Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the settings for a given user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
        /// <returns>a complete list of settings</returns>
        public static List <Setting> RetrieveSettingsListForUser(User user)
            //the query command for the retrieval of the settings
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT, s.setare, s.tip_date_setare, su.valoare_setare " +
                                  "FROM settings.setari_utilizatori AS su " +
                                  "LEFT JOIN settings.setari AS s " +
                                  "ON = su.setare_id " +
                                  "WHERE su.utilizator_id = :p_user_id";
            //the query standalone parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_user_id", user.ID);

            //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
                return(new List <Setting>());
            //else we call the execution of the procedure
            DataTable dt = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //close the connection
            //and return the settings list
            return(dt.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new Setting
                ID = row.Field <Int64>("ID"),
                DataTypes = (Settings.SettingTypes.SettingDataTypes)row.Field <Int32>("TIP_DATE_SETARE"),
                SettingDisplay = row.Field <String>("SETARE"),
                Value = row.Field <Object>("VALOARE_SETARE")
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the complete list of countries from the database glossary
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the country list</returns>
        public static List <Country> GetCountries()
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * FROM glossary.tari WHERE activ ";

            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand);

            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                return(result.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new Country()
                    ID = row.Field <Int64>("ID"),
                    CountryCodeISO2 = row.Field <String>("COD_TARA_ISO2"),
                    CountryCodeISO3 = row.Field <String>("COD_TARA_ISO3"),
                    CountryCodeM49 = row.Field <String>("COD_TARA_ISO_M49"),
                    EnglishName = row.Field <String>("DEN_TARA_EN"),
                    RomanianName = row.Field <String>("DEN_TARA_RO")
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will update the local menu with the settings from the database server for the specific user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the specific user</param>
        /// <param name="menu">the instance menu</param>
        public static void UpdateLocalUserMenu(User user, Menu menu)
            //we write the sqlQuery
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * FROM settings.meniu_utilizator WHERE utilizator_id = :p_user_id";
            //we instantiate the query parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id", user.ID);

            //if we are unable to connect to the server we abandon execution
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //we then retrieve the dataTable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //let us not be morons and close the connection
            //we check if the result has values
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                //we iterate the menu items
                foreach (MenuItem menuItem in menu.UserMenu)
                    //and set their active values
                    menuItem.IsActive = result.AsEnumerable()
                                        .Where(r => r.Field <Int32>("ID") == menuItem.MenuItemID)
                                        .Select(r => r.Field <Boolean>("ACTIV"))
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the complete list of viable bank accounts for a given seller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seller">the given seller</param>
        /// <returns>the valid bank account list</returns>
        public static List <BankAccount> GetBankAccountsForSeller(ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller seller)
            //the select query
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * " +
                                  "FROM seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori " +
                                  "WHERE furnizor_id = :p_seller_id and activ";
            //the query parameters
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_seller_id", seller.ID);

            //if the connection fails to open we return a null list
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //we retrieve the query result into a DataTable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //we close the connection before leaving the method
            //then check if the result contains any elements
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                //if there are valid elements we cast the dataTable to the structure
                return(result.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new BankAccount
                    ID = row.Field <Int32>("ID"),
                    Bank = row.Field <String>("BANCA"),
                    Account = row.Field <String>("CONT")
            //else we return null
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve a given users active subscription
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
        /// <returns>the active subscription</returns>
        public static Subscription GetSubscriptionForUser(User user)
            //the select command that will retrieve the data from the server
            String queryCommand = "SELECT AS id, a.denumire AS name, au.valoare_lunara AS monthly_fee, " +
                                  " as subscription_type, a.explicatii AS explanations, " +
                                  "au.ultima_plata AS last_payment, au.perioada_activa AS active_period " +
                                  "FROM users.abonamente_utilizatori AS au " +
                                  "LEFT JOIN users.abonamente AS a " +
                                  "ON au.abonament_id = " +
                                  "WHERE au.utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND au.activ";
            //the command parameters
            NpgsqlParameter queryParameters = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_user_id", user.ID);

            //if we fail to open the connection we return a null object
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //else we execute the reader on the table
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(queryCommand, queryParameters);

            //and close the connection once done
            //afterwards we return the newly created subscription
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                return new Subscription
                           ID               = (Int64)result.Rows[0]["ID"],
                           Name             = result.Rows[0]["NAME"].ToString(),
                           MonthlyFee       = (Double)result.Rows[0]["MONTHLY_FEE"],
                           Explanations     = result.Rows[0]["EXPLANATIONS"].ToString(),
                           ActivePeriod     = (Int32)result.Rows[0]["ACTIVE_PERIOD"],
                           LastPayment      = (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["LAST_PAYMENT"],
                           SubscriptionType = (Int64)result.Rows[0]["SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE"]
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the group to which the user is part of
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
        /// <returns>the Group</returns>
        public static Group GetUserGroup(User user)
            String queryCommand = "SELECT AS id, g.denumire AS name, AS admin_id," +
                                  "u.nume_utilizator AS admin_username, u.nume AS admin_surname, " +
                                  "u.prenume AS admin_name " +
                                  "FROM users.grupuri_utilizatori AS gu " +
                                  "LEFT JOIN users.grupuri AS g ON gu.grup_id = " +
                                  "LEFT JOIN users.utilizatori AS u ON = g.administrator_grup " +
                                  "WHERE gu.utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND gu.activ AND g.activ";
            NpgsqlParameter queryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id", user.ID);

            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(queryCommand, queryParameter);

            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                return new Group
                           ID            = (Int64)result.Rows[0]["ID"],
                           Name          = result.Rows[0]["NAME"].ToString(),
                           Administrator = new User
                               ID       = (Int64)result.Rows[0]["ADMIN_ID"],
                               Username = result.Rows[0]["ADMIN_USERNAME"].ToString(),
                               Surname  = result.Rows[0]["ADMIN_SURNAME"].ToString(),
                               Name     = result.Rows[0]["ADMIN_NAME"].ToString()
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will get a complete list of sellers for the given user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the given user</param>
        /// <returns>a list of sellers</returns>
        public static List <ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller> GetSellersForUser(User user)
            //we initialize the query select command
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * FROM seller.furnizori WHERE utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND activ";
            //set the solo query parameter
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter("p_user_id", user.ID);

            //if we fail to open the connection we return a null object
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //if not we retrieve the query results into a DataTable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //once that is done we close the connection
            //if the result contains at least one entry
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                //we use linq select to transform the dataTable to a list of Seller objects
                return(result.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new ObjectStructures.Invoice.Seller
                    ID = row.Field <Int32>("ID"),
                    Name = row.Field <String>("DENUMIRE"),
                    CommercialRegistryNumber = row.Field <String>("NR_REGISTRU_COMERT"),
                    FiscalCode = row.Field <String>("COD_FISCAL"),
                    Headquarters = row.Field <String>("SEDIUL"),
                    WorkPoint = row.Field <String>("PUNCT_LUCRU"),
                    Phone = row.Field <String>("TELEFON"),
                    Email = row.Field <String>("EMAIL"),
                    Logo = new Logo(row.Field <Byte[]>("SIGLA"))
 /// <summary>
 /// this function will register a new user in the database and then return it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registerController">the register controller for the new user</param>
 /// <returns>the newly added user</returns>
 public static User RegisterUser(RegisterController registerController)
     #region LogAction
     //the action for the log
     String Action = "A fost inregistrat un nou utilizator la adresa de email: " + registerController.Email;
     //First we format the command to register
     String command = String.Format("INSERT INTO users.utilizatori(nume_utilizator,email,parola,nume,prenume) " +
                                    "VALUES({0},{1},{2},{3},{4}) RETURNING *",
     //then we will create a new ipFunctions for the httpContextAccessor
     String IP = IPFunctions.GetWANIp();
     //the insert returning command will return a single column based on the new insert
     String queryCommand = "INSERT INTO users.utilizatori(nume_utilizator,email,parola,nume,prenume) " +
                           "VALUES(:p_username,:p_email,:p_password,:p_surname,:p_name) " +
                           "RETURNING *";
     //we bind the parameters to the registerController properties
     NpgsqlParameter[] queryParameters =
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_username", registerController.Username),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_email",    registerController.Email),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_password", registerController.Password),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_surname",  registerController.Surname),
         new NpgsqlParameter("p_name",     registerController.Name)
     //if we are unable to connect to the database we return a null object
     //this should never happen since they will be on the same server though better safe than sorry
     if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
     //once done we run the sqlCommand and retrieve the values to a new DataTable
     DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(queryCommand, queryParameters);
     //once that is done we close the f*****g connection
     //we will log the current action
     ActionLog.LogAction(Action, IP, command);
     //before initializing a new user from the dataTable
     if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
         //then finally return the new user
         return new User
                    ID       = (Int64)result.Rows[0]["ID"],
                    Username = result.Rows[0]["NUME_UTILIZATOR"].ToString(),
                    Email    = result.Rows[0]["EMAIL"].ToString(),
                    Name     = result.Rows[0]["PRENUME"].ToString(),
                    Surname  = result.Rows[0]["NUME"].ToString()