Beispiel #1
 public TradeEntry(PokeTradeDetail <T> trade, ulong userID, PokeRoutineType type, string username)
     Trade    = trade;
     UserID   = userID;
     Type     = type;
     Username = username;
Beispiel #2
        private async Task PerformTrade(SAV8BS sav, PokeTradeDetail <PB8> detail, PokeRoutineType type, uint priority, CancellationToken token)
            PokeTradeResult result;

                result = await PerformLinkCodeTrade(sav, detail, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (result == PokeTradeResult.Success)
            catch (SocketException socket)
                result = PokeTradeResult.ExceptionConnection;
                HandleAbortedTrade(detail, type, priority, result);
                throw;         // let this interrupt the trade loop. re-entering the trade loop will recheck the connection.
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
            catch (Exception e)
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                result = PokeTradeResult.ExceptionInternal;

            HandleAbortedTrade(detail, type, priority, result);
Beispiel #3
 public PokeTradeQueue <T> GetQueue(PokeRoutineType type)
     return(type switch
         PokeRoutineType.DuduBot => Dudu,
         _ => Queue,
Beispiel #4
 public bool Equals(ulong uid, PokeRoutineType type = 0)
     if (UserID != uid)
     return(type == 0 || type == Type);
 public PokeTradeQueue <T> GetQueue(PokeRoutineType type)
     return(type switch
         PokeRoutineType.SeedCheck => Seed,
         PokeRoutineType.Clone => Clone,
         PokeRoutineType.Dump => Dump,
         _ => Trade,
 public PokeTradeQueue <T> GetQueue(PokeRoutineType type)
     return(type switch
         PokeRoutineType.DuduBot => Dudu,
         PokeRoutineType.Clone => Clone,
         PokeRoutineType.Dump => Dump,
         _ => Trade,
Beispiel #7
 protected virtual (PokeTradeDetail <PB8>?detail, uint priority) GetTradeData(PokeRoutineType type)
     if (Hub.Queues.TryDequeue(type, out var detail, out var priority))
         return(detail, priority);
     if (Hub.Queues.TryDequeueLedy(out detail))
         return(detail, PokeTradePriorities.TierFree);
     return(null, PokeTradePriorities.TierFree);
Beispiel #8
        public async Task ChangeTaskAsync(string ip, [Summary("Routine enum name")] PokeRoutineType task)
            var bot = SysCordInstance.Runner.GetBot(ip);

            if (bot == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"No bot has that IP address ({ip}).").ConfigureAwait(false);


            await Context.Channel.EchoAndReply($"The bot at {ip} ({bot.Bot.Connection.Name}) has been commanded to do {task} as its next task.").ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #9
 private void HandleAbortedTrade(PokeTradeDetail <PB8> detail, PokeRoutineType type, uint priority, PokeTradeResult result)
     detail.IsProcessing = false;
     if (result.ShouldAttemptRetry() && detail.Type != PokeTradeType.Random && !detail.IsRetry)
         detail.IsRetry = true;
         Hub.Queues.Enqueue(type, detail, Math.Min(priority, PokeTradePriorities.Tier2));
         detail.SendNotification(this, "Oops! Something happened. I'll requeue you for another attempt.");
         detail.SendNotification(this, $"Oops! Something happened. Canceling the trade: {result}.");
         detail.TradeCanceled(this, result);
Beispiel #10
        public QueueCheckResult <T> CheckPosition(ulong uid, PokeRoutineType type = 0)
            lock (_sync)
                var index = UsersInQueue.FindIndex(z => z.Equals(uid, type));
                if (index < 0)
                    return(QueueCheckResult <T> .None);

                var entry       = UsersInQueue[index];
                var actualIndex = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                    if (UsersInQueue[i].Type == entry.Type)

                return(new QueueCheckResult <T>(true, entry, actualIndex));
 public void Initialize(PokeRoutineType type)
     NextRoutineType = type;
     InitialRoutine  = type;
Beispiel #12
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, OnWhisperReceivedArgs e, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            // var user = e.WhisperMessage.UserId;
            var userID = ulong.Parse(e.WhisperMessage.UserId);
            var name   = e.WhisperMessage.DisplayName;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(name);
            var notifier = new TwitchTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, e.WhisperMessage.Username, client, Channel);
            var detail   = type == PokeRoutineType.DuduBot ? new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, PokeTradeType.Dudu, code: code) : new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, PokeTradeType.Specific, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            msg = $"Added {name} to the queue. Your current position is: {Info.CheckPosition(userID, type).Position}";
Beispiel #13
 public static bool IsTradeBot(this PokeRoutineType type) => type is >= PokeRoutineType.FlexTrade and <= PokeRoutineType.Dump;
Beispiel #14
 public void Resume() => NextRoutineType = InitialRoutine;
Beispiel #15
        public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(SocketCommandContext context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, T trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type, SocketUser trader)
            if ((uint)code > MaxTradeCode)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Trade code should be 00000000-99999999!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            IUserMessage test;

                const string helper = "I've added you to the queue! I'll message you here when your trade is starting.";
                test = await trader.SendMessageAsync(helper).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{ex.HttpCode}: {ex.Reason}!").ConfigureAwait(false);

                var noAccessMsg = context.User == trader ? "You must enable private messages in order to be queued!" : "The mentioned user must enable private messages in order for them to be queued!";
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(noAccessMsg).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Try adding
            var result = AddToTradeQueue(context, trade, code, trainer, sig, routine, type, trader, out var msg);

            // Notify in channel
            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Notify in PM to mirror what is said in the channel.
            await trader.SendMessageAsync($"{msg}\nYour trade code will be **{code:0000 0000}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Clean Up
                if (result)
                    // Delete the user's join message for privacy
                    if (!context.IsPrivate)
                        await context.Message.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Delete our "I'm adding you!", and send the same message that we sent to the general channel.
                    await test.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                string message;
                // Check if the exception was raised due to missing "Manage Messages" permissions. Ping the bot host if so.
                var permissions = context.Guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(context.Channel as IGuildChannel);
                if (!permissions.ManageMessages)
                    var app = await context.Client.GetApplicationInfoAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var owner = app.Owner.Id;
                    message = $"<@{owner}> You must grant me \"Manage Messages\" permissions!";
                    // Send a generic error message if we're not missing "Manage Messages" permissions.
                    message = $"{ex.HttpCode}: {ex.Reason}!";
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #16
 public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(SocketCommandContext context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, T trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type, int catchID = 0)
     await AddToQueueAsync(context, code, trainer, sig, trade, routine, type, context.User, catchID).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #17
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            var user   = Context.User;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, PokeTradeType.Dudu, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            msg = $"Added {user.Mention} to the queue for trade type: {type}. Your current position is: {Info.CheckPosition(userID, type).Position}";
Beispiel #18
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, SocketUser trader, out string msg)
            var user   = trader;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, user);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if (t == PokeTradeType.Specific && pk8.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(Species)pk8.Species}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Beispiel #19
 public bool SupportsRoutine(PokeRoutineType t) => Factory.SupportsRoutine(t);
Beispiel #20
 public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(this SocketCommandContext Context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, PK8 trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type)
     await AddToQueueAsync(Context, code, trainer, sig, trade, routine, type, Context.User).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #21
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, IUser user, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            // var user = e.WhisperMessage.UserId;
            var userID = (ulong)user.Id;
            var name   = user.ScreenName;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(name);
            var notifier = new TwitterTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, name, client, user, Hub.Config.Twitter);
            var tt       = type == PokeRoutineType.SeedCheck ? PokeTradeType.Seed : PokeTradeType.Specific;
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, tt, code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = $"@{name}: Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            msg = $"@{name}: Added to the {type} queue, unique ID: {detail.ID}. Current Position: {position.Position}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $". Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Beispiel #22
        private bool AddToTradeQueue(PK8 pk8, int code, OnWhisperReceivedArgs e, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, out string msg)
            // var user = e.WhisperMessage.UserId;
            var userID = ulong.Parse(e.WhisperMessage.UserId);
            var name   = e.WhisperMessage.DisplayName;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(name);
            var notifier = new TwitchTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, e.WhisperMessage.Username, client, Channel, Hub.Config.Twitch);
            var tt       = type == PokeRoutineType.SeedCheck ? PokeTradeType.Seed : PokeTradeType.Specific;
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, tt, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            msg = $"@{name}: Added to the {type} queue, unique ID: {detail.ID}. Current Position: {position.Position}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $". Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
        public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(this SocketCommandContext Context, int code, string trainer, bool sudo, PK8 trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type)
            if ((uint)code > MaxTradeCode)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Trade code should be 00000000-99999999!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            IUserMessage test;

                const string helper = "I've added you to the queue! I'll message you here when your trade is starting.";
                test = await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(helper).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{ex.HttpCode}: {ex.Reason}!").ConfigureAwait(false);

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You must enable private messages in order to be queued!").ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Try adding
            var result = Context.AddToTradeQueue(trade, code, trainer, sudo, routine, type, out var msg);

            // Notify in channel
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Notify in PM to mirror what is said in the channel.
            await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Clean Up
            if (result)
                // Delete the user's join message for privacy
                if (!Context.IsPrivate)
                    await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Delete our "I'm adding you!", and send the same message that we sent to the general channel.
                await test.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #24
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(SocketCommandContext context, T pk, int code, string trainerName, RequestSignificance sig, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, SocketUser trader, out string msg, int catchID = 0)
            var user   = trader;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName, userID);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <T>(pk, trainer, code, user);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <T>(pk, trainer, notifier, t, code, sig == RequestSignificance.Favored);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <T>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCord <T> .Runner.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sig == RequestSignificance.Owner);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            if (detail.Type == PokeTradeType.TradeCord)
                TradeCordHelper <T> .TradeCordTrades.Add(trader.Id, catchID);

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule <T> .IsStartChannel(context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if ((t == PokeTradeType.Specific || t == PokeTradeType.TradeCord || t == PokeTradeType.SupportTrade || t == PokeTradeType.Giveaway) && pk.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(t == PokeTradeType.SupportTrade && pk.Species != (int)Species.Ditto && pk.HeldItem != 0 ? $"{(Species)pk.Species} ({ShowdownParsing.GetShowdownText(pk).Split('@','\n')[1].Trim()})" : $"{(Species)pk.Species}")}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, out string msg)
            var user   = Context.User;
            var userID = user.Id;
            var name   = user.Username;

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            var pokeName = "";

            if (t == PokeTradeType.Specific || t == PokeTradeType.EggRoll && pk8.Species != 0)
                pokeName = $" Receiving: {(t == PokeTradeType.EggRoll ? "Mysterious egg" : hub.Config.Trade.ItemMuleSpecies == (Species)pk8.Species && pk8.HeldItem != 0 ? $"{(Species)pk8.Species + " (" + ShowdownSet.GetShowdownText(pk8).Split('@','\n')[1].Trim() + ")"}" : $"{(Species)pk8.Species}")}.";
            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}.{pokeName}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $" Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the <see cref="NextRoutineType"/> so that the next iteration will perform as desired,
 /// and updates the <see cref="InitialRoutine"/> in the event the settings are saved.
 /// </summary>
 public void Initialize(PokeRoutineType type, ConnectionType conType)
     NextRoutineType = type;
     InitialRoutine  = type;
     ConnectionType  = conType;
Beispiel #27
        private static bool AddToTradeQueue(this SocketCommandContext Context, PK8 pk8, int code, string trainerName, bool sudo, PokeRoutineType type, PokeTradeType t, out string msg)
            var user     = Context.User;
            var userID   = user.Id;
            var name     = user.Username;
            var priority = user.EvaluatePriority();

            var trainer  = new PokeTradeTrainerInfo(trainerName);
            var notifier = new DiscordTradeNotifier <PK8>(pk8, trainer, code, Context);
            var detail   = new PokeTradeDetail <PK8>(pk8, trainer, notifier, t, code: code);
            var trade    = new TradeEntry <PK8>(detail, userID, type, name);

            var hub   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub;
            var Info  = hub.Queues.Info;
            var added = Info.AddToTradeQueue(trade, userID, priority, sudo);

            if (added == QueueResultAdd.AlreadyInQueue)
                msg = "Sorry, you are already in the queue.";

            var position = Info.CheckPosition(userID, type);

            var ticketID = "";

            if (TradeStartModule.IsStartChannel(Context.Channel.Id))
                ticketID = $", unique ID: {detail.ID}";

            msg = $"{user.Mention} - Added to the {type} queue{ticketID}. Current Position: {position.Position}";

            var botct = Info.Hub.Bots.Count;

            if (position.Position > botct)
                var eta = Info.Hub.Config.Queues.EstimateDelay(position.Position, botct);
                msg += $". Estimated: {eta:F1} minutes.";
Beispiel #28
 public void Pause() => NextRoutineType  = PokeRoutineType.Idle;
Beispiel #29
        public static async Task AddToQueueAsync(SocketCommandContext context, int code, string trainer, RequestSignificance sig, T trade, PokeRoutineType routine, PokeTradeType type, SocketUser trader, int catchID = 0)
            if ((uint)code > MaxTradeCode)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Trade code should be 00000000-99999999!").ConfigureAwait(false);


                const string helper = "I've added you to the queue! I'll message you here when your trade is starting.";
                IUserMessage test   = await trader.SendMessageAsync(helper).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Try adding
                var result = AddToTradeQueue(context, trade, code, trainer, sig, routine, type, trader, out var msg, catchID);

                // Notify in channel
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Notify in PM to mirror what is said in the channel.
                await trader.SendMessageAsync($"{msg}\nYour trade code will be **{code:0000 0000}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Clean Up
                if (result)
                    // Delete the user's join message for privacy
                    if (!context.IsPrivate)
                        await context.Message.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Delete our "I'm adding you!", and send the same message that we sent to the general channel.
                    await test.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (HttpException ex)
                await HandleDiscordExceptionAsync(context, trader, ex).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task ChangeTaskAsync([Summary("Identified name of bot (OT-ID)")] string name, [Summary("Routine enum name")] PokeRoutineType task)
            var bot   = SysCordInstance.Self.Hub.Bots.ToArray();
            var match = Array.Find(bot, z => z.Connection.Name == name);

            if (match == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"Could not find bot identified as {name}.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            await ReplyAsync($"Changed {name}'s next routine to {task}.").ConfigureAwait(false);