Esempio n. 1
        private void draw_calibration()
            Point[] currentWorkoutPoints = new Point[62];

            currentWorkoutPoints[0] = new Point(0, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                currentWorkoutPoints[i * 2 + 1] = new Point((double)i / 30, 1 - speedData[i] / 30);
                currentWorkoutPoints[i * 2 + 2] = new Point((double)(i + 1) / 30, 1 - speedData[i] / 30);
            currentWorkoutPoints[61] = new Point(1, 1);

            var figure = new PathFigure
                StartPoint = currentWorkoutPoints[0],
                IsClosed   = true

            var segment = new PolyLineSegment(currentWorkoutPoints.Skip(1), true);

Esempio n. 2
        public static bool IsInPolygon(Point[] poly, Point point)
            var coef = poly.Skip(1).Select((p, i) => (point.Y - poly[i].Y) * (p.X - poly[i].X) - (point.X - poly[i].X) * (p.Y - poly[i].Y)).ToList();

            if (coef.Any(p => p == 0))
                return true;

            for (int i = 1; i < coef.Count(); i++) {
                if (coef[i] * coef[i - 1] < 0)
                    return false;
            return true;
Esempio n. 3
 private void DrawLines(DrawingContext drawingContext, Pen pen, Point[] points)
     var pathGeometry = new PathGeometry();
     var figure = new PathFigure(points.First(), points.Skip(1).Select(p => new LineSegment(p, true)), true);
     pathGeometry.Figures = new PathFigureCollection { figure };
     drawingContext.DrawGeometry(null, pen, pathGeometry);
        private UIElement VisualizePoints(Point[] point)
            var path = new Path();
            path.Stroke = Brushes.Blue;
            path.StrokeThickness = 1;
            path.Fill = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Blue, Opacity = 0.2 };

            var geometry = new GeometryGroup();
            foreach (var pnt in point.Skip(1).Take(point.Length - 2))
                geometry.Children.Add(new EllipseGeometry(pnt, 2, 2));

            geometry.Children.Add(new EllipseGeometry(point[0], 5, 5));
            geometry.Children.Add(new EllipseGeometry(point[point.Length - 1], 5, 5));

            path.Data = geometry;

            return path;
Esempio n. 5
        public void updateEvent(object sender, userEventArgs e)
            userStatus = e;

            hb       =;
            spdInst  = e.speed;
            cadInst  = e.cad;
            ftpx2    = e.ftp * 2;
            powerMax = (e.ftp + (dwgEngine.chartZoom * e.ftp / 2));

            userStreamToClose = (cAntUsers)sender;

            this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                textBoxHr.Text =;

                textBoxMPH.Text = e.speed.ToString("F1");
                textBoxCad.Text = e.cad.ToString();

                textBoxPwr.Text = e.instPwr.ToString();
                powerInst = e.instPwr;
                textPwrAvg.Text = e.avgPwr.ToString();
                textPwrAvgLast.Text = e.lastAvgPwr.ToString();

                textBoxPoints.Text = e.points.ToString();
                    labelPwr50.Content = e.ftp.ToString();
                    labelPwrMax.Content = ((int)(powerMax)).ToString();
                    labelPwr75.Content = ((int)(3 * powerMax / 4)).ToString();
                    labelPwr25.Content = ((int)(powerMax / 4)).ToString();
                catch { }

            // Draw Instant Power Bar
            var    xpoints = new Point[4];
            double xx      = (double)e.instPwr / ftpx2;

            if (xx > 1)
                xx = 1;

            xpoints[0] = new Point(0.0, 0.02);
            xpoints[1] = new Point(0.0, 0.98);
            xpoints[2] = new Point(xx, 0.98);
            xpoints[3] = new Point(xx, 0.02);

            //Draw Avg Power Bar
            // Changing this to CAD bar on 1/6/2014
            // x = (double)e.avgPwr / powerMax;
            double x = (double)cadInst / 150;

            if (x > 1)
                x = 1;
            var pointsCad = new Point[4];

            pointsCad[0] = new Point(0.0, 0.02);
            pointsCad[1] = new Point(0.0, 0.98);
            pointsCad[2] = new Point(x, 0.98);
            pointsCad[3] = new Point(x, 0.02);

            //work on target Power Line

            double y    = 0;
            double ymin = 0;
            double ymax = 1;

            double target = 0;

            int cadColor = 0;
            int pwrColor = 0;

            if (bWorkoutRunning)
                target = activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].effort;
                if (workoutStatus.alternateTarget > 0)
                    target = workoutStatus.alternateTarget;
                y    = target / 2;
                ymin = y - activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].ptsMinus / 2;
                if (ymin < 0)
                    ymin = 0;
                ymax = y + activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].ptsPlus / 2;
                if (ymax > 1)
                    ymax = 1;

                // send more Points to User. Note THIS REALLY DOESN"T BELONG HERE? :(
                if (e.instPwr >= target * e.ftp && e.instPwr <= (target + activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].ptsPlus) * e.ftp)
                    if (!workoutStatus.paused)
                        userStreamToClose.points += 1;
                    pwrColor = 1;
                else if (e.instPwr < target * e.ftp && e.instPwr >= (target - activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].ptsMinus) * e.ftp)
                    if (!workoutStatus.paused)
                        userStreamToClose.points += .5;
                    pwrColor = 2;
                y = 1 - (double)e.ftp / ftpx2;

            var pointsPT = new Point[10];

            pointsPT[0] = new Point(y, 0.05);
            pointsPT[1] = new Point(y, 0.4);
            pointsPT[2] = new Point(ymin, 0.5);
            pointsPT[3] = new Point(y, 0.6);
            pointsPT[4] = new Point(y, .95);
            pointsPT[5] = new Point(y + .01, .95);
            pointsPT[6] = new Point(y + .01, 0.6);
            pointsPT[7] = new Point(ymax, 0.5);
            pointsPT[8] = new Point(y + .01, 0.4);
            pointsPT[9] = new Point(y + .01, .05);

            //work on target Cad Line

            y = 0;
            if (bWorkoutRunning)
                y    = (double)activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].cadTarget / 150;
                ymin = y - (double)activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].ptsCadMinus / 150;
                if (ymin < 0)
                    ymin = 0;
                ymax = y + (double)activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].ptsCadPlus / 150;
                if (ymax > 1)
                    ymax = 1;

                if (cadInst >= activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].cadTarget)
                    if (cadInst - activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].cadTarget <=
                        if (!workoutStatus.paused)
                            userStreamToClose.points += 1;
                        cadColor = 1;
                else if (activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].cadTarget - cadInst <=
                    if (!workoutStatus.paused)
                        userStreamToClose.points += .5;
                    cadColor = 2;
                y    = .5;
                ymin = 0;
                ymax = 1;

            var pointsCT = new Point[10];

            pointsCT[0] = new Point(y, 0.05);
            pointsCT[1] = new Point(y, 0.4);
            pointsCT[2] = new Point(ymin, 0.5);
            pointsCT[3] = new Point(y, 0.6);
            pointsCT[4] = new Point(y, .95);
            pointsCT[5] = new Point(y + .01, .95);
            pointsCT[6] = new Point(y + .01, 0.6);
            pointsCT[7] = new Point(ymax, 0.5);
            pointsCT[8] = new Point(y + .01, 0.4);
            pointsCT[9] = new Point(y + .01, .05);

            //ReDraw HR, Cadence, Speed and Power Lines

            if (bWorkoutRunning && !workoutStatus.paused)
                x = (double)workoutStatus.workoutCurrentMS / workoutStatus.workoutTotalMS;
                y = spdInst / 40;
                if (y > 1)
                    y = 1;
                Point spd = new Point(x, 1 - y);

                y = ((double)hb / 200);
                if (y > 1)
                    y = 1;
                Point hr = new Point(x, 1 - y);

                y = ((double)cadInst / 200);
                if (y > 1)
                    y = 1;
                Point cad = new Point(x, 1 - y);

//                y = (double)powerInst / (powerMax);
                y = (double)(powerInst - e.ftp) / (e.ftp);
//                if (y > 1) y = 1;
//                Point pwr = new Point(x, 1 - y);
                Point pwr = new Point(x, y);

            //TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)((workoutStatus.workoutTotalMS - workoutStatus.workoutCurrentMS) / 1000));
            // Show time going up for total Workout Time
            TimeSpan duration    = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)((workoutStatus.workoutCurrentMS) / 1000));
            TimeSpan durationSeg = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)((999 + workoutStatus.segmentTotalMS - workoutStatus.segmentCurrentMS) / 1000));

            this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                textBlockWorkout.Text = workoutStatus.message;
                if (workoutStreamToClose != null)
                    if (workoutStatus.starting || activeWorkout != workoutStreamToClose.activeWorkout)
                        userStreamToClose.points = 0;

                if (workoutStatus.finished)
                    bWorkoutRunning = false;
                    textBlockWorkout.Text = "FINISHED";

                textBoxTotalTime.Text = duration.ToString(@"h\:mm\:ss");
                textBoxSegmentTime.Text = durationSeg.ToString(@"h\:mm\:ss");

                if (workoutStatus.paused && !workoutStatus.finished)
                    bWorkoutRunning = false;
                    textBlockWorkout.Text = "PAUSED";

                if (textBlockWorkout.Text == "" && activeWorkout != null)
                    textBlockWorkout.Text = activeWorkout.segments[workoutStatus.currentSegment].segmentName;

                if (roundRobin == 0)
                    extend_line(spdline, (spdData));
                if (roundRobin == 1)
                    extend_line(hrline, hrData);
                if (roundRobin == 2)
                    extend_line(cadline, cadData);
                if (roundRobin == 3)
                    extend_line(pwrline, dwgEngine.scaleLine(pwrData));

                if (++roundRobin > 3)
                    roundRobin = 0;

                if (pwrColor == 1)
                    powerMeterCanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen);
                else if (pwrColor == 2)
                    powerMeterCanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
                    powerMeterCanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                if (cadColor == 1)
                    cadMeterCanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen);
                else if (cadColor == 2)
                    cadMeterCanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
                    cadMeterCanvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                PathFigure figureInstPower = new PathFigure
                    StartPoint = xpoints[0],
                    IsClosed = true

                var segment = new PolyLineSegment(xpoints.Skip(1), true);

                PathFigure figureAvgPower = new PathFigure
                    StartPoint = pointsCad[0],
                    IsClosed = true

                segment = new PolyLineSegment(pointsCad.Skip(1), true);

                PathFigure figurePowerMeter = new PathFigure
                    StartPoint = pointsPT[0],
                    IsClosed = true

                segment = new PolyLineSegment(pointsPT.Skip(1), true);

                PathFigure figureCadMeter = new PathFigure
                    StartPoint = pointsCT[0],
                    IsClosed = true

                segment = new PolyLineSegment(pointsCT.Skip(1), true);