public void GetBranchProgress(BranchProgressReportModel branchProgressReportModel)
            //return ViewPdf("Branch Progress Report", "Index", null);
            int branchId = branchProgressReportModel.BranchId;

            #region Total Client & Active Clients (No Date Filter)
            int totalClient       = db.Clients.Count(x => x.BranchId == branchId);
            int totalActiveClient = 0;
            var activeClients     = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active" && x.BranchId == branchId);

            var uniuqeClient = from m in activeClients
                               group m by m.ClientId into g
                               select new { g.Key };

            totalActiveClient = uniuqeClient.Count();

            BranchProgressReport model = new BranchProgressReport();
            model.TotalClient       = totalClient;
            model.TotalActiveClient = totalActiveClient;

            model.TotalDisbursedLoan = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId &&
                                                                  x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active" &&
                                                                  x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                                  x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate

            model.TotalDisputedLoan = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId &&
                                                                 x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Disputed" &&
                                                                 x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                                 x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate

            var loanAmountDisbursed = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId &&
                                                                 x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active" &&
                                                                 x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                                 x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
                                                                 ).Sum(x => x.ActualPaidAmount);

            if (loanAmountDisbursed.HasValue)
                model.TotalLoanAmountDisbursed = loanAmountDisbursed.Value;

            var loanDisbursed = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId &&
                                                           x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active" &&
                                                           x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                           x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate

            decimal totalCollection     = 0;
            decimal totalCollectionDues = 0;
            foreach (var item in loanDisbursed)
                totalCollectionDues += (db.LoanEMISchedules.Where(x => x.LoanDisbursementId == item.LoanDisbursementId &&
                                                                  x.EMIDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                                  x.EMIDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate).Sum(x => x.EMI)).HasValue ? (db.LoanEMISchedules.Where(x => x.LoanDisbursementId == item.LoanDisbursementId &&
                                                                                                                                                                         x.EMIDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                                                                                                                                         x.EMIDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate).Sum(x => x.EMI)).Value : 0;

                totalCollection += (db.LoanRepayments.Where(x => x.LoanDisbursementId == item.LoanDisbursementId &&
                                                            x.LoanRepaymentStatu.LoanRepaymentStatus == "Paid" &&
                                                            x.PaymentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                            x.PaymentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
                                                            ).Sum(x => x.AmountPaid)).HasValue ? (db.LoanRepayments.Where(x => x.LoanDisbursementId == item.LoanDisbursementId &&
                                                                                                                          x.LoanRepaymentStatu.LoanRepaymentStatus == "Paid" &&
                                                                                                                          x.PaymentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate &&
                                                                                                                          x.PaymentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
                                                                                                                          ).Sum(x => x.AmountPaid)).Value : 0;

            model.TotalCollection   = totalCollection;
            model.TotalDue          = totalCollectionDues;
            model.TotalDueRemaining = totalCollectionDues - model.TotalCollection;

            model.StartDate  = branchProgressReportModel.StartDate.ToShortDateString();
            model.EndDate    = branchProgressReportModel.EndDate.ToShortDateString();
            model.BranchName = db.Branches.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BranchId == branchProgressReportModel.BranchId).BranchName.ToString();

            //return this.ViewPdf("", "GetBranchProgress", model);
        //ReportManagement.HtmlViewRenderer htmlViewRenderer = new HtmlViewRenderer();
        //StandardPdfRenderer standardPdfRenderer = new StandardPdfRenderer();

        //protected FileContentResult ViewPdf(string pageTitle, string viewName, object model)
        //    string htmlText = htmlViewRenderer.RenderViewToString(this, viewName, model);
        //    byte[] buffer = standardPdfRenderer.Render(htmlText, pageTitle);
        //    return File(buffer, "application/pdf", "file.pdf");

        public void DownloadPdf(BranchProgressReport model)
            #region commented code
            //TODO: Increase the number of records in pdf we need to work
            ////int branchId = branchProgressReportModel.BranchId;

            ////#region Total Client & Active Clients (No Date Filter)
            ////int totalClient = db.Clients.Count(x => x.BranchId == branchId);
            ////int totalActiveClient = 0;
            ////var activeClients = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active" && x.BranchId == branchId);

            ////var uniuqeClient = from m in activeClients
            ////                   group m by m.ClientId into g
            ////                   select new { g.Key };

            ////totalActiveClient = uniuqeClient.Count();

            ////BranchProgressReport model = new BranchProgressReport();
            ////model.TotalClient = totalClient;
            ////model.TotalActiveClient = totalActiveClient;

            ////model.TotalDisbursedLoan = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId
            ////    && x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active"
            ////    && x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate
            ////    && x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
            ////    ).Count();

            ////model.TotalDisputedLoan = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId
            ////    && x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Disputed"
            ////    && x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate
            ////    && x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
            ////    ).Count();

            ////var loanAmountDisbursed = db.LoanDisbursements.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId
            ////    && x.LoanStatu.LoanStatus == "Active"
            ////    && x.DisbursmentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate
            ////    && x.DisbursmentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
            ////    ).Sum(x => x.TotalRepayAmountWithInterest);

            ////if (loanAmountDisbursed.HasValue)
            ////    model.TotalLoanAmountDisbursed = loanAmountDisbursed.Value;

            ////var totalCollection = db.LoanRepayments.Where(x => x.BranchId == branchId
            ////    && x.LoanRepaymentStatu.LoanRepaymentStatus == "Paid"
            ////    && x.PaymentDate >= branchProgressReportModel.StartDate
            ////    && x.PaymentDate <= branchProgressReportModel.EndDate
            ////    ).Sum(x => x.AmountPaid);

            ////if (totalCollection.HasValue)
            ////    model.TotalCollection = totalCollection.Value;

            ////model.TotalDue = model.TotalLoanAmountDisbursed - model.TotalCollection;

            MemoryStream workStream = new MemoryStream();
            Document     document   = new Document();
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            Phrase   heading             = new Phrase(string.Format("Branch : {0}  Report From :{1} To : {2}", model.BranchName, model.StartDate, model.EndDate));
            PdfPCell reportParameterCell = new PdfPCell(heading);
            reportParameterCell.BackgroundColor     = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(51, 192, 192);
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            PdfPCell cellBranchName = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Item"));
            cellBranchName.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(192, 192, 192);

            PdfPCell cellClientName = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("No #"));
            cellClientName.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.BaseColor(192, 192, 192);

            table.AddCell("Total Active Client");

            table.AddCell("Total Client");

            table.AddCell("Total Disbursed Loan");

            table.AddCell("Total Disputed Loan");

            table.AddCell("Total Loan Amount Disbursed");

            table.AddCell("Total Collection");

            table.AddCell("Total Due");

            table.AddCell("Total Due Remaining");

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            document.Add(new Paragraph(DateTime.Now.ToString()));

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