IEnumerator GetReport()
        string reportStr = "";

        // For Test 1
        List <int> prevScores1 = GlobalController.GetPrevScoresTest1();

        if (prevScores1.Count == 1)
            reportStr += "Since you have only tried test 1 once, there is not much we can say.";
        else if (prevScores1.Count == 2)
            if (prevScores1[0] > prevScores1[1])
                reportStr += "Your performance in test 1 has been improving.";
                reportStr += "Your performance in test 1 has not been improving.";
        else if (prevScores1.Count == 3)
            if (prevScores1[0] > prevScores1[1] && prevScores1[0] > prevScores1[2])
                reportStr += "Your performance in test 1 has been improving.";
            else if (prevScores1[0] < prevScores1[1] && prevScores1[0] < prevScores1[2])
                reportStr += "Your performance in test 1 has been worsening.";
                reportStr += "Your performance in test 1 has been consistent with your previous attempts.";
        yield return(this.StartCoroutine(PlayGamesController.GetLeaderboardScores(1,
                                                                                  (scores) => {
            if (scores[0] != -1 && scores[1] != -1 && scores[2] != -1)
                reportStr += "\nThe average high score around your high score of " + scores[0] + " is " + scores[1] + ".";

                float percent = scores[0] / (float)scores[2];
                if (percent > 0.8f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your hand-eye coordination is excellent! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.6f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your hand-eye coordination is good! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.4f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your hand-eye coordination is average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your hand-eye coordination is below average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";

                percent = GlobalController.scoreTest1 / (float)scores[2];
                if (percent > 0.8f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your hand-eye coordination is excellent! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.6f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your hand-eye coordination is good! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.4f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your hand-eye coordination is average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your hand-eye coordination is below average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";

        // For Test 2
        List <int> prevScores2 = GlobalController.GetPrevScoresTest2();

        if (prevScores2.Count == 1)
            reportStr += "\n\nSince you have only tried test 2 once, there is not much we can say.";
        else if (prevScores2.Count == 2)
            if (prevScores2[0] > prevScores2[1])
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 2 has been improving.";
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 2 has not been improving.";
        else if (prevScores2.Count == 3)
            if (prevScores2[0] > prevScores2[1] && prevScores2[0] > prevScores2[2])
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 2 has been improving.";
            else if (prevScores2[0] < prevScores2[1] && prevScores2[0] < prevScores2[2])
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 2 has been worsening.";
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 2 has been consistent with your previous attempts.";
        yield return(this.StartCoroutine(PlayGamesController.GetLeaderboardScores(2,
                                                                                  (scores) => {
            if (scores[0] != -1 && scores[1] != -1 && scores[2] != -1)
                reportStr += "\nThe average high score around your high score of " + scores[0] + " is " + scores[1] + ".";

                float percent = scores[0] / (float)scores[2];
                if (percent > 0.8f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your reaction time is excellent! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.6f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your reaction time is good! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.4f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your reaction time is average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your reaction time is below average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";

                percent = GlobalController.scoreTest2 / (float)scores[2];
                if (percent > 0.8f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your reaction time is excellent! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.6f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your reaction time is good! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.4f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your reaction time is average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your reaction time is below average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";

        // For Test 3
        List <int> prevScores3 = GlobalController.GetPrevScoresTest3();

        if (prevScores3.Count == 1)
            reportStr += "\n\nSince you have only tried test 3 once, there is not much we can say.";
        else if (prevScores3.Count == 2)
            if (prevScores3[0] > prevScores3[1])
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 3 has been improving.";
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 3 has not been improving.";
        else if (prevScores3.Count == 3)
            if (prevScores3[0] > prevScores3[1] && prevScores3[0] > prevScores3[2])
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 3 has been improving.";
            else if (prevScores3[0] < prevScores3[1] && prevScores3[0] < prevScores3[2])
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 3 has been worsening.";
                reportStr += "\n\nYour performance in test 3 has been consistent with your previous attempts.";
        yield return(this.StartCoroutine(PlayGamesController.GetLeaderboardScores(3,
                                                                                  (scores) => {
            if (scores[0] != -1 && scores[1] != -1 && scores[2] != -1)
                reportStr += "\nThe average high score around your high score of " + scores[0] + " is " + scores[1] + ".";

                float percent = scores[0] / (float)scores[2];
                if (percent > 0.8f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your multi-tasking skill is excellent! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.6f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your multi-tasking skill is good! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.4f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your multi-tasking skill is average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your high score your multi-tasking skill is below average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";

                percent = GlobalController.scoreTest3 / (float)scores[2];
                if (percent > 0.8f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your multi-tasking skill is excellent! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.6f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your multi-tasking skill is good! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                else if (percent > 0.4f)
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your multi-tasking skill is average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";
                    reportStr += "\nAccording to your most recent score your multi-tasking skill is below average! Your percentile is " + (percent * 100).ToString("F0") + "!";

        reportText.text = reportStr.ToString();