a better way to retrieve settings.
            this.settings = settings;

            controls   = new PlayerControls();
            playerData = new PlayerData();
            state      = PlayerStates.Airborne;

            // TODO: Make this class reloadable.
            var accessor       = Properties.Access();
            var coyoteTime     = accessor.GetFloat("player.coyote.time");
            var coyoteWallTime = accessor.GetFloat("player.coyote.wall.time");
            var platformTime   = accessor.GetFloat("player.platform.ignore.time");
            var wallStickTime  = accessor.GetFloat("player.wall.stick.time");

            // Flags
            coyoteFlag = Components.Add(new TimedFlag(coyoteTime));
            coyoteFlag.OnExpiration = () => { jumpsRemaining--; };

            coyoteWallFlag = Components.Add(new TimedFlag(coyoteWallTime));
            coyoteWallFlag.OnExpiration = () => { wallController.Reset(); };

            platformFlag = new TimedFlag(platformTime);
            platformFlag.OnExpiration = () => { platformFlag.Tag = null; };

            wallStickTimer = new SingleTimer(time =>
            }, wallStickTime);

            int skillCount   = Utilities.EnumCount <PlayerSkills>();
            int upgradeCount = Utilities.EnumCount <PlayerUpgrades>();

            skillsUnlocked   = new bool[skillCount];
            upgradesUnlocked = new bool[upgradeCount];
Esempio n. 13
 public AerialSwordLift(AttackData data, PlayerCharacter parent) : base(data, parent)
     // TODO: Make this reloadable.
     boost = Properties.Access().GetFloat("player.aerial.sword.boost");
Esempio n. 14
 public PlayerData()
Esempio n. 15
 static GroundController()
     // TODO: Should be removed (and use the constant version instead).
     EdgeForgiveness = Properties.Access().GetFloat("edge.forgiveness");
Esempio n. 16
 protected CameraView()