void FireSeekingProjectile()
        // FIXME: A seeking projectile may need to be very different from a normal projectile when syncing.
        // If each player is allowed to spawn his own copy of the graphics and only the shooter is responsible for
        // collision detection this may hurt the way players feel when evading missiles; the graphic you see may not
        // be the real location of what you're running from.
        // On the other hand, there may be many seeking projectiles in the air at once, so syncing all of their photon
        // views may be infeasble.
        // Start with graphics for all and collider for shooter, as with regular projectiles; the behaviour should be
        // to rotate towards target every frame, and every frame apply constant acceleration (we'll hit something
        // eventually, I think, so that's enough).
        // Note that a seeking projectile shouldn't take the current player speed into account
        Vector3 force = cam.transform.forward * UserDefinedConstants.projectileImpulse;

        projectileCtrl.BroadcastFireSeekingProjectile(ProjectileSource(), force, UserId(), targetedCharacter.photonView.Owner.UserId);