Esempio n. 1
 public TradeEntry(PokeTradeDetail <T> trade, ulong userID, PokeRoutineType type, string username)
     Trade    = trade;
     UserID   = userID;
     Type     = type;
     Username = username;
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task PerformTrade(SAV8BS sav, PokeTradeDetail <PB8> detail, PokeRoutineType type, uint priority, CancellationToken token)
            PokeTradeResult result;

                result = await PerformLinkCodeTrade(sav, detail, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (result == PokeTradeResult.Success)
            catch (SocketException socket)
                result = PokeTradeResult.ExceptionConnection;
                HandleAbortedTrade(detail, type, priority, result);
                throw;         // let this interrupt the trade loop. re-entering the trade loop will recheck the connection.
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
            catch (Exception e)
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                result = PokeTradeResult.ExceptionInternal;

            HandleAbortedTrade(detail, type, priority, result);
Esempio n. 3
 public PokeTradeQueue <T> GetQueue(PokeRoutineType type)
     return(type switch
         PokeRoutineType.DuduBot => Dudu,
         _ => Queue,
Esempio n. 4
 public bool Equals(ulong uid, PokeRoutineType type = 0)
     if (UserID != uid)
     return(type == 0 || type == Type);
 public PokeTradeQueue <T> GetQueue(PokeRoutineType type)
     return(type switch
         PokeRoutineType.SeedCheck => Seed,
         PokeRoutineType.Clone => Clone,
         PokeRoutineType.Dump => Dump,
         _ => Trade,
 public PokeTradeQueue <T> GetQueue(PokeRoutineType type)
     return(type switch
         PokeRoutineType.DuduBot => Dudu,
         PokeRoutineType.Clone => Clone,
         PokeRoutineType.Dump => Dump,
         _ => Trade,
Esempio n. 7
 protected virtual (PokeTradeDetail <PB8>?detail, uint priority) GetTradeData(PokeRoutineType type)
     if (Hub.Queues.TryDequeue(type, out var detail, out var priority))
         return(detail, priority);
     if (Hub.Queues.TryDequeueLedy(out detail))
         return(detail, PokeTradePriorities.TierFree);
     return(null, PokeTradePriorities.TierFree);
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task ChangeTaskAsync(string ip, [Summary("Routine enum name")] PokeRoutineType task)
            var bot = SysCordInstance.Runner.GetBot(ip);

            if (bot == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"No bot has that IP address ({ip}).").ConfigureAwait(false);


            await Context.Channel.EchoAndReply($"The bot at {ip} ({bot.Bot.Connection.Name}) has been commanded to do {task} as its next task.").ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 9
 private void HandleAbortedTrade(PokeTradeDetail <PB8> detail, PokeRoutineType type, uint priority, PokeTradeResult result)
     detail.IsProcessing = false;
     if (result.ShouldAttemptRetry() && detail.Type != PokeTradeType.Random && !detail.IsRetry)
         detail.IsRetry = true;
         Hub.Queues.Enqueue(type, detail, Math.Min(priority, PokeTradePriorities.Tier2));
         detail.SendNotification(this, "Oops! Something happened. I'll requeue you for another attempt.");
         detail.SendNotification(this, $"Oops! Something happened. Canceling the trade: {result}.");
         detail.TradeCanceled(this, result);
Esempio n. 10
        public QueueCheckResult <T> CheckPosition(ulong uid, PokeRoutineType type = 0)
            lock (_sync)
                var index = UsersInQueue.FindIndex(z => z.Equals(uid, type));
                if (index < 0)
                    return(QueueCheckResult <T> .None);

                var entry       = UsersInQueue[index];
                var actualIndex = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                    if (UsersInQueue[i].Type == entry.Type)

                return(new QueueCheckResult <T>(true, entry, actualIndex));
Esempio n. 11
 public void Initialize(PokeRoutineType type)
     NextRoutineType = type;
     InitialRoutine  = type;
Esempio n. 12
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, OnWhisperReceivedArgs e, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            // var user = e.WhisperMessage.UserId;
            var userID = ulong.Parse(e.WhisperMessage.UserId);
            var name   = e.WhisperMessage.DisplayName;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(name);
            var notifier = new TwitchTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, e.WhisperMessage.Username, client, Channel);
            var detail   = type == PokeRoutineType.DuduBot ? new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, PokeTradeType.Dudu, code: code) : new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, PokeTradeType.Specific, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            msg = $"Added {name} to the queue. Your current position is: {Info.CheckPosition(userID, type).Position}";
Esempio n. 13
 public static bool IsTradeBot(this PokeRoutineType type) => type is >= PokeRoutineType.FlexTrade and <= PokeRoutineType.Dump;
Esempio n. 14
 public void Resume() => NextRoutineType = InitialRoutine;
Esempio n. 15
        public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(SocketCommandContext context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, T trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type, SocketUser trader)
            if ((uint)code > MaxTradeCode)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Trade code should be 00000000-99999999!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            IUserMessage test;

                const string helper = "I've added you to the queue! I'll message you here when your trade is starting.";
                test = await trader.SendMessageAsync(helper).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{ex.HttpCode}: {ex.Reason}!").ConfigureAwait(false);

                var noAccessMsg = context.User == trader ? "You must enable private messages in order to be queued!" : "The mentioned user must enable private messages in order for them to be queued!";
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(noAccessMsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Try adding
            var result = AddToTradeQueue(context, trade, code, trainer, sig, routine, type, trader, out var msg);

            // Notify in channel
            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Notify in PM to mirror what is said in the channel.
            await trader.SendMessageAsync($"{msg}\nYour trade code will be **{code:0000 0000}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Clean Up
                if (result)
                    // Delete the user's join message for privacy
                    if (!context.IsPrivate)
                        await context.Message.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Delete our "I'm adding you!", and send the same message that we sent to the general channel.
                    await test.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                string message;
                // Check if the exception was raised due to missing "Manage Messages" permissions. Ping the bot host if so.
                var permissions = context.Guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(context.Channel as IGuildChannel);
                if (!permissions.ManageMessages)
                    var app = await context.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var owner = app.Owner.Id;
                    message = $"<@{owner}> You must grant me \"Manage Messages\" permissions!";
                    // Send a generic error message if we're not missing "Manage Messages" permissions.
                    message = $"{ex.HttpCode}: {ex.Reason}!";
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 16
 public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(SocketCommandContext context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, T trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type, int catchID = 0)
     await AddToQueueAsync(context, code, trainer, sig, trade, routine, type, context.User, catchID).ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 17
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            var user   = Context.User;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, PokeTradeType.Dudu, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            msg = $"Added {user.Mention} to the queue for trade type: {type}. Your current position is: {Info.CheckPosition(userID, type).Position}";
Esempio n. 18
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, SocketUser trader, out string msg)
            var user   = trader;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, user);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if (t == PokeTradeType.Specific && pk8.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(Species)pk8.Species}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Esempio n. 19
 public bool SupportsRoutine(PokeRoutineType t) => Factory.SupportsRoutine(t);
Esempio n. 20
 public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(this SocketCommandContext Context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, PK8 trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type)
     await AddToQueueAsync(Context, code, trainer, sig, trade, routine, type, Context.User).ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 21
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, IUser user, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            // var user = e.WhisperMessage.UserId;
            var userID = (ulong)user.Id;
            var name   = user.ScreenName;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(name);
            var notifier = new TwitterTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, name, client, user, Hub.Config.Twitter);
            var tt       = type == PokeRoutineType.SeedCheck ? PokeTradeType.Seed : PokeTradeType.Specific;
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, tt, code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = $"@{name}: Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            msg = $"@{name}: Added to the {type} queue, unique ID: {detail.ID}. Current Position: {position.Position}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $". Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Esempio n. 22
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, OnWhisperReceivedArgs e, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            // var user = e.WhisperMessage.UserId;
            var userID = ulong.Parse(e.WhisperMessage.UserId);
            var name   = e.WhisperMessage.DisplayName;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(name);
            var notifier = new TwitchTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, e.WhisperMessage.Username, client, Channel, Hub.Config.Twitch);
            var tt       = type == PokeRoutineType.SeedCheck ? PokeTradeType.Seed : PokeTradeType.Specific;
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, tt, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            msg = $"@{name}: Added to the {type} queue, unique ID: {detail.ID}. Current Position: {position.Position}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $". Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Esempio n. 23
        public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(this SocketCommandContext Context, int code, string trainer, bool sudo, PK8 trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type)
            if ((uint)code > MaxTradeCode)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Trade code should be 00000000-99999999!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            IUserMessage test;

                const string helper = "I've added you to the queue! I'll message you here when your trade is starting.";
                test = await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(helper).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{ex.HttpCode}: {ex.Reason}!").ConfigureAwait(false);

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You must enable private messages in order to be queued!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Try adding
            var result = Context.AddToTradeQueue(trade, code, trainer, sudo, routine, type, out var msg);

            // Notify in channel
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Notify in PM to mirror what is said in the channel.
            await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Clean Up
            if (result)
                // Delete the user's join message for privacy
                if (!Context.IsPrivate)
                    await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Delete our "I'm adding you!", and send the same message that we sent to the general channel.
                await test.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 24
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(SocketCommandContext context, T pk, int code, string trainerName, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, SocketUser trader, out string msg, int catchID = 0)
            var user   = trader;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName, userID);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <T>(pk, trainer, code, user);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <T>(pk, trainer, notifier, t, code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <T>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCord <T> .Runner.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Owner);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            if (detail.Type == PokeTradeType.TradeCord)
                TradeCordHelper <T> .TradeCordTrades.Add(trader.Id, catchID);

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule <T> .IsStartChannel(context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if ((t == PokeTradeType.Specific || t == PokeTradeType.TradeCord || t == PokeTradeType.SupportTrade || t == PokeTradeType.Giveaway) && pk.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(t == PokeTradeType.SupportTrade && pk.Species != (int)Species.Ditto && pk.HeldItem != 0 ? $"{(Species)pk.Species} ({ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk).Split('@','\n')[1].Trim()})" : $"{(Species)pk.Species}")}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Esempio n. 25
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, out string msg)
            var user   = Context.User;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if (t == PokeTradeType.Specific || t == PokeTradeType.EggRoll && pk8.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(t == PokeTradeType.EggRoll ? "Mysterious egg" : hub.Config.Trade.ItemMuleSpecies == (Species)pk8.Species && pk8.HeldItem != 0 ? $"{(Species)pk8.Species + " (" + ShowdownSet.GetShowdownText(pk8).Split('@','\n')[1].Trim() + ")"}" : $"{(Species)pk8.Species}")}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the <see cref="NextRoutineType"/> so that the next iteration will perform as desired,
 /// and updates the <see cref="InitialRoutine"/> in the event the settings are saved.
 /// </summary>
 public void Initialize(PokeRoutineType type, ConnectionType conType)
     NextRoutineType = type;
     InitialRoutine  = type;
     ConnectionType  = conType;
Esempio n. 27
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, out string msg)
            var user     = Context.User;
            var userID   = user.Id;
            var name     = user.Username;
            var priority = user.EvaluatePriority();

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, priority, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $". Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Esempio n. 28
 public void Pause() => NextRoutineType  = PokeRoutineType.Idle;
Esempio n. 29
        public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(SocketCommandContext context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, T trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type, SocketUser trader, int catchID = 0)
            if ((uint)code > MaxTradeCode)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Trade code should be 00000000-99999999!").ConfigureAwait(false);


                const string helper = "I've added you to the queue! I'll message you here when your trade is starting.";
                IUserMessage test   = await trader.SendMessageAsync(helper).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Try adding
                var result = AddToTradeQueue(context, trade, code, trainer, sig, routine, type, trader, out var msg, catchID);

                // Notify in channel
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Notify in PM to mirror what is said in the channel.
                await trader.SendMessageAsync($"{msg}\nYour trade code will be **{code:0000 0000}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Clean Up
                if (result)
                    // Delete the user's join message for privacy
                    if (!context.IsPrivate)
                        await context.Message.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Delete our "I'm adding you!", and send the same message that we sent to the general channel.
                    await test.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                await HandleDiscordExceptionAsync(context, trader, ex).ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 30
        public async Task ChangeTaskAsync([Summary("Identified name of bot (OT-ID)")] string name, [Summary("Routine enum name")] PokeRoutineType task)
            var bot   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Bots.ToArray();
            var match = Array.Find(bot, z => z.Connection.Name == name);

            if (match == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"Could not find bot identified as {name}.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            await ReplyAsync($"Changed {name}'s next routine to {task}.").ConfigureAwait(false);