private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } }
public static void Push(PickObject obj) { obj.Reset(); //int i=s_InstancePool.IndexOf(obj); //if(i==-1) { s_InstancePool.Add(obj); ++s_NumInstancePool; //} }
public virtual void AddPickObject(Transform t) { if (t != null) { PickObject obj = PickObject.Pop(t); obj.SetParent(m_Container); m_PickObjects.Add(obj); } }
public static PickObject Pop(Transform transform) { PickObject obj = null; if (s_NumInstancePool > 0) { obj = s_InstancePool[--s_NumInstancePool]; s_InstancePool.RemoveAt(s_NumInstancePool); } else { obj = new PickObject(); } obj.Set(transform); return(obj); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mScript = MainCharacter.GetComponent<PickObject>(); }
public static PickObject GetPickup(PickObject.pickupType Type) { if (instance) { PickObject e; if (instance.InActivePool.Any(i => i.type == BaseObject.objectType.Pickup && ((PickObject)i).TypePickup == Type)) { e = (PickObject)instance.InActivePool.First(i => i.type == BaseObject.objectType.Pickup && ((PickObject)i).TypePickup == Type); instance.InActivePool.Remove(e); instance.ActivePool.Add(e); e.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { GameObject g = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Object/Pickup/" + Type.ToString()),, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; = Type.ToString() + " - " + (instance.ActivePool.Count + instance.InActivePool.Count); e = g.GetComponent<PickObject>(); instance.ActivePool.Add(e); e.transform.SetParent(instance.transform, false); } e.gameObject.SendMessage("startBehaviours", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); return e; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Allocates an order line. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AllocateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (orderLineIdInput.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please input the text box."); orderLineIdInput.Focus(); return; } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(orderLineIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$")) { MessageBox.Show("Please input only numerical characters into the text box."); orderLineIdInput.Focus(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString()); } OrderLineObject orderLine = businessLogicLayer.CheckOrderLinesByID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text)); // Get Order Line Order ID OrderLineObject orderLine1 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineOrderID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text)); int orderLineOrderID = orderLine1.order_id; // Get Order Line Product ID - Order Line Object OrderLineObject orderline2 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineProductIDAndTitleOLObj(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text)); int orderLineProductID = orderline2.product_id; // Get Order Line Product ID - Product Object ProductObject product1 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineProductIDAndTitlePrObj(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text)); string orderLineProductTitle = product1.title; // Get Product ID from Stock where Product ID = Order Line Product ID StockObject stockObject = businessLogicLayer.GetStockProductID(orderLineProductID); int stockProductID = stockObject.product_id; // Get Order Account ID OrderObject order1 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderAccountID(orderLineOrderID); int orderAccountID = order1.account_id; // Get Order Warehouse ID OrderObject order2 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderWarehouseID(orderLineOrderID); int orderWarehouseID = order2.warehouse_id; // Get Account, Product And Warehouse IDs from Stock By Order AID Order Line PID And Order WID StockObject stockObject987 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAccountProductAndWarehouseID(orderAccountID, orderLineProductID, orderWarehouseID); int stockAccountID123 = stockObject987.account_id; int stockProductID123 = stockObject987.product_id; int stockWarehouseID123 = stockObject987.warehouse_id; // Get Nearest Available Stock - Stock Object StockObject stock1 = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockStObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID); int stockID = stock1.stock_id; int stockLocationID = stock1.location_id; // Get Nearest Available Stock - Location Object LocationObject location1 = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockLoObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID); string stockLocationCode = location1.location_code; // Get Order Line Quantity OrderLineObject orderLine3 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantity(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text)); int orderLineQuantity = orderLine3.quantity; // Get Stock Quantity by Stock ID StockObject stock4 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID); int stockQuantity = stock4.quantity; // Get Stock Account ID, Product ID And Warehouse ID By Stock ID StockObject stockWhatever = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAccountProductAndWarehouseIDByStockID(stockID); int stockAccountID = stockWhatever.account_id; int stockProductID2 = stockWhatever.product_id; int stockWarehouseID = stockWhatever.warehouse_id; // Get Stock Sum By Product ID int stockSum = 0; if (!(stockAccountID.Equals(0) && stockProductID2.Equals(0) && stockWarehouseID.Equals(0))) { StockObject stock5 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockSumByProductID(stockAccountID, stockProductID2, stockWarehouseID); stockSum = stock5.quantity; } try { // Order Line Does not Exist if (!int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text).Equals(orderLine.order_line_id)) { MessageBox.Show("The Order Line ID provided does not exist."); orderLineIdInput.Focus(); return; } // Product Not in Stock else if (!orderLineProductID.Equals(stockProductID)) { MessageBox.Show("The Product pertaining to that Order Line ID is not in Stock."); orderLineIdInput.Focus(); return; } // Account, Product and Warehouse do not match in Stock else if (!(orderAccountID.Equals(stockAccountID123) && orderLineProductID.Equals(stockProductID123) && orderWarehouseID.Equals(stockWarehouseID123))) { MessageBox.Show("The Order Line Provided does not have a matching Account, Product and Warehouse in Stock."); orderLineIdInput.Focus(); return; } // Not Enough Stock else if (stockSum < orderLineQuantity) { MessageBox.Show("There is not enough Stock of the Product pertaining to that Order Line ID to fully allocate the Order Line."); orderLineIdInput.Focus(); return; } else { // Implement if time permits // If stock matches exact then go to that one (i.e. 50 to 50 or 25 to 25) instead of just nearest - Change query used and more if statements if (orderLineQuantity > stockQuantity) { int orderLineQuantityRemaining = 0; while (orderLineQuantityRemaining < orderLineQuantity) { // Get Nearest Available Stock - Stock ID & Location ID StockObject stock123 = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockStObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID); int stockID2 = stock123.stock_id; int stockLocationID123 = stock123.location_id; // Get Nearest Available Stock - Location Code LocationObject location123 = businessLogicLayer.GetAvailableStockLoObj(orderLineProductID, orderAccountID, orderWarehouseID); string stockLocationCode2 = location123.location_code; // Get Stock Quantity by Stock ID StockObject stock12345 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID2); int stockQuantityTest = stock12345.quantity; // Nearest Available Stock - Set Availability Status to False - Locking it in for this order StockObject stock1234 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityFalse(stockID2); if (stockQuantityTest < orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining) { // Generate Pick PickObject pickTest = businessLogicLayer.GeneratePick(orderLineOrderID, int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text), stockLocationID123, stockLocationCode2, orderLineProductID, orderLineProductTitle, stockQuantityTest); // Update Stock Quantity - stockQuantity StockObject stockTest = businessLogicLayer.UpdateStockQuantity(stockQuantityTest, stockID2); } else { // Generate Pick PickObject pickTest123 = businessLogicLayer.GeneratePick(orderLineOrderID, int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text), stockLocationID123, stockLocationCode2, orderLineProductID, orderLineProductTitle, orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining); // Update Stock Quantity - orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining StockObject stockTest2 = businessLogicLayer.UpdateStockQuantity(orderLineQuantity - orderLineQuantityRemaining, stockID2); } // Nearest Available Stock - Set Availability Status to True - Opening it up for future orders StockObject stock12345678 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID2); int stockQuantityTest2 = stock12345678.quantity; if (stockQuantityTest2 > 0) { StockObject stock6 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityTrue(stockID2); } // Update Location 'allocated' if Stock Availability Status equals 0 (By Stock ID) StockObject stockWhat = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAvailabilityStatus(stockID2); bool stockAvailabilityStatus = stockWhat.availability_status; if (stockAvailabilityStatus.Equals(false)) { LocationObject location2 = businessLogicLayer.SetLocationAllocatedFalse(stockLocationID123); MessageBox.Show("All Stock from Location ID: " + stockLocationID123 + " has been taken and as such, it has been set to Available again."); } // Get Pick Quantity by Order Line ID + Set orderLineQuantityRemaining = pickQuantity PickObject pickTest2 = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderLineID(int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text)); int pickQuantity = pickTest2.quantity; orderLineQuantityRemaining = pickQuantity; } // Update Orders Status to Allocated (if Order Line Quantity matches that of Pick Quantity where Order Line Matches) OrderLineObject orderLine123 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantityByOLIDAndOID(orderLineOrderID, orderLineOrderID); int orderLineQuantity2 = orderLine123.quantity; PickObject pickTest3 = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderID(orderLineOrderID); int pickQuantity2 = pickTest3.quantity; if (pickQuantity2.Equals(orderLineQuantity2)) { OrderObject order3 = businessLogicLayer.SetOrderStatusAllocated(orderLineOrderID); MessageBox.Show("All Order Lines belonging to Order: " + orderLineOrderID + " have now been Allocated."); } // Message Box MessageBox.Show("Order Line: " + orderLineIdInput.Text + " has been allocated. \n\nA pick has been created, please see the Picks table for more information."); return; } else { // Set Nearest Available Stock - Availability Status to false - Locking it in for this order StockObject stock2 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityFalse(stockID); // Generate Pick PickObject pick1 = businessLogicLayer.GeneratePick(orderLineOrderID, int.Parse(orderLineIdInput.Text), stockLocationID, stockLocationCode, orderLineProductID, orderLineProductTitle, orderLineQuantity); // Update Stock Quantity - orderLineQuantity StockObject stock3 = businessLogicLayer.UpdateStockQuantity(orderLineQuantity, stockID); // Nearest Available Stock - Set Availability Status to True - Opening it up for future orders StockObject stock12345 = businessLogicLayer.GetStockQuantityByID(stockID); int stockQuantity2 = stock12345.quantity; if (stockQuantity2 != 0) { StockObject stock6 = businessLogicLayer.SetAvailabilityTrue(stockID); } // Update Location 'allocated' to false if Stock Availability Status equals 0 (empty) StockObject stockWhat = businessLogicLayer.GetStockAvailabilityStatus(stockID); bool stockAvailabilityStatus = stockWhat.availability_status; if (stockAvailabilityStatus.Equals(false)) { LocationObject location2 = businessLogicLayer.SetLocationAllocatedFalse(stockLocationID); MessageBox.Show("All Stock from Location ID: " + stockLocationID + " has been taken and as such, it has been set to Available again."); } // Update Orders Status to Allocated (if Order Line Quantity matches that of Pick Quantity where Order Line Matches) OrderLineObject orderLine123 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantityByOLIDAndOID(orderLineOrderID, orderLineOrderID); int orderLineQuantity2 = orderLine123.quantity; PickObject pickTest3 = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderID(orderLineOrderID); int pickQuantity2 = pickTest3.quantity; if (pickQuantity2.Equals(orderLineQuantity2)) { OrderObject order3 = businessLogicLayer.SetOrderStatusAllocated(orderLineOrderID); MessageBox.Show("All Order Lines belonging to Order: " + orderLineOrderID + " have now been Allocated."); } // Message Box MessageBox.Show("Order Line: " + orderLineIdInput.Text + " has been allocated. \n\nA pick has been created, please see the Picks table for more information."); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a pick from the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (pickIdInput.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please input the text box."); pickIdInput.Focus(); return; } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(pickIdInput.Text, "^[0-9]*$")) { MessageBox.Show("Please input only numerical characters into the text box."); pickIdInput.Focus(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString()); } // Check Picks by Pick ID PickObject pick1 = businessLogicLayer.CheckPicksByPickID(int.Parse(pickIdInput.Text)); // Select Picks Order Line ID and Location ID And Quantity by Pick ID PickObject pick2 = businessLogicLayer.SelectPicksOrderLineLocationIDAndQuantityByPickID(int.Parse(pickIdInput.Text)); int pickOrderLineID = pick2.order_line_id; int pickLocationID = pick2.location_id; int pickQuantity = pick2.quantity; // Get Order Line Order ID OrderLineObject orderLine1 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineOrderID(pickOrderLineID); int orderLineOrderID = orderLine1.order_id; // Select Stock ID by Picks Location ID StockObject stock1 = businessLogicLayer.SelectStockIDByPicksLocationID(pickLocationID); int stockID = stock1.stock_id; // Select Stock Location by Stock ID StockObject stock6 = businessLogicLayer.SelectStockLocationIDByID(stockID); int stockLocation = stock6.location_id; try { if (!int.Parse(pickIdInput.Text).Equals(pick1.pick_id)) { MessageBox.Show("The Pick ID provided does not exist."); pickIdInput.Focus(); return; } else { // Undo Stock Quantity StockObject stock2 = businessLogicLayer.UndoStockQuantity(pickQuantity, stockLocation); // Undo Stock Availability Status StockObject stock4 = businessLogicLayer.SelectStockQuantityByLocationID(stockLocation); int stockQuantity = stock4.quantity; if (stockQuantity > 0) { StockObject stockObject3 = businessLogicLayer.UndoStockAvailabilityStatus(stockLocation); } // Undo Location Allocation StockObject stock5 = businessLogicLayer.SelectStockAvailabilityStatusByStockLocation(stockLocation); bool stockAvailabilityStatus = stock5.availability_status; if (stockAvailabilityStatus.Equals(true)) { LocationObject location1 = businessLogicLayer.SetLocationAllocatedTrue(stockLocation); } // Undo Stock Allocated Quantity StockObject stock3 = businessLogicLayer.UndoStockAllocatedQuantity(pickQuantity, stockLocation); // Delete Current Pick PickObject pick = businessLogicLayer.DeleteCurrentPick(int.Parse(pickIdInput.Text)); // Undo Order Status OrderLineObject orderLine2 = businessLogicLayer.GetOrderLineQuantityByOLIDAndOID(orderLineOrderID, orderLineOrderID); int orderLineQuantity = orderLine2.quantity; PickObject pick3 = businessLogicLayer.GetPickQuantityByOrderID(orderLineOrderID); int pickQuantity2 = pick3.quantity; if (!pickQuantity2.Equals(orderLineQuantity)) { OrderObject order = businessLogicLayer.SetOrderStatusCreated(orderLineOrderID); } // Message Box MessageBox.Show("Pick: " + pickIdInput.Text + " has been deleted from the system. \n\nThe Pick Quantity has been unallocated in Stock. \n\nThe Stock Availability Status has been set back to True where relevant. \n\nThe Order Status has been set back to Created where relevant. \n\nThe Location Allocation has been set back to Allocated where relevant."); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred, please contact your administrator." + "\n\n" + "The error message is: " + "\n\n" + ex.ToString()); } }
void Awake() { mainChar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCharacter"); mScript = PickObject.GetComponent<PickObject>(); }
void Update() { if (GameController.mMainPlayer == null) { return; } Vector3 touchPos = Input.mousePosition; bool touchBegin = false; bool touchEnd = false; if (Input.touchCount > 0) { if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { touchBegin = true; } if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { touchEnd = true; } touchPos = Input.touches[0].position; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { touchBegin = true; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { touchEnd = true; } if (touchBegin) { if (touchPos.y > (float)(Screen.height / 2) || touchPos.x > (float)(Screen.width / 2)) { return; } mStartPos = touchPos; joystick.gameObject.SetActive(true); Vector3 pos = joystick.position; pos.x = mStartPos.x; pos.y = mStartPos.y; joystick.position = pos; mDraging = true; } if (touchEnd) { if (!mDraging) { PickObject.Pick(touchPos); } mStartPos =; joystick.gameObject.SetActive(false); mDraging = false; if (GameController.mMainPlayer != null) { GameController.mMainPlayer.MoveSpeed = 0.0f; } } if (mDraging) { Vector2 delta = (Vector2)touchPos - mStartPos; float length = delta.magnitude; if (length > joystickRadius) { delta = delta.normalized * joystickRadius; length = joystickRadius; } Vector3 pos = bar.localPosition; pos.x = delta.x; pos.y = delta.y; bar.localPosition = pos; if (GameController.mMainPlayer != null && MobaMainCamera.MainCamera != null && !GameController.mMainPlayer.IsCannotFlag(CannotFlag.CannotControl)) { float strength = 1.0f; //length / joystickRadius; Vector3 joystickDir = new Vector3(delta.x, 0.0f, delta.y); Quaternion rot = MobaMainCamera.MainCamera.transform.rotation; Vector3 dir = rot * joystickDir; GameController.mMainPlayer.Direction = dir; GameController.mMainPlayer.MoveSpeed = 3.0f * strength; GameController.mMainPlayer.IsControl = true; } } else { if (!GameController.mMainPlayer.IsCannotFlag(CannotFlag.CannotControl)) { GameController.mMainPlayer.IsControl = false; } } }
private void Start() { pickBj = GetComponent <PickObject>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); }