Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will update a solitary setting with the new setting value for a given user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
 /// <param name="setting">the setting</param>
 public static void UpdateSettingValueForUser(User user, Setting setting)
     #region Log Action
     //the specific log action
     String logAction = $"Actualizat valoarea setarii {setting.SettingDisplay} pentru utilizatorul {user.DisplayName}";
     //we generate the log Command
     String logCommand = "UPDATE setari_utilizatori " +
                         $"SET valoare_setare = {setting.GetStringValue} " +
                         $"WHERE utilizator_id = {user.ID} AND setare_id = {setting.ID}";
     //we generate the Computer IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the update command for a single setting
     String QueryCommand = "UPDATE settings.setari_utilizatori " +
                           "SET valoare_setare = :p_value " +
                           "WHERE utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND setare_id = :p_setting_id";
     //the query parameters for a single setting
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_value", setting.GetStringValue),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_user_id", user.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_setting_id", setting.ID)
     //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //else we call the execution of the procedure
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //we will log the multi-insert
     ActionLog.LogAction(logAction, IP, user, logCommand, PgSqlConnection);
     //and as always never forget to close the connection
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a new bank account to a given seller by piggy-backing on an already active connection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the bank account controller</param>
 /// <param name="posgreSqlConnection">the active connection</param>
 public static void AddNewBankAccountForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, BankAccount bankAccount, PostgreSqlConnection posgreSqlConnection)
     #region ActionLog
     //we generate the log Action
     String LogAction = $"Adaugat un nou cont bancar la banca {bankAccount.Bank} pentru societatea {seller.Name}";
     //we also generate the command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.ID}, {bankAccount.Account}, {bankAccount.Bank}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET banca= {bankAccount.Bank} RETURNING id";
     //and get the instance IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we generate the query command string
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_seller_id, :p_account, :p_bank) " +
                           "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                           "DO UPDATE SET banca= :p_bank, activ = true " +
                           "RETURNING id";
     //and then set the parameters for the query
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_account", bankAccount.Account),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_bank", bankAccount.Bank)
     //we execute the command returning the ID over an already active connection
     bankAccount.ID = (Int32)posgreSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //and log the command
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the logo of a given seller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the logo</param>
        /// <returns>the logo object</returns>
        public static Logo GetLogoOfSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            //the query select command
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT sigla FROM seller.furnizori WHERE id = :p_seller AND activ";
            //the query parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_seller", seller.ID);

            //once we have the query command and parameters we check to see if we are able to open the connection
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //we retrive the logo as a ByteArray
            Byte[] value = (Byte[])PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);
            //we close the connection
            //and return a new Logo over the
            return(new Logo(value));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrive the bank name from the glossary tables based upon the given bank account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bankAccountController">the bank account controller</param>
        public static void GetBankOfAccount(BankAccountController bankAccountController)
            String          queryCommand    = "SELECT denumire FROM glossary.institutii_bancare WHERE cod_iban = :p_iban ";
            NpgsqlParameter queryParameters = new NpgsqlParameter("p_iban", MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.BankFunctions.GetCodeFromIBAN(bankAccountController.Account));

            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            bankAccountController.Bank = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(queryCommand, queryParameters).ToString();
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will create a new registry in the database for specific user settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">the specific user</param>
 /// <param name="menuItem">the menu item</param>
 public static void GenerateSpecificMenuSettingForUser(User user, MenuItem menuItem)
     #region ActionLog
     //we format the log action for the element
     String logAction = String.Format("S-a generat setarea specifica pentru inregistrare {0} din meniu pentru utilizatorul {1}",
     //we generate the log Command
     String logCommand = String.Format("INSERT INTO settings.meniu_utilizator(utilizator_id, inregistrare_meniu, activ) " +
     //we generate the Computer IP
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we write the sqlQuery
     String queryCommand = "INSERT INTO settings.meniu_utilizator(utilizator_id,inregistrare_meniu,activ) " +
     //we instantiate the query parameter
     NpgsqlParameter[] queryParameters =
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id",   user.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_record_id", menuItem.MenuItemID),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_activ",     menuItem.IsActive)
     //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //else we call the execution of the procedure
     PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(queryCommand, queryParameters);
     //and log the action
     ActionLog.LogAction(logAction, IP, user, logCommand, PgSqlConnection);
     //and as always never forget to close the connection
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will check if there is already an account with the current register controllers username
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registerController">the current register controller</param>
        /// <returns>wether another account with the same username exists or not</returns>
        public static Boolean CheckUsername(RegisterController registerController)
            String          sqlCommand      = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users.utilizatori WHERE nume_utilizator = :p_username";
            NpgsqlParameter npgsqlParameter = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_username", registerController.Username);

            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            Boolean result = (Int64)PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(sqlCommand, npgsqlParameter) > 0;

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the registy number based on the given fiscal code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FiscalCode">the given fiscal code</param>
        /// <returns>the registry number linked to the given fiscal code</returns>
        public static String GetRegistryNumberForFiscalCode(Int32 FiscalCode)
            //the query select command
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT cod_inmatriculare_registru_comert FROM fiscal_entity.entitati_fiscale WHERE cod_fiscal = :p_fiscal_code";
            //the query parameters
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameters = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_fiscal_code", FiscalCode);

            //we check if we are able to open a connection
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //the result value as a string
            String result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters).ToString();

            //never ever kids forget to close a connection
            //and finally return the result
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will add a bew bank account for the given seller to the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
 /// <param name="bankAccount">the new bank account</param>
 public static void AddNewBankAccountForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller, BankAccount bankAccount)
     #region ActionLog
     //we generate the log action
     String LogAction = $"Adaugat un nou cont bancar la banca {bankAccount.Bank} pentru societatea {seller.Name}";
     //and the log command
     String LogCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                         $"VALUES({seller.ID}, {bankAccount.Account}, {bankAccount.Bank}) " +
                         "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                         $"DO UPDATE SET banca= {bankAccount.Bank} RETURNING id";
     //before retriving the ip
     String IP = MentorBilling.Miscellaneous.IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //we get the insert command for the bank account
     String QueryCommand = "INSERT INTO seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori(furnizor_id,cont,banca) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_seller_id, :p_account, :p_bank) " +
                           "ON CONFLICT(cont) " +
                           "DO UPDATE SET banca= :p_bank, activ = true" +
                           "RETURNING id";
     //and set the parameters
     List <NpgsqlParameter> QueryParameters = new List <NpgsqlParameter>()
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_account", bankAccount.Account),
         new NpgsqlParameter(":p_bank", bankAccount.Bank)
     //we check if we can open the connection
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //and if we can we execute the query
     bankAccount.ID = (Int32)PgSqlConnection.ExecuteScalar(QueryCommand, QueryParameters);
     //log it on the same connection
     ActionLog.LogAction(LogAction, LogCommand, IP, PgSqlConnection);
     //before closing the connection