Esempio n. 1
        public static int[] getContourCurvatureIndices(Contour<Point> contour, Point[] curvePoints)
            int[] curveIndices = new int[curvePoints.Count()];

            for (int j = 0; j < curvePoints.Count(); j++)
                curveIndices[j] = Array.IndexOf(contour.ToArray(), curvePoints[j]);
                Console.WriteLine(curveIndices[j] + ":" + curvePoints[j].ToString());

            return curveIndices;
Esempio n. 2
File: Star.cs Progetto: CPutz/MyMap
 Point[] getStarPoints()
     Point[] starPoints = new Point[5];
     for (int i = 0; i < starPoints.Count(); i++)
         double x, y;
         x = (radius * Math.Cos(-Math.PI / 2 - i * 2 * Math.PI / starPoints.Count()));
         y = (radius * Math.Sin(-Math.PI / 2 - i * 2 * Math.PI / starPoints.Count()));
         starPoints[i] = new Point((int)x, (int)y);
     return starPoints;
Esempio n. 3
        public static double[] getLinearRegressionData(Point[] dataPoints)
            int sumX = 0;
            int sumY = 0;
            int sumXY = 0;
            int sumX2 = 0;
            int n = dataPoints.Count();

            // x will be equal to the last Point.X, find Point.Y

            foreach (Point p in dataPoints)
                sumX += p.X;
                sumY += p.Y;
                sumXY += p.X * p.Y;
                sumX2 += p.X * p.X;

            // intercept
            double a = ((sumY * sumX2) - (sumX * sumXY)) / ((n * sumX2) - (sumX * sumX));
            // slope
            double b = ((n * sumXY) - (sumX * sumY)) / ((n * sumX2) - (sumX * sumX));

            return new double[2]{a, b};
        private static int calculateMedianYCoordinate(Point[] locations)
            int[] orderedYCoordinatesOfLocations = locations.Select(location => location.Y).OrderBy(yCoordinate => yCoordinate).ToArray();
            int medianIndex = locations.Count() / 2;
            int medianY = orderedYCoordinatesOfLocations[medianIndex];

            return medianY;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// コンストラクタ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">通過点</param>
        public Polyline(Point[] points)
            if (points.Count() < 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("2点以上必要です。");

            Points = points;
        internal void DrawPolygon(Color color, Point[] vertices)
            StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry();
            using (StreamGeometryContext geometryContext = streamGeometry.Open())
                geometryContext.BeginFigure(vertices[0], true, true); //TODO check if this can be made in a more safe way the [0]
                PointCollection points = new PointCollection();
                for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count();i++)

                geometryContext.PolyLineTo(points, true, true);

            // Draw the polygon visual
            DrawingContext drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen();

            drawingContext.DrawGeometry(mySolidColorBrush, null, streamGeometry);

Esempio n. 7
        private static void CreateVertexColoredMesh(Point[] vertices, Color[] colors, IRenderPackage package, TessellationParameters parameters)
            package.RequiresPerVertexColoration = true;

            for (var i = 0; i <= vertices.Count()-3; i+=3)
                var ptA = vertices[i];
                var ptB = vertices[i+1];
                var ptC = vertices[i+2];

                if (ptA.IsAlmostEqualTo(ptB) ||
                    ptB.IsAlmostEqualTo(ptC) ||

                var alongLine = false;
                using (var l = Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(ptA, ptC))
                    alongLine = ptB.DistanceTo(l) < 0.00001;
                if (alongLine)

                var cA = colors[i];
                var cB = colors[i+1];
                var cC = colors[i+2];

                var s1 = ptB.AsVector().Subtract(ptA.AsVector()).Normalized();
                var s2 = ptC.AsVector().Subtract(ptA.AsVector()).Normalized();
                var n = s1.Cross(s2);

                package.AddTriangleVertex(ptA.X, ptA.Y, ptA.Z);
                package.AddTriangleVertexNormal(n.X, n.Y, n.Z);
                package.AddTriangleVertexColor(cA.Red, cA.Green, cA.Blue, cA.Alpha);
                package.AddTriangleVertexUV(0, 0);

                package.AddTriangleVertex(ptB.X, ptB.Y, ptB.Z);
                package.AddTriangleVertexNormal(n.X, n.Y, n.Z);
                package.AddTriangleVertexColor(cB.Red, cB.Green, cB.Blue, cB.Alpha);
                package.AddTriangleVertexUV(0, 0);

                package.AddTriangleVertex(ptC.X, ptC.Y, ptC.Z);
                package.AddTriangleVertexNormal(n.X, n.Y, n.Z);
                package.AddTriangleVertexColor(cC.Red, cC.Green, cC.Blue, cC.Alpha);
                package.AddTriangleVertexUV(0, 0);
Esempio n. 8
 private List<AForge.IntPoint> convertToIntPoint(Point[] systemPoints)
     List<AForge.IntPoint> intPoints = new List<AForge.IntPoint>(systemPoints.Count());
     foreach (Point p in systemPoints)
         intPoints.Add(new AForge.IntPoint(p.X, p.Y));
     return intPoints;
Esempio n. 9
        public void DetectFingers(Image<Gray, Byte> image)
            Point3D ptHandProjective = this.depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(ptHand);
            Size offset = new Size((int)ptHandProjective.X, (int)ptHandProjective.Y);
            //get the hand
            Image<Gray, Byte> image = detector.DetectHand(this.depth, ptHand);

            //image = image.PyrDown().PyrUp();
            //image._ThresholdBinary(new Gray(149), new Gray(255));

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(this.bitmap);

            MemStorage storage1 = new MemStorage();

            Contour<Point> contours = new Contour<Point>(storage1);

            // Find the biggest contour
            for (Contour<Point> tempContours = image.FindContours(); tempContours != null; tempContours = tempContours.HNext)
                if (tempContours.Area > contours.Area)
                    contours = tempContours;

            if (contours.Area != 0)
                List<KeyValuePair<Point, bool>> significantPts = new List<KeyValuePair<Point, bool>>();
                Rectangle contourRectangle = contours.BoundingRectangle;
                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Green), contourRectangle);

                //Seq<Point> contoursHull = contours.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);

                // Convert the set of contour points to a polygon for graphical representation

                Seq<Point> poly = contours.ApproxPoly(20);
                Point[] polygon = poly.ToArray();

                PointF[] contourF = Array.ConvertAll(contours.ToArray(), new Converter<Point, PointF>(PointToPointF));
                //CircleF palmCircle = PointCollection.MinEnclosingCircle(contourF);
                //CircleF palmCircle = PointCollection.EllipseLeastSquareFitting(contourF);
                //MCvBox2D box = PointCollection.MinAreaRect(contourF);
                //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine),(Rectangle) box.MinAreaRect());
                //drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.Green), PointFToPoint(palmCircle.Center), (int) Math.Round(palmCircle.Radius));

                // Get the convex hull based on the contour polygon
                Seq<Point> convexHull = poly.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);

                 * Handle opening and closing of the fist each frame.
                 * Fisting gesture controls the left mouse button.
                 * Based on the ratio of area between the convex and the hull.
                 * (See calculation above) Threshold currently set to 0.8
                 * NEED TO HAND COORDINATES
                double hullArea = convexHull.Area;
                double contourArea = contours.Area;
                double currentHullRatio = contourArea / hullArea;

                // newest ratio is in front of array
                hullRatios[2] = hullRatios[1];
                hullRatios[1] = hullRatios[0];
                hullRatios[0] = currentHullRatio;

                this.fixedHullRatio = hullRatios[2];

                if (smoothHullRatios && this.frame > 3)
                    this.hullRatios = smoothHullRatioArray(this.hullRatios);

                bool fistClosed = true;
                stopTracking = true;

                if (shouldHandClose())
                    stopTracking = true;
                    fistClosed = false;
                if (shouldControlMouse)

                // Get the convexity defects from the contour
                Seq<Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvConvexityDefect> contourDefects = contours.GetConvexityDefacts(storage1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE);
                //Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(1000.0 * (double)stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency, 4) + ", GetConvexityDefacts()");

                // Draw the polygon that was converted from the contour
                for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Length; i++)
                    if (i == polygon.Length - 1)
                        g.DrawLine((new Pen(Brushes.Blue))), polygon[i], polygon[0]);
                        g.DrawLine((new Pen(Brushes.Blue))), polygon[i], polygon[i + 1]);
                // Draw more polygon stuff ??
                foreach (Point p in poly)
                    significantPts.Add(new KeyValuePair<Point, bool>(p, false));
                    //g.DrawLine((new Pen(Brushes.Blue))), p.X, p.Y, p.X + 10, p.Y + 10);

                int fingertips = 0;

                Point[] defectPoints = new Point[contourDefects.Count()];
                Point[] fingerPoints = new Point[contourDefects.Count()];
                Point[] endPoints = new Point[contourDefects.Count()];
                int count = 0;
                int fingerCount = 0;

                ///--- DEFECTS
                foreach (MCvConvexityDefect defect in contourDefects)

                    // Construct a triangle from the defect
                    Triangle2DF defectTriangle = new Triangle2DF(defect.DepthPoint, defect.StartPoint, defect.EndPoint);

                    // Check that the area of the defect triangle is between 1% and 33% of the contour area
                    if (defectTriangle.Area > contours.Area / 100 && defectTriangle.Area < contours.Area / 3)
                        endPoints[count] = defect.EndPoint;
                        defectPoints[count] = defect.DepthPoint;
                        // Get the angle of the defect
                        double defectAngle = getVertexAngle(defect.DepthPoint, defect.StartPoint, defect.EndPoint);
                        if (defectAngle < 100 && !defect.EndPoint.Equals(Point.Empty))
                            fingerPoints[fingerCount++] = defect.EndPoint;

                        //g.DrawPolygon(new Pen(Brushes.Pink), defectTriangle.GetVertices());
                        significantPts.Add(new KeyValuePair<Point, bool>(defect.DepthPoint, true));

                        g.DrawLine((new Pen(Brushes.Green)), defect.StartPoint, defect.EndPoint);
                        g.DrawLine((new Pen(Brushes.Red)), defect.DepthPoint, defect.StartPoint);
                        g.DrawLine((new Pen(Brushes.Blue)), defect.DepthPoint, defect.EndPoint);
                        // Draw the depth point of the defects (hull point)
                        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Green),
                                        new Rectangle(Point.Subtract(defect.DepthPoint, new Size(5, 5)),
                                                      new Size(10, 10)));
                        // Check if angle is obtuse or acute
                        g.DrawString(defectAngle.ToString(), new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif,5), Brushes.Blue, defect.DepthPoint.X + 5, defect.DepthPoint.Y + 5);
                        if (defectAngle < 70)
                            drawCircle(g,new Pen(Brushes.White, 2), defect.StartPoint, 5);
                        else if (defectAngle < 100)
                            drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.White, 2), defect.StartPoint, 5);
                            drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.White, 2), defect.EndPoint, 5);
                            drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.Gray, 2), defect.StartPoint, 5);

                ///--- K-CURVATURE
                //Point[] curvePoints = endPoints.ToArray();
                Point[] curvePoints = convexHull.ToArray();
                //int[] indexArray = getContourCurvatureIndices(contours, curvePoints);
                int[] indexArray = KCurvature.getContourCurvatureIndices(contours, curvePoints);
                //KCurve1(contours, indexArray, g);
                //KCurve2(contours, indexArray, g);
                Accord.Math.Geometry.KCurvature kcurve = new Accord.Math.Geometry.KCurvature(16, new AForge.DoubleRange(30, 90));
                List<AForge.IntPoint> intPointContour = convertToIntPoint(contours.ToArray());
                List<AForge.IntPoint> contourPeaks = kcurve.FindPeaks(intPointContour);

                this.minFingerDistance = getMinDistance(contourPeaks.ToArray());

                /// Trying to find the forearm


                /// method 1
                Point[] forearmPoints = new Point[convexHull.Count()];
                int k = 0;
                foreach (Point p in convexHull.ToArray())
                    double error = 15;
                    if (Math.Abs(p.Y - contours.BoundingRectangle.Bottom) < error)
                        //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine), p.X, p.Y, 5, 5);
                        forearmPoints[k] = p;
                        //Console.WriteLine("point {1}: {0}",p.ToString(), k);
                Point p0;
                //Console.WriteLine("forearm points: {0}", forearmPoints.Count());
                if (forearmPoints.Count() == 1)
                    p0 = forearmPoints[0];
                    p0 = getMidPoint(forearmPoints[0], forearmPoints[1]);

                //Console.WriteLine("midpoint : {0}", p0.ToString());
                g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine), p0.X, p0.Y, 5, 5);
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine),p0 ,convertPoint3D(lastPoint));


                //Point[] possibleWristPoints = convexHull.Intersect(contours).ToArray();
                Point[] possibleWristPoints = convexHull.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < possibleWristPoints.Count(); i++)
                    Point p = possibleWristPoints[i];
                    double error = 10;
                    if (Math.Abs(p.Y - contours.BoundingRectangle.Bottom) < error)
                        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine), p.X, p.Y, 10, 10);

                    double minDistance = 1000000;
                    for (int j = 0; j < contourPeaks.Count(); j++)
                        AForge.IntPoint p2 = contourPeaks[j];
                        double pointDistance = getPointDistance(p, new Point(p2.X, p2.Y));
                        if (pointDistance < minDistance)
                            minDistance = pointDistance;
                    //if (minDistance > 50)

                    //g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine), p.X, p.Y, 10, 10);

                    //LineSegment2D line = new LineSegment2D(possibleWristPoints[i], possibleWristPoints[i + 1]);
                    //Point midPoint = getMidPoint(possibleWristPoints[i], possibleWristPoints[i + 1]);
                    //if (contourRectangle.Bottom == midPoint.X)
                    //if (contours.Contains(line.P1) && contours.Contains(line.P2))
                    //g.DrawLine(new Pen(Brushes.Aquamarine), possibleWristPoints[i], possibleWristPoints[i + 1]);
                    //g.DrawString(i.ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.Red, p.X, p.Y);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Possible wrist point: {0}, {1}", p.X, p.Y);
                //Console.WriteLine("polygon/contour intersect time: {0}", Math.Round(1000.0 * (double)stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency, 4));

                // Count the finger tips found if we've processed 3 frames already
                if (frame > fingersDetectedHistorySize)
                    for (int i = 0; i < fingersDetectedHistorySize - 1; i++)
                        //Console.WriteLine("finger history {0}: {1}", i, fingersDetectedHistory[i]);
                        fingersDetectedHistory[i] = fingersDetectedHistory[i + 1];
                    fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize - 1]  = contourPeaks.Count() - 1;

                    if (fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize-1] == fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize-3] &&
                        fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize-3] != fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize-2])
                        fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize-2] = fingersDetectedHistory[fingersDetectedHistorySize-3];
                    //Console.WriteLine("Fingers: {0}", fingersDetectedHistory[0]);

                if (this.startClickLag)

                double perimeterMultiplier = (this.lastPoint.Z / 800);
                double contourPerimeter = contours.Perimeter * perimeterMultiplier;

                int fingers = contourPeaks.Count - 1;
                // contourPerimeter > 700 is an experiemental value obtained my analyzing my own
                // hand contour. this must be changed for other users.
                //if ((contourPerimeter > 600 || fingers > 3) && !this.leftButtonDown)
                if ((fingers > 3) && !this.leftButtonDown)
                    if (this.clickLag < 7)
                        stopTracking = false;
                        this.clickLag = 0;
                    if (this.startClickLag && !mouseActionReset)
                        if (this.clickLag < 20)
                            stopTracking = true;
                            this.clickLag = 0;
                            this.startClickLag = false;
                        stopTracking = true;
                     * */

                // this doesnt account for releasing the left mouse button
                if (this.frame > 5 && shouldControlMouse &&
                    fingersDetectedHistory[0] == fingersDetectedHistory[1] &&
                    fingersDetectedHistory[1] == fingersDetectedHistory[2])
                    if (!leftButtonDown)
                        stopTracking = true;
                    if (fingersDetectedHistory[0] == 1)
                        if (this.frameCount > 25)
                        if (this.frameCount > 3 && this.frameCount < 25)
                        else if (this.frameCount > 25)
                        this.frameCount = 0;

                // Highlight the finger tip positions
                int peakIndex = 1;
                foreach (AForge.IntPoint p in contourPeaks)
                    g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.White), p.X - 2, p.Y - 2, 4, 4);
                    g.DrawString(peakIndex.ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, p.X + 4, p.Y - 4);
                //Console.WriteLine("KCurve time {0} ms", Math.Round(1000.0 * (double)stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / Stopwatch.Frequency, 4));

                // to build a circle just start with a square and filter by radius distance

                //Point polygonCenter = getCentroid(polygon);
                //Point contourCenter = getCentroid(contours.ToArray());

                //updatePalm(g, contours);

                drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.BlueViolet), contourRectangleCenter, 10);
                drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.BlueViolet), contourRectangleCenter, 25);
                drawCircle(g, new Pen(Brushes.BlueViolet), contourRectangleCenter, 50);

                //Console.WriteLine(this.lastPoint.X + ", " + this.lastPoint.Y + ": " + depth.GetMetaData()[(int)this.lastPoint.X, (int)this.lastPoint.Y]);
                g.DrawString("now " + (contourPeaks.Count() - 1).ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 130);
                g.DrawString("filtered " + fingersDetectedHistory[0].ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 150);
                g.DrawString(Math.Round(this.hullRatios[2], 4).ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 170);
                g.DrawString("handOpen:"+fistClosed.ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 190);
                g.DrawString("Frames: "+this.frame, DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 210);
                if (shouldControlMouse && !stopTracking)
                    g.DrawString("Cursor: " + lastScaledMousePoint.X+", "+lastScaledMousePoint.Y, DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 230);
                g.DrawString(depth.GetMetaData().FPS.ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 250);
                g.DrawString(this.minFingerDistance.ToString(), DefaultFont, Brushes.White, 50, 270);
                //g.DrawClosedCurve(new Pen(Brushes.Purple), fingerPoints);

                //Save the frame to disk (if specified)
                if (this.captureFrames)
                    this.bitmap.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(this.frameDir,this.frame + ".png"), ImageFormat.Png);
Esempio n. 10
        private Point getCentroid(Point[] points)
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            foreach (Point p in points)
                x += p.X;
                y += p.Y;
            x /= points.Count();
            y /= points.Count();

            return new Point((int)x, (int)y);
Esempio n. 11
        internal static void ApplyAnimationToBezierSegments(Int32 index, Storyboard storyBoard, BezierSegment bezierSegment,
            Point[] oldCtrlPoints, Point[] newCtrlPoints, PathFigure pathFigure, Point oldFirstPointOfBezierSeg, 
            Point newFirstPointOfBezierSeg)
            if (index == 1)
                PointAnimation pointAnimation = new PointAnimation()
                    From = oldFirstPointOfBezierSeg,
                    To = newFirstPointOfBezierSeg,
                    SpeedRatio = 2,
                    Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))

                Storyboard.SetTarget(pointAnimation, pathFigure);
                Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(pointAnimation, new PropertyPath("StartPoint"));
                Storyboard.SetTargetName(pointAnimation, (String)pathFigure.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty));

#if WPF
                pathFigure.BeginAnimation(PathFigure.StartPointProperty, pointAnimation);

            // Animate control points
            if (oldCtrlPoints != null && newCtrlPoints != null && oldCtrlPoints.Count() == 3 && newCtrlPoints.Count() == 3)
                // Loop for 3 control points
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    // Creates PointAnimation for each control points
                    if (!oldCtrlPoints[i].Equals(newCtrlPoints[i]))
                        PointAnimation pointAnimation = new PointAnimation()
                            From = oldCtrlPoints[i],
                            To = newCtrlPoints[i],
                            SpeedRatio = 2,
                            Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))

                        Storyboard.SetTarget(pointAnimation, bezierSegment);
                        Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(pointAnimation, new PropertyPath("Point" + (i + 1).ToString()));
                        Storyboard.SetTargetName(pointAnimation, (String)bezierSegment.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty));


#if WPF
                        case 0:
                            bezierSegment.BeginAnimation(BezierSegment.Point1Property, pointAnimation);
                        case 1:
                            bezierSegment.BeginAnimation(BezierSegment.Point2Property, pointAnimation);
                        case 2:
                            bezierSegment.BeginAnimation(BezierSegment.Point3Property, pointAnimation);

Esempio n. 12
        private bool PangData(ref Point ptStart, ref Point ptEnd)
            for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++)
                for (int j = 2; j < 9; j++)
                    Animals iCurrentAni = m_pMainData[i, j];

                    Point[] pIndex   = new Point[8];
                    Point   ptCenter = new Point();

                    pIndex[0] = new Point(j - 1, i - 1);
                    pIndex[1] = new Point(j, i - 1);
                    pIndex[2] = new Point(j + 1, i - 1);

                    pIndex[3] = new Point(j - 1, i);

                    ptCenter = new Point(j, i);

                    pIndex[4] = new Point(j + 1, i);

                    pIndex[5] = new Point(j - 1, i + 1);
                    pIndex[6] = new Point(j, i + 1);
                    pIndex[7] = new Point(j + 1, i + 1);

                    int iIndexCount = pIndex.Count();

                    for (int x = 0; x < iIndexCount; x++)
                        if (m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y] == m_pMainData[pIndex[x].X, pIndex[x].Y])
                            int iIndex = x;

                            switch (iIndex)
                            case 0:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) && (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y, ptCenter.X - 1, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 1, ptCenter.Y - 1, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y - 1);

                            case 1:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 1, ptCenter.Y - 2, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y - 2);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 2] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 2] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y - 3, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y - 2);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 1, ptCenter.Y - 2, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y - 2);

                            case 2:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y, ptCenter.X + 1, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 1, ptCenter.Y - 1, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y - 1);

                            case 3:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 2, ptCenter.Y - 1, ptCenter.X - 2, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 2, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 2, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 3, ptCenter.Y, ptCenter.X - 2, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 2, ptCenter.Y + 1, ptCenter.X - 2, ptCenter.Y);

                            case 4:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y - 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 2, ptCenter.Y - 1, ptCenter.X + 2, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 2, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 2, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 3, ptCenter.Y, ptCenter.X + 2, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 2, ptCenter.Y + 1, ptCenter.X + 2, ptCenter.Y);

                            case 5:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y, ptCenter.X - 1, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 1, ptCenter.Y + 1, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y + 1);

                            case 6:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X - 1, ptCenter.Y + 2, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y + 2);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 2] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 2] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y + 3, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y + 2);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X + 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 1, ptCenter.Y + 2, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y + 2);

                            case 7:
                                if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                    (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                    if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                        (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y, ptCenter.X + 1, ptCenter.Y);
                                    else if ((m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] != Animals.ERROR) &&
                                             (m_pMainData[pIndex[iIndex].X - 1, pIndex[iIndex].Y + 1] == m_pMainData[ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y]))
                                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptCenter.X + 1, ptCenter.Y + 1, ptCenter.X, ptCenter.Y + 1);

                    if (iCurrentAni == Animals.BOMB) //폭탄
                        ptStart = new Point(i, j);
                        ptEnd   = new Point(i, j);

                        PointSetting(ref ptStart, ref ptEnd, ptStart.X, ptStart.Y, ptEnd.X, ptEnd.Y);

Esempio n. 13
        public static double getLinearRegressionSlope(Point[] dataPoints)
            int sumX = 0;
            int sumY = 0;
            int sumXY = 0;
            int sumX2 = 0;
            int n = dataPoints.Count();

            // x will be equal to the last Point.X, find Point.Y

            foreach (Point p in dataPoints)
                sumX += p.X;
                sumY += p.Y;
                sumXY += p.X * p.Y;
                sumX2 += p.X * p.X;

            // slope
            double b = ((n * sumXY) - (sumX * sumY)) / ((n * sumX2) - (sumX * sumX));

            return b;
 private bool polyHitTest(Point[] vertices, Point testPoint)
     int i, j;
     bool c = false;
     for (i = 0, j = vertices.Count() - 1; i < vertices.Count(); j = i++)
         if (((vertices[i].Y > testPoint.Y) != (vertices[j].Y > testPoint.Y)) &&
          (testPoint.X < (vertices[j].X - vertices[i].X) * (testPoint.Y - vertices[i].Y) / (vertices[j].Y - vertices[i].Y) + vertices[i].X))
             c = !c;
     return c;
Esempio n. 15
 public static bool PolygonContainsPoint(Point[] polygon, Point point)
     bool result = false;
     int j = polygon.Count() - 1;
     for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count(); i++)
         if (polygon[i].Y < point.Y && polygon[j].Y >= point.Y || polygon[j].Y < point.Y && polygon[i].Y >= point.Y)
             if (polygon[i].X + (point.Y - polygon[i].Y) / (polygon[j].Y - polygon[i].Y) * (polygon[j].X - polygon[i].X) < point.X)
                 result = !result;
         j = i;
     return result;
Esempio n. 16
        Tree CreateTree(Color color, Point root, Point[] leaves, Point[] parents)
            int branchLength = presentTreeTool.branchLength;
            int maxGeneration = presentTreeTool.maxGeneration;
            int branchWidth = presentTreeTool.branchWidth;
            int hullWidth = presentTreeTool.hullWidth;
            int leafSize = presentTreeTool.leafSize;
            //TODO change to GetType and Activator instead of switch
            Tree tree = new PolyTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);
            switch (presentTreeTool.renderObjectName)
                case "PolyTree":
                    tree = new PolyTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);
                case "WoolTree":
                    tree = new WoolTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);
                case "CellNetTree":
                    tree = new CellNetTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);
                case "ModernArtTree":
                    tree = new ModernArtTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);
                case "BubbleTree":
                    tree = new BubbleTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);
                case "ScribbleTree":
                    tree = new ScribbleTree(color, root, branchLength, leaves.Count(), parents, leaves, branchWidth, hullWidth, leafSize);

            return tree;
Esempio n. 17
  * Translate the data points so as to set the start point as the origin.
  * Probably unnecessary but easier to work with at this point
 public static Point[] translateDataPoints(Point[] dataPoints, Point startPoint)
     Point[] translatedDataPoints = new Point[dataPoints.Count()];
     for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.Count(); i++)
         Point p = dataPoints[i];
         translatedDataPoints[i] = new Point(p.X - startPoint.X, p.Y - startPoint.Y);
     return translatedDataPoints;
Esempio n. 18
		//Allow the user to import an array of points to be used to draw a signature in the view, with new
		//lines indicated by a PointF.Empty in the array.
		public void LoadPoints (Point [] loadedPoints)
			if (loadedPoints == null || loadedPoints.Count () == 0)

			var startIndex = 0;
			var emptyIndex = loadedPoints.ToList ().IndexOf (new Point (-10000, -10000));

			if (emptyIndex == -1)
				emptyIndex = loadedPoints.Count ();

			//Clear any existing paths or points.
			strokes = new List<Stroke> ();
			points = new List<Point []> ();

			do {
				//Create a new path and set the line options
				currentStroke = new Stroke ();
				currentStroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = strokeColor;
				currentStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = lineWidth;
				currentStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height = lineWidth;

				currentPoints = new List<Point> ();

				//Move to the first point and add that point to the current_points array.
				currentStroke.StylusPoints.Add (GetPoint (loadedPoints [startIndex]));
				currentPoints.Add (loadedPoints [startIndex]);

				//Iterate through the array until an empty point (or the end of the array) is reached,
				//adding each point to the current_path and to the current_points array.
				for (var i = startIndex + 1; i < emptyIndex; i++) {
					currentStroke.StylusPoints.Add (GetPoint  (loadedPoints [i]));
					currentPoints.Add (loadedPoints [i]);

				//Add the current_path and current_points list to their respective Lists before
				//starting on the next line to be drawn.
				strokes.Add (currentStroke);
				points.Add (currentPoints.ToArray ());

				//Obtain the indices for the next line to be drawn.
				startIndex = emptyIndex + 1;
				if (startIndex < loadedPoints.Count () - 1) {
					emptyIndex = loadedPoints.ToList ().IndexOf (new Point (-10000, -10000), startIndex);

					if (emptyIndex == -1)
						emptyIndex = loadedPoints.Count ();
				} else
					emptyIndex = startIndex;
			} while (startIndex < emptyIndex);

			//Obtain the image for the imported signature and display it in the image view.
			image.Source = GetImage (false);
			//Display the clear button.
			btnClear.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Esempio n. 19
        public void ProdDrawPloygon(ProdInfo prodinfo, ref Bitmap bt, int heightId, PictureBox p1, int xuhao)
            int count = prodinfo.Cut.Count;

            Point xtop = new Point(OrigninP.X, OrigninP.Y);

            if (bt == null)
                bt = new Bitmap(OrigninP.X + len + xmargin * (prodinfo.Cut.Count + 1) + 100 * xmargin + 100, 2 * OrigninP.Y + (count + 50) * (height + ymargin));
                //p1.Height = bt.Height + 100;

            Point[] pwl = new Point[2];
            DrawLen(bt, heightId, (int)(prodinfo.Len * ration / Constant.dataMultiple), ref pwl);

            Point[] pArray = new Point[4];
            Point[] pLine  = new Point[2];
            if (prodinfo.Cut.Count > 0)
                xtop.X   = xtop.X + calcuXMargin(prodinfo.leftAngle[0]);
                xtop.Y   = xtop.Y + heightId * height + ymargin * heightId;
                pLine[0] = xtop;
                pLine[1] = xtop;

                pLine[1].Y += height;

                DrawLine(bt, pLine);

                for (int i = 0; i < prodinfo.Cut.Count; i++)
                    double upSize   = 0;
                    double downSize = 0;
                    if (!double.TryParse(prodinfo.Param5[i], out upSize))
                        MessageBox.Show(Constant.convertError + Constant.resultTip5 + heightId.ToString() +
                                        Constant.resultTip6 + Constant.resultTip5 + i.ToString() + Constant.resultTip7);
                    if (!double.TryParse(prodinfo.Param6[i], out downSize))
                        MessageBox.Show(Constant.convertError + Constant.resultTip5 + heightId.ToString() +
                                        Constant.resultTip6 + Constant.resultTip5 + i.ToString() + Constant.resultTip7);

                    upSize   = upSize * (ration);
                    downSize = downSize * (ration);

                    if (i < (prodinfo.Cut.Count() - 1))
                        if (i != 0)
                            pArray =
                                pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], prodinfo.leftAngle[i + 1], prodinfo.rightAngle[i - 1], (int)upSize, (int)downSize);
                            pArray =
                                pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], prodinfo.leftAngle[i + 1], 90, (int)upSize, (int)downSize);
                        if (i > 0)
                            pArray =
                                pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], 0, prodinfo.rightAngle[i - 1], (int)upSize, (int)downSize);
                            pArray =
                                pointArrayGet(ref xtop, prodinfo.leftAngle[i], prodinfo.rightAngle[i], 0, 0, (int)upSize, (int)downSize);
                    if (i != 0)
                        if (prodinfo.Barc.Contains("尾料裁剪"))
                            DrawPolygon(bt, pArray, 7, "");
                            DrawPolygon(bt, pArray, 1, "");
                        DrawPolygon(bt, pArray, 1, PackShowStr(xuhao, prodinfo));

                List <Point> pwlLst = new List <Point>();

                if (pArray.Count() == 4 && pwl.Count() == 2)
                    if (prodinfo.Barc.Contains("尾料裁剪"))
                        DrawPolygon(bt, pwlLst.ToArray(), 8, "");
                        DrawPolygon(bt, pwlLst.ToArray(), 3, "");

                if (bt != null)
                    p1.Image = bt;
Esempio n. 20
        //returns true if point inside polygon
        //THIS DOES NOT BELONG HERE  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  need a polygon utilities class!!!! shared by planner and the Waldo_FCS
        private bool pointInsidePolygon(Point pt, Point[] poly)
            //return true of the input point is insoide the polygon
            //nVertex		            number of points (vertices) in the polygpon
            //pt.X, pt.Y			    the geodetic point to test
            //poly[i].X, poly[i].Y	    the polygon vertex points
            //code is taken from here ...........

            //  CAREFUL  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            //  does this make an assumption of the direction of the poly points around the polygon??
            //  i dont think so --- just counts semi-infinite ray crossings from point through the poly segments
            //  odd crossings: its inside and even crossings: its outside ...

            int nVertex = poly.Count();
            int i, j; bool c = false; int zc = 0;
            for (i = 0, j = nVertex - 1; i < nVertex; j = i++)
                if (((poly[i].X < pt.X) == (poly[j].X < pt.X))) continue; //test if a ray along increasing lat-direction from test point crosses this poly segment
                double latDiff = pt.Y - ((poly[j].Y - poly[i].Y) * (pt.X - poly[i].X) / (poly[j].X - poly[i].X) + poly[i].Y);
                //double lonDiff = pt.X - ((poly[j].X - poly[i].X) * (pt.Y - poly[i].Y) / (poly[j].Y - poly[i].Y) + poly[i].X);

                //count the crossings of the segments -- if even, on outside; if odd, on the inside
                if (latDiff <= 0)
                    c = !c;
                }		//counts even or odd intersections of the poly
            return c;
Esempio n. 21
        public static Display ByPointsColors(Point[] points, Color[] colors)
            if(points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");

            if (!points.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.NoVertexExceptionMessage, "points");

            if (points.Count() %3 != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.VerticesDivisibleByThreeExceptionMessage);

            if(colors == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("colors");

            if (!colors.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.NoColorsExceptionMessage, "colors");

            if (colors.Count() != points.Count())
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.VertexColorCountMismatchExceptionMessage, "colors");

            return new Display(points, colors);