Esempio n. 1
 private int getDistance(int floor, Point fromLoc, Direction direction)
     var toLoc = fromLoc.Add(direction.DirectionAsPoint());
     return PlayingField.CanMoveHere(ref floor, fromLoc, toLoc, true)
         ? Distance[floor, toLoc.Y, toLoc.X]
         : int.MaxValue;
Esempio n. 2
 public void Realign()
     for (; Fraction > 1; Fraction -= 1)
         Location = NextLocation;
     for (; Fraction < 0; Fraction += 1)
         Location = Location.Add(Direction.Opposite.DirectionAsPoint());
Esempio n. 3
        public void AddsVector()
            var point = new Point(0, 0);
            var vector = new Vector(1, 2);

            var newPoint = point.Add(vector);
            Assert.Equal(1, newPoint.X);
            Assert.Equal(2, newPoint.Y);
Esempio n. 4
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Point pt1 = new Point(1, 1);
        Point pt2 = new Point(2, 2);
        Point pt3;

        pt3 = pt1.Add(pt2);

        Console.WriteLine("pt3: {0}:{1}", pt3.x, pt3.y);
Esempio n. 5
        public void Explore(int floor, Point fromLoc, int distance, Direction direction)
            var toLoc = fromLoc.Add(direction.DirectionAsPoint());
            if (!PlayingField.CanMoveHere(ref floor, fromLoc, toLoc, true))

            var here = Distance[floor, toLoc.Y, toLoc.X];
            if (here != 0 && here < distance)
                return; // already know shorter path

            Distance[floor, toLoc.Y, toLoc.X] = distance;

            foreach (var newDirection in Direction.AllDirections)
                Explore(floor, toLoc, distance + 1, newDirection);
Esempio n. 6
        protected List <Point> MatchShapeOnBoard(int[,] board, FixedShape shape, Point location)
            var shapePoints    = shape.Points;
            int width          = board.GetLength(0);
            int height         = board.GetLength(1);
            var boardPositions = shapePoints.Select(p => location.Add(p)).ToList();

            var fittingPositions = new List <Point>();

            foreach (var position in boardPositions)
                if (position.X < 0 || position.X >= width || position.Y < 0 || position.Y >= height)

                if (board[position.X, position.Y] == EmptyField)

Esempio n. 7
        public void Render(LayoutInformation layout, ILayoutContext layoutContext, IDrawingContext drawingContext)
            IList <IPathCommand> commands = Commands;

            if (layout.IsFlipped)
                commands = new List <IPathCommand>(Commands.Count);
                foreach (IPathCommand command in Commands)
                    commands.Add(command.Flip(layout.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal));

            Point start = Start.Resolve(layout, layoutContext.Options);

            if (layoutContext.Options.Absolute)
                drawingContext.DrawPath(Point.Add(start, layout.Location), commands, Thickness, Fill);
                drawingContext.DrawPath(start, commands, Thickness, Fill);
Esempio n. 8
        /**<summary>Draws the object data in the dialog.</summary>*/
        public override bool DrawDialog(PaletteImage p, Point position, Size dialogSize, DrawSettings drawSettings)
            try {
                bool flat     = Header.Flags.HasFlag(WallFlags.Flat);
                bool twoSides = Header.Flags.HasFlag(WallFlags.TwoSides);
                bool door     = Header.Flags.HasFlag(WallFlags.Door);
                bool glass    = Header.Flags.HasFlag(WallFlags.Glass);

                int offset = (2 + (!flat ? 4 : 0)) * (twoSides ? 2 : 1) * (door ? 2 : 1);

                DrawDialogFrame(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(dialogSize.Width / 2, dialogSize.Height / 2)), drawSettings, 0, false);
                if (door)
                    DrawDialogFrame(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(dialogSize.Width / 2, dialogSize.Height / 2)), drawSettings, 1, false);
                if (glass)
                    DrawDialogFrame(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(dialogSize.Width / 2, dialogSize.Height / 2)), drawSettings, offset, true);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return(false); }
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(false); }
Esempio n. 9
        internal IEnumerable <Guideline> GetSizeGuidableLines()
            Point relative = AdornedElement.TranslatePoint(new Point(), Storyboard);

            // left
            yield return(new Guideline(
                             new Point(relative.X, relative.Y + AdornedElement.RenderSize.Height))
                Direction = GuidelineDirection.Left

            // right
            yield return(new Guideline(
                             new Point(relative.X + AdornedElement.RenderSize.Width, relative.Y),
                             Point.Add(relative, (Vector)AdornedElement.RenderSize))
                Direction = GuidelineDirection.Right

            // top
            yield return(new Guideline(
                             new Point(relative.X + AdornedElement.RenderSize.Width, relative.Y))
                Direction = GuidelineDirection.Top

            // bottom
            yield return(new Guideline(
                             new Point(relative.X, relative.Y + AdornedElement.RenderSize.Height),
                             Point.Add(relative, (Vector)AdornedElement.RenderSize))
                Direction = GuidelineDirection.Bottom
Esempio n. 10
        /** <summary> Draws the object data in the dialog. </summary> */
        public override bool DrawDialog(PaletteImage p, Point position, Size dialogSize, DrawSettings drawSettings)
            try {
                position = Point.Add(position, new Size(dialogSize.Width / 2, dialogSize.Height / 2));
                WaterSprites[2].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(0, 0)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                WaterSprites[3].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(2, 0)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                WaterSprites[4].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-2, 0)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                WaterSprites[3].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-30, 16)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                WaterSprites[4].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(30, 16)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                WaterSprites[0].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(0, -15)), drawSettings.Darkness, true);
                WaterSprites[1].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(0, -15)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                /*g.DrawImage(PreviewImage, position.X - 32 + 112 / 2, position.Y - 16 + 112 / 2);
                 * for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                 *      Water.WaterPalette.Colors[230 + i] = graphicsData.Palettes[1].Colors[(i * 3) % 15];
                 * for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                 *      Water.WaterPalette.Colors[235 + i] = graphicsData.Palettes[4].Colors[(i * 3) % 15];
                 * Water.WaterSparkle.Draw(g, position.X + 11 - 32 + 112 / 2, position.Y + 2 - 16 + 112 / 2, Water.WaterPalette, -1, -1, -1);*/
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return(false); }
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(false); }
Esempio n. 11
        private void ShowItemInfo(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var   showwhat = ((PictureBox)sender) == pictureBox1 ? pictureBox1 : pictureBox2;
            var   temp     = ((PictureBox)sender) == pictureBox1 ? Items : resoult;
            Point p        = new Point(((int)Math.Floor((double)e.X / 40 * (radioButton4.Checked ? 1 : 2))), ((int)Math.Floor((double)e.Y / 40 * (radioButton4.Checked ? 1 : 2))));
            var   item     = temp.Where(x => PrivateFunction.IsWithin(p, x.point, Point.Add(x.point, new Size(x.w - 1, x.h - 1)))).FirstOrDefault();

            // toolTip1.SetToolTip(showwhat, String.Format("{0},{1}", e.X, e.Y));
            if (item != null)
                if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name == "en")
                    toolTip1.SetToolTip(showwhat, String.Format("Name:{0}\nItem level:{1}\nQuality:{2}\nRarity:{3}\nLevel:{4}", item.Name_eng, item.itemlevel, item.quality, item.Rarity, item.level));
                    toolTip1.SetToolTip(showwhat, String.Format("物品名稱:{0}\n物品等級:{1}\n品質:{2}\n稀有度:{3}\n等級:{4}", item.Name, item.itemlevel, item.quality, item.Rarity, item.level));
                toolTip1.SetToolTip(showwhat, "");
Esempio n. 12
 public void Move(Size size)
     this.startPoint = Point.Add(this.startPoint, size);
     this.endPoint   = Point.Add(this.endPoint, size);
Esempio n. 13
	 * RenderScene
	public void RenderScene(Canvas canvas, int width, int section, int nsections)
		Vector view = camera.GetViewDir();
		Vector up = camera.GetOrthoUp();
		Vector plane = new Vector();
		Vector horIncr = new Vector();
		Vector vertIncr = new Vector();
		double ylen = camera.GetFocalDist() * (double)Math.Tan(0.5f * camera.GetFOV());
		double xlen = ylen * canvas.GetWidth() / canvas.GetHeight();
		Point upleft = new Point();
		Point upright = new Point();
		Point lowleft = new Point();
		Point basepoint = new Point();
		Point current;
		Ray eyeRay = new Ray();
		int ypixel, xpixel;

		RayID = 1;
		plane.Cross(view, up);
		upleft.FindCorner(view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition());
		upright.FindCorner(view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition());
		lowleft.FindCorner(view, up, plane, camera.GetPosition());
		horIncr.Sub(upright, upleft);
		horIncr.Scale(horIncr.Length() / ((double)canvas.GetWidth()));
		vertIncr.Sub(lowleft, upleft);
		vertIncr.Scale(vertIncr.Length() / ((double)canvas.GetHeight()));
		basepoint.Set(upleft.GetX() + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetX() + vertIncr.GetX()), upleft.GetY() + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetY() + vertIncr.GetY()),
			upleft.GetZ() + 0.5f * (horIncr.GetZ() + vertIncr.GetZ()));

		int xstart = section * width / nsections;
		int xend = xstart + width / nsections;

		Console.WriteLine("+" + xstart + " to " + (xend - 1) + " by " + canvas.GetHeight());

		for(ypixel = 0; ypixel < canvas.GetHeight(); ypixel++)
			current = new Point(basepoint);
			for(xpixel = 0; xpixel < canvas.GetWidth(); xpixel++)
				if(xpixel >= xstart && xpixel < xend)
					Color color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
					eyeRay.GetDirection().Sub(current, eyeRay.GetOrigin());
					this.RayID = this.RayID + 1;
					Shade(octree, eyeRay, color, 1.0f, 0, 0);
					canvas.Write(Brightness, xpixel, ypixel, color);
		Console.WriteLine("-" + xstart + " to " + (xend - 1) + " by " + canvas.GetHeight());
Esempio n. 14
 // Keep sub-forms aligned
 private void MainForm_Move(object sender, EventArgs e)
     _recordForm.Location = Point.Add(this.Location, new Size(0, this.Height));
Esempio n. 15
        /** <summary> Draws the object data in the dialog. </summary> */
        public override bool DrawDialog(PaletteImage p, Point position, Size dialogSize, DrawSettings drawSettings)
            try {
                position = Point.Add(position, new Size(dialogSize.Width / 2, dialogSize.Height / 2));
                int xoffset = ((drawSettings.Rotation == 1 || drawSettings.Rotation == 2) ? -32 : 32);
                int yoffset = ((drawSettings.Rotation == 2 || drawSettings.Rotation == 3) ? -16 : 16);
                if (drawSettings.Rotation >= 2)
                    xoffset *= -1; yoffset *= -1;
                int sideFrame = (drawSettings.Rotation < 2 ? 0 : 1);

                graphicsData.paletteImages[drawSettings.Rotation * 3 + 1 + sideFrame].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                                     Point.Add(position, new Size(-xoffset, -yoffset)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                graphicsData.paletteImages[drawSettings.Rotation * 3 + 0].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                         position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                graphicsData.paletteImages[drawSettings.Rotation * 3 + 2 - sideFrame].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                                     Point.Add(position, new Size(xoffset, yoffset)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return(false); }
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(false); }
Esempio n. 16
        public virtual void RenderWire(Wire wire, IDrawingContext drawingContext)
            var size = wire.Layout.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? new Point(wire.Layout.Size, 0.0) : new Point(0.0, wire.Layout.Size);

            drawingContext.DrawLine(wire.Layout.Location, Point.Add(wire.Layout.Location, size), 2.0);
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
            _accentBrush.Color = AccentColor;
                var or       = GetRightHexOrigin();
                var ol       = GetLeftHexOrigin();
                var distance = 0.8 * OnePerSqr3 * ActualHeight;
                var dv       = DistanceVectors(distance);

                var contentHex = new StreamGeometry();
                using (var gc = contentHex.Open())
                    gc.BeginFigure(Point.Add(or, dv[0]), true, true);
                    gc.PolyLineTo(new PointCollection()
                        Point.Add(or, dv[1]),
                        Point.Add(ol, dv[2]),
                        Point.Add(ol, dv[3]),
                        Point.Add(ol, dv[4]),
                        Point.Add(or, dv[5]),
                                  , true, true);
                dc.DrawGeometry(Brushes.White, new Pen(_accentBrush, 3), contentHex);

                var halfHex = new StreamGeometry();
                var offset  = new Vector(OnePerSqr3 * ActualHeight - distance, 0);
                using (var gc = halfHex.Open())
                    gc.BeginFigure(Point.Add(or, dv[0]), true, true);
                    gc.PolyLineTo(new PointCollection()
                        Point.Add(or, dv[1]),
                        Point.Subtract(Point.Add(or, dv[1]), offset),
                        Point.Subtract(Point.Add(or, dv[0]), offset),
                        Point.Subtract(Point.Add(or, dv[5]), offset),
                        Point.Add(or, dv[5])
                    }, false, true);
                dc.DrawGeometry(_accentBrush, _hairlinePen, halfHex);

                var bigHex = new StreamGeometry();
                using (var gc = bigHex.Open())
                    var hp = DistanceVectors(OnePerSqr3 * ActualHeight);
                    var o  = GetLeftHexOrigin();
                    gc.BeginFigure(Point.Add(o, hp[0]), true, true);
                    gc.PolyLineTo(new PointCollection()
                        Point.Add(o, hp[1]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[2]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[3]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[4]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[5]),
                    }, false, true);
                dc.DrawGeometry(_accentBrush, _hairlinePen, bigHex);

                var innerHex = new StreamGeometry();
                using (var gc = innerHex.Open())
                    var hp = DistanceVectors(InnerHexRadius * OnePerSqr3 * ActualHeight);
                    var o  = GetLeftHexOrigin();
                    gc.BeginFigure(Point.Add(o, hp[0]), true, true);
                    gc.PolyLineTo(new PointCollection()
                        Point.Add(o, hp[1]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[2]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[3]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[4]),
                        Point.Add(o, hp[5]),
                    }, false, true);
                dc.DrawGeometry(Brushes.White, _hairlinePen, innerHex);

                _glyphBrush.Color = GlyphColor;
                var ft = new FormattedText(Glyph.ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, FontAwesome, ActualHeight / 2, _glyphBrush);
                dc.DrawText(ft, Point.Subtract(GetLeftHexOrigin(), new Vector(ft.Width / 2, ft.Height / 2)));

                var tf     = new Typeface(new FontFamily("Sergoe UI"), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Bold, FontStretches.Normal);
                var ft     = new FormattedText(Text, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, tf, TextScale * ActualHeight / 3, _accentBrush);
                var cr     = GetContentRect();
                var offset = new Vector((cr.Width - ft.Width) / 2, (cr.Height - ft.Height) / 2);
                dc.DrawText(ft, Point.Add(cr.TopLeft, offset));
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the document using the specified renderer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dc">The renderer to use.</param>
        public void Render(IRenderContext dc)
            // Render components
            foreach (Component component in Components)
                foreach (var renderDescription in component.Description.RenderDescriptions)
                    if (renderDescription.Conditions.IsMet(component))
                        foreach (CircuitDiagram.Components.Description.Render.IRenderCommand renderCommand in renderDescription.Value)
                            renderCommand.Render(component, dc, true);

            // Determine connections
            List <ConnectionCentre> connectionCentres = new List <ConnectionCentre>();
            List <Point>            connectionPoints  = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Component component in Components)
                foreach (var connection in component.GetConnections())
                    if (connection.Value.IsConnected && !connectionCentres.Contains(connection.Value.Centre))
                        bool draw = false;
                        if (connection.Value.ConnectedTo.Length >= 3)
                            draw = true;
                        foreach (Connection connectedConnection in connection.Value.ConnectedTo)
                            if ((connectedConnection.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Horizontal) == ConnectionFlags.Horizontal && (connection.Value.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Vertical) == ConnectionFlags.Vertical && (connection.Value.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Edge) != (connectedConnection.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Edge))
                                draw = true;
                            else if ((connectedConnection.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Vertical) == ConnectionFlags.Vertical && (connection.Value.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Horizontal) == ConnectionFlags.Horizontal && (connection.Value.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Edge) != (connectedConnection.Flags & ConnectionFlags.Edge))
                                draw = true;
                            if (draw)
                        if (draw)
                            connectionPoints.Add(Point.Add(connection.Key, component.Location));

            // Render connections
            foreach (Point connectionPoint in connectionPoints)
                dc.DrawEllipse(connectionPoint, 2d, 2d, 2d, true);
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// OnRender
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dc">dc</param>
 public override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
     dc.DrawEllipse(this.GetBrush(this.BackColor), this.GetPen(this.ForeColor), Point.Add(this.Location, new Vector()
         X = this.Parent.Location.X, Y = this.Parent.Location.Y
     }), this.Radius, this.Radius);
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the neighbor directions in relation to x,y.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The neighbor directions.
 /// </returns>
 /// <param name='x'>
 /// X.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='y'>
 /// Y.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='index'>
 /// Index.
 /// </param>
 public Facing[] FindTileNeighborDirections(Point p, int index)
     List<Facing> answer = new List<Facing> ();
     List<Point> neighbors = GetNeighboringPoints (p.X, p.Y);
     Facing f;
     foreach (Point n in neighbors)
         if (_tiles [n.X, n.Y].Index == index) {
             if(n == p.Add(Assets.FacingDirection(Facing.North))) answer.Add (Facing.North);
             else if(n == p.Add(Assets.FacingDirection(Facing.South))) answer.Add (Facing.South);
             else if(n == p.Add(Assets.FacingDirection(Facing.East))) answer.Add (Facing.East);
             else if(n == p.Add (Assets.FacingDirection(Facing.West))) answer.Add (Facing.West);
     return answer.ToArray();;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Pointクラスのテスト
        /// <para>NMEAファイルから測位点情報を読み出し、KMLへPoint情報として出力します。</para>
        /// </summary>
        public static void ReadNmeaToKmlPoint()
            NmeaReader reader = new NmeaReader();
            reader.OpenWithDialog();                                // NMEAファイル読み出し
            if (reader.IsOpen)
                Blh[] pos = reader.GetPositions();                      // 測位情報のうちから位置座標のみを取得
                DateTime[] times = reader.GetDateTimes();               // 測位情報から時刻情報のみを取得

                if (pos.Length != 0 && times.Length != 0)
                    Point point = new Point(pos[0], Icon.shaded_dot);
                    point.description = reader.FileName;
                    point.Time = new KML.Time.TimeStamp(times[0]);

                    if (pos.Length >= 1 && times.Length >= 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < pos.Length && i < times.Length; i++)
                            if (!(pos[i].B == 0.0 && pos[i].L == 0.0))  // 未測位分は除く…最初の奴は例外(対処しようとすると結構長くなる)
                                Point p = new Point(pos[i]);
                                p.description = i.ToString();
                                p.Time = new KML.Time.TimeStamp(times[i]);

                    // ファイル出力
                    // KML出力はUTF8で出力してください。
                    using (System.IO.StreamWriter fwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("NMEAtoPoint.kml", false, Encoding.UTF8))
                            // エラー処理があれば記述
Esempio n. 22
	 * Intersect
	 * @param ray
	 * @param intersect
	 * @param Threshold
	 * @return OctNode
	public OctNode Intersect(Ray ray, Point intersect, double Threshold)
		Vector delta = new Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		double current = 0.0f;
		double t;
		int[] facehits = new int[3];
		facehits[0] = -1;
		facehits[1] = -1;
		facehits[2] = -1;
		OctNode adjacent = null;

		Face[] OFaces = this.OctFaces;
		Face MAXXF = OFaces[MAXX];
		Face MAXYF = OFaces[MAXY];
		Face MAXZF = OFaces[MAXZ];
		Face MINXF = OFaces[MINX];
		Face MINYF = OFaces[MINY];
		Face MINZF = OFaces[MINZ];

		if(ray.GetDirection().GetX() != 0.0)
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetX() - OctFaces[MAXX].GetVert(0).GetX()) / ray.GetDirection().GetX();
			if(t > Threshold && t > current)
				intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
				if((intersect.GetY() <= MAXYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) && (intersect.GetY() >= MINYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) &&
					(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
					current = t;
					facehits[0] = MAXX;
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetX() - OctFaces[MINX].GetVert(0).GetX()) / ray.GetDirection().GetX();
			if(t > Threshold && t > current)
				intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
				if((intersect.GetY() <= MAXYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) && (intersect.GetY() >= MINYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) &&
					(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
					current = t;
					facehits[0] = MINX;
		if(ray.GetDirection().GetY() != 0.0)
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetY() - OctFaces[MAXY].GetVert(0).GetY()) / ray.GetDirection().GetY();
			if(t > Threshold)
				if(t > current)
					intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
					if((intersect.GetX() <= MAXXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) && (intersect.GetX() >= MINXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) &&
						(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
						current = t;
						facehits[0] = MAXY;
						delta.Set(0.0f, Threshold, 0.0f);
				else if(t == current)
					facehits[1] = MAXY;
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetY() - OctFaces[MINY].GetVert(0).GetY()) / ray.GetDirection().GetY();
			if(t > Threshold)
				if(t > current)
					intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
					if((intersect.GetX() <= MAXXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) && (intersect.GetX() >= MINXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) &&
						(intersect.GetZ() <= MAXZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()) && (intersect.GetZ() >= MINZF.GetVert(0).GetZ()))
						current = t;
						facehits[0] = MINY;
						delta.Set(0.0f, -Threshold, 0.0f);
				else if(t == current)
					facehits[1] = MINY;
		if(ray.GetDirection().GetZ() != 0.0)
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetZ() - OctFaces[MAXZ].GetVert(0).GetZ()) / ray.GetDirection().GetZ();
			if(t > Threshold)
				if(t > current)
					intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
					if((intersect.GetX() <= MAXXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) && (intersect.GetX() >= MINXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) &&
						(intersect.GetY() <= MAXYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) && (intersect.GetY() >= MINYF.GetVert(0).GetY()))
						current = t;
						facehits[0] = MAXZ;
						delta.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, Threshold);
				else if(t == current)
					if(facehits[1] < 0)
						facehits[1] = MAXZ;
						facehits[2] = MAXZ;
			t = -(ray.GetOrigin().GetZ() - OctFaces[MINZ].GetVert(0).GetZ()) / ray.GetDirection().GetZ();
			if(t > Threshold)
				if(t > current)
					intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, t);
					if((intersect.GetX() <= MAXXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) && (intersect.GetX() >= MINXF.GetVert(0).GetX()) &&
						(intersect.GetY() <= MAXYF.GetVert(0).GetY()) && (intersect.GetY() >= MINYF.GetVert(0).GetY()))
						current = t;
						facehits[0] = MINZ;
						delta.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, -Threshold);
				else if(t == current)
					if(facehits[1] < 0)
						facehits[1] = MINZ;
						facehits[2] = MINZ;
		if(facehits[0] >= MAXX)
			intersect.Combine(ray.GetOrigin(), ray.GetDirection(), 1.0f, current);
			adjacent = Adjacent[facehits[0]];
			if(facehits[1] >= MAXX)
				if(adjacent != null)
					adjacent = adjacent.GetAdjacent(facehits[1]);
					if(facehits[2] >= MAXX)
						if(adjacent != null)
							adjacent = adjacent.GetAdjacent(facehits[2]);
							adjacent = null;
					adjacent = null;
		return (adjacent);
Esempio n. 23
        public void ReadAndShiftElementsAndConnections(XmlReader reader, Vector elementsShiftVector)
            List <Element>         ReadElements         = new List <Element>();
            List <ConnectionModel> ReadConnectionModels = new List <ConnectionModel>();

                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (reader.Name == "SimulationProperties")
                        if (reader.Read() && reader.Name == "ReferenceImpedance")
                            ReferenceImpedance = double.Parse(reader.ReadString());
                            throw new Exception("ReferenceImpedance is missing or it is in the wrong place");
                        if (reader.Read() && reader.Name == "FromFreq")
                            FromFreq = double.Parse(reader.ReadString());
                            throw new Exception("FromFreq is missing or it is in the wrong place");
                        if (reader.Read() && reader.Name == "ToFreq")
                            ToFreq = double.Parse(reader.ReadString());
                            throw new Exception("ToFreq is missing or it is in the wrong place");
                        if (reader.Read() && reader.Name == "Step")
                            Step = double.Parse(reader.ReadString());
                            throw new Exception("Step is missing or it is in the wrong place");

                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        switch (reader.Name)
                        case "Element":
                            Element readElement = ReadElement(reader);
                            readElement.Position = Point.Add(readElement.Position, elementsShiftVector);

                        case "Connection":
                            ReadConnectionModels.Add(ReadConnectionModel(reader, ReadElements));
                } while (reader.Read());
            catch (Exception e)

            //changing ID's that every Element, connector and connection have unique
            foreach (Element readElement in ReadElements)
                readElement.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                foreach (ConnectorModel connectorModel in readElement.Connectors)
                    connectorModel.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            foreach (ConnectionModel readConnectionModel in ReadConnectionModels)
                readConnectionModel.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

            PasteCommand newPasteCommand = new PasteCommand(ReadElements, ReadConnectionModels, this);

Esempio n. 24
        /** <summary> Sets if the specified quadrant is solid. </summary> */
        public void SetQuadrantSolid(Point point, bool solid)
            if (point.X < 0 || point.X >= this.blocks.GetLength(0) * 2 || point.Y < 0 || point.Y >= this.blocks.GetLength(1) * 2)

            MazeBlock block = this.blocks[point.X / 2, point.Y / 2];

            if (point.Y % 2 == 0)
                if (point.X % 2 == 0)
                    if (solid)
                        block.Walls |= MazeWalls.QuadrantNorthWest;
                        block.Walls &= ~MazeWalls.QuadrantNorthWest;
                    if (solid)
                        block.Walls |= MazeWalls.QuadrantNorthEast;
                        block.Walls &= ~MazeWalls.QuadrantNorthEast;
                if (point.X % 2 == 0)
                    if (solid)
                        block.Walls |= MazeWalls.QuadrantSouthWest;
                        block.Walls &= ~MazeWalls.QuadrantSouthWest;
                    if (solid)
                        block.Walls |= MazeWalls.QuadrantSouthEast;
                        block.Walls &= ~MazeWalls.QuadrantSouthEast;
            if (solid)
                SetWallXSolid(point, true); SetWallXSolid(Point.Add(point, new Size(0, -1)), true);
                SetWallYSolid(point, true); SetWallYSolid(Point.Add(point, new Size(-1, 0)), true);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Vector2"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">The starting point.</param>
 /// <param name="lengthX">The length by X-coordinate.</param>
 /// <param name="lengthY">The length by Y-coordinate.</param>
 public Vector2(Point start, double lengthX, double lengthY)
     this.Start = start;
     this.End   = start.Add(lengthX, lengthY);
Esempio n. 26
        /**<summary>Draws the path scaffold supports.</summary>*/
        public void DrawScaffoldSupport(PaletteImage p, Point position, DrawSettings drawSettings, int rotation)
            int offset = 109;

            if (drawSettings.Slope == -1)
                graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + (rotation % 2 == 0 ? 46 : 22)].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                                  Point.Add(position, new Size(12, 32 - 6)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                int offset2 = 0;
                switch (drawSettings.Slope)
                case 0: offset2 = 5; break;

                case 1: offset2 = 11; break;

                case 2: offset2 = 8; break;

                case 3: offset2 = 2; break;
                graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + (drawSettings.Slope % 2 == 0 ? 24 : 0) + offset2].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                                                     Point.Add(position, new Size(12, 32 - 6)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + (drawSettings.Slope % 2 == 0 ? 47 : 23)].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                                            Point.Add(position, new Size(12, 16 - 6)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                offset = 164;
                graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + (drawSettings.Slope + 3) % 4].DrawWithOffset(p,
                                                                                                 Point.Add(position, new Size(12, -6)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
Esempio n. 27
 public static Line ToOriginCenteredLine(Point origin, Vector axis)
Esempio n. 28
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)

            Graphics g = CreateGraphics();


            int   start_x = 0;
            int   start_y = 0;
            float scale   = 1;

            if (bmap != null)
                scale   = Math.Min((float)Width / bmap.Width, (float)Height / bmap.Height);
                start_x = (Width - (int)(bmap.Width * scale)) / 2;
                start_y = (Height - (int)(bmap.Height * scale)) / 2;
                g.DrawImage(bmap, start_x, start_y, bmap.Width * scale, bmap.Height * scale);

                computed_bmp_start_x = start_x;
                computed_bmp_start_y = start_y;

            computed_bmp_start_x = start_x;
            computed_bmp_start_y = start_y;
            computed_scale       = scale;

            if (highlight_map != null)
                Brush b    = new SolidBrush(highlight_color);
                int   size = (int)Math.Ceiling(computed_scale);
                for (int i = 0; i < highlight_map.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < highlight_map.GetLength(1); j++)
                        if (highlight_map[i, j])
                            Rectangle dest = new Rectangle((int)(computed_bmp_start_x + j * computed_scale), (int)(computed_bmp_start_y + i * computed_scale), size, size);
                            g.FillRectangle(b, dest);

            int real_start_x = start_x - (int)(computed_start_pixel.x * scale);
            int real_start_y = start_y - (int)(computed_start_pixel.y * scale);

            void drawRectangle(Rectangle r, Color c, bool fill = true)
                float x = r.X;
                float y = r.Y;
                float w = r.Width;
                float h = r.Height;

                if (fill)
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(c), real_start_x + x * scale, real_start_y + y * scale, w * scale, h * scale);
                    g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(c, 1), real_start_x + x * scale, real_start_y + y * scale, (w - 1) * scale, (h - 1) * scale);

            void drawCircle(int cx, int cy, int r, Color c, bool fill = true)
                float x = cx - r;
                float y = cy - r;
                float w = 2 * r - 1;
                float h = 2 * r - 1;

                if (fill)
                    g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(c), real_start_x + x * scale, real_start_y + y * scale, w * scale, h * scale);
                    g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(c, 1), real_start_x + x * scale, real_start_y + y * scale, w * scale, h * scale);

            if (showO && m != null && (helirin == null || !helirin.Value.hasBonus))
                Rectangle?bonus = m.GetBonusPxRect();
                if (bonus.HasValue)
                    drawRectangle(bonus.Value, Color.MediumPurple);
                if (helirin != null && Settings.enable_moving_objects)
                    foreach (Piston p in m.Pistons)
                        drawRectangle(p.PreciseBoxAtTime(helirin.Value.frameNumber), Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x77, 0x22, 0x77), false);
                    foreach (Roller r in m.Rollers)
                        Roller.Ball b = r.PreciseBoxAtTime(helirin.Value.frameNumber);
                        if (b != null)
                            drawCircle(,, b.r, Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x77, 0x77, 0x22), false);

            if (helirin != null)
                GraphicalHelirin h = helirin.Value;
                Pen myPen          = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);

                int offset_x = h.pixelX - Map.helirin_radius;
                int offset_y = h.pixelY - Map.helirin_radius;
                int size     = Map.helirin_radius * 2;
                g.DrawEllipse(myPen, real_start_x + offset_x * scale, real_start_y + offset_y * scale, size * scale, size * scale);

                offset_x = h.pixelX - 2;
                offset_y = h.pixelY - 2;
                size     = 4;
                g.DrawEllipse(myPen, real_start_x + offset_x * scale, real_start_y + offset_y * scale, size * scale, size * scale);

                Size  o  = new Size(real_start_x, real_start_y);
                Point p1 = new Point((int)(h.pixelX + Math.Sin(h.angle) * Map.helirin_radius), (int)(h.pixelY - Math.Cos(h.angle) * Map.helirin_radius));
                Point p2 = new Point((int)(h.pixelX - Math.Sin(h.angle) * Map.helirin_radius), (int)(h.pixelY + Math.Cos(h.angle) * Map.helirin_radius));
                p1 = new Point((int)(p1.X * scale), (int)(p1.Y * scale));
                p2 = new Point((int)(p2.X * scale), (int)(p2.Y * scale));
                g.DrawLine(myPen, Point.Add(p1, o), Point.Add(p2, o));
Esempio n. 29
        //=========== DRAWING ============
        #region Drawing

        /**<summary>Draws the path railing.</summary>*/
        public void DrawRailing(PaletteImage p, Point position, DrawSettings drawSettings, uint pathConnections)
            int offset     = (drawSettings.Queue ? 51 : 0);
            int connection = 0;

            if (PathSpriteIndexes.ContainsKey(pathConnections) && !(drawSettings.Elevation > 0 && !Header.Flags.HasFlag(FootpathFlags.OverlayPath)))
                connection = PathSpriteIndexes[pathConnections];
            else if (PathSpriteIndexes.ContainsKey(pathConnections & 0xF))
                pathConnections &= 0xF;
                connection       = PathSpriteIndexes[pathConnections & 0xF];

            if (drawSettings.Slope == -1)
                if (drawSettings.Queue)
                    offset = 87;
                else if (drawSettings.Elevation > 0)
                    offset = 73;

                // Even offset additions are SW to NE direction railings
                // Odd offset additions are NW to SE direction railings
                // Offset additions 0-1 are no-ending railings
                // Offset additions 2-3 are South-ending railings
                // Offset additions 4-5 are North-ending railings
                // Outside corners use ending railings at the corner
                if (drawSettings.Queue || drawSettings.Elevation > 0)
                    // Draw ending railings
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####0#10"))                       // NE N-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 4].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####1#00"))                       // NE S-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 2].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####01#0"))                       // NW N-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 5].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####00#1"))                       // NW S-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 3].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#####100"))                       // SE N-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 5].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#####001"))                       // SE S-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 3].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####001#"))                       // SW N-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 4].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####100#"))                       // SW S-ending
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 2].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                    // Draw no-ending railings
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####01#1"))                       // NW
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 1].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#####101"))                       // SE
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 1].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####1#10"))                       // NE
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 0].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####101#"))                       // SW
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 0].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                    // Draw inside corner railings
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "###0##11"))                       // E
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 11].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "##0##11#"))                       // S
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 12].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#0##11##"))                       // W
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 13].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "0###1##1"))                       // N
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 10].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                if (drawSettings.Queue)
                    offset = 87;
                    offset = 73;

                switch (drawSettings.Slope)
                case 0:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 6].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 6].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                case 1:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 8].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 8].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                case 2:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 7].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 7].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                case 3:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 9].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 9].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
Esempio n. 30
 public static Line ToOriginCenteredLine(Point origin, Vector axis)
     return Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(origin.Add(axis.Scale(-axisScaleFactor)),
Esempio n. 31
 private Region GetClipRegion(IMapViewPort map)
     return(new Region(new Rectangle(Point.Add(GetLocation(map), BorderMargin), _cachedSize)));
Esempio n. 32
        //=========== DRAWING ============
        #region Drawing

        /** <summary> Draws the path railing. </summary> */
        public void DrawRailing(PaletteImage p, Point position, DrawSettings drawSettings, uint pathConnections)
            int offset     = (drawSettings.Queue ? 51 : 0);
            int connection = 0;

            if (Pathing.PathSpriteIndexes.ContainsKey(pathConnections) && !(drawSettings.Elevation > 0 && !Header.Flags.HasFlag(PathingFlags.OverlayPath)))
                connection = Pathing.PathSpriteIndexes[pathConnections];
            else if (Pathing.PathSpriteIndexes.ContainsKey(pathConnections & 0xF))
                pathConnections &= 0xF;
                connection       = Pathing.PathSpriteIndexes[pathConnections & 0xF];

            if (drawSettings.Slope == -1)
                if (drawSettings.Queue)
                    offset = 87;
                else if (drawSettings.Elevation > 0)
                    offset = 73;

                if (drawSettings.Queue || drawSettings.Elevation > 0)
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####00#1"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 3].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#####001"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 3].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####0#10"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 4].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####001#"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 4].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#####100"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 5].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####01#0"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 5].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####100#"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 2].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####1#00"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 2].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####01#1"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 1].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#####101"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 1].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####1#10"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 0].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "####101#"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 0].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "###0##11"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 11].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "##0##11#"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 12].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "#0##11##"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 13].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    if (CheckConnections(pathConnections, "0###1##1"))
                        graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 10].DrawWithOffset(p, position, drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                if (drawSettings.Queue)
                    offset = 87;
                    offset = 73;

                switch (drawSettings.Slope)
                case 0:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 6].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 6].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                case 1:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 8].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 8].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                case 2:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 7].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 7].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(-32 + 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);

                case 3:
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 9].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(4, 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
                    graphicsData.paletteImages[offset + 9].DrawWithOffset(p, Point.Add(position, new Size(32 - 4, 16 - 2)), drawSettings.Darkness, false);
Esempio n. 33
        public void Render(LayoutInformation layout, ILayoutContext layoutContext, IDrawingContext drawingContext)
            Point renderLocation = Location.Resolve(layout, layoutContext.Options);

            TextAlignment tempAlignment = Alignment;
            var           flipType      = layout.GetFlipType();

            if ((flipType & FlipType.Horizontal) == FlipType.Horizontal)
                switch (Alignment)
                case TextAlignment.BottomLeft:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomRight;

                case TextAlignment.BottomRight:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomLeft;

                case TextAlignment.CentreLeft:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.CentreRight;

                case TextAlignment.CentreRight:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.CentreLeft;

                case TextAlignment.TopLeft:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.TopRight;

                case TextAlignment.TopRight:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.TopLeft;

            if ((flipType & FlipType.Vertical) == FlipType.Vertical)
                switch (Alignment)
                case TextAlignment.BottomCentre:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.TopCentre;

                case TextAlignment.BottomLeft:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.TopLeft;

                case TextAlignment.BottomRight:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.TopRight;

                case TextAlignment.TopCentre:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomCentre;

                case TextAlignment.TopLeft:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomLeft;

                case TextAlignment.TopRight:
                    tempAlignment = TextAlignment.BottomRight;

            List <TextRun> renderTextRuns = new List <TextRun>(TextRuns.Count);

            // Build runs
            foreach (TextRun run in TextRuns)
                // Resolve value
                string renderValue;
                if (run.Text.StartsWith("$"))
                    renderValue = layoutContext.GetFormattedVariable(run.Text);
                    renderValue = run.Text;

                System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\\[uU]([0-9A-F]{4})");
                renderValue = regex.Replace(renderValue, match => ((char)int.Parse(match.Value.Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString());

                renderTextRuns.Add(new TextRun(renderValue, run.Formatting));

            if (layoutContext.Options.Absolute)
                drawingContext.DrawText(Point.Add(renderLocation, layout.Location), tempAlignment, (int)Rotation * 90, renderTextRuns);
                drawingContext.DrawText(renderLocation, tempAlignment, (int)Rotation * 90, renderTextRuns);
Esempio n. 34
        public override void Process()
            bool update = CMain.Time >= NextMotion || GameScene.CanMove;


            if (update)

            if (Frame == null)
                DrawFrame     = 0;
                DrawWingFrame = 0;
                DrawFrame     = Frame.Start + (Frame.OffSet * (byte)Direction) + FrameIndex;
                DrawWingFrame = Frame.EffectStart + (Frame.EffectOffSet * (byte)Direction) + EffectFrameIndex;

            DrawY = CurrentLocation.Y;

            DrawLocation = new Point((Movement.X - User.Movement.X + MapControl.OffSetX) * MapControl.CellWidth, (Movement.Y - User.Movement.Y + MapControl.OffSetY) * MapControl.CellHeight);
            if (BodyLibrary != null)
                FinalDrawLocation = DrawLocation.Add(BodyLibrary.GetOffSet(DrawFrame));

            if (BodyLibrary != null && update)
                FinalDrawLocation = DrawLocation.Add(BodyLibrary.GetOffSet(DrawFrame));
                DisplayRectangle  = new Rectangle(DrawLocation, BodyLibrary.GetTrueSize(DrawFrame));

            for (int i = 0; i < Effects.Count; i++)

            Color colour = DrawColour;

            switch (Poison)
            case PoisonType.None:
                DrawColour = Color.White;

            case PoisonType.Green:
                DrawColour = Color.Green;

            case PoisonType.Red:
                DrawColour = Color.Red;

            case PoisonType.Bleeding:
                DrawColour = Color.DarkRed;

            case PoisonType.Slow:
                DrawColour = Color.Purple;

            case PoisonType.Stun:
                DrawColour = Color.Yellow;

            case PoisonType.Frozen:
                DrawColour = Color.Blue;

            case PoisonType.Paralysis:
                DrawColour = Color.Gray;

            if (colour != DrawColour)
                GameScene.Scene.MapControl.TextureValid = false;

            if (CMain.Time > QuestTime)
                QuestTime = CMain.Time + 500;
                if (++QuestIndex > 1)
                    QuestIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 35
        public static DrawingImage CreateImage(PointPattern[] pointPatterns, Size size, Color color)
            if (pointPatterns == null)

            DrawingGroup drawingGroup = new DrawingGroup();

            for (int i = 0; i < pointPatterns.Length; i++)
                PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry();

                color.A = (byte)(0xFF - i * 0x55);
                SolidColorBrush brush      = new SolidColorBrush(color);
                Pen             drawingPen = new Pen(brush, size.Height / 20 + i * 1.5)
                    StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round, EndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round

                if (pointPatterns[i].Points == null)
                for (int j = 0; j < pointPatterns[i].Points.Length; j++)
                    if (pointPatterns[i].Points[j].Length == 1)
                        Geometry ellipse = new EllipseGeometry(new Point(size.Width * j + size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2),
                                                               drawingPen.Thickness / 2, drawingPen.Thickness / 2);
                    StreamGeometry sg = new StreamGeometry {
                        FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd
                    using (StreamGeometryContext sgc = sg.Open())
                        // Create new size object accounting for pen width
                        Size szeAdjusted = new Size(size.Width - drawingPen.Thickness - 1,
                                                    (size.Height - drawingPen.Thickness - 1));

                        Size    scaledSize;
                        Point[] scaledPoints = ScaleGesture(pointPatterns[i].Points[j], szeAdjusted.Width - 10, szeAdjusted.Height - 10,
                                                            out scaledSize);

                        // Define size that will mark the offset to center the gesture
                        double iLeftOffset = (size.Width / 2) - (scaledSize.Width / 2);
                        double iTopOffset  = (size.Height / 2) - (scaledSize.Height / 2);
                        Vector sizOffset   = new Vector(iLeftOffset + j * size.Width, iTopOffset);
                        sgc.BeginFigure(Point.Add(scaledPoints[0], sizOffset), false, false);
                        foreach (Point p in scaledPoints)
                            sgc.LineTo(Point.Add(p, sizOffset), true, true);
                        DrawArrow(sgc, scaledPoints, sizOffset, drawingPen.Thickness);
                GeometryDrawing drawing = new GeometryDrawing(null, drawingPen, pathGeometry);
            //  myPath.Data = sg;
            DrawingImage drawingImage = new DrawingImage(drawingGroup);


Esempio n. 36
        void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var renderingEventArgs = (RenderingEventArgs)e;
            var service            = ApplicationData.Service;

            var progressAnimationDurationMS = service.ProgressAnimationDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds;
            var accelerationRatio           = 0.2;
            var decelerationRatio           = 0.7;

            var renderingTimeMS = renderingEventArgs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds;

            /*var renderingTimeS = renderingEventArgs.RenderingTime.TotalSeconds;
             * if (previousRenderingTimeS == -1)
             * {
             *  previousRenderingTimeS = renderingTimeS;
             *  return;
             * }
             * var timeElapsedBetweenRendersS = renderingTimeS - previousRenderingTimeS;
             * var acceleration = 1; // units/s
             * barContainer.Width += acceleration * timeElapsedBetweenRendersS;*/

            if (previousProgressValue != service.ProgressValue)
                previousProgressValue = service.ProgressValue;
                animationStartTimeMS  = renderingTimeMS;

                var initialBarContainerPosition = barContainer.Width / ActualWidth;
                var targetBarContainerPosition  = service.ProgressValue / service.MaxValue;
                var barContainerPathLength      = targetBarContainerPosition - initialBarContainerPosition;

                var accelerationPathLength = barContainerPathLength * accelerationRatio;
                var decelerationPathLength = barContainerPathLength * decelerationRatio;
                var constantPathLength     = barContainerPathLength - accelerationPathLength - decelerationPathLength;

                var startingPoint            = new Point(initialBarContainerPosition, 0);
                var accelerationEndPoint     = Point.Add(startingPoint, new Vector(accelerationPathLength, accelerationPathLength));
                var accelerationControlPoint = new Point(startingPoint.X, accelerationEndPoint.Y);

                var decelerationStartPoint   = Point.Add(accelerationEndPoint, new Vector(constantPathLength, 0));
                var decelerationEndPoint     = Point.Add(decelerationStartPoint, new Vector(decelerationPathLength, decelerationPathLength));
                var decelerationControlPoint = new Point(decelerationEndPoint.X, decelerationStartPoint.Y);

                pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[]
                    new PathFigure(startingPoint, new PathSegment[]
                        new QuadraticBezierSegment(accelerationControlPoint, accelerationEndPoint, true),
                        new LineSegment(decelerationStartPoint, true),
                        new QuadraticBezierSegment(decelerationControlPoint, decelerationEndPoint, true)
                    }, false)

            var animationTimeRatio = Math.Min((renderingTimeMS - animationStartTimeMS) / progressAnimationDurationMS, 1);

            Point point = new Point();

            if (pathGeometry.Bounds.Width > 0)
                pathGeometry.GetPointAtFractionLength(animationTimeRatio, out point, out _);

            barContainer.Width = ActualWidth * point.X;
Esempio n. 37
        private Point GetNewLocation(MouseEventArgs e)
            Point empty = Point.Empty;

            return(Point.Add(Point.Subtract(e.Location, new Size(this.captureCursor)), new Size(this.captureLocation)));
Esempio n. 38
 public void Drag(Point offset)
     drag = drag.Add(offset);
Esempio n. 39
 public static Point Add(this Point point, int offset)
     return(point.Add(offset, offset));
Esempio n. 40
 public void AddTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(pt1_1, Point.Add(pt1_0, new Size(0, 1)), "#1");
     Assert.AreEqual(pt1_1, Point.Add(pt0_1, new Size(1, 0)), "#2");