void Awake()
        PrimGenerator primGen = new PrimGenerator();

        // generate a map of size 20x20 with no extra walls removed
        MapTile[,] tiles1 = primGen.MapGen(maxX, maxY, 0.3f);
        PerlinGenerator perlinGen = new PerlinGenerator();

        // generates a map of size 20x20 with a large constraint (generates a tightly-packed map)
        map = perlinGen.MapGen(maxX, maxY, 5.0f);
        GameObject playerAI = Instantiate(player, new Vector3(0, 0, -.5f), Quaternion.identity);
        GameObject enemyAI1 = Instantiate(enemy1, new Vector3(0, 0, -.5f), Quaternion.identity);

        playerAI.GetComponent <playerScript>().map = map;
        //enemy1.GetComponent<enemyScript>().map = tiles3;
        walkables = new List <MapTile>();

        foreach (MapTile m in map)
            if (m.Walkable)

        foreach (MapTile m in map)
            Vector3       pos         = new Vector3(m.X + transform.position.x, m.Y + transform.position.y);
            int           walkableint = walkables.Count;
            System.Random rnd         = new System.Random();
            int           rndnum      = rnd.Next(0, walkableint - 1);

            if (m.IsStart)
                Instantiate(startTile, pos, Quaternion.identity);
                playerAI.transform.position = new Vector3(m.X + transform.position.x, m.Y + transform.position.y, -.5f);
                playerAI.GetComponent <playerScript>().xMax  = maxX;
                playerAI.GetComponent <playerScript>().yMax  = maxY;
                playerAI.GetComponent <playerScript>().start = m;
            else if (m.IsGoal)
                Instantiate(goalTile, pos, Quaternion.identity);
                playerAI.GetComponent <playerScript>().goal = m;
            else if (m.Walkable)
                Instantiate(yesTile, pos, Quaternion.identity);
                if (m == walkables[rndnum])
                    enemyAI1.transform.position = new Vector3(m.X + transform.position.x, m.Y + transform.position.y, -.5f);
            else if (!m.Walkable)
                Instantiate(noTile, pos, Quaternion.identity);
Esempio n. 2
    void Awake()

        prim = new PrimGenerator();
        perlin = new PerlinGenerator();

        // generate a map of size 30x30 with half of the walls removed after generation
        if (primOrPerlin == "Prim" || primOrPerlin == "prim")
            tiles = prim.MapGen(dimension, dimension, removOrConstrain);
            tiles = perlin.MapGen(dimension, dimension, removOrConstrain);
Esempio n. 3
    // Generates the maze according to the current attributes
    public void GenerateMaze()
        // Delete the previous maze (if any)

        // Construction of the initial maze, with walls everywhere
        IEnumerable <GraphVertex> maze = UndirectedGraph.GridCellUndirectedGraph(1, this.nbLines, this.nbColumns, this.nbBorders, this.allowTeleporters);

        // Selection of the right generator
        MazeGenerator generator = null;

        switch (this.genType)
        case GeneratorType.DFS:
            generator = new DFSGenerator();

        case GeneratorType.Prim:
            generator = new PrimGenerator();

        case GeneratorType.Wilson:
            generator = new WilsonGenerator();

        // Generation of the maze
        if (this.animated)
            currentCoroutine = generator.AnimatedGeneration(maze, vertexPrefab, 0);
            MazeViewer.DisplayGrid(maze, vertexPrefab);

        // Center the camera on the maze

        // Add a character to the maze
 MapTile[,] generateTilesList()
     MapTile[,] tiles;
     if (perlinGenerator)
         PerlinGenerator perlinGen = new PerlinGenerator();
         tiles = perlinGen.MapGen(width, height, perlinConstraint);
         PrimGenerator primGen = new PrimGenerator();
         tiles = primGen.MapGen(width, height, primeConstraint);
    void createM()
        PrimGenerator primGen = new PrimGenerator();

        // generate a map of size 20x20 with no extra walls removed
        tiles4 = primGen.MapGen(75, 75, 0.05f);

        foreach (MapTile a in tiles4)
            if (a.IsGoal)
                Instantiate(goalPlane, new Vector3(a.X, 0, a.Y), Quaternion.identity);

            else if (a.IsStart)
                Instantiate(startPlane, new Vector3(a.X, 0, a.Y), Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate(pc, new Vector3(a.X, .5f, a.Y), Quaternion.identity);

            else if (a.Walkable)
                Instantiate(walkable, new Vector3(a.X, 0, a.Y), Quaternion.identity);

                Instantiate(notWalkable, new Vector3(a.X, 1, a.Y), Quaternion.identity);
        foreach (MapTile a in tiles4)
            if (a.Walkable)
                int chance = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(.5f, 500.5f));
                if (chance == 1)
                    Instantiate(enemy1, new Vector3(a.X, .5f, a.Y), Quaternion.identity);
    void Start()
        PrimGenerator primGen = new PrimGenerator();

        // generate a map of size 20x20 with no extra walls removed
        MapTile[,] tiles1 = primGen.MapGen(20, 20, 0.0f);

        // generate a map of size 30x30 with half of the walls removed after generation
        MapTile[,] tiles2 = primGen.MapGen(30, 30, 0.5f);

        PerlinGenerator perlinGen = new PerlinGenerator();

        // generates a map of size 20x20 with a large constraint (generates a tightly-packed map)
        MapTile[,] tiles3 = perlinGen.MapGen(20, 20, 5.0f);

        // generates a map of size 20x20 with a medium constraint (generates a more open map)
        MapTile[,] tiles4 = perlinGen.MapGen(20, 20, 10.0f);

        // generates a map of size 20x20 with a small constraint (generates a very open map)
        MapTile[,] tiles5 = perlinGen.MapGen(20, 20, 20.0f);
Esempio n. 7
    void Start()
        PrimGenerator   primGen   = new PrimGenerator();
        PerlinGenerator perlinGen = new PerlinGenerator();

        switch (choice)
        case 1:
            // generate a map of size 20x20 with no extra walls removed
            MapTile[,] tiles1 = primGen.MapGen(20, 20, 0.25f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++)
                    if (tiles1[i, y].Walkable == true)
                        if (tiles1[i, y].IsStart)
                            Instantiate(start, new Vector3(tiles1[i, y].X, .005f, tiles1[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        else if (tiles1[i, y].IsGoal)
                            Instantiate(goal, new Vector3(tiles1[i, y].X, .005f, tiles1[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                            Instantiate(floor, new Vector3(tiles1[i, y].X, .005f, tiles1[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(tiles1[i, y].X, 1, tiles1[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);

        case 2:
            // generate a map of size 30x30 with half of the walls removed after generation
            MapTile[,] tiles2 = primGen.MapGen(30, 30, 0.15f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++)
                    if (tiles2[i, y].Walkable == true)
                        if (tiles2[i, y].IsStart)
                            Instantiate(start, new Vector3(tiles2[i, y].X, .005f, tiles2[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        else if (tiles2[i, y].IsGoal)
                            Instantiate(goal, new Vector3(tiles2[i, y].X, .005f, tiles2[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                            Instantiate(floor, new Vector3(tiles2[i, y].X, .005f, tiles2[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(tiles2[i, y].X, 1, tiles2[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);

        case 3:
            // generates a map of size 20x20 with a large constraint (generates a tightly-packed map)
            MapTile[,] tiles3 = perlinGen.MapGen(20, 20, 5.0f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++)
                    if (tiles3[i, y].Walkable == true)
                        if (tiles3[i, y].IsStart)
                            Instantiate(start, new Vector3(tiles3[i, y].X, .005f, tiles3[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        else if (tiles3[i, y].IsGoal)
                            Instantiate(goal, new Vector3(tiles3[i, y].X, .005f, tiles3[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                            Instantiate(floor, new Vector3(tiles3[i, y].X, .005f, tiles3[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(tiles3[i, y].X, 1, tiles3[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);

        case 4:
            // generates a map of size 20x20 with a medium constraint (generates a more open map)
            MapTile[,] tiles4 = perlinGen.MapGen(20, 20, 10.0f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++)
                    if (tiles4[i, y].Walkable == true)
                        if (tiles4[i, y].IsStart)
                            Instantiate(start, new Vector3(tiles4[i, y].X, .005f, tiles4[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        else if (tiles4[i, y].IsGoal)
                            Instantiate(goal, new Vector3(tiles4[i, y].X, .005f, tiles4[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                            Instantiate(floor, new Vector3(tiles4[i, y].X, .005f, tiles4[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(tiles4[i, y].X, 1, tiles4[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);

        case 5:
            // generates a map of size 20x20 with a small constraint (generates a very open map)
            MapTile[,] tiles5 = perlinGen.MapGen(20, 20, 20.0f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++)
                    if (tiles5[i, y].Walkable == true)
                        if (tiles5[i, y].IsStart)
                            Instantiate(start, new Vector3(tiles5[i, y].X, .005f, tiles5[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        else if (tiles5[i, y].IsGoal)
                            Instantiate(goal, new Vector3(tiles5[i, y].X, .005f, tiles5[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                            Instantiate(floor, new Vector3(tiles5[i, y].X, .005f, tiles5[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);
                        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(tiles5[i, y].X, 1, tiles5[i, y].Y), Quaternion.identity);