Esempio n. 1
        public void TokenAware_TargetPartition_NoHops()
            // Setup
            var policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();

            // Test
            var ks      = TestUtils.GetUniqueKeyspaceName().ToLowerInvariant();
            var session = GetNewSession();

            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(session, 1, ks);
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = -10; i < 10; i++)
                var partitionKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(i).Reverse().ToArray();
                var statement    = new SimpleStatement(string.Format("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES ({0}, {0})", i))
                                   .SetRoutingKey(new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = partitionKey
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
Esempio n. 2
        public void TokenAware_TargetWrongPartition_HopsOccur()
            // Setup
            var policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools {
                TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName()

            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(Session, 1, forceSchemaAgreement: true);
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                //The partition key is wrongly calculated
                var statement = new SimpleStatement(string.Format("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES ({0}, {0})", i))
                                .SetRoutingKey(new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
                var rs = Session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there were hops
            var hopsPerQuery = traces.Select(t => t.Events.Any(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()));

            Assert.True(hopsPerQuery.Any(v => v));
        public void TokenAware_TargetPartition_NoHops()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.CreateNew(3);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            // Test
            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(testCluster.Session, 1);
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = -10; i < 10; i++)
                var partitionKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(i).Reverse().ToArray();
                var statement    = new SimpleStatement(String.Format("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES ({0}, {0})", i))
                                   .SetRoutingKey(new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = partitionKey
                var rs = testCluster.Session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
Esempio n. 4
        public void TokenAware_Prepared_Composite_NoHops()
            // Setup
            var policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();

            // Test
            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(Session, 1, forceSchemaAgreement: true);
            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            Session.Execute($"CREATE TABLE {policyTestTools.TableName} (k1 text, k2 int, i int, PRIMARY KEY ((k1, k2)))");
            TestHelper.RetryAssert(() =>
            }, 500, 150);
            var ps     = Session.Prepare($"INSERT INTO {policyTestTools.TableName} (k1, k2, i) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var statement = ps.Bind(i.ToString(), i, i).EnableTracing();
                //Routing key is calculated by the driver
                var rs = Session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
        public void TokenAware_BindInt_NoHops()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.CreateNew(3);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            // Test
            var session = testCluster.Session;

            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(session, 1);
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();
            var pstmt  = session.Prepare("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES (?, ?)");

            for (var i = (int)short.MinValue; i < short.MinValue + 40; i++)
                var statement = pstmt
                                .Bind(i, i)
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
        public void TokenAware_TargetWrongPartition_HopsOccur()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.CreateNew(3);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            var session = testCluster.Session;

            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(session, 1);
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                //The partition key is wrongly calculated
                var statement = new SimpleStatement(String.Format("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES ({0}, {0})", i))
                                .SetRoutingKey(new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there were hops
            var hopsPerQuery = traces.Select(t => t.Events.Any(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()));

            Assert.True(hopsPerQuery.Any(v => v));
        public void TokenAware_Prepared_Composite_NoHops()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.CreateNew(3);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            // Test
            var session = testCluster.Session;

            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            session.Execute(String.Format("CREATE TABLE {0} (k1 text, k2 int, i int, PRIMARY KEY ((k1, k2)))", policyTestTools.TableName));
            var ps     = session.Prepare(String.Format("INSERT INTO {0} (k1, k2, i) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", policyTestTools.TableName));
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var statement = ps.Bind(i.ToString(), i, i).EnableTracing();
                //Routing key is calculated by the driver
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
Esempio n. 8
        public void TokenAware_NoKey_HopsOccurAndAllNodesAreChosenAsCoordinators()
            // Setup
            var policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools {
                TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName()

            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(Session, 1, forceSchemaAgreement: true);
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                //The partition key is wrongly calculated
                var statement = new SimpleStatement(string.Format("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES ({0}, {0})", i))
                var rs = Session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there were hops
            var hopsPerQuery = traces.Select(t => t.Events.Any(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()));

            Assert.True(hopsPerQuery.Any(v => v));
            var tracesPerCoordinator = traces.GroupBy(t => t.Coordinator).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(3, tracesPerCoordinator.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(tracesPerCoordinator.All(kvp => kvp.Value == 3));
Esempio n. 9
        public void TokenAware_Guid_NoHops()
            // Setup
            var policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            var cluster         = GetNewCluster(b => b.WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy())));

            // Test
            var    session         = cluster.Connect();
            string uniqueTableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();

            session.Execute($"CREATE TABLE {uniqueTableName} (k uuid PRIMARY KEY, i int)");
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var key       = Guid.NewGuid();
                var statement = new SimpleStatement(String.Format("INSERT INTO " + uniqueTableName + " (k, i) VALUES ({0}, {1})", key, i))
                    new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = TypeSerializer.GuidShuffle(key.ToByteArray())
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        ///  Tests DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy
        /// @test_category connection:retry_policy
        /// </summary>
        public void DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicyTest(Builder builder)
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();

            ITestCluster testCluster = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(3);

            testCluster.Builder = builder;
            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(testCluster.Session, 3);

            // FIXME: Race condition where the nodes are not fully up yet and assertQueried reports slightly different numbers

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12, ConsistencyLevel.All);

            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, ConsistencyLevel.All);

            //Kill one node: 2 nodes alive
            TestUtils.WaitForDown(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", testCluster.Cluster, 20);

            //After killing one node, the achieved consistency level should be downgraded
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, ConsistencyLevel.All);
Esempio n. 11
        public void TryNextHostRetryPolicyTest()
            ITestCluster testCluster   = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(2);
            var          socketOptions = new SocketOptions().SetReadTimeoutMillis(2000);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder()
                                  .WithRetryPolicy(new LoggingRetryPolicy(TryNextHostRetryPolicy.Instance))
                                  .AddContactPoint(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1")
                                  .AddContactPoint(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2")

            // Setup cluster
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();

            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(testCluster.Session, 2);
            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);

            // Try with both hosts
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 10);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 1 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 5);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 2 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 5);

            // Try with host 1
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 10);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 1 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 10);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 2 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);

            // Try with host 2
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 10);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 1 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 2 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 10);

            // Try with 0 hosts
            Assert.Throws <NoHostAvailableException>(() => policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 10));
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 1 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + 2 + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);

        public void RoundRobin_TwoDCs_DcAware()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1, 1, DefaultMaxClusterCreateRetries, true);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("dc2"));

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);

            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);
Esempio n. 13
        private void RetryPolicyTest(ITestCluster testCluster)
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();

            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(testCluster.Session, 2);

            // Test before state
            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            int clusterPosQueried    = 1;
            int clusterPosNotQueried = 2;

            if (!policyTestTools.Coordinators.ContainsKey(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosQueried))
                clusterPosQueried    = 2;
                clusterPosNotQueried = 1;
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosQueried + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 1);

            // Stop one of the nodes and test
            TestUtils.WaitForDown(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosQueried, testCluster.Cluster, 30);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 120);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosNotQueried + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 120);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosQueried + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);

            // Start the node that was just down, then down the node that was just up
            TestUtils.WaitForUp(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosQueried, DefaultCassandraPort, 30);

            // Test successful reads
            DateTime futureDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(120);

            while (policyTestTools.Coordinators.Count < 2 && DateTime.Now < futureDateTime)
                policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 120);

            // Ensure that the nodes were contacted
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosQueried + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 1);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + clusterPosNotQueried + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 1);
        public void RoundRobin_TokenAware_TwoDCsWithOneNodeEach_ReplicationFactorTwo()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1, 1, DefaultMaxClusterCreateRetries, true);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            policyTestTools.CreateSchema(testCluster.Session, 2);

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);

            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
Esempio n. 15
        public void TokenAware_Composite_NoHops()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetTestCluster(3);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            // Test
            var session = testCluster.Session;

            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            session.Execute(String.Format("CREATE TABLE {0} (k1 text, k2 int, i int, PRIMARY KEY ((k1, k2)))", policyTestTools.TableName));
            var traces = new List <QueryTrace>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var statement = new SimpleStatement(String.Format("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k1, k2, i) VALUES ('{0}', {0}, {0})", i))
                    new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(i.ToString())
                    new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(i).Reverse().ToArray()
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
        public void RoundRobin_OneDc_OneNodeAdded_OneNodeDecommissioned()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy());

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);

            // Validate that all host were queried equally
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);

            // Add new node to the end of second cluster, remove node from beginning of first cluster
            // Bootstrap step
            int bootStrapPos = 2;

            string newlyBootstrappedIp = testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + bootStrapPos;

            TestUtils.WaitForUp(newlyBootstrappedIp, DefaultCassandraPort, 30);

            // Validate expected nodes where queried
            policyTestTools.WaitForPolicyToolsQueryToHitBootstrappedIp(testCluster, newlyBootstrappedIp);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);

            // decommission old node
            TestUtils.waitForDecommission(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, testCluster.Cluster, 60);

            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);
        public void RoundRobin_OneDc_AllNodesForceStoppedOneAtATime()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(2);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder()
                                  .WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy())

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);

            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);

            TestUtils.WaitForDown(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1", testCluster.Cluster, 20);

            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);

            TestUtils.WaitForDown(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", testCluster.Cluster, 20);

                policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 3);
                Assert.Fail("Exception should have been thrown, but wasn't!");
            catch (NoHostAvailableException)
                Trace.TraceInformation("Expected NoHostAvailableException exception was thrown.");
Esempio n. 18
        public void TokenAware_BindString_NoHops()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetTestCluster(3);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            // Test
            var session = testCluster.Session;

            policyTestTools.TableName = TestUtils.GetUniqueTableName();
            session.Execute(String.Format("CREATE TABLE {0} (k text PRIMARY KEY, i int)", policyTestTools.TableName));
            var    traces = new List <QueryTrace>();
            string key    = "value";

            for (var i = 100; i < 140; i++)
                key += (char)i;
                var partitionKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key);
                var statement    = new SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO " + policyTestTools.TableName + " (k, i) VALUES (?, ?)", key, i)
                                   .SetRoutingKey(new RoutingKey()
                    RawRoutingKey = partitionKey
                var rs = session.Execute(statement);
            //Check that there weren't any hops
            foreach (var t in traces)
                //The coordinator must be the only one executing the query
                Assert.True(t.Events.All(e => e.Source.ToString() == t.Coordinator.ToString()), "There were trace events from another host for coordinator " + t.Coordinator);
        public void TokenMap_Rebuild_With_Decommissioned_DC_Existing_RF()
            // Create a 2dc:1node each cluster
            var clusterOptions = new TestClusterOptions();

            clusterOptions.Dc2NodeLength = 1;
            var testCluster = TestClusterManager.CreateNew(1, clusterOptions);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint("").WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("dc1"));
            testCluster.Cluster = testCluster.Builder.Build();
            testCluster.Session = testCluster.Cluster.Connect();

            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();

            // Create a ks with RF = dc1:1, dc2:1
            policyTestTools.CreateMultiDcSchema(testCluster.Session, 1, 1);
            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12, false, ConsistencyLevel.All);
            // Replicas now in each node in each dc

            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, false);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);

            // dc1 no longer has any hosts

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint("").WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("dc2"));
            testCluster.Cluster = testCluster.Builder.Build();
            // Should be able to connect and rebuild token map
            testCluster.Session = testCluster.Cluster.Connect(policyTestTools.DefaultKeyspace);

            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, false);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);
        public void TokenAwareTest(bool usePrepared)
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1, 1, DefaultMaxClusterCreateRetries, true);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);

            // Not the best test ever, we should use OPP and check we do it the
            // right nodes. But since M3P is hard-coded for now, let just check
            // we just hit only one node.
            int nodePosToDecommission         = 2;
            int nodePositionToNotDecommission = 1;

            if (policyTestTools.Coordinators.ContainsKey(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort))
                nodePosToDecommission         = 1;
                nodePositionToNotDecommission = 2;
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + nodePosToDecommission + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + nodePositionToNotDecommission + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);

            // now try again having stopped the node that was just queried
            TestUtils.waitForDecommission(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + nodePosToDecommission + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, testCluster.Cluster, 40);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12, usePrepared);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + nodePosToDecommission + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + nodePositionToNotDecommission + ":" + DefaultCassandraPort, 12);
Esempio n. 21
 public void SetupTest()
     _policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
        public void RoundRobin_TwoDCs_EachDcHasOneNodeAddedAndDecommissioned()
            // Setup
            PolicyTestTools policyTestTools = new PolicyTestTools();
            ITestCluster    testCluster     = TestClusterManager.GetNonShareableTestCluster(1, 1, DefaultMaxClusterCreateRetries, true);

            testCluster.Builder = Cluster.Builder().WithLoadBalancingPolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy());

            policyTestTools.InitPreparedStatement(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);

            // Validate that all host were queried equally
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);

            // Add new node to the end of first cluster, remove node from beginning of first cluster
            // Bootstrap step
            testCluster.BootstrapNode(3, "dc1");
            string newlyBootstrappedIp = testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3";

            TestUtils.WaitForUp(newlyBootstrappedIp, DefaultCassandraPort, 30);

            // Validate expected nodes where queried
            policyTestTools.WaitForPolicyToolsQueryToHitBootstrappedIp(testCluster, newlyBootstrappedIp);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 4);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 4);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueriedAtLeast(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 4);

            // Remove node from beginning of first cluster
            TestUtils.waitForDecommission(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, testCluster.Cluster, 20);

            // Validate expected nodes where queried
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);

            // Add new node to the end of second cluster, remove node from beginning of first cluster
            testCluster.BootstrapNode(4, "dc2");
            newlyBootstrappedIp = testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4";
            TestUtils.WaitForUp(newlyBootstrappedIp, DefaultCassandraPort, 30);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 4);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 4);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 4);

            // Remove node from beginning of second cluster
            TestUtils.waitForDecommission(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2", testCluster.Cluster, 20);
            policyTestTools.Query(testCluster, 12);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "1:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "2:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 0);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "3:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);
            policyTestTools.AssertQueried(testCluster.ClusterIpPrefix + "4:" + DefaultCassandraPort, 6);