Esempio n. 1
        public static void PlotColormapCurves(Plot plt, Colormap cmap)
            byte[]   pixelValueRange = Enumerable.Range(0, 256).Select(x => (byte)x).ToArray();
            double[] xs = pixelValueRange.Select(x => (double)x / 255).ToArray();
            double[] rs = pixelValueRange.Select(x => (double)cmap.GetRGB(x).r).ToArray();
            double[] gs = pixelValueRange.Select(x => (double)cmap.GetRGB(x).g).ToArray();
            double[] bs = pixelValueRange.Select(x => (double)cmap.GetRGB(x).b).ToArray();
            double[] ms = new double[pixelValueRange.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ms.Length; i++)
                ms[i] = (rs[i] + gs[i] + bs[i]) / 3.0;

            plt.PlotScatter(xs, rs, Color.Red, markerSize: 0);
            plt.PlotScatter(xs, gs, Color.Green, markerSize: 0);
            plt.PlotScatter(xs, bs, Color.Blue, markerSize: 0);
            plt.PlotScatter(xs, ms, Color.Black, markerSize: 0, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash);
            plt.YLabel("Pixel Intensity");
            plt.XLabel("Fractional Data Value");
Esempio n. 2
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            // create sample data
            double[] xs  = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            double[] ys1 = { 1, 3, 1, 2 };
            double[] ys2 = { 3, 7, 3, 1 };
            double[] ys3 = { 5, 2, 5, 6 };

            // pad data to turn a line into a shaded region
            xs  = Tools.Pad(xs, cloneEdges: true);
            ys1 = Tools.Pad(ys1);
            ys2 = Tools.Pad(ys2);
            ys3 = Tools.Pad(ys3);

            // plot the padded data points as polygons
            plt.AddPolygon(xs, ys3, plt.GetNextColor(.7), lineWidth: 2);
            plt.AddPolygon(xs, ys2, plt.GetNextColor(.7), lineWidth: 2);
            plt.AddPolygon(xs, ys1, plt.GetNextColor(.7), lineWidth: 2);

            // use tight margins so we don't see the edges of polygons
            plt.AxisAuto(0, 0);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            Random rand       = new(0);
            int    pointCount = 30;

            double[] xs        = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount);
            double[] ys        = DataGen.Random(rand, pointCount, 10);
            string[] labels    = ys.Select(x => x.ToString("N2")).ToArray();
            var      labelFont = new Drawing.Font
                Bold      = true,
                Color     = Color.Black,
                Alignment = Alignment.MiddleCenter

            var myBubblePlot = plt.AddBubblePlot();

            for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)
                // give each bubble a random size and make smaller ones bluer
                double randomValue = rand.NextDouble();
                double bubbleSize  = randomValue * 30 + 10;
                Color  bubbleColor = Drawing.Colormap.Jet.GetColor(randomValue, .5);

                    x: xs[i],
                    y: ys[i],
                    radius: bubbleSize,
                    fillColor: bubbleColor,
                    edgeColor: Color.Transparent,
                    edgeWidth: 1

                plt.AddText(labels[i], xs[i], ys[i], labelFont);

            plt.Title("Bubble Plot with Labels");
            plt.AxisAuto(.2, .25); // zoom out to accommodate large bubbles
Esempio n. 4
            public void Render(Plot plt)
                var boxAndWiskers = new Statistics.BoxAndWhisker[3];

                boxAndWiskers[0] = Statistics.BoxAndWhiskerFromData.OutlierQuartileMedian(Data.LineLengths.plot, 1);
                boxAndWiskers[1] = Statistics.BoxAndWhiskerFromData.OutlierQuartileMedian(Data.LineLengths.formsPlot, 2);
                boxAndWiskers[2] = Statistics.BoxAndWhiskerFromData.OutlierQuartileMedian(Data.LineLengths.wpfPlot, 3);

                // note: this is how to add experimental plottables (which don't have methods in the Plot module)
                PlottableBoxAndWhisker boxAndWhiskerPlot = new PlottableBoxAndWhisker(boxAndWiskers);
                List <Plottable>       plottablesList    = plt.GetPlottables();


                plt.Title("Source Code Line Length");
                plt.YLabel("Number of Characters");

                double[] xPositions = { 1, 2, 3 };
                string[] labels     = { "Plot.cs", "FormsPlot.cs", "WpfPlot.cs" };
                plt.XTicks(xPositions, labels);

                plt.AxisAuto(.3, .2);
Esempio n. 5
        public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt)
            double[] xs       = DataGen.Consecutive(31);
            double[] ys       = DataGen.Sin(31);
            var      colormap = Drawing.Colormap.Viridis;

            var myBubblePlot = plt.AddBubblePlot();

            for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++)
                double fraction = (double)i / xs.Length;
                    x: xs[i],
                    y: ys[i],
                    radius: 10 + i,
                    fillColor: colormap.GetColor(fraction, alpha: .8),
                    edgeColor: System.Drawing.Color.Black,
                    edgeWidth: 2

            plt.Title("Advanced Bubble Plot");
            plt.AxisAuto(.2, .25); // zoom out to accommodate large bubbles
Esempio n. 6
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            IStockDataService yahooService = new YahooService();

            _priceManager = new PriceManager(yahooService);

            var prices = CsvExtensions.ReadCsv(
                new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "date", "StartTime" },
                { "open", "Open" },
                { "close", "Close" },
                { "high", "High" },
                { "low", "Low" },
                { "volume", "Volume" },
                { "Name", "Symbol" }

            var aalPrice = prices.Where(c => c.Symbol.Equals("AAL")).SortByStartTime();

            var open   = aalPrice.Select(c => (double)c.Open).ToArray();
            var high   = aalPrice.Select(c => (double)c.High).ToArray();
            var low    = aalPrice.Select(c => (double)c.Low).ToArray();
            var close  = aalPrice.Select(c => (double)c.Close).ToArray();
            var volume = aalPrice.Select(c => c.Volume).ToArray();

            var lstm = new Lstm(open, high, low, close, volume);

            var scale = lstm.CalculateScale();
            var min   = lstm.CalculateMin();

            var stochasticOsc = new StochasticOsc();

            var sData = stochasticOsc.Run(GetData());

            var plt = new Plot(600, 400);

            var slow = sData.Select(c => c.SlowValue).ToArray();
            var vals = sData.Select(c => c.Value).ToArray();

            //var xs = sData.Select(p => p.StartTime.ToOADate()).ToArray();

            plt.PlotSignalXY(sData.Select(p => p.StartTime.ToOADate()).ToArray(), slow, label: "slow", color: Color.Red,
                             lineWidth: 2, lineStyle: LineStyle.Solid, markerSize: 0);
            plt.PlotSignalXY(sData.Select(p => p.StartTime.ToOADate()).ToArray(), vals, label: "fast",
                             color: Color.Black, lineWidth: 2, lineStyle: LineStyle.Solid);

            plt.Title("IBM Stochastic");
            plt.YLabel("Stochastic Unit");
            plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true);
            plt.AxisBounds(minY: 0, maxY: 100);
            plt.AxisAuto(verticalMargin: 0.01);

            plt.Add(new PlottableHLine(20, Color.Black, 1, "", false, 20, 20, LineStyle.Solid));
            plt.Add(new PlottableHLine(80, Color.Black, 1, "", false, 80, 80, LineStyle.Solid));

            plt.SaveFig("IBM Slow Stochastic Chart.png");

            //var list = stochasticService.Run(sData);

            //await TargilAsync();

            //var tickerManager = new TickerManager(yahooService, _priceManager);

            //var tickers = CsvExtensions.ReadConstituentsAsync("Data\\constituents.csv", new Dictionary<string, string>
            //    {"Symbol", "Symbol"},
            //    {"Name", "Name"},
            //    {"Sector", "Sector"},

            //var msftTicker = tickerManager.GetTickerBySymbol(tickers, "MSFT");

            //var prices = await _priceManager.GetPricesAsync(
            //    msftTicker,
            //    new DateTime(2020, 4, 13),
            //    new DateTime(2020, 6, 26),
            //    Interval.OneDay,
            //    false);

            //var offsetPercent = 1;

            //var vals = stochasticService.Run(prices);

            //var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400);

            //plt.PlotSignal(vals.Select(c => (double)c.Value).ToArray());

            //plt.Title("Signal Plot Quickstart (5 million points)");
            //plt.YLabel("Vertical Units");
            //plt.XLabel("Horizontal Units");



            //var offsetPercent = 0.5;

            //var supportPoints = _priceManager.GetSupportExtremaGroups(prices, ExtremaType.Minimum, offsetPercent);

            //var p = prices.Last();
            //Console.WriteLine($"Curret value: {p.Close}");

            //Console.WriteLine("Support Points");

            //Console.WriteLine("Reject Points");

            //var daysMomentum = _priceManager.GetDaysMomentum(prices);
Esempio n. 7
 public void Render(Plot plt)
     plt.AxisAuto(horizontalMargin: 0, verticalMargin: 0.5);
Esempio n. 8
 public void Render(Plot plt)
Esempio n. 9
 private void BtnFitData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)